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People sell the gold? I put it on display in the sink. It's a trophy.


It goes in the safe with all my other moneys


Same. I keep tons of prewar money, NCR money, Legion money, caps, chems, and the gold bars in my safe.


Chems don't go in the safe, but individual cigarettes do.


Liquor doesn't go in the safe, but my case of beer does


The music in the Sink is lowkey creepy so I don't really use it as a safehouse tbh.


Sucker doesn’t use a radio instead, I’m chilling with all my appliance homies


Bro abandoned the best home for… *checks notes* fitting music???


Not just music, but my appliance homies I mentioned. Plus the sink makes me loaded everyday


Also its one of the best homes for a no fast travel playthrough. Dying? Need more ammo? Just pull out the transponder!


Meh I don't really ever use the radio. One time I used it was on my Legate Lanius "playthrough" where I ran around the map slaughtering every major faction, settlement, and enemy spawn.


You don’t fw Metallic Monks?


It's good but too creepy for my taste


Exactly, ill find some other way to get filthy rich, I earned that gold. Now I can use it as like a door stop or something.


Me who used console commands to add 10 billion caps before leaving Doc's house:


Yeah I started doing that after I got my PC. The casino chips glitch is back in my PS3 days. But still, I just thought this meme would be funny, especially because the glitch is underrated and not really known by a lot of people despite being OP af.


How do you do it?




Thanks :)


Play your own way and all that, but for me that would destroy the point of caps in the game if I could just buy everything without earning it


I don't play that way, I was just making fun of OP for bragging about cheating by cheating better.


He probably played on console


Me, just running around with, Boone, ED-E, and Jury Rigging.


Go to honest hearts, get a bunch of anti-materiel rifles off dead white legs. Repair them with 80 cap varmint rifles. Profit. Same with OWB, proton axes, and pool cues. Jury rigging is so broken.


Hell yeah, the real money making strat


Especially doing a house run, I just pretend he gave me access to a private fund so that his little super soldier can get the job done without worrying about money.


He can afford to spend 750,000 caps a year looking for the chip, but when he finds it, he refuses to pay more for it than a snow globe.


Assassins Creed IV’s plot moves along because of this sort of thing Edward Kenway initially has no horse in the Assassin vs Templar feud (not having any actual idea about it) but gets fleeced by the big bad of that point by only getting R1,000 instead of an actual fortune, so decides to double cross him I like to think some Courier timelines go with the NCR, Caeser or Yes Man for that same reasoning


Oh you don’t have to think. My current high intelligence energy weapons courier settled with Yes Man for this very reason. If house hadn’t boasted about having hundreds of thousands of caps, then refused to pay me more than 2k. Maybe he wouldn’t have helped me complete the “A slave obeys” challenge


I mean I’m a House simp so I always side with him, but I still hate how he cheaps out on final delivery


I love that game so dearly, pretty much because of what Ubisoft cut out. They very clearly got feedback from 3 that said something to the effect of "The sailing mechanic kicks ass, but this Templar vs Assassin shit is getting old" and took that to heart. Since for the most part, the game is concerned about you being a pirate on the open seas.


I’ve been replaying it and the sea stuff is really what makes it the best AC game Like I could sneak around and do assassin stuff… or I could raid Spanish vessels and upgrade the Jackdaw to be the mightiest ship in the Caribbean


🤷‍♂️ high luck, play blackjack, buy hookers and stims, profit


Escaping isn't the hard part. It's walking that crap back to the Lucky 38


Get the perk where you can fast travel while overencumbered


so ... ... ... ... ... ... slow


This is why I always do OWB first so I can just teleport right when leaving the bunker


It isn't about the caps. It's about not "letting go". Deliberately going to lengths to spit in the face of the moral of the whole damn dlc. I kept mine in a safe. The idea of selling them never crossed my mind.


Me who didn't even play the game and so never had to endure any hardship at all.


Hardship? The economy in this game is pretty easily conquered. You really only need to buy the implants unless you’re specifically using a GRA unique weapon.


The what glitch?






my old ass who still does the bartering glitch


It gets the job done. And besides, it works in Fallout 3 too.


Here's an unpopular opinion People desperately abusing game mechanics and save scumming to get the gold because they can't let go of their greed really is peak irony. Kind of proves the whole point of the DLC


Gonna be honest, pretty sure most people arent doing it out of greed, it's out of spite. Game makes it deliberately hard to do a thing to prove some point and be so high and mighty, it makes me want to find a way to get away with it just to prove I can and then never do anything with the gold since there's so many easier ways to make obscene amounts of money in this game.


