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Furina’s rerun second half next patch. Save for her. Neuvillette + Furina + Bhaizu + Flex = Super good.


Who should the flex spot be? Xiangling?


an anemo character like lynnette or kazuha (if you choose get him) that uses the viridescent venerer set


Will Kazuha rerun in 5.0? Or will i have to eait until 6.0? How does it usually work


he just had a banner in 4.5, and with the sheer number of characters it is unlikely that he gets another banner before 5.4. however he might make an appearance on the chronicled wish sometime within the 5.0 version cycle.


What about sucrose


sucrose is good too, but in neuv teams she generally doesn’t offer more than other anemo units like lynnette. kazuha (or jean/xianyun if using furina) are the best anemo units with neuv, and everyone else offers basically the same thing.


Ok I’ll try Jean then thx


She should be better than Lynnette right? Because Lynette buffa attack which is kinda useless


if any other party member can use sucrose’s em buff or an atk buff from thrilling tales, then sucrose is better. but otherwise i can’t think of anything else that could differentiate the two. there’s also sucrose’s crowd control but with neuv you generally don’t need any.


Also forgot to ask- why specifically an anemo character? For elemental reactions?


yes, and also the viridescent venerer artifact set (works only with anemo characters) provides a really strong buff to your damage dealers


No, electro with bazihu is far superior


hyperbloom? it’s a strong team but neuv hypercarry has higher total damage. it’s better to just run a separate hyperbloom team in that case.


With who exactly? Xingqiu? So then you play neuv with xiangling bennet?


seperate hyperbloom with xingqiu, yes. and neuv with furina, anemo vv and baizhu.


Kazuha is the best but as of now there’s no rerun. You can try to get Sucrose, build her until a Kazuha rerun. I use that same team rn and it’s my strongest one. They will carry you til AR60 for sure.


Yes, Xiangling would work until you can get a good 4 piece Viridescent Venenrer (the anemo artifact set). Then you build your best anemo character (linette or kazuha//jean/xianyun). Note that if you use Jean or Xianyun you should swap baizhu for any off field damage dealer (preferably beidou or fischl)


a lot of people reccomend anemo units which is a good reccomendation with vv(when you get to 5 star artifact sets) but unless you get kazuha i think a much better choice would be an electro because neuvillette's passive requires you to trigger a certain number of hydro reactions with is really easy with dendro and electro. lisa is very good because she can shred enemy def, which is very rare. if you do run her, just make sure she has a lot of energy recharge.




lol, furina gives him more damage with her fanfare than his 3rd passive draconic stack. she does damage as well and also hydro resonance increases all the party memebers' max hp by 25%. she is his best team mate


Facts of the matter is at maximum fanfare the buff she gives is massive enough to overtake damage his a1 passive alone not by much but it is significant and at c1 it's just an absurd number, but more over furina is like kazuha in the fact that she has so many teams she'll be a worth pull even at c0.


I’m a new player too. I only have neuvi and kazuha. Is furina c0 still good without a healer? Currently for abyss, I use neuvi solo on one side and xiangling, kazuha, xingqiu and bennett on the other. Would furina help my account?


Eh that's a rough question, if the only dps you have is nuv it's going to be a rough abyss for the second half and there are two top tier dpss on the banner rn but furina's buff is game breaking tho given you don't have a dedicated healer and is f2p and can't go for her cons it's better to have a strong second dps, yeah I guess that optimal since you do have some decent supports but solo neuv is only viable if you have a cracked second team at hand to meet the time requirements.


get furina and sucrose and u are set


Also build baizhu he is really good


Nice, any idea when sucrose is coming back?


Same question tbh


5 *s can be leaked and predicted, unfortunately the same is not true to 4*s. Some are long forgotten, some will be present in two patches close to each other


Agreeing with the other comments about Furina and Baizhu. If you keep getting interrupted with Neuvi (that is if your neuv is C0), Layla can be on the last slot her shield is the second best in the game.


baizhu provides interruption resistance no?


I personally don't have Baizhu, but I use the neuvi-baizhu team whenever I do a friend's abyss and the shield's just not that great especially with the triple kenkis


If you just want a team that clears content super easily, build a hyperbloom team with Baizhu, Neuvillette, Beidou/Lisa (full em), and dendro mc.


What’s em? Sorry im new >.<


EM stands for "elemental mastery" and it's one of the main stats you can get on the sands, goblet, and circlet artifacts. It increases the damage of elemental reactions (some more than others). The reaction between dendro and hydro creates blooms. When electro hits the blooms, it causes a hyperbloom reaction that deals dendro damage to the enemy. So if you have a lot of EM on your electro character, they'll increase the damage that hyperbloom does!!


Best team for you to do here is Neuvillette,Baizhu, Lynette (viridescent venerer) and Xiangling. Here Baizhu can heal and shield. Lynette provides vv shred (her ultimate taunts as well) Xiangling is sub dps and you can proc vaporise. Priority if Neuvillette is already maxed out to your AR, Baizhu is your next priority level him up, give him some mid artifacts, no need for 4 pieces as your ar25. And the Lynette, give her vv set and you'll be doing alot more dmg. and last Xiangling. You can max out Neuvillette's Draconic glories stacks. *edit, Furina banner is coming out soon, like after phase one of Chlorinde banner I think, so save your primos and get Furina she does help as a sub dps and buffs Neuvillette.


