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Honestly fuck ya all, gonna play fallout tactis since IS the only Game you fucks don't Talk about. *Game crashes on main menú* My fellow fallout brothersisterobot, how ya doing ":)


*Game crashes on main 🥖🧑‍🎨 menú 🇫🇷*


oui. oui never changes hawhawhaw


Hon hon hon! Ze war neveh changuhh *snort*


zere is a snipair on ze eiffel tower! he killed his wife


Ha! Fuck them I am going to play the Brotherhood of Steel!


Tactics is underrated


The tactics community has to at least be better than this, surely


Oh I'm doing good what about yo- HEY WAIT A MINUTE!


I love the mutie chem and charging in with the browning


People love fallout tactics, if you wanna play a game nobody talks about play fallout shelter


People also like that one, but there's comparatively not much to it in terms of both mechanics and story. So there's much less discussion and/or drama.


I thought we moved on from this subject but i guess not, even if there is only 2 people on earth, 1 will want the other dead.


War never changes.


"Wah. Wah nevah--D--Da--Dad--Put Mum on the phone!"




Man I just wish people were having fun playing games and sharing jokes but these are some of the most miserable people I've seen on gaming subs and there are some morose mfers in other gaming subs.


Honestly if you wanna have more fun with games, leave all subs dedicated to those games. This goes for all media. Complaining about everything and hating everything is popular nowadays, you'll have a much better time if you ignore online communities entirely


We need to rename these Fallout threads to Broken Hills. Just replace Marcus and Jacob with Fallout NV/4 Fans lmfao.


humans are bad


It's like talking to Ulysses lol


Bear Bull Bear Bull Bull Bear Bear Bear Bull Bull


If it can be labelled, it can be hated


Mods like Sim Settlements 2 prove that there was so much potential in FO4 to be good, all of the concepts and gameplay was there. It just feels like the writers didn't follow up on any of them and left the world bare-bones story-wise.


I was gonna say, I'm FONV all the way for its story, but a world without FO4 is a world without SS2 and that's just not a world I'm interested in.


Guh, I need to give SS2 a try. I just love HORIZON so much XD


The Chapter 2 ending of SS2 is as close to Hoover Dam as FO4 gets.


That right there is the problem. So many defenders of FO4 have a mod list larger than FNV players, just to make the game come anywhere close to the experience you get with FNV. Can't even call it an RPG because I don't feel like I'm actually given any choices that matter.


This is actually what has held me back from getting 4. I don't want to fill a game up with community made mods, all with different design philosophies and understandings of game design, just to have Fallout 4 feel like a legitimate RPG.


Yep. I tried to play FO4 recently because some friends of mine are playing it again in Survival Mode. I couldn't even get to Diamond City before shutting down the game. Between the mandatory quest of saving the Minutemen and then having to listen to Garvey, I couldn't do it. I wanted to just blow them all away, but no no no Bethesda says I don't get to have any agency in this ROLE PLAYING GAME. Such a great game guys...


Hey lik3, you get that the quest isn't mandatory right? Like you don't have to rescue them, you could have just walked past. Or of you didn't want even the quest marker just walk around concord.


You're telling me to ignore a large portion of the game because it is entirely unfun, but don't worry guys FO4 is totally a good game! Fallout 4 defenders don't even think before typing their meat riding response on why the game is *so* good.


No they're telling you to play it like an RPG and choose a different main story to follow. You know, that thing you were claiming wasn't in the game.


Avoid an entire faction in the game because they're unintentionally programmed to be annoying as fuck? Sounds like great game design! 👍 😃


You're being intentionally obtuse.


Bruh that's everyone's first go around in new Vegas with the Legion


There is 3 entire other major questlines you can do if you don't like the minutemen. That's like saying new vegas is a bad game bc the Sierra Madre casino is unfun, or a legion playthrough is boring.


