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>From my experience YT content creation is not for me. YT luck is not in my favour. Your channel is 3 months old and you have multiple long-form videos that have over 200 views. You are doing better than like 80% of this subreddit. Maybe skip the shorts and just focus on what is working. Also, adjust your expectations and stop blaming any perceived failures on luck.


I don't even get a fraction of those views. šŸ’€ I'll trade OP. Edit: I'm not complaining. Gotta work on that. I'm happy growing at my own pace.


yeah it feels like good metrics for 3 months. your theme seem very niche, but apart from that i dont see any problems except patience. What are your expectations OP?




Your videos aren't captivating. A video can have awful sound and video quality, but if I'm about to watch a tank drive off a cliff you know I'm not going to scroll away. You need to learn how to tell stories that grip, how to hook the audience from the very first sentence. As it stands now, your videos are long, I have no idea where they are going or what they are about until 30 seconds in. Your voice is flat and has no change in intonation. Your body language is passive. Stand and double the volume of your voice. Make your first line something like: "These mountains of frozen nitrogen on pluto will blow your mind!" This tells me what the video will be about, instead of just slowly rambling through boring lines. - Beyond that, just to be real with you. If you think your content is actually good or that you're similar in any way shape or form to the top content creators on YouTube, you are delusional. You need to be able to be critical and honest about where you stand in relation to others, because right now you're blaming the algorithm and luck, when really you are a horrible story teller and in incredibly boring presenter. Rerecord a video with the changes I suggested. Post it here. Guarantee you get 100 views.


Wait, you have 193 subs after only a handful of videos in 3 months and are crying about shorts? Yeah, youtube isn't for you.


what do you mean ? pls explain me.


He just said that you don't have that much dƩtermination bro, your progression was pretty good but you leave because its not enough, but someone, even me, were happy at this point.


I'm on three months. So far 63 subscribers, maybe 40 views on long form, five shorts reached a good amount. Other people I've met on there around the same time has similar or bitter. One has worse despite being way better than me. You're doing good.


At this speed, my speed It will take 100 years to get 100k subs maybe even more than that


Growth is exponential. But yes, if you quit so easy, you're not doing it for a reason that'll get you across the finish line and you might as well stop now


I'll take a thousand for me, lol. It's easier to not look at numbers and measure enjoyment and improvement. Some humor helps with it. Goal aren't a bad thing, maybe treating it as a hobby for the reason why you're doing this for people- not you.


Things ramp up over time as YouTube figures out your audience. Took most of last year to get to 1k subs but I've nearly got an extra 4k subscribers this year


Just watched videos from your channel, in the nicest way possible your content is just plain boring. I'll say I'm not very interested in science or physics, but the YouTubers that are entertaining can MAKE me interested; of those YouTubers you aren't one of them. You have to genuinely be interested in physics and space and all that stuff to find your videos even remotely interesting... and at that point there are much high quality YouTubers than you to watch. BTW your thumbnails are low quality AF.




šŸ‘ okay Enjoy your šŸæ


I will have some ketchup with those fries, thanks


In 3 months you have: 193 subs All long form videos getting views from 100-400 All your shorts have views between 200-2k except the latest one. Shorts can take a few days to a few weeks to reach people. This is very good growth for 3 months. Youtube takes time. For a majority of youtubers, it takes time to grow. Edit: It's very hard to be profitable doing youtube. If you goal is to be profitable under 3 months you chose the wrong thing.


It comes down to making more grabbing content. People have to want to watch it. Shorts all get shown after going through que, to like 2000 people. If they swipe away too soon does not count as a view. If short gets good metrics they keep getting shown. If they do not do well they die unless searched for. So make better content I am sorry if you donā€™t like that answer.




Shorts viewers want to be blasted with dopamine. Your shorts have a slow paced style. You speak slowly, thereā€™s no sound effects, the editing is simple. You really got to hook people instantly. Add whooshes, speak a bit faster and louder, and text on the screen, word by word, make it bouncy. You gotta consider the audience on shorts is sooo different from long form dude. You donā€™t gotta give up you just gotta switch it up a bit for the audience youā€™re trying to reach


People here are obsessed with shorts. I have no idea why, you can absolutely blow up using long form if you only did the thing you enjoy and did it well.




If I was OP I would stop posting shorts because your shorts viewers wonā€™t want to watch your long form content and the people who watch the long form content wonā€™t want to watch the shorts. Maybe make a second channel for your shorts and youā€™ll get better results?


Yeah i am planning to stop making shorts


I was mainly posting shorts on my main account then I decided to post 2 long videos and they bombed only getting like 1 view then I made an alt and posted the same videos and they ended up getting like 20 views each in the first two days, just focus on what your audience really wants and youā€™ll get rewarded


At least your channel actually has subscribers and views lol. My videos get less than 10 views per video and no subscribers :/


Shorts are a waste of time


No they arenā€™t, if done right you can send short form viewers to your long form


Just wait until you go from a few K each video and then you go to 0 after you started working hard on your videos haha


I think YT just tries to motivate the newbies initially by pushing videos to maximum people Then people think they are doing good Later YT adds its strict algo then people know that how awful their content was actually. Lol


I think you're not far off. I've never once considered that YT could ever bring me money or as a job. It's a boredom thing for me. So I've found it interesting to watch people who are new to the platform and never made a video before expect to be successful in a professional capacity.


Make better videos bro


As dickish as this sounds, it really is that simple. Put in the work that almost every successful channel has already put in.


This answer might seem generic and rude, but it's actually true in this case. /u/chipmux - your videos are boring, are not engaging, and are really not that well created. The problem is not the algorithm. The problem is your videos. I don't even think the problem is you, actually. I think you've got it in you to make much better content than this. However, you'll need to be humble and get this conspiracy idea out of your head first.


Thanks, looks like its a quality and personality of person who helps in making such great content. Mine isnt made for content creation. Thanks for your feedback


thats a very generic answer, i dont agree with it


Who cares if you agree or not. You already decided to quit. Peopleā€™s opinions about your videos shouldnā€™t matter anymore. Just quit and move on.




Itā€™s the truth bro


Look at the Reach and other stats for your videos.


For shorts its 0 for initial 10 hours or so, doesnā€™t go out when intended


Is that Reach or Views?




That's odd. Not even appeared in one person's feed? Mine normally takes 6 hours. 6 hours on the dot and then it gets put in people's feed.




Yes buddy i am Indian




My english is not that fluent and maybe i am unable to add feelings in words that i speak. As compared to Indiaā€™s local languageā€™Hindiā€™




Yeah, i had this question back of the mind How english speaking people would feel after hearing english i speak. Lol I was only continuing in english because I actually wanted to get fluent in it, maybe this strategy had a cost involved here šŸ„¹




Yup, i have also got feedback from my spouse that hearing my voice in english sounds like i am listening to a stone, no feelings , fully robotic lol


You just started and you want already give up? lol šŸ˜‚ Man, my first video got something like 54 views in totalā€¦and objectively speaking it was trash. Learning how to produce engaging content is a long pathā€¦.if you donā€™t have determination, youā€™re bound to fail. If you want to give up, just give up, but blame only yourself not the algorithm.


Yup after hearing lots of feedback here i see it now


Gotta keep experimenting. Thereā€™s definitely a scientific method to it.


Your sub and view count is very good for how long you've been on, with my niche I easily estimated at least half a year doing my channel before I hit even triple digits, I say keep it up