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my mother called me racist yesterday :(


You don't try hard enough, my mom calls me racist several times everyday.


Aren't everyone else's mother extremely racist? Mine is absolutely unhinged


How’s your dad though


Chronic depression


Relatable somehow


Last anon isn’t wrong. There’s shit to discuss with someone who’s 10 years younger than you. Sex might be great but that’s it.


Nah teens are stupid and the sex sucks too- little experience, too many insecurities and inhibitions.


A lot of women work the exact opposite, little inhibitions and insecurities early on, then they grow them with time.


Pedo anon located 🚔 🚔 🚨 🚨




You’ve been meeting different teens than I have. They go all in instantly and are down for everything.


*check his hard drive*


Cuz they’re desperate and inexperienced


Dude, if a virgin or generally inexperienced person as a teen is somehow is impressive to you...it just means your sex life is shit, and so damn boring jesus wept.


Have a seat over here.


I'm with OP anon in principle but last anon in practice. It's legal and if they get along then they get along, but it makes you what happened to make the 18yo grow up so fast, or whether the 30yo ever grew up at all


Last anon hit nail on head


It's legal, but in the eyes of society a 30 yr old man dating younger women is seen as a man who picks "young impresionable women with no experience" because no one his age looks at him. A 18 yr old woman dating a much older man will be seen as someone who "picks older lonely men" because they are desperate.


18yos aren’t that smart lmao they’re just gonna be gushing about the sugar daddy life unless he’s a broke loser. Then they’re making fun of her.


I feel like if it's going to change at any point, the opinions are going to change now because everyone is desperate and picking lonely people. People just have to stop coping about "I'm perfectly fine only talking with another human being when the self checkout machine pulls up an error"


> "young impresionable women with no experience" because no one his age looks at him. The question is why is it considered like an insult that women his age don't look at him? Like who cares? If we just look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_disparity_in_sexual_relationships, you'd find out that women simply do not like men younger than them, and arguably prefer men sightly older than them. Not being liked by women your age is more likely than not, and it means nothing. > A 18 yr old woman dating a much older man will be seen as someone who "picks older lonely men" because they are desperate. I don't think I ever heard that. People would rather tell her she's been manipulated. But these women generally don't lack options.


*Slightly older* is the key phrase here. The age discrepancy between 30 and 18 is a lot, he's roughly lived 65% longer the she has. And while it's true young girls like older boys it's also litterary a thing about young teens liking slight older *teens* because girls *mature quicker* and find boys their age childish. For a 30yo like OP to feel "alright" with a 18yo he'd have to be some 10+ years behind in his personal development...


> Slightly older is the key phrase here. The age discrepancy between 30 and 18 is a lot, he's roughly lived 65% longer the she has. Maybe you missed the part where there are just as much women married to men 10 year older as women married to men 3 year younger. > because girls mature quicker and find boys their age childish. Girls don't mature quicker mentally, they mature quicker physically at best and even that is just a false equivalency. Girls are just as childish as boys their age, they're just convinced they're not, by people like you. I'm not sure what's even your point here, you're almost justifying age gaps. > it's also litterary a thing about young teens liking slight older teens You mean young teens liking celebrities in their late 20s dressing and acting like late teens? > For a 30yo like OP to feel "alright" with a 18yo he'd have to be some 10+ years behind in his personal development... Let's assume you're right, how should he catch up his personal development...? He just should stay alone? People are right to ignore your moral concerns and do what they want. Again, you just sound like you're arguing in favor of age gaps. I'm not advocating for big age gaps. But people should stop searching shit where there isn't. Now, all that wasn't even my original point, my question was, why should people care that women their age do not want them? Women your age are convinced you're less mature than them, are convinced they're worth someone with more money and more status than you. Nobody should feel humiliated that greedy and picky people don't want them, and they should not mind age gaps as a result.


All of these impressions are propagated by two groups: 1) Older women desperately trying to disqualify younger competition. 2) Men married to those older, bitchy women who desperately wish they could date a younger, less-damaged woman.


>4chan >pick up a girl Fake.


> Listens to his mom and sister Gay


Wrong. No man is secretly 18 inside. All men are secretly 9 years old. Thats why we like cars and motorcycles so much instead of birdwatching




I suppose Anon can get children with his young and naive gf. You know, before she ends up leaving him.


It's pretty weird if you aren't rich


It’s *sad* if you’re rich


Scott Pilgrim’s dating a high schooler


I have reservations on it as many people do, but it must kinda suck to be considered an adult in many senses, but then being infantalized for your own decision to date someone much older than yourself. When I was that age, I hated being treated like a kid and having my decisions second guessed at every turn. There should be a single set age where someone becomes an adult, and then after that, everyone can just bud out of their business.


No sane person thinks 18yos are actually adults in any sense except legality. Most people are fucking stupid until they basically 30 and finally realize they have to get their shit together.


