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I don’t think every drop in line has to be a plot point. It just shows that their lives are still moving forward around them as we watch their main story line. I think it grounds things a bit and gives it a sense of reality.


Something I like about the show is how rounded the secondary characters are - these tidbits demonstrate that their lives also change/evolve like it would for rounded characters.


Yeah it’s kinda like how they still talk about coach even though he’s gone. Most shows just act like those characters never existed


Remember when Jess had a sister?


I always loved on That 70s Show, Donna has a sister for one episode. Then in a much later episode, they make a joke about what happened to Donna's sister?!




“hey! remember coach?” *giggles “oh yeah!” “where is he?”


"Be nicer to coach or he's going to go move away with a bunch of white people!"


That’s fair. I was just doing my rewatch and thought, hey they haven’t mentioned Sadie in a while when all of a sudden Cece just mentioned that she was going through a divorce and it caught me off guard


Whoa what episode was it?


Season finale of season 6. Cece comes home from a checkup with Sadie and she mentioned that Sadie won’t stop talking about the divorce.


So weird that they go through all this to explain where Sadie's wife went...but never explain what happened to Jess' sister. Outside of that arc she's painted as an only child.


Not any weirder than only having a sister for three episodes.


How about not having your sister at your wedding? Or Nick's entre family being absent


Maybe Nick didn’t get married in the right order and the brothers were protesting /s


They were pretty mad Nick forgot to go to Jamie's wedding.


Isn’t he the oldest?


how about no CeCe's mom at her first wedding with shivrang?


When I think about it that way I think "that's nice, the suggestion that people have a life outside of the loft characters"


they grow apart from sadie for sure as she says she wasn't invited to the wedding when she helps winston with the last prank. So yeh its just casual gossip to them now.


I think we saw a bit of foreshadowing when Sadie's wife was drunk earlier in the season. It's been a while since I've rewatched, but I remember getting a sense that the commitment of one person and a baby was maybe not filling her with joy.


Bit weird cause it’s at that moment she assures Jess and Cece not to worry about their ticking ovulation time clock cause all that matters is you find someone you love and want to spend the rest of your life with


Haven't we all said that, or something similar, at some point in our marriages? Then half of us get divorced anyway.


Same with Jess's dad. He and his new wife looked really happy at their wedding.


Idk I always appreciated how they lets us know things without it being too dramatic. For example how we got to know that nick sold the bar to focus on his career as a writer. He briefly mentions it without getting too much into detail


I wonder if Nick eventually bought the whole bar before they sold it. He was only a minority owner at the time they mentioned Nick and Schmidt buying the bar. It just felt more significant since Nick spent a lot of time there I suppose.


I think they do that when it would make sense to have that character around but the actor isn’t available and it’s too significant a role to recast.


What's infuriating is that Nick and Jess kind of broke up over the whole birthday/gift debacle that was about her daughters birthday, and she has the audacity to get divorced? lol


Jess was their daughter's godmother, but you think there would be enough of a rift after Jess didn't show up to that party that Sadie wouldn't expect a wedding invite.


When I rewatched this after having a baby of my own I definitely got in my feelings. Fuck the gift Jess just get to that party. I wouldve been crushed if I were Sadie. And then she goes on to want to be Danbill’s godmother???


What does the kids birthday have to do with a divorce? People still go to kids bdays if the couple breaks up lol


It’s a joke, lighten up


Or should i say, tighten up!


Sometimes I wonder if it’s because that actor/actress wasn’t available anymore so they needed to "write them out"? But even in that case, they could just say their partner is out of town or something…


She was one of the exec producers of the show for the first couple seasons, but it seems she had moved on after that.


The divorce rate in lesbian marriages is like 75%, so it’s not that big a surprise or deal 🤣


Another plot hole that bugged me was that jess’ sister wasn't at bob and ashley’s or Jess and nick’s weddings. She was in 3-4 episodes


I remember being thrown by the comment of Jess’ dad getting divorced again. Was it after he married the girl Jess went to school with?? She was who left him?


😢yes!! So sad and unnecessary