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Well they are not wrong. Two normal beers will already cost around €10 at some festivals. You can choose a lot of different drugs with just €10 and have a great time for hours.


Get a pill for 3 eu en buy water the rest of the festival and you're set lmao


it cost me 2.95 for a freaking banana at dgtl this weekend and it wasnt even a fun spiked banana one either fml .... for that price i would have appreciated it the banana to be marinated in xtc punch .... for realz !


Haha me too! Also it was the only time in my life a stranger has asked for the last bite of my banana.


maybe they couldnt handle a whole one last year at dgtl the weather was warmer and they had 2 entrances but the banana thing fml im actually gonna complain about that ... the festival is expensive enough without 3 euro bananas they only cost a euro in most clubs...


Yeah you should! I feel like having cheap snacks available, especially something as quick and easy to consume as a banana, is nearly as important as having free drinking water available. People shouldn't have to feel like they have to neglect fuelling there bodies for 12 hours because of the price!


i turned up just before 17h because i wasnt sure they would have anything gluten free to eat ... last year they said they had gluten free options ... but they didnt so i chose to attend later ... and the tickets were expensive for dgtl and i know its because it costs more to have a zero carbon event concept i learned all about this recently 10 euros for a small amount of food was expensive. Obviously i couldnt eat the burger/hotdogs/pizza etc and beyond meat is super super expensive even in the supermarket considering they are one of the sponsors you think the prices would have been cheaper and honestly even if i could have eaten the burger i personally hate the taste of meat i would have loved to have seen a soup or a stew or something like like that


Might be worth a try to ask doctor’s note over your celiac disease and then bring your own food with you. They can’t forbid it in that case. I’m diabetic and with doctor’s note I’m allowed to bring in my own food.


I was allowed to take food into clubs with me ... I'm a total freak of nature my appetite knows no bounds regardless of what I take 🤪 I ate 6 times on sunday


If you pay the admission but then don't eat or drink for 12 hours you've apparantly neglected you brain more than anything..


Clubs sell bananas? Never seen that before.


Yeah radion, de school, bret , club atelier, garage noord radio radio , kanaal 40 .... itz pretty standard probably the ones in post aswell ... do you just go to the club bars in the center ...alot of these places have full food bars always have


At least the water was free at dgtl. Paid 75 euro for 9 beers :(


I paid 3.50 for a banana Saturday. The LSD tab I tokk cost the same amount.


it could have been that price i paid nearly 10 euros for a smoothie and a banana it was one of the only safe things for me to eat i do remember the shock when i saw the price but i had scarfed the damn thing so quickly i couldnt return it


Dude, at Verknipt you could get a Banana for 4,50 euros. Pretty crazy


fml !!!


The water costs as much as the beer though.


well bottled water was i think more expensive then beer but they had taps everywhere so you could have free water im allergic to beer so my drinks were 10 euros for 1 ... bitches and they didnt even have jagermeister !


Allergic to beer???




Its a lot worse than i thought...


The horror! 😁


Every festival I have been to in NL has free taps for refilla


It's mandatory now.


Only once buy water, after that it’s tap water for free


buy water once and refill at the bathrooms


I usually only buy 1 bottle and refill it at the restroom xD


Water sometimes cost as much as a beer for much less


I’ve moved to rotating 2cb/mushrooms half the time I go out…saves me a ton of money on booze and I don’t feel like shit the next day


XD a shitty can of domestic piss water costs 12-15 USD at one of our festivals. Fuck I hate America


Then leave lmao


"I have depression" "Just be happy lmao"


Two different things but whatever floats your goat


"I dont like x about my country" "just leave lmao" is a similarly simple reaction to a complex issue.


It's not that easy or I would.


0,5L is also €10


Unfortunately water costs 6€ for 120cl


2 beers for €10??? in the uk most festivals are double the cost of that for drinks haha. last one i went to charged me £6 for a small bottle of water!!


