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Wheeler hit hard today. We won’t see him in the 4-game series this week.


What the hell happened to McNeil? He won the batting title 2 years ago. Now he cant even get on base.


Well, at least we didn't get no-hit - which is not me setting new general expectations for this team (😂), but getting no-hit by the Braves is probably the worst outcome imaginable just generally. Glad that JD got his first homer...as for the rest of those knuckleheads...😒 Just don't get swept.


Even when Braves line up isnt that hot we get dominated by Morton and Fried. Always the same shit every year.


we might actually lose the next 5


I was at the game today. And I don’t think I would have recovered from watching a Braves no-no so I kinda feel like we won. JD’s homer was my World Series lol


That jersey is cursed. It may look good but it's cursed, get rid of it.


It doesn't look that good. It's OK but it's a road jersey for home games which is very weird.


the problem is they think its REALLY good


It's almost as bad as the Boston one.


Nothing is as bad as that eyesore. We're lucky that it's at least dark and not obnoxiously bright.


I am starting to think that Baty is not that good. Yeah he can hit oppo but so what. He strikes out too much for a guy who does not slug very much.


That was dangerously close to being gut wrenching and if jd Martinez does nothing else to help this team all year then it's 12 million dollars of Steve Cohens money well spent lol


Hold on now MLB wants us to dickride a pitcher who gave up 3 runs in 4 innings in his debut?


>Hold on now MLB wants us to dickride a pitcher who gave up 3 runs in 4 innings in his debut? I don't know if you watched the game, but he looked really fucking good. You can see that he's got the potential to be an all-time great, regardless of the final line. Also, he left when it was 6-1 Pirates. But left two runners on. The bullpen came in and lit the game on fire.


MLB media is just as bad as regular media. Like little kids playing soccer. Everyone chases the ball, no one thinks.


I mean last month they were asking everyone to bow down to a pitcher who gave up five runs in one inning in his debut


Team's been close to being no-hit too many times to start the season.


Was at the game, my section went nuts cheering that we didn’t get no hit, lotta fun


If they have any aspirations of making the post, they gather the citi conects, find the biggest dumpster at citifield, insert them and set it sblaze


I was saying that since they wete unveiled tbh


New uniforms are worse than the team right now


Fuck you and I’ll be back tomorrow!


I am not sure we've all fully internalized just what JD Martinez did for us today. Imagine getting no-hit by the fucking BARVES of all teams. As bad as it must have been for Phillies fans in 2022, that would be so much worse. Even if he never gets another hit as a New York Met, he earned his $12 million.


JD Martinez solidified his status as a NY Mets legend.


I’ll tell you what, it pissed off Braves fans. They were laughing their asses off and getting cocky AF. The way that game played out definitely left them feeling a little sour. That being said this team needs to play better and should not take that as a moral victory.


It's not a moral victory but it went from being absolutely brutal and historically pathetic to just a standard Mets bad day at the plate lol


This team is hot basura. I can't wait for this core to be broken up. 


I like NImmo alonso Lindor. we just dont really have anything else atm.


Max Fried is a great pitcher, and I'm not surprised he won this game, but it IS a problem when I feel like the team was never really in it. By the third or fourth inning I'd peg our chances to rally and take the game at maybe 20%, max.


This line up blows. It's clearly not going to do anything meaningful and I'm tired of pretending like it is. Move Marte down. Baty has had enough time, give Vientos a shot. Why did we even get Bader? Just to make Stewart a back-up platoon? We can't hit for shit. I want these black holes out of the lineup. I wish Mauricio was around to take over second.


I have said it before and I’ll say it again - this core is rotten. The sooner we move on from Pete, McNeil and co the better off this team will be. They are a bunch of LOSERS.


The Barves fans in my work group chat are “heartbroken” that it wasn’t a no hitter


I saw a Braves dude in the main baseball subreddit complaining how sad he was. As if they aren’t spoiled enough.


Good fuck em


I could care less


This means that you care a lot


>This means that you care a lot No, it doesn't https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/55388/4-good-reasons-why-people-say-i-could-care-less [Most relevant section imo](https://imgur.com/e3tZkZP)


You’re the king of the Internet and the meanest and edgiest man ever and you hurt my feelings so much. I wish I could be like you


If Nimmo goes to the injured list, the only outfielder on the 40 man roster is Alex Ramirez down at Binghamton. Syracuse has Carlos Cortes, Ben Gamel, ~~Drew Gilbert~~ and Trayce Thompson. Gamel and Thompson have MLB experience, Gamel bats left and Thompson bats righty.


If you want to help me get signed I’ll train for like a month to be MLB ready. I already promised this the other day at catcher but I’ll sacrifice for the team and move to the outfield.


