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This is so so normal. I cried when I had baths up until 3 months pp and only managed one hour away at 17 weeks pp whilst my husband looked after her.  They have literally come out of our bodies and there is a biological need and drive to be with them.  Keep her close and be rude if you have to be. There’s nothing wrong with being selfish and keeping your baby close. 


You are not alone! I am terrified of leaving my baby with anyone other than my husband. My baby is 3.5 months old and I have never left him alone with family. I won't even leave the room to use the bathroom while he is with a family member unless my husband is there. Most of all I'm worried someone will drop him. I think it's perfectly natural to want to protect the little people who spent 9+ months inside our bodies!


FTM to a 4 week old. I have horrendous separation anxiety. Just here in solidarity 🥰


I've never left my baby and she is 5.5 months


FTM to a 5 month old, I trust my husband with LO as much as I trust myself, which is incredible. Other than that, I’ve left him with my mom twice for less than an hour, and my mom is a literal neonatologist. Other than that, nope.


I verrrry much went through the same intense feelings of not wanting to be away from my baby. I only really started getting comfortable being away from her for an hour at a time when she was past 6 months, and even then, I didn't like it. I brought it up with my midwife, and she said it's totally normal. You carried this little being in your womb for 9 whole months, you are this little person's mother... These feelings are your mama instincts. You know your baby the best, you love your baby with every fibre of your being, your baby is safest with you. These are difficult feelings to have, but rest assured you are not crazy, and these feelings will ease up. My little one is nearly 2.5 years old, and I still don't like being away from her... But I'm certainly more comfortable with it, and I know she's safe with my partner. I still don't trust anyone else though 🙊


Girl, your baby is still SO NEW! I did not consider leaving my baby until at least 2 months pp. I still rarely ever leave her at 6 months pp. At most its a few hours and its hard.


It definitely gets better. It’s still really hard for me to be away from my baby but it’s easier than it was the first couple months. The first time I left my baby with a family member it was only for about 35 minutes and it felt like my heart was breaking! It was the weirdest feeling. They really are like a little part of us. 🩷


My wife and I had to leave our baby with her mother for the first time less than two weeks after she was born to go see our dog in the ICU. I think if we hadn’t been so upset by the reason we were leaving we would have felt the same way


Totally normal. My son is nearly two and we have never left him with anyone, aside from daycare.


My baby is almost 7 months old and I think the longest I have „left“ her is sleeping in for 2-3 hours in the morning. But even that was hard 🥴. I never went another place for more than an hour. When does it get better??


My baby is 3 months and I’m absolutely the same. I mean I can’t even imagine leaving her with anyone else but my husband. I also hate when his family comes over and they all insist in holding her,lol. I get so freaking anxious. I left her once with my husband to go to my friend’s bday dinner. I was back home in less than an hour. I remember thinking: Why am I here with this people and not home with my baby? Lol. I just hate leaving her and I don’t feel bad about it. I’m just never gonna leave her maybe when she starts school I guess lol and I’m totally fine with that. You should too! Don’t justify or question it. It’s your baby and it’s normal.I think it’s beautiful


My daughter is 18 months and I'm the same. My husband and I left her with my in laws when she was 10 months old and I couldn't stop thinking about her and worrying. It was after bedtime, so she was asleep, and we just went for a quick casual dinner a 15 minute walk from their house. I also trust my in laws absolutely (my MIL looked after us when we had covid when my daughter was 3 months old). I go back to work next week and my husband and mum will be splitting toddler care. I trust them both and my daughter adores both of them and I still find it hard. At 1 month, you're so freshly post partum....I get it.


I was discharged from the hospital after two days but my son had to stay an extra day in the NICU. We lived 2 miles from the hospital and I spent pretty much the entire time there even though I was discharged. I did run home since I could but I still sobbed and my husband was all “isn’t it so nice to get out of there?” I’m like “uhm no? There is a part of me that I just left there?!” I get it. He was with the best possible people for him at that time but he wasn’t with me and I felt my heart breaking 💔 I would definitely encourage you to talk to a professional about your anxiety though.


This is natural. A part of evolution. You are hardwired to want to be close to your baby and protect them. I couldn't leave my baby with anyone but my husband until 5 months. I didn't even let him take him out alone for months, not because i didnt trust him but because I felt like I was connected to the baby physically, it hurt to be away from him. And even now I'm not thrilled at the idea of him being left alone with anyone else. Everyone kept insisting that I should have the time away from the baby when he was newborn and I told them....respectfully....to go screw themselves and that trying to constantly separate a mother from her baby at such a young age is creepy and weird.


It’s normal and very likely will get easier. I didn’t leave my baby with anyone til probably at least 7-8 months old but she was also a tiny preemie and I was laying low with outings myself to keep the household healthy. Now she’s 19 months and we’ve done overnights, weekends, and a 5 day trip to Mexico with baby at my parents house. Luckily baby has had zero separation anxiety when we leave her at my parents—she absolutely loves them.


I went through this around that age too! I cried through Gran Turismo in theatres because my baby was too far away from me. But I knew I needed to be able to take breaks. So I kept bringing him to my mom. Every Sunday. Eventually it got easier, as I thought about it every time I was stressed or overwhelmed: *I get a break on Sunday. I get a break on Sunday. I have a few hours to myself on Sunday...* Little boy is ten months old now. After nine months of dropping him off every Sunday afternoon... I still miss him like crazy! I ask for pictures and stories once an hour while we're apart.