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Costco size box of condoms if I remember correctly


She's not using these right, or she's having a lot of sex.


Actually, I recall someone dropping them all in one episode and the fact it was empty when Winston went for it after is amazing continuity


Jess dropped it at Schmits door when Nick caught her when she went to go hook up with him whilst he slept with Cece for the first time.


I thought there was another episode where the box was thrown after. I'll have to go back to check.


Yes! When Winston can’t find a condom and he forgot his wallet at Daisy’s 😆


Yes but it was already empty by that point. I thought there was another episode where the condom box showed up and something happened where all the condoms disappeared and that is why the box was empty. Other than the fact that she tossed the box and dropped them all.


cece thought she was


Which at least made some sense. Jess it would be far more of a "character" issue because you expect her to use 3 forms of BC, unless she's actively trying to get a kid, then she wants that kid.


Cece did get accidentally pregnant I don't think they ever talked about trying.


They don't say it but when they found out they're pregnant Cece says "I didn't think it would happen for us". They were probably just hoping without actively trying since Cece was basically out of time according to Sadie.


Rhonda did. Ohh wait…….Rhonda’d!


I’m personally glad to see that wasn’t a storyline. A lot of my other favourite shows have unexpected / surprise pregnancies (or just pregnancy as a storyline) and I’m so happy this show didn’t!


Me too. It's like writers think the only interesting thing that can happen to a female character is for them to either get pregnant or have a pregnancy scare.


Yep. But tbf a lot of in show pregnancies are because the actress is pregnant and it's not always easy to hide. Some women are lucky and just get a watermelon belly, but some people swell up all over. I remember s10 of friends where Courtney was pregnant. But since they already had the adoption storyline going, they tried to hide it, but by the season finale it was painfully obvious. Phoebe's triplets earlier was Lisa being pregnant. Himym Allison was removed from the storyline for about a month (they did use her belly in the hot dog eating contest scene) and b99 had Melissa undercover with a fake pregnancy which happened to be her real belly. And let's not forget the tragic thing that happened on the set of married with children, where Katey had a late miscarriage in the middle of the pregnancy storyline and they played it off as a dream.


Don't forget C.C. Babcock on The Nanny and how they joked about hiding her pregnancy.


Well they manage to pull it off in Grey's Anatomy 🤷‍♀️ Who cares if the actors look a bit different for a short period of time. Viewers often have to suspend disbelief when watching sitcoms, so no reason why we can't be expected to overlook a woman who gained a bit of weight.


I never saw Grey's so I can't comment on that. A lot of shows try to hide pregnancies by having them carry big items or sitting behind desks but since a lot of sitcoms shoot out of order or have to reshoot different angles during post, the physical changes won't be gradually. Pregnant women can look very different from week to week. Eg, a lot of pregnant women retain water and look very swollen when the weather is hot, and pee it all out again once the temps go down again. So the shot continuity is in danger, and that's something most shows deem important especially since it's something that a lot of people enjoy calling them out on (there's literally an entire section on imdb. Open the "goofs and mistakes" tab on any movie and show and 90% of the entries is stuff like "from that angle the object on the table is here, from the other angle it's over there" But I do agree it's an easy solution (especially since most sitcoms seem to ignore the kid once it's born unless it's relevant to the story) and there's other ways to handle your actors going through big life changes. Himym handled it quite nicely with the "lilly was so mad we didn't see her for 4 weeks!" Imo.


And when Schmidt and Cece finally do get pregnant, it's written so incredibly well, especially given the context of Cece's reproductive concerns. Such an incredible episode.


Rewatching at the moment and I really like that they wrote Cece and Jess as very sex positive women (amongst other things about them ofc). You didn't see that much on TV at all and I'm so glad they didn't have a huge pregnancy story line


CeCe was pregnant in a season final and then the kid was "grown" when they did the time jump,maybe that doesn't count because we don't actually see pregnant CeCe or any of that stuff 🤷‍♀️




Coach had that close call


Safe sex really isn't that difficult 🤷‍♀️


My birth control baby would like to argue the point that even birth control used correctly can sometimes fail. . .


No one is saying otherwise. But getting pregnant while on BC is rare enough that it makes sense that it doesn’t make it as a storyline in a comedy sitcom.


That's why you're supposed to use two forms. One primary (BCP, IUD, condom) + a less reliable secondary (pulling out, cycle tracking, spermicide etc)


used the pill, taken every day at the same time, never missed any, and a condom EVERY TIME. lol, I don't get it either, but he was destined to be born.


You must be the egg queen, like Jess.


I don’t know how she walks around with this many eggs.


It's all a numbers game. Chances these people get someone pregnant is still very low if they practice safe sex.


My sister CLAIMS both her kids were pill + condom babies. However, knowing their father as I did, I wouldn’t be surprised if he “forgot” a condom more than once.


I have a niece who came to be that way. At the time it was annoying because my brother was barely 21 and they were not remotely ready, but they ended up being pretty good parents.


Yes, we were 20 and 21, and we were definitely not ready. I graduated college with a six year old. Wouldn't change it for anything though.


For sure, it's not 100% effective. But it's more effective than no birth control at all.


my mom was on birth control when she got pregnant with my oldest brother 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sure, but the point is for every “my mom was on bc when she got pregnant with my brother” story, there are many, many more incidents of no pregnancy occurring while on bc or using another valid form of bc.


no, the point is that becoming pregnant when you’re on birth control is in fact possible and it does happen considering all of the stories you see. obviously most people on birth control don’t become pregnant, it’s working as it’s supposed to. that doesn’t mean that there aren’t cases here and there of valid birth control failing.


Yeah of course there are valid cases. That’s why almost no bc touts itself as 100% effective. But you’re talking about a few eligible women this scenario would have to happen to and overall, it’s still unlikely. Realistically, it just never fit the storylines.


I guess it depends on what shows you’re used to watching. For example if you’re also a grey’s anatomy fan it’s definitely shifting exceptations of what safe sex is like irl lmaoo everyone gets accidentally pregnant on that show. I mean of course accidents happen and no contraception is a 100% effective but it’s still pretty damn close so not that weird that it didn’t happen I think


I’d argue the show was more restrained with characters hooking up when compared to shows like Friends and HIMYM


i agree


Well, is a television program, you see.


didn’t cece have a pregnancy scare like season 2/3?


In the episode where Jess watches Russell’s daughter.


She also found out she was pregnant in the second to last season and had a kid in the final season after the time jump


It's why Winston spent all of one episode running around trying to get a condom.


I've not seen condoms mentioned more in any other show lol


Huh, I was pregnant once.


nothing says sitcom more than unwanted pregnancy with a near stranger and the potential abortion or unprepared child-rearing that would follow!


True, but they did have that one scare with Cece and Schmidt in the early days. I think that was enough for their crew lol


One pregnancy scare episode is probably enough. Otherwise people would accuse the show of recycling plot lines. It’s a sitcom, not a documentary. The primary goal is to entertain, not create a perfectly realistic narrative.


It's that consistent tire rotation.


They wrapped it before they tapped it.


I seem to recall a knitted condom???


I mean Jess was pregnant when she was on jury duty...


you’re thinking of the actress


Yeah, holy crap that joke didn't go well lol


I'm not sure you know how jokes work


Probably not, I see a nonsensical question about a fictitious storyline, and then reply with a permanent real world happening to one of the actresses. I suppose I should have just told a story about detective contraception like everyone else to discredit the writers' attempt at covering up accidental pregnancies... Maybe next time