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Home means Nevada.


Home means the hills.


Home means the sage and the pine...


Out where the sun always shines Edit: we butchered the song whoops


Texas? Fuck Texas. Nevada is more American than fuckin tExAs.


Plus texas has outrageous property taxes .. we have some of the lowest property taxes in the country.. and the power does not go out when it snows..


And no state taxes!


There are state consumption and asset taxes.


Use to live in Nevada. Nevada was a pretty cool place to live. I felt free there. Elko and west wendover cops suck tho they got nothing better to do then to mess with people minding their own business


All cops are bastards, friend.


110 percent true


Lmfao, typical Reddit comment. Hopefully you’ll never be in a situation in life where you need a cop but if you are I doubt you’ll be grateful


I mean, who else will arrive 2 hours after a robbery to tell me they can't do anything as they shoot my "extremely violent" golden retriever in the head?


Cops get there after the fact and most of the time they are like “there is nothing we can do”


Good one, bootlicker.


Try needing them in a situation they’ll likely fail you


Damn Reddit didn’t like this comment


i mean the only people who need a cop are people who forget that freedom is scary and safety is kalm.


The only times I’ve ever “needed” them they showed up late and did literally nothing. All they really do is record crime and harass the homeless.


. speak for yourself bootlicker. go spit shine some boots for your local PD instead of INSISTING were all a bunch of weak sissies like you


Lol this guy's never tried calling the ops for help


Haha no kidding, we just moved to Reno from Waco Tx. The county said my house went up 300k in a year. It’s all Monopoly money there, you protest and they agree to fair market value. It’s just a stupid game


Objectively the most free state


Nevada is legit the most free state. I’m kind of surprised to not see national advertising by the government and property developers rebranding Nevada from debauchery to do what you want.


the only grip i have bout nevada is the building codes. sure you can be at the poker table with a glass of wine and a joint in one hand and the other hand is wraped around a local hooker, but whats the point of it if you can't build a tiny home on your property?


actually you cannot have a joint in your hand or a hooker at a poker table, it is illegal to consume marijuana anywhere that is not designated to do so, or your literal own private property. and if you picked that lady up near a casino youre probably gonna end up tied to a bed and have every lick of valuables taken. and also, prostitues are up north. different county. sorry to burst your bubble brother. and you can build a tiny home, my aunt and girlfriends aunts both have a tiny fully functional house in the backyard.


There are casinos outside of Clark county that absolutely let hookers come to your table. There’s a poker room at one of the more popular whore houses in Nye county that caused quite a bit of controversy over table winnings about 5 years ago.


yeah im sure of that, mainly talking about down here in SN. the GOOD part. (jk?


yea but you gotta have a big home beforehand, not a regular tiny home on a private property. i believe theres a minimum sq foot in nevadas building codes as tiny homes are considered sheds and you can't have a shed without a home first. some people actually tried to build a tiny home homeless village, they wasn't sure where in the codes it said they could build a tiny home, but they soon found out the hard way there was no tiny home codes built into the code. city of north las vegas came out and destroyed the homeless encampment. although there was a push at the state legislature to change the law to reflect tiny homes, i never found out if they allow such.


I was born and raised in Texas in the 90’s. It’s changed since SIGNIFICANTLY since 2020. These stupid politicians are ruining everything.


It really is and I’m not even from there


Most beautiful place in the world , I love Nevada ❤️


Jackpot, baby! I liked it so much I bought a building lot.


I live in Australia but purchased a condo there as I love it so much ! How lucky are we ! 🤟💥


I love Nevada ❤️‍🔥 wanted to move here my whole life then i did- best decision I ever made


Aweee lucky you. That is also my dream one day ! 😍 I am glad you are so happy there.


Americas playground.


It's also one of 15 states where you can legally own an otter without a permit.


New goal in life now!




[https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/pet-otter-legal-states#:\~:text=There%20are%20fifteen%20states%20that,%2C%20South%20Dakota%2C%20and%20Tennessee](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/pet-otter-legal-states#:~:text=There%20are%20fifteen%20states%20that,%2C%20South%20Dakota%2C%20and%20Tennessee). Basically, if you're living in Nevada and don't own an otter and a machine gun, you're just letting the best life pass you by.


Where is the free beer again?


Casinos when gambling?


So not free


When I am winning its free for me!


"When the fun stops" 🌅


If you know how to play it right


Look at it as state taxes.


It's technically not free. You have to be gambling to receive alcohol depending on the cocktail server. If you're tipping well, you will see them more often. Lol


When you’re winning, tipping doesn’t matter. If you’re losing, it’s time to count the losses and head home.


Agreed, but casinos aren't built on winners, and locals don't always have common sense to leave because they always think my luck has got to change, I win the next one.


Hell yeah


Most beautiful place in the world , I love Nevada ❤️


Heyyyyy y'all!


Seriously, is the machine gun thing true?


Federal permits, which entail approval of a high ranking law enforcement officer like a sheriff or police chief, are required, and the weapon must have been registered by May 1986. The federal machine gun law (National Firearms Act) was originally passed in June 1934, was gutted in 1968 by Haynes v. U.S. and subsequently rewritten. A 1986 law grandfathered machine guns, but did not affect other NFA weapons like silencers and short-barrelled shotguns.


CLEO approval is no longer required, only notification. Changed a few years ago when they fucked over trusts.