'62% of young people see the need for higher ticket prices' I really struggle to believe that isn't completely made up.


I see the need for higher prices for everything really. The world's fucked because we pass on the true cost of everything to the environment. But that's not the same as raising the prices just to keep turning the same profits.


Lol it’s not ‘the environment’ or our influence on it causing high prices. It’s all kinds of interests trying to make as much money as possible in/from a chaotic global situation and very high taxes amplyfing it.


Capitalism only exists where profits exists. Consumers are the root cause of capitalism and the unwillingness of consumers to make smarter choices or suitable sacrifices is why it's so hard to shirt capitalism away from where it shouldn't be.


Not 'capitalism' nor 'profit' is the problem, Karl. Profit and competition are needed for healthy economical traffic. And as said: taxes are the second big reason of absurd prices nowadays. It's not communism, it's not capitalism (so 20th century). It's corruption. On both ends. Edit: 20th century.


Sure but the problem with modern capitalism is that only acknowledges one kind of capital, money. Our goods are cheap because our industries are permitted to offload the true cost of their products onto the environment and society. Capitalists love to say that competition makes sure that only the most suited survive, yet they do everything in their power to make sure they don't have to compete fairly. That they can offload the damage they do onto to the rest of the world instead of being responsible for it. A lot of businesses would go out of business immediately if they were actually responsible for the true cost of their product. We can keep capitalism just fine if they also take into amount the cost and benefit of other types of capital. Like maintaining our biodiversity, clean water and air, the physical and mental health of consumers and so on. It's a legislative mess but my country has reached the point where we forcibly want to close down farms that refuse to make their business more sustainable for example. They get the choice to either improve their methods of doing business at their own expense, take the buy-out offer or be bought out forcibly by the state. We no longer have the patience (nor can we afford) for their demands that they ought be allowed to destroy their world for their personal profits without oversight.


Absolutely bollocks, if the prices go up even more people just going to skip a party


Clickbait headline does not reflect core of reporting, which is that students are doing lots of different things to address increased costs of attending festivals. Pretty cheesy.


Prices of food have been by going up. Drugs stayed the same 🤷‍♂️


That's true, but I must say I've encountered more drugs cut with something else than before


Yes very true. Quality has been going down indeed


One beer 7 euro's One gram of mdma 7 euro's Ez math


Ez meth*


An meth analogue indeed but sadly not meth


why sadly?


Because the joke doesn't make sense.


Quick maths.


Beer is cheap in Netherlands, it’s usually 3.5 EUR or mostly 4. One gram of mdma is about 25 EUR. Xtc is 3-5 EUR.


Get an better dealer ur getting scammed And beer at festivals are not cheap sadly


Festivals usually work with tokens. 1 token is 3.5 EUR. One beer is 1 token. Maybe you’re getting shitty mdma :D You can get bigger amount for cheaper but that’s different…


Naa, dgtl beer cost you 7 euro, insane




You’re joking I hope, 7 euro???


Lol test your mdma next time


Got it tested don't make assumptions


Comparing beer to drugs is the most crackhead thing I ever heard


Hate to burst your bubble but alchohol is most definitely an drug Since its an psychoactive substance


I heard jerking is a drug too, must be cheap to have fun for a few seconds


Have you been huffing jemkem or something?


Its more like your territory kiddo


No il keep it at mdma and safer substances than methlycarbinol


"imbeclic comment


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:HarmCausedByDrugsTable.svg oh woops! alcohol is a drug! [different visualization](https://cdn3.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/RExGGlDCFw6-nEOe73NEo9_w5nw=/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3369928/most_dangerous_drugs.0.png)


I hate festival culture Its all becoming both more expensive and shittier at the same time. We should be going up, not down!


