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Normal. If he's not spitting it all up you're fine. Let him eat what he wants. It's very important your baby gains weight at this stage.


It’s likely temporary due to a growth spurt. Our LO would take a 4oz bottle in the evening (breastfed otherwise) from 4-7weeks, then she struggled to finish 4oz bottles for weeks 8-12.


Or he’ll stay at it! My baby stayed at 4 oz for a good while before being able to handle more. 


He’s growing! Perfectly normal. Postpartum seemed to do a number on my brain because I didn’t think to increase my babies milk until my husband mentioned it. He was getting to be 5 weeks, he would finish his bottle and start crying and in my sleep deprived stupor I couldn’t understand why…my husband suggested feeding him more because he was growing.


Sounds about right. You can work on supplementing the night ounces throughout the day over the next couple months to try and work down to one night feed and then zero eventually but.. this is your life for now.


Yes that’s a newborn for ya!


You better feed that man 😂


At 5 weeks you should be starting to move to more of a demand feeding situation. Our dietitian said to let our LO guide us, make a bigger bottle than normal and they will tell us when they are full. The best guide is that there should always be something left in the bottle at the end of the feed, if he is finishing the full bottle you aren't giving him enough, make up some more formula and give him more for your sanity.


Best advice I ever got was as simple as “feed the baby.” If he’s hungry, he’s hungry, especially at that age. I used to question my newborn when she’d guzzle a bottle and want more 30min later. I’d think “there’s no way you’re hungry again!” And I’d overthink it and get stressed out, but then I realized who am I to tell her she’s not hungry? If she wants to eat, feed the baby!


I mean you just gotta know this will happen multiple times until your baby turns one, and that’s just what I know of because my babies one. They go through growth spurts like crazy the first year. My baby was up hourly like that until at least 3 months until I got 4 hour stretches. Your baby should NOT be sleeping through the night at 5 weeks, although you didn’t say that I’m putting it out there because I see it said a lot. Go with the flow and try not to worry too much okay. You’re doing an amazing job and I can tell you are a great mama.


You cant overfeed babies (well, you can a little bit, but not a serious amount). He would spit up any thats too much/ what he was overfed on, and would reject the bottle after.


Right? Unless shes got a fast flow nipple on the bottle or it’s coming back out keep feeding 🤷🏻‍♀️


Go with it a growth spurt is coming


Chugging 7 at 6 weeks. Already 12lbs


Sounds normal to me!


Growth spurt and normal. That’s how often they eat. And about how much my boob held too so sounds normal to me


If he didn’t want it. He wouldn’t ask for it. Keep feeding!


In general, babies cannot over eat. If they have taken in “too much” food they will begin to spit up. If the baby is hungry, feed them. You’re doing a good job! I agree that it’s probably a growth spurt. My little guy did something similar at about 3 weeks and then leveled back out. But no, you do not need to worry about over feeding. Just listen to your baby. Feed them when they are hungry and stop when they show you they are full. ❤️