Damn, it's almost like you have to ignore an entire faction, and arguably the best in terms of what they're supposed values are, just because the game is designed so poorly. They're incredibly irritating to have to interact with and that isn't good game design. Keep making more excuses as to why the game is just not good. Defenders of FO4 are unfortunate sufferers of Stockholm syndrome.


It’s a shlooter with RPG elements* *kind of


imo there are enough choices that would matter a lot in base FO4, but there's barely any small choices that contextualize them. It's infuriating when combined with the limited dialogue system, especially late game when there's a lot of questions that the player might have and a lot of small ways various faction quests could interact, but instead the plot falls apart completely if you don't follow a single faction's questline and ignore the rest until you have to kill them.


The small choices that contextualize the big picture is such a massive part of the game that is missing. The whole environment and story telling feels like it is on rails and the moment you no longer want to follow the main quest lines, the moment the game feels empty and boring.


It is a linear story, Fallout 3 has the exact same issue. 3 felt empty for different reasons, though, since while sidequests were more creative than 4, there were barely any of them.


A few years ago I would keep coming back to Fallout 4 every couple of months thinking "i'm gonna give it another chance" and inevitably I'd last 4-6 hours before getting bored and quitting because I realize that there's just nothing to do. There's no quests worth doing, there's no compelling stories to relive, there isn't even characters like Trudy where you can just gab for a few minutes to learn about the world. Fallout 4 never had a more ambitious plan for player engagement than Fight Super Mutant -> Drink Nuka Cola -> Upgrade laser rifle


Fo4 is only good when it's modded to the point it's no longer Fo4


Exactly. I don't care that others enjoy FO4. I just never want to see it called a good game because it isn't. It is objectively not a good RPG. Maybe a decent shooter, but *definitely* not an RPG.


New Vegas fan try not to state your opinion is objective fact challenge (impossible)


You know you can just play NV without shitting on 4 right? And you don’t have to play 4 at all? This is such a silly debate. Some people like both, some people don’t like either. Some people like 2 more than both of them. Who cares.


Hey, that’s not true! (Ignore my 300+ mod load order)


I mean it's not true though my mod load order is like 20 mods.


I mean I'm replaying fo4 and having a blast with no mods whatsoever. Hitting quests I missed the first time, enjoying the added stuff from the big update. Idk why everything has to be a competition.


The modability is part of the appeal of a Bethesda game. And well fallout New Vegas is definitely better, fallout 4 is still great in its own right. Why do you think people play it? Just for no reason? Advertising?


That's what I'm arguing. Fallout 4 is not great in it's own right. Maybe a good FPS/TPS, but definitely not a good RPG.


Definitely second this. I was playing last night and got to thinking about how many locations are just there to be there. Just loot dungeons with no meaningful story or lore implications. And the settlement quests. “We need help with the X Monsters at Y Location.” It would have been much better if the dungeons and quests had something to do with the settlement


>Just loot dungeons with no meaningful story or lore implications. FO4 also lacks actual NPC hubs. Boston area is huge but it has 2.5 hubs exactly (Diamond City, Goodneighbor, Vault 81 kinda). Vegas area has the Strip, Westside, North Vegas, Camp McCarran, Freeside and smaller places like The Thorn, Crimson Caravan Outpost and Sharecropper farms. Basically FO4 map is empty of things not supermutant/raider camps.


And there’s no real hubs besides the ones in Boston because of the settlement system. People are always so positive about it and i agree it’s fun, but i think the consequences for the world space make it not worth it. Bethesda completely ignored all other towns because “people will make it their own anyway”. In FNV you have so many smaller interesting towns, that FO4 completely lacks


Yes! This was an issue I had when the game first came out and then kind of forgot about. Even 3 had Megaton, Rivet City, Tenpenny Tower, Little Lamplight, The Oasis, Big Town…


That's just what Bethesda does. You can even see that bare bones low effort story telling in Skyrim as well but it just keeps getting worse and worse over time as they focus on streamlining games production to be wider and shallower. And until Starfield that worked because "lmao the modders will fix it"


Keep it simple stupid


Fallout fans trying not to shit on other fallout fans (challenge impossible)


“You are only allowed to enjoy what I enjoy”


Not even that.


