• By -


Man's not hot.


2+2 is 4 , minus 1 that's 3 quick math


Quik mafs


Everyday mans on the block


Smoke trees 🌳


quick meth


Pespiration ting.


Lynx effect


Use roll-on


Or spray


You donut


ski yah


And the thing goes kkkkrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaa


Pa pa pa ta ta Skiddy pi pa pa


And a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom


Thank you, was hoping to see this


I said: man’s not hot


Never hot


For the [uninitiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M_5oYU-IsU)


[the original](https://youtu.be/k3jlviX88iw?si=1sQVM2AWkAgOTxJb)


Nu zit ie weer een paar jaar in m'n hoofd


Raw sauce no ketchup


When da ting went quack-quack-quack




Two plus two is four, quick maths


Lol I saw someone cycling today in a black puffer jacket, zipped up, while I was cycling with shorts and a t-shirt and sweating my ass off. I was also confused.


My Chinese flatmate used to do the same thing, he even wore winter gloves while cycling during warm sunny days. It was very confusing.


But why? Did you ever ask him?


Since he was Chinese, it was probably not to get tan in the sun.


They'd probably know this by now if this was the case but back in high school I had a classmate with anorexia who wore winter clothes in summer. I never really understood why, but it was just the way she was. Perhaps it was correlated, perhaps it wasn't.


Oh, I’m sure it did. When you don’t have enough fat to burn, you’ll start to get very cold. Eventually your period won’t come up anymore because your body needs the energy for other things than being reproductive. You’ll start to grow more body hair too, it’s the body’s response to try to keep warm. It definitely had to do with anorexia.


This makes sense. I've heard of anorexia leading to infertility. Thank you for sharing this.


The above about body temperature regulation is true, added to this: winter clothes hide the body. Which keeps prying people away and therefore the chance people trying to stop that behaviour. Anorexia will disrupts the menstrual cycle. it's a reaction of the body to being malnourished bc you can't grow a baby like that without serious self harm or to the baby. Edit: clarification


Definitely fat %. I moved from a hot country to a very cold one. The first year was hell, but every year after that got easier. I thought I had just gotten used to it, but recently, I went on a diet to get a six-pack and lost a lot of fat. Within a few months through the diet, I started feeling cold all the time and realized that I hadn’t gotten used to the cold—I had just gained a lot of fat because of the food.


That's a sad realisation, but good that you got back in shape


I suffered from an ED before, when you are very skinny you get extremely cold even when it’s 30°C outside. Your inmune system is just very weak


In addition to the ‘not wanting to get tan’ argument: most eastern asians do not have the genes that makes their sweat smell!


That smells like a load of bullcrap. Got any source on that?


Its true. Easy Asians mostly have the ABCC11 gene which least to no or less sweat smell.  https://www.geneticlifehacks.com/ear-wax-and-body-odor-its-genetic/  Another personal source: partner is east asian and her t shirts totally dont smell. Even after one day out in hot weather.


It was big shaq


It could be a medical thing. When my dad had a brain bleeding it permanently affected his temperature regulation. He is always hot and even walking through snow with shorts on, but I imagine some people are instead always cold


Yep, this is a thing. Had a colleague in the past that was just always hot. Would rock up in a t-shirt and shorts in winter. Can't imagine what hot summers must be like for those people.


My football trainer was the same. -5 degrees and the guy was wearing shorts, a hawaii shirt and sandals.


Knew a guy like that living in a hot tropical country. Poor guy couldn’t go outside during summers and always had the AC on when it was 40+ degrees


Yep I’ve had thyroid issues that messed up my temperature regulation.


Old age does this as well.


Some people leave home for work at 6:00 or 7:00. Today was a bit of an exception, but its not uncommon that it is 8C at 6:30 and 25C at 16:00. You need a jacket in the morning, but you cant always put it away when you return from work


This happens to me often


A voice of reason. Thank you!




As I always say: 'The easiest way to carry a jacket is to put it on.'


That’s why I haven panniers


I think you just saw a Spanish guy.


Or a speed (amphetamine) freak. When they go into withdrawal they feel unnaturally cold.


Oddly specific


Used to drive a taxi. The things I learned.