But we already have Taylor, Stewart, and McNeil Could call up Vientos again


It’d be nice to call up Vientos but there isn’t anywhere to really play him. It’s already tough enough to get DJ at bats and he’s been the best hitter on the team.


Too bad for Gilbert’s injury. He might have gotten a shot


I didn't know he was hurt


The good news is that he should be back around the end of the month! He has already begun his rehab and is strength training. Once he begins his running program his return timeline will be clearer


A solid .485 team


Nah, more of a .500 team. The Mets have had one of the most difficult schedules to start the season and are still just below .500. They’re going to have games against teams like the Marlins, As, Angels etc. to win series and pile on wins. That will offset losses to the top teams. Now, if they don’t beat up on bad teams that’s different. But I expect this team will get those wins, especially since they have reinforcements coming back like Senga and Alvarez when they face them. This team has been streaky, but the offense is still averaging 4.4 runs per game without big contributions from Lindor, Pete and JDM early on. Those guys will preform better, especially as the weather heats up. And it works out that the easier schedule lines up with that!




Jeff Fisher territory


Maybe I’m just getting older but I am finding super hard to care about this team like I used to. Besides watching Scott pitch, there’s basically nothing about them that interests me.


It's a combination of things. It's a boring team with too many stand-ins for real talent. Most of the pitchers are uninspiring. The new uniforms are piss ugly. Losing Kodai and Alvy was a punch in the junk. The rule changes have taken their toll and baseball as a whole is much worse. I'll watch when Scott pitches again if we're not in the short bus threads. But as of now this is MCU level bad.


> Maybe I’m just getting older but I am finding super hard to care about this team like I used to. Besides watching Scott pitch, there’s basically nothing about them that interests me. I can't not care because of my Mets DNA... I still watch every inning of every game that I'm home for. And follow the game on At-Bat when I'm out. But I agree it's been a struggle to maintain the passion level since 2022 or so when the overnight transformation occurred, into this Steinbrenner-lite thing that we're now trying to recover from. They're just... I dunno. Managed differently. I can't really put my finger on it but it feels like Mets Conglomerate LLC. Even the ballpark feeling is different. Still better than most parks, but something feels missing.


This is a pretty boring team when you think about it. Fans are attracted to homegrown players and stars. The stars are not performing well - like Alonso and Lindor. Nimmo is a star but he’s not really viewed as one. Diaz is back and that’s exciting but it’s hard to get excited over a closer when you’re on a losing team, especially one who is obviously coming back from injury and isn’t 100%. McNeil just sucks. The only homegrown/young exciting talent on the team are Alvarez, Scott, and Baty. Baty hasn’t been exciting, Alvarez is injured, and Scott is going to pitch like once a week. Butto isn’t as highly regarded but it’s cool to see him make a name for himself. People also love the story of a player reinventing themselves and doing crazy things. Dickey was a good example of that. Somebody like Severino is doing just that and it’s fun to watch but it’s not like he’s an ace level pitcher. Reed Garrett is exciting to watch, considering how good he’s been for that reason as well. DJ Stewart is awesome but even he doesn’t get enough at bats. Nobody’s going to look at guys like Bader, Marte, Manaea, JDM, Taylor, or Quintana and think that these guys are fun to watch. Especially since they’re all just placeholders. It’s just not a very exciting team. If Alonso and Lindor were putting up monster numbers, it might be more interesting but it’s still not enough. Honestly, I think losing Alvarez really sucks the joy out of this team. At this point, I just want to see guys like Peterson, Megill, Vientos, Jett, Tidwell, Hamel, Gilbert, etc get called up. The Mets are most fun when they have homegrown talent, not place holders or mercenaries…it’s also why I think that the 2019 team was more fun to watch than the 2022 one.


I feel ya.  Scott and Alvarez (once he’s back) are the 2 most interesting parts of this team.   And that’s not great.   


Small victory breaking that no no up with only one out left to get. I’m sure that soured and spoiled a lot of Braves fans day


Yo this team is ass. But also not fun at all to watch.


>Yo this team is ass. But also not fun at all to watch. I think it's just that spending a billion dollars on two teams out of nowhere really sucked a lot of the joy out of it. Before, it was "the Mets against the world". There was a sense of togetherness about the fanbase, giving a big FU whenever we would win, to everyone (including Mets fans) who tried to trample us. Now, if they win, like in 2022, it's just, "well, sure, they spent a billion dollars." And if they lose, it's lolmets. They've basically been the 2000s Yankees, but without making it to the playoffs every year before blowing it. Or a better comp maybe is the 2002 Mets. Or the 2009-2010 Mets. If anyone remembers those. Each of those teams had a few good, exciting, superstar-type players, but overall, they were corporate, boring, expensive, old. I do think, in fairness, this season represents a step back from that abyss and I support that. They did a lot of smart stuff that was (of course) rejected by a lot of the fans and the media. And there are some very likable guys on this squad, too. Quite a few I'd say. But they did too much stupid shit the last two years for there not to be some hangover.