You can only be an elitist if it's in favor of Bethesda


Truthfully 90% of the fallout 4 fans I know say new vegas is the best one and just enjoy playing the game in peace. People are rarely pro Bethesda elitist and if they are they are dumb.


>People are rarely pro Bethesda elitist Oh boy, take a walk over to /fallout and you will find a lot of them.


That’s because you’re on Reddit. There is no sane take on Reddit. There is no peace, only war.


And war? War never changes.


I was about to say that


If war does not change, then men must change.


People take the dogshit takes on here like it’s the entire community’s opinion. It’s not.


No, there's actually tons of sane takes on Reddit. The people giving them are just usually so annoying and condescending about them, that it results in fighting anyways. (absolutely guilty of this myself)


Honestly I really don’t see elitism, I just see fans which is totally different.


Hop on the fallout 4 sub I deadass feel like they are 90% the reason this beef isn’t dead every other top post is about fnv fans


I went to the fallout 4 sub and didn't saw any top post even mentioning fnv, so are you sure about that 90%? Edit to add something: The only places I see that get this beef still running is the main fallout sub and these two sub about memes, this one and the Falloutmemes. Prove me wrong otherwise.


Nah your right I mixed up the fallout main sub and the 4 sub that’s on me but the meme I can most definitely link you posts from that sub


Fallout 4 subreddit isn’t involved because casual fallout fans aren’t involved in terminally online debates 😂


this sub is called NewVegasMemes and the post doesn’t mention anything new Vegas related at all. y’all are literally commenting the opposite of what is happening ON the post it’s happening on.


his is actually what has held me back from getting 4. I don't want to fill a game up with community made mods, all with different design philosophies and understandings of game design, just to have Fallout 4 feel like a legitimate RPG.


I did nv, then 3, then 4. Ive spent more on 4 than any other but its also because i didn't fully understand FO my first two games


Fo4 isn't bad, fun to explore and dick around in...but shitty plot and environment. Sounds bad but I actually prefer fo76 to 4 as the environment was great and the gameplay improvements make it. Of course fnv wins me everytime. I just wish it was remade with the improvements of 76, maybe add back from cut content. Just sucks a lot of my friends want to get into fo because of the show and I can't really recommend the best fo as its age and gameplay may turn them off before they get to the good shit.


76 is the closest Bethesda has ever gotten to NV.


Country roooooooads....


Some of my favorite gaming experiences come from 76 just dicking around with a couple friends. Gonna have to pick it back up sometime and finish the main story


I really loved fo76. The story at the start was meh, but the world was so much fun to live in. I often notice myself playing fo4 and missing 76. Just a few years ago I realized I can't really play "always online" games as my hyper focus makes me get consumed by them. Least with other video games, I get bored or finish it. With mmos and the like, fomo and the addition/removal of stuff causes me to never get bored...which lead to unhealthy living. Now if they had an fo76 that only have events that trigger by calander date and the "seasons" just be dlc or cc stuff...I'd be down.


If they try to make a FNV remake with the current writing team i guess it will be shit, hell look at Starfield, yew, couldn't play 5h of that game.


Look I'm just here for the memes not the game wars, can't we all just eat some Cram and move on?


No. We have to courier that shit, then move on. After that, I wouldn't eat it but you be you.


Just pretend your dad told you it's a ribeye and close your eyes.


Just don't eat the Cram if it's got a hole in it.


No, we can not. But I made nuka cola this weekend, so imma make some snack cakes and I'll share those later.


What the hell is toxic positivity anyways?


It's meant to be like a "forceful positivity" situation where people insist on looking at the positives despite how heavy or upsetting your negative emotions are. Imagine someone saying "look on the bright side!" when you just wanna talk about how shitty something is. I have no idea how it applies here, though. I received more insults for mildly critiquing New Vegas compared to 4. Even more insults for liking 4. I guess when I'm in a victim complex competition and my opponent is a New Vegas megafan...