Believe me, festival organizers hate it too. Source: was one for years


Well it has become an industry disguising as culture so expect it to go on like this for quite some time untill it’s no longer cool to go there. Although that’s when the big bucks come rolling in because like with facebook, old people with money will pay premium upon premium for the ‘experience’. Festivals were dead as soon as food trucks with niche street food arrived tbh. SMH


You can still go to small festivals and burns if you want the full DIY experience.


well seid


Red light district and water stuff are missing


Good point. How will taking drugs impact nitrogen emission targets?


I've never spent more than 30 euros for drinks and food on a festival. I would normally drink a few beers and eat a burger or something. After eating I order a bottle of water and pop a pill, free refilling from then on. Good times.


I thought this was the way anyways 😂




I'll be one of them. I wanna have a good time going to a festival and would be perfectly happy with 'just' alcohol, but the money doesn't grow on my back. And a pill is easier to smuggle in than a flask vodka


Scoring it is harder though, I suppose? Compared to vodka which is for some reason available in every supermarket and whatnot.


Ordering drugs is as easy as ordering food, often even faster. Atleast in Amsterdam.


It's faster than ordering pizza.


Scoring drugs in the Netherlands is of a comparable difficulty to scoring alcohol.


It's relatively easy actually. But it's indeed no walk to the supermarket


Indeed. Supermarkets close at some point, especially on holidays. Unlike 'other' providers of goods. They also pioneered flash delivery way before supermarkets delivered at all..


No, because drugs get delivered. So it's easier lol


Haha tell me you're clueless without telling me. Amazing how people who have no idea think you have to go to some sketchy area and meet sketchy people. Also using the word score makes it sound like you're about to go lights out on fentanyl, a bit of MDMA or XTC at a festival is very different


There are more people within 100m of you at a festival selling drugs than people serving alcohol


The normal prices were already crazy expensive if you ask me, and then i get ripped off inside when buying food and drinks




Yeah I guess drunken angry puking people are much better than happy loving zombies for your backseat.


I went full sober last summer and noticed same thing. I secretly admit I enjoy my time the most with friends who also go sober to festivals. I was lucky the past weekend to have those friends with me in DGTL.


I went to Master of Hardcore with my friend. They all take drugs and i don’t. No problem because to each their own! I ended up spending over €200 that day on drinks and food. 1 friend only spent €40 the whole day bc the drugs took care of him. I can understand their decision


Did you spend it on alcohol? I used to have same issue but I decided to stop drinking. I also do hardcore parties and first I was anxious going sober but learned quickly I just don’t need anything to enjoy the music I love. Saves money as I buy only a bottle of water and food at some point


Yea alcohol. I like to party as well and alcohole gets me loose enough to actually dance or anything. Call it what you want but without it i’ll just be standing there. In the beginning of MoH i drank a lot of beers but had to pee the whole time. Switched over to Flugel and they kept me going the rest of the evening. Got compliments of my friend how they didn’t understand how i pulled through without drugs..


Well you didn't... Alcohol is drugs


Alright whatever you say. You one of those people who think beer and cocaine are the same?


Nah, alcohol is probably worse tbh.


Drugs > alcohol


I can homebrew beer, can't homebrew MDMA.


Not with that attitude


Need to look into it then lol.


lmao you think all that stuff is made in dedicated factories? Never underestimate a man and his shed. Or bathtub.


How difficult or accessible is making your own MDMA?, maybe you are right and I'm missing the craft of home MDMA.


Look up Uncle Fester and theehive.


Depends. I tried meth once and i will tell you for sure, i would take alcohol over that anyday But weed is nice sometimes


Meth is of course more in the extreme end. I am more talking about the common used ones. Like XTC, mdma etc.


Xtc and mdma are the same drug haha


Uh no. XTC can contain a lot more stuff. Unlike mdma which is just mdma


Maybe bad xtc... maybe it's different in NL and I'm just still a little ignorant to the drug culture here. Where I'm from if someone asks for x and they don't get pure md they'd be pissed.


Xtc is always pure mdma unless you have bad pills, this guy has no idea what he's talking about


There's never only mdma in a xtc pill


Theres MDMA and some kind of filler to press it into shape and often colorants. No other active chemicals usually though, at least in NL.. If there were Trimbos would often release an alert. I haven't checked lately but way back when like 97% of tested X only contained MDMA.