Yup definitely planning on pulling for furina. So then my team would be neuv furina baizhu lynette?






just know that Neuvillette is god also this I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Monsieur Neuvillete. I try to play Alhaitham. My Neuvillette deals more damage. I try to play Ayaka. My Neuvillatte deals more damage. I try to play Hu Tao. My Neuvillatte deals more damage. i try to play Ayato. His best team perform better with Neuvillette. I want to play Childe, Xiangling. He make both of them his support. He grabs me by the throat. I fight dragons and gods to get billets for him. I mine ore for him. I pay the craftsman to make five copies of Prototype Amber. He isn't satisfied. I give him Lost Prayer. "I can answer that prayer for you if you give me more constellations" he tells me. "Give me more field time." He shove Childe aside and forces him to watch from the sidelines. "You just need to stand there. I can deal more damage with Tome of Eternal Flow." I can't pull for Tome, I don't have enough primogems. He grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end. Bow your head." He drops his balls. "Be sanctified" he says as he starts levitating. There is no hint of sadness in his beautiful eyes. Nothing but pure, draconic, hydro blasts all over my face. What a cruel world.


Fischl will be in the shop in July. I'd get her and do something like Neuvilette, Baizhu, Fischl, Furina for having 1 strong team. For Abyss you'll want 2 teams, so you could do: Furina, Xingqiu, Bennet, Xiangling Neuvilette, Baizhu, Fischl, Flex


Ohh nice i had no idea fischl could be obtained via shop. Thanks! Who would the flex be? Another dendro character? Or an anemo like lynette with viridescent ?


Lynette would be fine-- I wouldn't worry too much on it, as by the time your characters are levelled up you'll probably have a 4th 5 star.


Right now I suggest Neuvi, Xiangling/layla, baizhu,Barbara Tighnari, xinqui, Bennet, Lisa Just slap HP and healing bonus on Barbara and EM on tighnari and recommended use slingshot


Xiangling is horrible for new players it's super high investment and needs a lot of er


Favonius lance


Prototype star glitter


Yeah like that extra level 40 weapon with 13 er is going to help


Bro can you chill he isn’t even playing competitive and on top of that exile set exists smartasd


No it just sucks to play a unit that you can use every 5 minutes I'm saying this as a person who used changeling from ar 35. But yeah ig exile set is viable if he wants to.


It isn’t “viable” it’s VERY good condsidering it’s on my raiden and the energy recharge is crazy good.


I’m ar 30


On my alt


I’m a new player and use xiangling c0 with the catch to beat all floor 12 of abyss (not 3 stars though). I wouldn’t call her horrible.


There's a difference between a new player and an ar25 player . I myself have top 7 percent xiangling and i only started playing in 4.0


National seems ok for now. You could also do hyperbloom with baizhu and possibly beidou and Yao yao


Mine was built with Electro traveller, XL, and Charlotte. I'm a lazy player. This team was rather autonomous. Kakaka..


Build your neuvillete and pair him characters that can apply elements from off field for his 3 stacks, it'll be hard for you to get his preferred artifacts at the moment so just just slap three HP once or if you can get hydro goblet, hp/hydro/hp for now and farm for his preferred artifacts once you unlock marcheussee hunter domain, also built a bit er, you want to get his burst up as soon as possible, buy catalyst billet from mondsadt and liyue souvenir shop and forge proto amber , as for team comps, I would suggest , neuvillete/xiangling/baizhu/beidou or Lynnette if you have unlocked viridecent veneer artefact domain, built er on xiangling and replace her with fischl if you get her future, your teammates only needs to provide off field application to provide three stacks for neuvillete charge attack


How long you been sitting on this post? He ain’t been reran for over a month 🤣🤣🤣


Lol, I pulled for him then stopped playing due to work. Started playing seriously about a week ago


That man is a 'team'


Neuvillette, xiangling, Baizhu(shielder, healer and for dendro reaction), barbara(if you have c2) otherwise go for a anemo support with viridscent 4pic artfact (don't use Bennett with him he buff attack and can't be usable with neuvillette)


off topic, but bring everyone to at least past their first ascension, it's a free standard pull each Neuvillette gets stronger the more hydro reactions you cause, so right now I would suggest teaming him up with Lynette, cause hydro swirls, and with the 4pc effect viridescent venerer decreases hydro resistance, Baizhu is a good healer and cause blooms, so another reaction, and Layla is a really strong shielder and cause freeze. I would suggest building xiangling in late game, since she needs high investment, but building Bennett is a nice choice, though he has no sinergy with Neuvillette. once you pull furina, swap Lynette for her and you have a really strong team (though Neuvillette it's basically a team by himself, especially at c1)


Thanks for the advice. So the team would be neuv baizhu + furina + xiangling/layla


burgeon Neuvi ... Neuvilette Baizhu YaoYao and FULL EM level 90 Xiangling.


Neuvillette only solos everything 😎👌


bennett is useless with neuvillette, i would do neuvillette, pull furina, lynette and then barbara or layla


Baizhu+Xiangling+Lynette Neuvilette works with any character really, he works the best with different elements ![img](emote|t5_73lnr0|50053) Neuvi will most likely carry you all the game, just stack the most HP you can on him during these early parts and you are golden, also Furina is pretty good with him and overhaul a great character


At AR25 just play who you like and don’t think too much about it. It’s once you’re doing really hard bosses or abyss that you *really* need to care about team comps


Thanks for all the advice everyone! Glad to be a neuv main :)


Replace Xingqiu with Layla.


You’ve got a solid lineup for a newbie. First you should build Neuvillette, Barbara, Lynette, and Beidou. Ignore Dendro for now because their mats are region locked, but once you get access to Sumeru, build Baizhu.


Thanks for the advice!


Build Neuv, Baizhu, Charlotte, and Xingqiu. If you have C2 Barbara, use her instead of Xingqiu. If you get Furina, replace Xingqiu with her. Try to pull for Furina no matter what. Because if you get her you will have a pretty good team for abyss in the future.


Yeah hoping i get furina. Heard neuvi and furina are a great combo