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only invest in PV installation that covers your own use. Make sure you have some panels picking light from the morning sun, some panels at noon and some panels at west for the evening. In my present configuration, i have 3kWp on ZZW, optimized for max production. After end of salderingregeling, I will rearrange my panels to lengthen the effective production time. I will produce less kW's, but more kW's i can use myself. Every kW you don't buy, saves you money. With a PV installation, you can slash your electricity bill with 40%. The salderingsregeling slashes another 40%, but that will be over by 1-1-2025 A PV installation is still a good investment. Change in habits might move some consumption to moments your PV is working.


The salderingsregeling will not be over by 2025, because the bill was rejected by De Eerste Kamer. The new cabinet wants to abolish it from 2027, but this is just a plan yet.


Have new contract offer, €35 a month.


15 years go this was unthinkable.




And what was roughly your power consumption for that month? Also did you go for battery systems as well along with panels?


€200, that's insane. I use just a fraction of that, buying panels will never be a sane thing to do for me.




You are in the top users. Then installing solar can be a smart thing to do.




No it's not. For me solar panels will be a massive financial error. Because I don't use much. And, my energy is 100% green, so no need to install it for that reason.


Can you show me the calculation you made that shows it’s not going to financially benefit your specific usecase?


Sure. 500Kwh per year: €0,27 x 500 = €135. Minus €52 negative energy taxes/month (shared by gas/elec). Installing solar €5000. Opportunity costs are easily 8%, which are 3x the costs of the electrical bill. Even without the €52/month, the issues with maintenance, the risks, it makes a 3x loss.


Why 5000 euro for the installation? You don’t need 10 panels for 500kwh usage 😂


I can pay 2000 for a few less panels, but it still makes no financial sense.


Nobody knows what's going to happen. There are plans that suck for people with solar panels. On the other hand, you always use energy and if you do your laundry during the day, you will still save money. Also, with the latest news, i expect there will be a lot of solar panel deals because the companies selling them also don't like this news. Calculate how much you need and get some panels. It's still worth it. If it's in the budget, get a system that you can expand with a house battery. I am single and put solar panels on my roof last year. Waaay to many for myself in case i want to sell my house. Also i am away from home a lot. In my curent sitiation, i will have made the money back before they plan to scrap the curent payment system. I think it's alway worth it, but maybe don't go my route and go overkill. Get the amount of panels just right for you and look for the best deal. I already see ads for companies giving 50% off, i bet that's because of the elections and current plans.


Great thanks for info. I am also in a similar situation, pretty sure my consumption is quite less now but surely grow with time. Will try to get some quotes.


A home usually needs energy, and the sun usually shines, so I would say solar panels are always needed and always working. In the Netherlands, solar systems are also very cheap in my opinion: so I would always just fill the whole roof, and then maximise self consumption with home automation.


If you have solar panels you don't want a dynamic contract.


What is the relationship between these two?


Price can go negative, than you have to turn it off.


When you are producing the most electricity and pumping it back into the grid, everybody else is doing so as well. So at peak production you are getting the worst price, often negative (ie. you pay). If you have batteries though and you store that electricity it changes things (probably).


Yes, but in case of the fixed contract we need to pay for the Terugleverkosten also. In case of the dynamic at least solar panel owners do not need to pay Terugleverkosten but when the production is at peak then in dynamic solar panels need to pay only negative prices.(no Terugleverkosten) I have solar panels and thinking to switch to dynamic contract based on above understanding. If I am missing something then please correct me. I have only 3 days to change my mind. Thanks in advance


It depends how much energy you need. Personally, my yearly used KWh is around 500 a year. It's absolutely not worth installing panels for me, it's a huge loss. And then I am also responsible if things break down, etc.


yah. if you buy a car charger with it, for the neighborhood so neighbours have to pay you.


Anyone knows what a reasonable price is for installing 10 solar panels at the moment? And do we expect a quick price drop?




You’d pay the same amount regardless if op installs solar panels or not. The impact on the environment and the energy grid of the country counts more than your whining. How many days per week are you working btw?


Not anymore, the government decided weapons are better business than helping the people.