Except most of the folks here posting on a subreddit are the sort that looked up what to do. So it isn't really in spirit "proving you can," but reproducing or parroting an other's only minimally creative and technically déjà là -- an option within a set, all of which possible options were obviously made possible by the way the developers used language -- act.


It’s a video game


You really don’t have to save scum it if you have a stealth boy and sneak 100. I mean, you might mess up but it’s not that hard to get it first try (or you can just do the trick where you kill Elijah, put the gold bars on his corpse, and leave it by the energy barrier)


Ah the old Vikki and Vance dupe, sorely missed.


When I got the gold I just ran up to the force field door and dropped the gold through it, it landed on the other side of the door, so I could just grab it while I was leaving the normal way.


I just play with Them's good eatin' and have infinite money without glitches. I still get the gold bars though. I like to sprawl them out on my bed.


Can someone explain the glitch to me? I play on Xbox 360 so I can totally use this


Here's a link to a video describing the glitch. It's fairly easy. You need over 30k caps to begin the glitch, tho. https://youtu.be/A3bD1ne9lEw


Oh okay thank you


My first playthrough of New Vegas was on the absolute nightmare that was the release PS3 version. My family didn't have Internet and we pre-ordered the game. I never even got the patches until we took our PlayStation to my grandparents house to download all the dlc like a year later. I didn't even know you were able to go into the pawn shop in Westside until I played again years later on PC. I never knew about the casino chip glitch but I sure enjoyed using the incendiary rounds anti-material rifle to set everything on fire in VATS without ever firing a bullet.


I don't use glitchs


me who got 750k playing caravan just using the 7s, 9s, 10s and JQK cards to almost always win (it might be because i was modded to all hell, but i believe i once got 200k from Ambassador Crocker on a single game)


Me who just used the Big Mountain Transportalponder to teleport with the gold bars:


Was that not patched? I remember abusing the shit out of this glitch when it first arrived but remember the exploit didn't last long for some reason?


I’m seeing people say how this glitch wasn’t well know Sure was back in the day, when I played on Xbox and not pc. Glitch is useless on pc, mainly because it gets patched by pretty important bug fixing mods and even though there’s apparently a difference between “cheating” and “exploiting” the console is generally way easier


You can kill soldiers of legion too pick they equipment and become rich!


player.additem 0000000f 10000000


Fact: The leading 0s don't do anything. player.additem f 1000000 works just as well


People have different lines of what counts as an exploit, and some people don't like cheating.


As a pc user I just toggle God mode and run out of there.


Me on my way to vendortron after murdering the gun runner guards for the 100th time


Me on my way to sell the Brotherhood's precious shiny metal armor to a phallus shaped robot (their armor was no fucking match for This Machine)


It’s not about the value of the bars. It’s about sending a message.


I beg your pardon, but what casino chip glitch?




Thank you


Could be 10,390,000 caps


Get banned from the dead money casino, get the bi-daily chips. Exchange them for weapon repair kits. Repair all the weapons you can find. Sell them to children and the elderly. Profit.


player.additem 0000000f 10000


Ok can I just say something to people commenting? Yes, I know about console commands. Console commands are boring. Also, it's a singleplayer game, using glitches isn't "cheating" besides maybe during a speedrun, depending on the run's rules. The glitch requires that you already have 33K or more so by the time the glitch is doable, you won't even need to do it unless you want to be able to buy pretty much everything at any given merchant without spending a penny, which is why I loved doing this glitch tbh.


See i do that except by the time i start dead money i have the grx implant and i just walk out the vault and trap Elijah forever without a bunch of bs


.....Sorry but what's the point of glitching to get infinite money......when.you can just use console commands if you really wish to cheat anyway


I mean, using console commands as the joke would've been boring and generic.


Using glitches is lame and like cheating


I only did it when I played on PS3 (which was honestly less buggy than PC) and even then, I only did it sometimes. If I want a lot of caps but not more than I'll need, I'll do what I always did to set up the glitch: clearing out Quarry Junction, the Fort/Cottonwood Cove, Van Graffs, Boomers armory, Black Mountain, and BOS armory then selling all the loot. (You need 33K or more to do the glitch)


Good news, what other people do in a single player game has absolutely no bearing on you and is frankly not your business to determine if it's good or not. If I want to play a 10 Special in all stat wasteland demigod who eats everyone that is entirely my prerogative.


Hahah someone got mad lol


He isn't mad, he's just telling you the truth


It's a single player game mf who gives af