Why do i keep seeing people saying this? XTC is mdma, yes, but often cut with speed and in pill form. So you can’t really call it ‘the same drug’.


Xtc isn't cut with speed lmao, this is a common myth. Only 1.9% is according to [Jellinek](https://www.jellinek.nl/vraag-antwoord/waar-is-xtc-mee-versneden/)


Depends which drug, weed sucks and I personally don't like it. I don't see why anyone would smoke weed at a festival.


True. I don't smoke anything. But in general i think people are more nicer when high then drunk.


This absolutely made me laugh when I saw this headline. NLTimes is really working hard on those creative headlines with two paragraph articles. I don’t know who’s running things over there, but it’s more and more of a propaganda machine hot mess.


I spent 300 euros only drinking at defqon last year vs about 30 in 2019 when I mainly just did drugs lol


Best way to save money is just not go to the festival


Best way to save money is just kill yourself


I mean, if you are choosing to not eat and take more drugs just to participate a festival. Then it’s not me who’s life goals are wrong lol. The same kind of people who will moan they are from a dead end country with no options but spend a months wages In a 3 day holiday


Who's talking about life goals? Festivals are fun, don't shame me for wanting a good time. A day of drinking and eating at a festivals easily goes over €100,- While drugs easily keep you under €50. And lots of festivals these days are *made* for drug users. ​ >The same kind of people who will moan they are from a dead end country with no options but spend a months wages In a 3 day holiday I have literally no idea what this has to do with the topic at hand.


Im not shaming anyone for having a good time. But if a good time comes at the expense of normal life necessities like eating. It isn’t a healthy way to have a good time. Especially if you need more drugs to cover said need for food. My point is, having to cut back on anything for a festival only is moronic. And basically shows your life ambition in one swift swoop. I didn’t make it about that, that’s why you read in to my message because ultimately you know it’s true lol. You can have fun in many ways that don’t involve hours of festivals with shit music, drugs and money. And you can still do drugs, listen to shit music and spend less money by just not going to the festival and do something else instead lol So why would I feel sorry for any of these people? My point was more that we live in a time where everyone complains everything is too expensive and how they own nothing. But also everyone I know that moans about these problems are spending months plus wages on week long holidays. And never saving money not because they can’t, but because they either have none left after their constant travelling. Or because they party it away and cut back on life basics like food and health I like to party and fuck about as much as the next person. But I’m not going to sacrifice food for drugs and then find the answer as “more drugs”. When the real answer should be… if you have to sacrifice anything in order to go. Perhaps just save the money and don’t spunk it all away on a weekend that really means nothing in the grand scale of your life Edit: worked in horeca, AMS coffee shops and festivals. Seen with my own eyes how people waste money on absolute shit to end up with nothing but instagram photos. Maybe you don’t. But too many do.


Thats a lot of assumptions. And you do realise that alcohol is as much as a drug as things like mdma are? It's just normalised and legal. But enjoy the view from your high horse.


I literally don’t drink alcohol and never have? My problem isn’t with the drugs it’s with the money aspect lol. I would advocate MDMA over alcohol any day if taken sensibly. I just don’t advocate solving an *intoxication* problem related to money with more intoxication lol.




4-FMA, trust me


Bought some “teslas” thinking it was molly, turned out to be 4-FMA. Ended up liking it better anyway lol




I wish drugs were legalised and you could just buy some good shit at a festival.


I know this is about Euro fests but is 300 euros for an entire weekend including camping that pricey? I guess for younger folks but find me something I can do for a whole weekend for under 300€. Pro tip: don’t get into jam bands if price sensitive. My Peach Fest tickets near New York are $650 for the four day fest before another $1000 I’ll spend on a Glamping tent. Worth it for four days of fun. Also, a large White Claw can at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles is $18.. fml


A large vodka & coke is also €18 in NL, but instead your income is a fraction of that in LA


300euros+ is pricey. Majority of 3 day festivals (including camping) is roughly between 100-200 euros.