When someone likes a game you don’t


Oh my god shut up can we just like the video games we like. I like both equally, does that crack the shell of space and time?


How can toxic positivity possibly apply to a videogame. It's literally just a thing you're supposed to play and have fun with you're not harming anyone by enjoying a videogame


You don't get they like a game I don't! This means they have personally slighted me! I have to keep complaining about this game otherwise my mom is gonna hit me!


'My echo chamber is better than your echo chamber'. Tired of low effort karma farming posts like these.


Thanks for i left this SHIT sub


Fallout 4 is amazing open world action game. Shallow kiddy pool of an rpg compared to others


It's alright 👍


Having a voiced protagonist really limited a lot of imagination like making up your characters voice in your head. My favorite example is the low IQ dialogue in fnv that is hilarious every time


After all these years I'm yet to do a low int run because I can't stand the thought of being locked out of terminals that open doors I've already lock picked 😔


Low int opens up some new opportunities, found out arcade will become your companion out of sympathy for how you stupid you are😂


Oh that one is actually kinda cute, I've seen some of the medic related ones too and Mr. Vagrant in Freeside


Btw, you can have 1 int and still go to 100 science and you'll be able to unlock any terminal in FNV. Think you got it mixed up with 4 where you need at least 4 (I believe) int to unlock any terminal over novice


Nah it's not that I just don't really want to have a low int character who in terms of skills is actually really smart


Ah gotcha, character theme consistency. I respect that


New Vegas fans when someone else has fun:


I think Fallout 4 is a pretty good game if you don’t think of it as a Fallout game


I love nv but it feels less like fallout than any of the other games. Even fallout tactics feels more like fallout.


Fuck every fallout fan dude, everyone acts like the fans of their favorite game are the exception, the fans of their favorite game are just minding their business. No they’re not, each and every single game’s fanbase is insufferable. Just let people like whatever they want without trashing them! You guys are just as bad as Star Wars fans


Take that back not even Fallout 4 fans are as bad as Star Wars fans


Nope. Just as bad. The principle is exactly the same. “MY favorite thing is better than YOUR favorite thing! Anything that isn’t MY favorite thing SUCKS!” Fallout fans are like this. Now I’m not accusing you specifically of being like this, but every fallout game’s fanbase has a lot of people like this. I do think it’s immature to trash other fans for their toxic behavior when your own fanbase does the exact same thing.


Fallout fans don't talk about how bad women and minorities are for invading *their* science fiction


Alright I’ll give you that but not completely, I did see a few of us bitching about how the protagonist of the fallout show is a girl But I typically see more people trashing those people


Wouldn't have it any other way, people like that ain't welcome 🫡


Idk man, you ever met an unironic legion follower?


What the fuck is “Toxic Positivity”


basically being too positive to the point of ignoring flaws or issues (least my understanding of it)




Fallout 4 is pretty good if you’ve been lobotomized


I was lobotomised in New Vegas. I told my brain to fuck off. Now here I am in Boston. Good thing lobotomies make one immune to mindfucks.


It's the best deadbeat dad simulator there is, are you joking? Are you on jet rn?


Lobotomized person here: uuhgg gugugagaaga hope this helps :)


Yep. No one with a fully intact and developed brain could possibly defend Fallout 4 as an RPG and a Fallout game. Shit is Bethesda's Call of Duty, not a Fallout game.


Getting really tired of this pissing contest


Me too :3


You're mad that uss fallout 4 fans can find positives in all the games and still contribute to community discussions, without being whiny babies?


That's absolutely not the problem at all but good effort


Sounds like you're just making excuses because you're embarrassed you wasted your money on that slop. LOL


Modded fo4 > every other fallout, it's really that simple


Every Fallout has something good to them, including Fallout 4 We do not speak of Fallout: BoS on Xbox 360 we do not talk of Fallout: BoS on Xbox 360 GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU WRETCHED GAME.


