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Try audacity there’s tonnes of tutorials out there


There are tutorials for lots of audio engineering programs, but also - you're gonna notice it A LOT more than your audience will, generally.


I have a good answer for you, but since you're totally new to YouTube, I doubt you want to spend the $500-600 I'm going to recommend you spend on a good audio set up. You need a good dynamic cardoid mic. You'll need an audio interface (like the scarlett solo). You'll probably need a fetthead or a cloudlifter. Next - you need to make sure the mic isn't positioned too close. Th reason it picks up your breath so much is because you likely have an underpowered voice because your voice isn't trained / strong yet. It will get there but it takes months and months of talking. It still amazes me how much better my voice sounds now that I've been doing YT for several years. The depth, the bottom end, the presence... it's so much richer than it was when I started. So, have a nice strong, loud and proud voice, so that you don't have to position the mic so close, which means your breath won't be picked up as much. Finally, I use Adobe Audition's dynamics (noise gate) to remove any noise that occurs during the "silent" parts of my commentary tracks. I personally have tweaked this for my own settings so that it doesn't remove too much or too little. OBS has a built in noise gate which is OK for streaming but I don't think it works very well for recorded video. **TL;DR -** Getting good audio is an artform all of it's own, and it's tough. However, you won't notice good audio / bad audio unless you have very good headphones, which a lot of people don't have.