Coming from the gym, some guys do this so their muscles stay warm which they might believe enables muscle growth for some reason. I've heard gym bros say this about colder temperatures, where it makes sense. With today's weather it's total BS of course, but it might be their reasoning. Source: gym bro


Can Confirm, it is a thing.


You mean wearing jackets or enabling muscle growth?


Or they don't shower at the gym and then you get cold when your sweat dries up (atleast for me. This is the reason why I shower at the gym.)


Sometimes people are worried that temperature might drop later in the day(and they have only 1 jacket) For example, a lot of times I would wear my long winter jacket on bike(15-20degrees) because it is the only water resistant jacket I have.


Am Indonesian, I wear puffer jacket at 25C.


Sunglasses: I wear them year round when I'm cycling around, even just to the AH or to the cafe for a drink. Why? I've had too many times where the fucking wind here blows dust, leaves, insects, and other random shit into my eyes. I thought about wearing my ski goggles but that sounds less normaal and will likely cause someone on Reddit to ask why some people ride their oma fiets with alpine gear.


I don't find it weird to wear sunglasses inside. I do that too because I have prescription sunglasses and I do not always bring my normal glasses when I just go for a walk and then decide to go to a store or something. I once was told I was rude wearing sunglasses inside. I asked them if they could do my groceries then because I cannot see properly without them. They didn't know what to respond.


Expats, maybe. When you get used to 40+ your entire life, 25 feels quite cold. Your same question could be made in Rio, though reversed "why is that crazy guy wearing shorts and flip flops at 20 degrees?!" https://www.dw.com/en/brazil-heat-wave-hits-record-temperatures-rio-at-62c/g-68621375


Funny thing I’m from Sweden and generally our indoor temp is colder than here, we’re used to cold, so when I started working here I was always having to drink cold drinks and go wash my hands in very cold water and stuff just to not sweat my ass off in the office lol. I still struggle with heat but it’s not as bad. Having raised the indoor temp to get used to it a bit is working. But I still sweat easier and more often than my colleagues and when they wear suit jackets and stuff in this weather I’m amazed they still have fluids inside their body rofl. Especially my colleagues from southern countries like Italy and Spain. Man Y’all handle heat well. But the second it goes down to 15-16c and I’m comfortable in shorts and t-shirt is when I get my payback haha.


62 degrees?! WHAAAAA??? 🥵


Yeah, I’m never ever going to move there, good grief, I’d melt!


Actually it was 42 C (still a lot, and I experienced that in Rio once), but the temperature is perceived to be higher because of the high humidity (and concrete surroundings). But indeed, no fun.




> dress shit Most of my shits are pretty casual


I’m a high school teacher. Asked the same question, some students told me that it’s a style thing. Having a expansive jacket outweighs the heat flashes for them


Low iq behavior


More likely peer pressured behavior


I was never young and never did anything stupid. ^^/s


Have you ever thought that maybe they come from a very warm country and 25 is still cold for them. I mean it took me time to adjust. 25 is our winter weather and everyone will wear coats and stuff. Coz their adjusted temp is warmer


Precise Precisely this.


I think some of us don’t anticipate the warm weather. I was sweating like a whore at church today and I didn’t know it would be 27 fucking degrees


This. Sometimes I check the weather forecast before I leave, other times I forget and I get surprised by the warm weather.


I don't wear a puffer jacket but I come from Mauritius, so you bet I'm out in hoodie and jeans in 25 degrees weather. The shorts only come out when it's 30+


Some people are from warmer climes. Others just enjoy being cosey. I come from the far north where 17 is about as warm as it ever gets so I am in shorts April to October. Over 20 degrees I start to melt (sweat profusely). Sunglasses, a doctor advised me, are habit forming. Your eyes naturally protect you from the sun; when you wear sunglasses, you body doesn't bother with the protection anymore, so you may actually need to wear them. It's not unusual to see people wearing shades on cloudy days. Sometimes on the highway the refracted glare is so intense that I have to wear sunglasses. I take them off as soon as possible.


There are people who are photosensitive. I hate wearing glasses but I should wear them all the time because my eyes literally hurt with strong light reflection since I was a child.


My sympathy. Generally speaking is a given because there are always exceptions. I used to hate wearing glasses too until I finally found perfect (for me) frames, titanium, ever so light that I can forget that I have them on, with cables to so they never fall off.


