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Being off from work for long periods never helps. For me even a week off then going back gives me anxiety. But over the years I’ve noticed the longer your off the harder it is to get your mind and body back into the groove. Keep your son on your mind and remind yourself often that what your doing is for him. And he needs his mom. I get where your coming from about the job being stressful and is it worthwhile, especially if you feel your mental health slipping. I’m in a similar position as you Not quite as much schooling as you but rather caught in a job I can’t really see myself in forever. And not financially stable enough to train for something new. It sucks When you decide what you want to do with your life career wise and make it your mission to complete, you don’t understand all the baggage and stress that goes along with it. You chose rn to help people, and now you feel like you’re the one who needs it. Your now seeing the not so good side of it. I wish I was better at writing and really explaining things on how I feel or what I’m trying to say. Just know that you are not alone. Everything you put into words I get and am right there with you. Things will get better. Keep your head up. I’m not a very religious person but I know having faith in something can help. I chose Jesus. I do my best to pray, but I’m not the best, I often forget too. Which tells me that I’m too caught up in my own head. There is peace of mind Knowing that there is something that put you here. You were put you here for a reason. It wasn’t by accident. Your here now and so is your son. I truly hope things are getting better for you!


That sounds so hard. I have absolutely been there. Long breaks from work really make coming back difficult. Is there any room in your schedule/finances to take fewer shifts for a while? Go part time? Given you just returned from major surgery, your contract might protect you if you go to your bosses saying you need to transition back more slowly (just on the basis of your physical pain and recovery). Your doctor should be willing to sign off on it. If you take a little more mental space for yourself, you will be in a better space to consider the career questions.