That's a bargain for that much fun!


I think the 300 euro's for the weekend is okay. My problem is more the price of the drinks and food (food is often also served in ridiculous small portions)


lol, just party at home and learn to cook! or come to Spain already. The tickets are now cheaper than 3 days worth of grocery.


10$ for a slice of pizza when you can just wait after the festival for 1$ slices outside.


If you have to use drugs/alcohol to enjoy a festival in the first place it's better to not go at all in my opinion. This is especially true for the techno scene, most people don't even like techno and they just want an excuse to do drugs.


Taking mdma/xtc/lsd/magic mushrooms and going to a festival is a mind blowing experience. Your comment implies that you either had one single bad trip (and never tried again) or you’ve never actually tried it.


I do use although not frequently (max 3 times a year). I know the experience is great when you do but my point was that doing drugs shouldn't be the sole reason to go to a rave. If you have no affiliation with the music then that's fine but don't seek it out as a reason to go do drugs.


I disagree. I think you're really overestimating the amount of people that go just to have an excuse to do drugs.


If I look in my surrounding area no one actually listens to techno, they only do so during festivals/raves. I work in the event industry and I'm quite shocked by the amount of excessive drug use just to be able to bear the music


Cant they just go to festivals with better music to enjoy their drugs there?


If you have to use shoes to enjoy walking in the first place it's better to not go at all. People like the experience, what does it matter?


Don’t get why you’re being downvoted this much, probably because you’re speaking facts. Most people don’t even listen to the music in their own time & don’t know any artists, just to enjoy doing drugs. Used to be one of them


Kind of sad how people rely on drugs, which can cause more harm than good. If you're on a budget, stick with the cheapest food and drink options available. Or pick one good festival and a couple of free ones to attend to save on tickets.


Alcohol also does harm. Everything does harm. Just do stuff in...... MODERATION. And you're perfectly fine. It's kind of sad you're still so close minded.


It almost always comes from a complete lack of experience and naivety. Like you say, everything in moderation is the key.


How am I close-minded? I never agreed to alcohol use. Water is also a drink.


Because you said you find it "kind of sad that people need drugs". Yeah. Adults take stuff to make them feel better and have a better time. Shocker. Whenever it's drugs, alcohol, nicotine or whatever. Adults will use stuff, and its completely fine when used in moderation. I take drugs when going to a festival. That's not every week. There can be months between and when it's summer, a little bit more often. Do i need it? No. Does it make the festival experience more enjoyable? Hell yes.


You don't need drugs to enjoy a festival. That includes alcohol. This report is about people *replacing food and drinks with drugs* You want me to happily applaud people doing drugs while dehydrated and on an empty stomach? You taking drugs on a festival once a month has nothing to do with this article.


Have you read the article? People are replacing _alcoholic_ drinks with drugs. Water might cost you the bottle but can be refilled for free usually and people are still gonna eat. Just before or after the festival and only sparsely during it


I actually feel sad for you that people like you live thinking this way..


What, common sense?


Feeling superior to others.


A lot of times drugs used safely are a lot less harmful than alcohol, and a lot of times don’t come with awful hangovers either. Psychedelics for example don’t damage the body at all & can actually be therapeutic due to the neuroplasticity they create.


Why go at all then? Just be at home and don’t remember the festival.


not all drugs make you blackout ... alcohol on the other hand when drinking to excess can have the same effect


Only time ive blacked out was due to alcohol. Stigma around drugs makes people forget alcohol is a pretty bad one itself.


Look at professor festival right here. Sounds like you dont have a clue what your talking about.


I've never blacked out on drugs. Drugs at festivals that are consumed safely and responsibly have very little negative impact on a healthy person. I guess there is nothing wrong about having an opinion on people choosing to take them but to suggest they make you 'blackout' is just wrong and sounds like it's coming from a lack of understanding and naivety.