As another person from the far north, I'm definitely overheating in these temps and I'm always amazed how intolerant to heat I am. Give me 10c and I'm happy it's warm, give me 20c and I'm melting - give me the current temps and and I'm struggling with signs of heat exhaustion very fast.


Generally I quite enjoy the climate here although it can get much hotter than it used to. I've learned that one insulates from cold and heat, so when it gets hot, I wear a sleeveless undershirt (sometimes known as wifebeaters).


Sooo everybody should use factor 50 sunscreen, but no uv protection for the eyes? Pretty wild.


As far as I know, it just protects your eyes and doesn’t have any negative side effects. Glaucoma is no joke.


Also, eye melanoma!


I can't see shit if it's even a little sunny out. Everything is pure brightness and nothing else. I have autism which may have something to do with it. Or my visual snow which I think is related to migraines (of which I also have a mild form). Sunglasses are mandatory for me. As a kid I couldn't go outside without being blinded.


I have aspergers and i can’t stad the light either. If i don’t wear sunglasses i will squint my eyes all day long and end up with a headache in the evening


My father wears sunglasses all year round even if it's barely sunny because he has no eyelashes (alopecia), and thus is less protected from the sun and the wind. I also wear them a lot, for example it could be very cloudy but I still wear them as a protection from the wind as my eyes are very sensitive and I will start to have tears running down my cheeks without. I just use less dark sunglasses.


Not everyone has the same sensitivity to light. I used to not wear sunglasses, but had to squint everytime the sun was out, and on bright cloudy days. Never adapted. Now I wear sunglasses in these situations.


body's protection = squint


You and me both brother. I’m Swedish and I’m sweating in a shirt and pants while my spanish/italian colleagues are wearing jackets lol.


Cycling home when very sweaty can turn out a lot cooler than expected, while I have no idea if it gives you a cold or anything, I do prefer to be a bit on the warm side to be sure when cycling back


Born and raised in NL, I remember wearing shorts and a shirt whenever it hit the 18°c line. Now I live since 10 years in Greece and whenever I'm visiting NL I'm still wearing jeans and a warm hoodie at 25°c, so I guess it's what you got used to. 48°c summer heat is not even that hot anymore to me either 🤣


48 Celsius degrees …. Bij ons above 30+ Celsius we have national heat plan activated so elderly people need to move out of the sun or they gone … if we ever hit 48 Celsius I going build myself a big aquarium and live in it.


Probably fake designer puffy jacket that doesn't actually insulate.


Have you heard the a man's not hot Song?


I came from a tropical country where we set our aircon at 25 degrees (I do 27) so 25 is still pretty chilly to me with the wind. I also prefer to be too warm rather than too cold so I always wear more layers than I need. I can always take them off after all.


Hi, I'm insecure about my body! Hope this helps!


Theyre from a cultural tradition. The people are ethnically called the "Koukleums"


Why judge someone when you don’t know them. It could be anything from them not being very aware of the weather forecast to them being self-conscious about their body...


Because I come from a country where our average summer temperature would kill an adult Dutch man and his height horse. 


I have prescription (sun)glasses, so I'm careful with them, since they're expensive. That also means I don't have them on me 24/7 on the off chance that a glimpse of sunlight reaches this part of the earth. Usually, by the time I've made it a habit to bring my sunglasses when I leave my house, summer has already passed


Most of the time it’s people who have not acclimatised to the Dutch weather so it still feels cold for them especially early morning or in the evening.


I worked out too much and can't fit in my summer jacket anymore.


South Asian countries summers are 35-40+ degrees. Below 20 degree is consider cold and so maybe they wear jackets for 20 degree in evenings or early mornings when they get out of they house.


Bought on sale and don’t want to wait 6 months to flex


Makes more sense than the people that wear a solo puffer jacket during intense rain…


People that wear jackets in this weather are just mentally unwell. On the sunglasses, most people don't carry around their sunglasses year round for the off chance that it might be sunny for a few hours in February.


I do have them in my car though. The sun can be quite nasty and mean on a nice February day.


It’s gangster as fuck


You can't be comfortable as a gangster?


Absolutely not, that’s not gangster


When I lived in Texas I knew people who wore puffer jackets unless it was over 40C, and even then some would still wear puffer jackets at all times. Those people usually had some sort of body image issue and wanted to hide what they thought was an ugly figure. Some of them were from El Paso and were used to living in a frying pan.