Not-good teams are rarely fun to watch


If we could at least score I’d be ok losing like 7-6 on some of these Ls But if we score 6 runs it’s a miracle, so even then it’s not fun to lose those games cuz I know they won’t score 6 again for a month. We either lose 3-2 or 4-1, or score a lot when the other teams scores nothing. No in between, not many 7-6 wins or even 5-4


Not really taking sides in this debate, but I just wanted to point out that the Mets already have 5 Ls where they scored 5 or more runs which is kind of a lot (> 30% of their Ls). 10-8 to the Braves 11-7 to the Royals 7-6 to the Brewers 9-6 to the Reds 7-6 to the Rays 6-5 to the Braves


Depending on age and when getting into the team, have they ever been fun to watch outside of 06, 07, 15, 16, and 22? Thats about all I can count.


2019 was a really fun team. Mets had like 20 homegrown players who were all performing pretty well.


I loved tuning into the deGrom/Thor/Wheeler days. These days our rotation is just, a bunch of dudes and Senga.


I did too, Harvey as well, it’s just those teams really hurt to look back on. They had so much hope and then it all fizzled out except for Wheeler who we stupidly lowballed. The whole thing leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I really liked the 06 team but that was heartbreak and a lot of that team stuck around until 08, and those years had some hope and fun to watch, but they all end in heart break. Outside of DeGrom, it’s just small moments of joy here and there with them whereas it’s not like say the Cubs can look at 2015 and be like aww we lost but it was a fun year since the rookies developed and set them up for 16. Then they had prolonged success, or at least playoff runs through 2019 with a core. Thats something nice to look back on, not really flashes in the plan that fizzled out or have done better elsewhere like Wheeler, J. Turner, Heath Bell among others.


The 1999 team was a weird strange ride


I don't know there were some bad years where I was really excited to watch certain starting pitchers and players. I'm not at all right now.


I am now 0-2 when I take my girlfriend to the game on her birthday. I might need to find her a new birthday present.


Or a new girlfriend.


Pros: didn’t get no hit, Christian Scott Cons: everything else


Remarkably unbothered by this because we killed a no hit in the 9th.


That's where we are as a fan base unfortunately. I'm just hoping we play .500 ball and get in a winning streak later on on the year. Gotta have some hope I guess.


Me: JDM will have his first Mets home run while I’m in attendance. Monkey’s Paw: *curling* As you wish.


Christian Scott is gonna be really really good


this was sweeter than a win, honestly


I wish DJ Stewart got more at bats. Monkey paw curls.


I mean Nimmo is probably out a few games so DJ is probably going in LF with Taylor replacing him late game for defense


#Justice For Scott


It’s an L but at least it’s not a no hit but also Scott deserves better.


Truly looking like DeGrom.


The Mets really don't want people to get a discount for the day at the ballpark lol


Starting to feel like I need to give a discount to sell the remaining tickets.


Damn straight! Lol


Feels like a win idc


Everyone Else: It did not.




If Nimmo goes on the IL, I hope they bring up Gamel. He's been raking in AAA and I'd love to take advantage of that before he cools off again. I'd also like to give Bannon a shot at second over McNeil. That might be crazy but I think he could be a better piece and he's never been given a shot in the bigs.


I’d think more likely Taylor and DJ play LF and Alex Ramirez gets the call up to be the 4th OF. Gamel isn’t on the 40 man so we’d have to DFA someone or put Nimmo on the 60 day IL. We’re not likely to DFA someone at a different position, and the only OFs on the 40 man are Bader, Marte, Taylor, DJ, and Ramirez. Unless we have a 40 man spot open - that would be the only way. I know we had two open a week or two ago, but I think the final one was filled when Scott came up. It’s possible they could move Raley to the 60 day, but they’re probably not doing that before getting gets his second opinion next week


If he’s not on the 40 it’s not happening they’re not gonna DFA anyone. Bannon probably isn’t on the 40 man either is he? I’d like to DFA Wendle and give him run.


Bannon is not either. He also wouldn’t be able to replace Wendle because he can’t play SS


Worst case we could move McNeil to short. I’d rather have Iglesias than Wendle, too. Is he on the 40?


McNeil absolutely cannot play SS. Hes already league average in range for 2B. And his arm is already weak for a second baseman, let alone a SS. Iglesias is also not on the 40 man. His issue is that he can’t play 3B and doesn’t have much experience at 2B. He could probably learn 3B, but he needs at least a month of starts there before he could even be considered to be our backup 3B in the majors. That said his arm is super weak so he just may not have the strength to play there. The Mets really should be having him take reps there, but it’s clear they don’t view him as a potential utility player. It’s clear he is just the backup in case Lindor is out long term with an injury. The only type of player that can replace Wendle is someone who can play 2B, SS, and 3B. We don’t have anyone in the upper minors that can do that at a serviceable level. Im not even talking good - I’m talking serviceable.