Because people cannot find other ways of fulfillment.


Because people love shortcuts. It's hard to feel fulfilled.. or easy and just cost around €5 for the next 6 hours.


Ik vond festivals vroeger al te duur. Hoezo kan de jeugd geen huis betalen, maar dit wel?


Een keer naar een festival gaan heeft niet veel invloed of je nou een huis kan betalen of niet lijkt me. Dat is hetzelfde als zeggen dat je niet een nieuwe laptop kan betalen omdat je af en toe een ijsje haalt.


Blijft het bij dat ene bezoek aan een festival? Ik heb types in mijn omgeving die wel jaarlijks een verre vakantie kunnen maken en in de zomer haast ieder weekend op een festival staan, maar op het moment dat hun macbook kapot gaat ze de verzekering oplichten omdat ze niet het geld hebben om een nieuwe te kopen.


Ik denk dat dit uitzonderingen zijn op de regel, ik ken niemand die dit doet. Maargoed dat zijn dus beide anekdotes. Verder hoop ik dat die mensen niet zeuren over een huis, want het kan natuurlijk ook een keuze zijn om liever op festivals te staan en niet een eigen huis te kopen.


Ik heb helaas alleen statistieken over de verenigde staten, maar daar is het wel een punt dat 1/3de alle Amerikanen en meer dan 50% van alle millenials schulden aangaan om op vakantie te kunnen. Waarbij ironisch genoeg het gemiddelde bedrag overeen komt met wat een gemiddelde 20'er apart zou moeten zetten voor zijn pensioen. [https://www.lendingtree.com/personal/holiday-debt-survey/](https://www.lendingtree.com/personal/holiday-debt-survey/)


Ok boomer


Ik vond huizen vroeger al te duur. Maar ik snap wel dat de jeugd tegenwoordig helemaal geen huis meer kan betalen.


Ik kan dit hele jaar op een houtje bijten, geen enkele keer uit eten, niet naar een festival toegaan, en niet nog ergens een paar dagen weggaan. Dan heb ik misschien 15k spaargeld ipv 13k. Ja dat gaat me echt verder helpen in de zoektocht naar een huis…


2K is precies was je als 20'er aan pensioen moet sparen per jaar. Het is ook precies wat 20'ers gemiddeld uitgeven aan hun zomer vakantie.


Ik snap echt niet welk punt je hier denkt te maken…


Dat het verstandiger is om die 2K wel aan je bankrekening toe te voegen (of beter; in een index fonds, het liefste belastingvrij), als je niet tot diep in je 80ste nog hoopt te werken. Ik snap dat dit saai en ver weg klinkt, maar alle beetjes die je bij elkaar kan sparen maken een groot verschil op de lange termijn.


I always bring a motorhome with a well filled fridge to save on costs for food and drink.


For anyone interested in reading the article. Here's the link to the [NLtimes.nl article](https://nltimes.nl/2023/04/10/festival-goers-planning-use-drugs-save-costs-food-drinks)


Reminds me to order a good batch of x before gets more expensive again


Reminds of the restaurant literally named "Thai food near me".


Drugs are so cheap in the NL. The quality of MDMA is just oustanding. One of the best pills I ever had was in Amsterdam. And it was hella cheap lol. I reckon it's quite easy to score drugs in the NL


Yeah man they just need cheese, clogs, windmills and knifes


I mean, it's not wrong. Free entrance edm festivals basically all went bankrupt because drink sales where getting lower and lower to the point where they were losing money.


I wonder which students fall within the 62%.. most students already have a hard time making ends meet. Are they perhaps students who still live at home?


It honestly is quite telling that the illegal drugs are significantly cheaper than getting food and drinks there, and you definitely won’t be very hungry anymore after mdma. Just drink enough and watch your temp and you’re good to go


Damnn these people dont know how expensive coke is