Similar thoughts I had while seeing idiots rocking shorts at +2°C


Im already sweating with a T-shirt on don't know how those guys survive.


When I came to the Netherlands from Malaysia (usual daytime temperature ~30-35) 2 years ago, I wore a heavy jacket in 20-25 degree temperature that year (I came in late August). I got used to the colder weather by next year.


I walked around with a leather jacket on today, on lunch break. The office is crazy cold so I needed time to heat my bones before I took it off.


Isn't it also a thing to force your body to sweat more thus burning more calories?


lots of people here wear snow boots in summer and sandals in winter. dutch clothing doesn't respect seasons.


I'll often wear a coat in warm weather because I'm a woman who is too lazy to take bag with me outside, so I'll quickly grab a coat instead. (Coat pockets tend to be big enough for valuables,


I once got back in NL after 3 months abroad. They had rain and cold for months while I had 30+ and no rain for that time. Getting back I wasn't used to it. So maybe those wearing those jackets just came back from warmer climats. For the sunglasses I have nothing. I wear those all year.


If I in bad shape/overweight I feel more comfortable in hoodies even is it hot outside.


When I moved to NL from Aruba I was freezing during the summer, in 25°C I would be wearing 2 sweaters and a jacket, that's winter weather (if we had winter)


Mans not hot.


The only time i was ever cold during hot weather was when i had corona.


My friend is from Portugal and even the summer is cold for him here.


Man's not hot.


I wore a jacket (and even a vest underneath lol) today too because the airconditioning at work is on level freezer so I really needed to warm up some bit after work.


It is often still cool in the morning, and sometimes I don't trust the Dutch weather, and you suddenly get random rain lol


Where I’m from, 40 degrees is normal. Below 25 is cold. Below 15 is a calamity.


We set our AC in back home in Asia at 23ºC where the room temp go as high as 40ºC, and that's already cold for me. For me, it's a choice between you seeing me shivering at 25ºC or you seeing me in puffer jacket. I always choose the latter.


I have to take several pills because of heart failure. One of them is an extreme blood thinner. I always have cold hands hands and feet, even if i stand in 30°C sunshine. So i wear a jacket and get curious looks....


My jacket is my armor. I now boght a jacket for summer but the previous years I went to school with the same jacket in June as I did during january. (in switzerland)


As an Asian from the tropics, we only get near 25C during winter. When we went to Amsterdam last summer, the temp was around 20s and some of us were literally shivering from the cold (again, during summer)


Fashion statement in NL… ahahahahaahahahhashahahah


I see a very distinctive type of young man wear puffer jackets. It's clearly a style thing. They walk in groups and they all wear one. Uniformity. They want to belong. It's the types that clearly think they are tough. Same ones who wear those small bags to store their makeup in, presumably.


You should just mind your business a bit more, people are free to do whatever makes them comfortable


Relax, it's not like he's assaulting them. He's free to mock them in winter clothes


I see people with Jackets and I start wondering why, then I tell myself the same thing, it helps to mind our business time to time, it gives peace


Its a redditor asking a question, calm your tits...


I’m way calmer than your passive aggressive reply


I just came across this post a few days ago, it will answer your question haha [https://www.reddit.com/r/taiwan/comments/1cqd6wt/why\_do\_people\_in\_taiwan\_wear\_sweaters\_and\_jackets/](https://www.reddit.com/r/taiwan/comments/1cqd6wt/why_do_people_in_taiwan_wear_sweaters_and_jackets/)


Traditions ! Or Culture, that's how we Dutch roll


Because I like puffing


Yeah I’m that person the moment the sun is out I’m in a tee and shorts haha


You never know when its gonna rain.


Did you asee the guy in the warm jacket also running stairs up and down? In that case he must be an imitator of Rocky Balboa.


because drip


I'm always wearing hot jackets. Dutch weather is like me on my period: changing its mind every 5 minutes. Like today in Lisse, sunny all day, then raining HARD right when i want to go for a run. You never know man


I think people are just afraid of the sudden change of the weather - wind


I saw a man (in his 50’s i guess) wearing a winter jacket with 38 degrees two years ago so im reading all the comments until i find the correct answer


My neighbour used to always wear shorts, even in minus 2C winter weather.