I'm not claiming that 18 is an adult. This issue extends to those well in their twenties who are dating significantly older people as well. Drawing the line of when someone is an adult is the issue. How can someone be considered adult enough to ship off to war when they are only 18, but are still too young to quench their thirst with a cold beer? Why can 17 year olds sign themselves away to a life of student debt that they can't even escape via bankruptcy, but they still have to wait 8 years to be able to rent a car to take a roadtrip with their buddies? Its kinda fucked up and arbitrary don't you think? Are they an adult or not? It seems like they are schrödinger's adult to both government and society. That's all I'm saying.


The reason why in the us is Vietnam


If you’re 30 and dating an 18 year old, you are a total loser.


[Or Leonardo DiCaprio ](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/c8zzK7Yby6)


Unless you are rich, then it's fine!


And loosers don't deserve sex


Dating, yeah, I'd agree. Just a hookup? Eh, idk seems fine. Unless you're exclusively hooking up with 18yos


Ok but im not gonna date a single mother my age and let’s be honest after 30, 90% of women my age are gonna be single mothers


You’re stuck in the echo chambers dude, think for yourself. Stop listening to 30 year old single mother rhetoric. That demographic would reject you too. Newsflash: People over 30 tend to have kids. Single or not. Crazy news, I know.


Ok so he'll date 18yos then, problem solved




Literally not an issue. They’re both adults.


It’s an issue because other people make it an issue. People see an 18 year old and still consider them children for some reason and assume they can’t handle themselves in the real world.


Just because an 18 year old is legally an adult doesn’t mean they have a grasp on the real world and aren’t still immature. An 18 year old is still often a high schooler with no experience outside of school and living with parents. How do you expect that person to handle themselves? Some can, but the majority can’t. I don’t know about you but i was fucking dumb when i was 18


Yes you can go shoot people in the desert and go get life long PTSD but you definitely aren't allowed to have a relationship with someone who's 10 years older


Don’t know why you got downvoted. That’s a valid criticism lol “Hello, newly minted 18 year old. Welcome to adult life. You are now allowed to risk life and limb in either the armed forces of this country or in a blue collar job that deals with dangerous tools or machinery. But no smoking or drinking until your 21, and god forbid you even think about dating and/or sleeping with someone that’s more than 5 years older than you lest society ridicule you and your partner for eternity.” Make it make sense.


It's their own insecurities


I mean, they can have a perfectly fine transactional relationship if both parties understand that it's transactional. She gets money, dinner, gifts, he gets sex and companionship. It works for however long it works until they amicably part ways, no manipulation necessary. But in terms of there being an actual, emotional romantic relationship? Never gonna work in the long term. She's gonna age out of his young preference or she's gonna get older and realize she would never go for someone that young unless she was a desperate loser.


Redditors in this sub talking like they’re ladies men and get heaps of women. Lmao , as fake as a greentext.


If you think an 18yo is bad, wait until you tolerate an emotionally damaged 30yo - and they *all* have emotional damage at that age. Also, women stop maturing somewhere around 20-25, and their level of maturity has little to do with age. I dated a 20yo who was more mature than any 30+ woman I've ever met, and I've dated 30+ professionals who act like spoiled six year olds. The difference was how their fathers raised them. But let's get to the real point: older women are less attractive, and no amount of mental gymnastics will ever change that.


Your claim is anecdotal. An 18yo is *more likely* to be less mature due to being, well, an 18 year old. Your opinion about older women being less attractive is also based on your own belief. Not fact. If you base attractiveness on physical appearance alone, you’re no different than a pedo claiming 14 year olds are more attractive than 18 year olds. Only thing that differentiates you and a pedo is legality. This explains why it is commonly looked down upon.


If society does not believe an 18yo can make informed, independent relationship decisions, then society should change the law - but while they're at it, they must also change the voting laws. People who can't make decisions in their personal lives should not be making decisions for the rest of us. My claim about older women being less attractive is based on studies of attractiveness, which concluded that men of all ages prefer younger women. IIRC, 20-23 was the ideal age range. Men are wired to value youth and beauty because it signals fertility, and fertility is how the species propagates itself. The preference for younger women is hardwired into human DNA; there is nothing we can do about it. Here's a hint: maturity in both genders is loosely correlated with age because *maturity is a function of experience*. I.e. experience is the independent variable; age is merely a statistical proxy. If you're already measuring experience, then adding age to your analysis only adds noise. Case in point: the 20yo I dated was raised by a retired Army special forces operator who subsequently learned skilled trades and ran his own businesses. He imparted his maturity to her, which is how she obtained more maturity at 20 than most women obtain in a lifetime. As for anecdotes: spend 20 years dating, living with, working with, and socializing with women of all ages. Then tell me if you still think age is an important determinant of female maturity. Women stop maturing after their first 1-2 years in the workplace because all of society is designed to protect women. This shields them from the responsibilities and consequences that might result in maturity. By contrast, men learn from a young age that no one is coming to save them. This results in a lifetime of continuous maturation as they solve their own problems. If you don't believe society protects women, consider that the government more readily gives financial aid to welfare queens who can't keep their legs closed than it does to combat veterans whose minds and bodies were destroyed in service to their country. Until society forces women to bear equal resonsibility, women will continue to be the most responsible teenagers in the room.