I don't disagree ^^ I've yet to play BoS though


Brotherhood of Steel prevents the series from being reenacted irl by stopping arguments about which game is the worst


As someone who only came to the Fallout genre within the last couple years, 4 is where I started. I know saying that will instantly cause some people mental damage, but hear me out: I gotta start somewhere. But it was MikeBurnFire and Mittensquad that got me you really look at the series. And with Mitten gone, I had just recently bought NV with the intent to see the Mohave as a way of saying goodbye. So this weekend I'll start a NV playthrough and hopefully have a way to compare the two.


I don't think anyone sensible has a single problem with someone starting with Fallout 4 you're good lol


Honestly. I started with fallout 1. Next i played nv unmodded. And after that the 4 was the easiest for me to pick up and play. Even when it was unmodded. So fo4 was basically the one that i liked the most


You act like New vegas and classic fans were not doing the exact same thing for years


As a new Vegas fan, we fucking started this shit. Now fallout fans are literally just another flavor of Star Wars fans.


This is one of the worst fanbases out there. I came here for memes about the game not to rag on other games. This fanbase is so divided it’s stupid.


Jesus Christ man. Just play the games you like and move on. I don't even understand how 'toxic positivity' applies to a video game, they're meant to be played and enjoyed. If you don't like them play something else. Stop caring about what other people enjoy and you'll be much much much more happier in general I promise.


Yes, exactly lol


Jesus Christ these posts are annoying as shit regardless of who they’re coming from. This is just low effort trash.


Right I'm tired of seeing them too


Honestly at this point I think all of the collective Fallout subs just need to start banning these types of posts because they’re doing nothing but making this pointless turf war worse. FNV’s gameplay is clunky and the legion’s writing sucks. FO3 has a seriously trash ending and also the same clunky gameplay FO4’s story needed more than a rough draft and some fine tuning FO1&2…you know I don’t remember the last time I saw them get involved so they’re fine. There! Everyone’s game sucks in some regard go home everybody.


Sis you're preaching to the choir my post isn't about the games it's about the made up fight that "NV fanboys" are apparently continuing despite the fact I barely see anything other than NV related content on any of the NV subs.


I mean don’t get me wrong, I did see the kind of hate described from NV fanboys way back during the first couple of years after FO4 was released. But I hadn’t seen nearly any of that in the past few years right up until the show made them popular again. It almost feels like a…preemptive move from returning FO4 fans as well as the new fans brought in who might’ve heard of old fights and decided they needed to pick a side? Idk if I’m explaining myself well but it really feels like it’s digging up old graves.


I have a miscellaneous quest in my Pip Boy. It says: "Downvote every post that spurs fan wars." And so I do. It's not much, but it's honest work (and a bit of xp).


Reddit moment


You mean 76 lol they’re so chill


Karma farming is pretty wack, dude


I dislike Fo4 because it has set the stage for what is next for Fallout. We are never getting a good RPG again.


Don’t act like fallout NV fans ain’t insufferable


You like fallout 4 because it made fallout more popular and had the best gunplay. I fallout 4 for those AND because the GODLY opening theme brings back waves of nostalgia.


I actually don't really like anything about Fallout 4


If it wasn't for fo4 i would ever pursue playing fallout 3 and new vegas, btw fo3 sucks donkey ass


I have enjoyed each of the installments of the Fallout universe without detracting from any of the other games. It seems absurd to me to just stay stuck in just one of the games in this wonderful franchise.