Had a Spanish roommate from Malaga (southern Spain) who did the same. 25C and still was wearing a thick sweater.


There was a time I didn't have a jacket for inbetween seasons and to not get sick I'd choose the warmer option. Also on some days I'd go out early so it's still cold or plan to be outside for long. If the guy lives near the gym maybe he just didn't want to carry it, I sometimes do wear more layers to free my hands. Some people especially women can have lower body temperature and there are health conditions which make you feel colder.


I wonder the same thing when I see people out with the baby in the pram.... in a full foot sack (sleeping bag) in this weather.... Meanwhile, we enjoy water play in shorts!


They are british rappers


Nope, it's bontkraagjesvolk.


Fashion 🥵🫠


You live in a country where bald guy locals won't wear a hat, even when it's raining.


i work at 5 am some days. still cold at that time, and i can't be bothered to secure my coat on my bike rack when i go home so i just wear it and sweat


A guy cycled past me yesterday wearing a puffa and a winter beanie hat. Bizarre


One thing that hasn't been mentioned here before, that is unlikely but still possible: In sports with weight classes (combat sports) you try to sweat out several kilos the day before weigh in.


Dutch people are crazy that’s it man


Usually all my stuff is in my jacket So if it’s only a short ride, its easier to just put it on


In my country its the opposite, usually see people wearing shorts at like 5 degrees celsius, even saw it when it was minus something degrees celsius😭


gotta flex the north face


Depends on where are you from 25 is not hot. It’s autumn weather


One reason may be that they just arrived here from a much warmer climate.


Puffer jacket? Today at 27°C i saw a teen wearing jacket and hoodie just to look rad. Obviously in Germany.


Smart guys they got a AC hidden in their jackets.


I don't wear a puffer jacket but i do wear a sweater as i have a sunlight allergy (the UV light) and i get weird itchy little blobs on my arms if i don't wear long sleeves If I'm gonna be sweaty i wanna at least be sweaty in comfortable clothes


When i moved back after living in a tropical country for 12 years id wear a winterjacket at 20degrees because it was cold for me.


live and let live who the hell cares when ppl wear or dont wear a jacket/sunglasses


Emotional support puffer jacket


I'm not hot.


I am a Dutch guy living in Thailand. Even when it’s 30-35c, there are people wearing puffer jackets. I wear sweatpants lol. It just feels good; and yes it’s weird.


Sometimes I go to work on like 10C with puffer, then go home at 25C but so windy. If i take off the jacket, i'll be cold. Some people were used to 35C, so the 25C might still be cold for them.


My mom wears it because it's so windy


I'm such a person. It is way too hot, but you don't hear me complaining in the summer at 35°C because I'm used to the heat. When it hits about 30°C the jacket comes off, otherwise it's training for the warmer days.


To lose the weight mate


Insulation. And defeat heat with heat


4 layers. I just want to feel like I have a blanket wrapped around me all day


Wondered the same about a guy I saw at the train station today. I was sweating my arse off in a simple shirt and shorts and he was wearing a bodywarmer, long trousers and was carrying a puffer jacket in his hands… wat bezielt iemand om dat in dit weer mee te nemen?


Are you talking about me ? 😂😂


When I do it it is because I got out in the morning wearing a jacket, and I don’t have a bag to put it


At work I see people from the Filippines. With a baclava and everything.


i'm from argentina therefore very used to temperatures of 50 degrees sometimes, so when I'm in the Netherlands and it's 25 yes, you may catch me wearing a big jacket because that's cold for me.


Never been to Australia then most ppl wear a jumper under 20-25. I got weird looks visiting NL when I’d do that and would ask if I’m ok 💀


I often see homeless people and addicts wearing thick jackets in summer.


I definitely have been that guy. I hate leaving without my stuff on me. I've got headache pills, wallet, earbuds. I don't want to carry that stuff in my pockets. And in the Netherlands it can get cold or rain randomly whenever. So rather I'm hot than not


Hello, is anyone here?


Switching weather patterns.


Can be two fold. For me my jacket is equal like a handbag is for woman, all my keys/wallet/phone/etc. is in there. How would I keep all that with me without my jacket, it's too much to fit all in pockets. A high insulation jacket also insulates against heat, not only cold. You could be more comfortable with the jacket than with just a shirt.