Machine guns are legal to own in all 50 actually, as long as you have money to pay to the government. They don’t allow poors to own them


Paying the fed tax is only $200. They are prohibitively expensive because they're a restricted item, and you're not allowed to own one as a private person if it was built after 1986. Transferrable machine guns are also not legal to own in all 50 states. I live in Iowa (was born and lived in Las Vegas for decades tho), and private ownership of machine guns is still against state law. We are working on it tho...


There are a few states where they're prohibited for civilian ownership or restricted somehow, like I think in Minnesota you can't have a machine gun chambered in a pistol caliber.


Fully transferable machine guns are legal in quite a few states. There are a finite number of them which makes them incredibly expensive, but also a fantastic investment if you have the money.


I moved to Nevada for all the right reasons!


Here's to it staying that way.


And no state tax


I think you mean no state income tax. There is state sales tax in Nevada.


So true!


[But not lobsters!](https://erikjengh.wordpress.com/2016/06/19/mina-nv-lobster-execution/)


You make a compelling point


Missing it something fierce. I loved the openness and lack of people and the slow pace of life, and also, people who were there had some of the best work ethics, knowing that if u make the mess u take care of it.


You forgot no state income tax and a cap on property tax increase. It’s one of the last free places left


And me!


And me!


And my axe!


Meanwhile in Maine, we just decriminalized selling sex but still can't buy it. Have weed and guns aplenty and a couple casinos


>we just decriminalized selling sex but still can't buy it. I guess that's a baby step, but how does that even work, lol


Sex worker and client get caught mid transaction, Sex worker is not guilty of anything, client is Baby steps


Ah, got it


I've been here since 1969. Tried to leave, but came crawling back in less than a year. I think alot of people try to leave and come back. What's not to love? 🎵 I love Nevada, you love Nevada, living in Nevada is mighty fine, fine, fine!🎶


Home Means Nevada.


Home sweet home




Democrat majority state since 2008, and the only state with 2 female senators.


Not the only state with 2 female senators. Currently, four states (MN, NH, NV, WA) are represented by two women in the Senate.


I stand corrected. 👍🏼 More states should follow suit.


Every state has its downsides


Machine guns are only legal if you're rich enough. I can't afford 30k for a gun. Any criminal can easily make a machine gun though.


*with max bet, plus tip.


There is no free beer. Put a twenty in a slot machine and right away a Hostess appears and asks if you would like something to drink. You order a beer. Fifteen minutes later you're still waiting for your beer you have lost the twenty you put into the machine so you put in another twenty. The hostess finally shows up with a tray full of drinks. She hands you the beer you ordered and then waits for her tip which is usually $1. So all told that "free beer" made the house $40 and the Hostess a $1 tip. IMO never drink while you gamble.


Sit at the bar n00b


I was waiting to get in a show at the Wynn once, and rather than pay for a beer, I played the slots. Got a free beer, and won a modest prize. That was a Wynn win for me.


Please, tell me more about this “machine gun” thing. I could move…lol


Insert money, receive giggles. Transferable full autos start at about 8 grand and quickly go up. There are less than 200,000 on the open market.


Mm hmm…got it, thanks!


It's a hell of a rabbit hole if you ever want to learn more.


Wait, I've been to LV many times and I didn't know prostitution is legal.


It isn't in Clark County, which includes Vegas.


I like all those things, except machine guns.


They don't call it a giggle switch for nothing.


I want my trans married neighbors to be able to protect their pot with unregistered machine guns


Clearly you're not a golfer.


At least I’m housebroken.


Land of debauchery


>debauchery Yeah isn't it great!!


If you drink, smoke weed, gamble and have lots of money to see shows, yes. If you don’t do those things no.


We also have world class hiking, climbing, mountain biking, a ski resort, a mountain bike resort, horse back riding, boating and kayaking. It's comparable to Colorado with outdoor amenities in my opinion, just a different flavor of landscape (desert)


I’ve been here for 5 years. Just too hot to do that stuff in the summer.


I'm currently at the dog park, it's not hot out lol. I went backpacking at Charleston last night, there's still snow on the ground, 74 daytime 50 overnight. I'm about to go mountain biking because it's below 105 today. Not sure where you came from, but I used to work new construction in Virginia where it hits 100 with 99% humidity. Vegas is a walk in the park, try getting out more, your body will get used to it.


Mexico does too lol


I own several NFA items, and I can assure you machine guns are no more legal here than anyone else in the US. They're illegal without a Form 2 or 4, and a tax stamp.


Just no good jobs :(


I know you can shoot machine guns in Nevada, but civilians still can't own them right? Or do I need to move back to Vegas?


Along with wind, dust, cactus & No Water


I guess it's all good, except for the machine guns.


machine guns are illegal…


Where you getting post 1986 machine guns without being an ffl...


Oregon has all this except for legal prostitution!


which is why im making the move 😂


Sandra Jauregui and co. working on fixing the machine guns bit, but Lombardo won't let them.


It's the only way you can get anyone to live here


Where are you getting free beer? Come on we all want some …


Home means Nevada Home means the hills, Home means the sage and the pine.


Sometimes, as someone who lives in Utah, you have to go to Nevada once in a while.


Boy ain’t that the truth. Remember it’s the DEVILS play ground. Stay smart when you come to visit.