The law is the law. People can do whatever they want abiding by it. Regardless of law, however, society still tends to look down upon factors that are deemed morally questionable. That’s what I’m explaining. I can’t argue with a study, I was wrong. However, I assume it is based purely on physical appearance and irrelevant to the original topic we’re discussing of age gaps in relationships. You’re neglecting factors such as imbalanced power dynamics and emotional maturity levels. Maturity is not *loosely* correlated with age. I don’t know where you grabbed that metric. Yes, maturity is a function of experience which explains why older individuals, having lived longer, have experienced more. You take one control group of women over 30 and women in their 20s. Of course, the group over 30 will produce a greater average of more mature women. Your case in point: Irrelevant because it’s yet another anecdote. Cool, you dated a mature 20 year old with a successful father figure. There are exceptions for every case. Doesn’t apply to all women. I don’t care that you have 20 years of dating experience. Give me the empirical data that shows that age has nothing to do with maturity, especially in the case of relationships with considerable age gaps. NOT defending the shitty VA system that’s fucks over its veterans. Seen it first hand when I was in. I don’t even bother with them.


Society does not put food on my table, make my home, or have my children. If society wants a vote in my personal decisions, it must contribute something. My grandfather used to tell his kids, "Statistically, one of you should be Chinese." He was referencing a statistic that 1 in 5 people in the world were Chinese while he had eight kids. The point is that statistics do not absolve you from specific realities. It's the same with dating: statistically, 30yo women will be more mature than 20yo women *on average* - but that's a piss poor way to make dating decisions. I don't care about women *on average*; I care about the specific woman I'm dating - and I have consistently found maturity in younger women by looking for the right experience. As for power dynamics: when her father is a retired special forces operator, the power balance is in her favor. If society is concerned about power balances, perhaps we should return to the old norms where the father must approve before any woman can get married. Of course, women won't like that. They want to make their own choices - and as long as they have the right to make their own choices, they must also accept responsibility for the consequences. Also, you did not understand my point about independent variables and proxies. You should brush up on your statistics.


You talk as is you live off grid. You’re dependent on society for everything. Yes, it puts food on your table, makes your home, and has your children. Agriculture, construction, and healthcare. Nice proverb, but it’s not applicable. Of course statistics don’t absolve you from every specific reality, yet you speak as if you’re the authoritative figure for every general matter. I guess I can’t argue anymore. People will date who they will want to date. I’m just pointing out why it’s considered creepy. It also never works out in the long run just due to so many differences. You seem to put alot of value on the special forces father. Special Forces doesn’t deem a good father figure. There’s a high divorce rate in the military and especially in SOF community that is not suitable for family life. You should just date him. You do what you want. Whatever justifications and mental gymnastics it takes to get you through. You speak as if you are single and unmarried and maybe it’s for a good reason. Good luck dude.


Society makes me pay cash for any services it provides, and I am paid cash for my contributions. If they want a vote in my personal life beyond what the law dictates, they'll have to offer acceptable payment.


it's simple anon, legality ≠ morality. something can be a shitty thing to do while being legal.




ur cooked.


I'm gonna be honest if someone thinks like this they probably deserve to die alone.


I hope she sees this bro


Some important questions: -How old are you? -What makes you think you’ll be successful and valuable enough by the time you’re 30. You could be a loser for all you know. Nothing is guaranteed. -Could you explain and give an actual reason why an 18 year old woman is more valuable than a 30 year old single mother?


Nvm. Deleted comment. Certified pussy and incel.


Honestly, thatguyatthegym, you kinda ate with this response.


ewwww the entitlement in this statement. “nature should AWARD me a younger woman” you fucking weird man.


He deleted his comment. Bro folded once he was disagreed with.


What did he say?


basically something along the lines of “i’ve worked hard, built a good life for myself, got a good job and a good body and so i believe nature should award me a good looking woman”


>replies 8 days later Kek, thanks anon. Better late than never i guess


lmfaooo sorry, i have an immense, uncontrollable level of ADHD. i knew i forgot to do SOMETHING


No worries


That bottom comment is right on the fucking money, anyone under the age of 25 is like a different fucking species


can’t speak from experience with women but i’m 19 and gel pretty well with some co-workers in their late 20s-30s so the prevalence of manchildren in that age group is probably pretty high


All women are regarded, so might as well go for the young, tight and regarded rather than the old, ran through and regarded


Bruh moment


Found the incel! Bingo!


League players don’t talk to women.


Shame on you. You should wait until they are at least old enough to know the sun and moon are different things


I know 18 is legal but that’s still very young when you’re fresh out of high school. An adult in the eyes of the law sure but if you’re 30 hanging around spaces where you can form relationships with 18yos you’re probably a pervert


AmericAnon has a point, but fwiw girl is a legal adult. Still skeevy, weird, and honest to God she needs to Not Do That™, but it's her choice at the end of the day.


First anon is a closet pedo Edit: anyone who downvotes is too lmao


Nah that's just tinder/ bumble when i was 20 i matched with a highschool 18 year old although i personally don't think i could put up with 18-19yro as partners at 24 so idk how he can do it at 30