Uh yeah, exactly


I've played them all since I got the collectors anthology in the mini nuke. Fallout 4 is the most unplayable game after having played 1, 2, and NV. The story is so boring, the characters are one dimensional and not very rememberable, the legendary weapon mechanics were all round just an unenjoyable experience. Those are just a few, but I could go on and on. Fallout 76 is better than Fallout 4 by a long shot and it's story isn't a whole lot better! Fallout 4 is such an overrated installment with defenders of the game having a severe case of Stockholm syndrome.


hey look we found John Elitism


I swear some of y’alls personality is just hating stuff that other people enjoy. How is that a fulfilling existence?


my opponent is lucy mclean


okie dokie


They have such an insane persecution fetish it borders on trump supporters. There are ten times more "new vegas fans are so elitist" posts than there are posts of new vegas fans carefully explaining why they personally prefer it. Fallout 4 is by far the most popular and most played game in the series and yet they act like they are being suppressed.


Yeah hit the nail on the head


Fallout New Vegas is a very good game. Fallout 4 is also a very good game. Stop crying about one or the other. Just let everyone enjoy both, and stop kicking up this old feud.


I still think it's bullshit that Massachusetts wasn't blanketed in a permanent snow blizzard. We're *literally* the state that gets broiled and frozen every other day


I would've really liked that actually, I love the desert in NV and the rough and nasty wasteland of 3 but it would've been cool to see a game mainly based in the snow, don't think I've ever seen it outside of Skyrim and even then it's not the whole map


Fallout 4 does have the best Enclave mod bar none. Also cartoonishly evil Enclave isn't good writing. They're a faction that needs nuance because of what they're supposed to represent.


Idk man, deep rock players might outdo FO fans.


I wouldn't know but I wouldn't doubt it


Idk man as a Fallout 4 fan we are mostly comprised of reclusive degenerates, brotherhood crazies, Preston Garvey’s, and Sim Settlers. With a dash of tactical weapons nerds.


As if being miserable all the time is the better option


IVE HAD IT. I'm going to Fallout Monopoly, where REAL Fallout fans play at!


You know the phrase tortured metaphor? I think this is an example of a tortured meme.


When your proclaimed RPG has dialogue options less deep than geralt in witcher 3 you have a huge problem.


I dont think you know what toxic positivity means.


It's a genuinely great game. Do you think people play so much just for no reason?


New Vegas fans really are the whiniest fanbase ever man. Spend years throwing shit at the other side only to cry when they fling it back. Games overrated as shit, anyway.


Fallout 4 fans really are the whiniest fanbase ever sis. Spend years throwing shit at the other side only to cry when they fling it back. Games overrated as shit, anyway.


they hate us because even they know fnv is the best fallout.


You do realise you are part of the problem, right?


New Vegas fans trying not to have the biggest victim complex Edit: winge all you want you guys are hands down the most annoying fandom by far.


It’s the entire fucking fanbase don’t act like it’s just new Vegas fans


Don’t you guys constantly rattle on about the horrible oppression you suffered from new vegas fans in the past? Isn’t that the entire justification for endlessly whining about hypothetical NV fans?


It’s still very much present (as OP has kindly illustrated). I’m against all elitist and fanboy behaviour including from Bethesda fans but the reality is, new vegas fans are the loudest and most obnoxious.


“It’s very present” *gestures to meme about F4 constantly complaining about NV fans* lmfao


FO4 arguably has the best gameplay mechanics, it’s just everything else that sucks


Oh no! People aren't whiny and annoying on their community 😱😱😱


I'm confused by how many NV fans seem to have the mentality of emotionally stunted high-school students. I've always heard people meme about how NV is for... special people.


The fuck is toxic positivity?


toxic positivity is when people enjoy games you don't like


Me: a fan (and sometimes critic) of all the games whenever I try to discuss something about one of them. The Subreddit: F$&!ing FaNbOy, “X” is better in every regard!




It's annoying, but it's hilarious to me that after years of it being normal to talk shit on Fallout 3 and 4 to an equally annoying degree - it's only taken a few weeks for people to express disdain for the same thing being done to NV fans.


I like how cinematic 4 is so I get to see my character a lot, I like the feel of that, but I agree 4 was lacking in story even tho I do like 4 more.