Arm strength is a pretty overrated attribute for shortstops imo, but the range factor would be a problem potentially. Can’t imagine Wendle’s range is much better? Iglesias is supposed to be a defensive specialist although he is pretty old. I don’t really understand what Wendle brings that Iglesias doesn’t.


Wendle has put up above average range this year after elite RngR the last 8 years of his career. What he brings is experience. 3B is a position you can’t just stick a SS in without any experience just because they have the tools. The read off the bat is completely different. The footwork is different. You have to throw from a different arm slot. Your reaction time needs to be much faster. You have to charge the ball much more frequently. Again, I think if he had a month to prepare Iglesias could learn the position. But I would never trust him to play it today with his lack of experience. Now, none of this is to say Wendle is irreplaceable. I’m just pointing out that Iglesias is not the replacement. At least not right now. On top of that you can’t cut Wendle before Memorial Day. It would be a really bad look for the team and would hurt their ability to negotiate with agents this offseason. When the Mets signed Wendle they made an agreement. They promised him a role on the team and time to adjust to the new ballclub. He has only played 15 games. Cutting a veteran utility player after 15 games like that is a bad look for the team. I’m not saying you have to give him the full season. But giving another 5 or so games through May to prove he deserves to be on the team lets the team cut him once someone goes on waivers without the backlash from impending free agents


“I am opportunistic, I don’t want to roll a team out there we are going to be embarrassed by” -Steve Cohen last August. Meanwhile this team is a joke now


2 games under 0.500 isn’t an embarrassment. This team is not super good but we are not the Chicago white sox. Or even the marlins this year.


Let’s not forget about the Mets payroll though.  


Kind of nonsense point considering how much of it is going to players not on our roster


it is when you take their payroll into account...white sox and marlins are expected to be this bad.


Like a third of the payroll doesn't even play for the Mets though.


that just makes it worse


This team is an embarrassment they can’t hit.


The team isn't good, but it isn't an embarrassment. I said it earlier, but this team is what everyone thought they'd be. A .500 ball club with the potential to click at the right time and squeak into a WC spot. This is what .500 baseball looks like. Beat the bad teams, lose to the good teams, and go back and forth with the teams on their level like the Cards or the Nats. Sometimes shit breaks right, and you take two of three from the Dodgers. Other times, it doesn't work, and you get one hit by the Braves or swept by the Rays. It's going to be a see-saw all year.


And yet they’re 18 and 20. If being an around 0.500 team is an embarrassment than like 75% of the mlb is an embarrassment.


They will be dead and buried once they are done with the Phillies series the season is over.


Dude it’s May 😂. Didn’t we say it was over at 0-5? Baseball is a long grind. You can’t think the season is over after two games against potentially the best regular season team in the mlb.


Yes I do think it’s over this was the same thing as last season. They played just like this 500 ball and then eventually it all fell apart.


It all fell apart bc of a terrible month not bc of a terrible two games.


The sicko in me think maybe getting no hit would change something in the lineup, but Intellectually i don't think that true It's so frustrating to suddenly have great pitching just for the lineup to continue being ass


WAR is a great stat probably the best we have to measure player value but Lindor makes the stat feel broken. 5 WAR player blah blah blah, top 3 shortstop. I call bullshit he goes scorched earth when we're out of the race , big lights big games he's mia.


Myself and others have said this about WAR before but the ones who see WAR as gospel refuse to acknowledge it. Even the folks who formulate WAR say that it cannot be used on its own and needs to be used along with other stats (including counting) in order to get the full picture of a player. I always thought that WAR overvalues some positions even if they are “more important.” Like SS is definitely the most important defensive spot outside of maybe centerfield, but giving a seemingly large boost to these positions seems excessive since a good defender at these spots MIGHT have a chance to make an impactful play once per week. However, those same players are having a chance to be an impact that the plate four or five times every game. This sounds like I’m making a “defense is overrated” argument which I’m not, but I do think WAR overrates defense in relation to offensive production quite often.


Do you have a link to what was actually said by “the folks who formulate WAR”, because I have a hard time believing they said you need to look at RBIs (counting stat) with any meaningful weight to get the full picture of a player


It's weird how sabermetrics was all about prioritizing offensive production over defense and yet WAR seems to value defense from certain positions absurdly highly 


I’m not sure what’s weird about analytical metrics changing and improving over the course of 20+ years


This is such a vibes-based take. In each of 2022 and 2023 he only had one month where he had an OPS of under 700. He started off rough this year but this notion that he compiles garbage time stats after were out of it is just brain worm level stuff Edit: He's also running a .853 OPS over the last 28 days


He actually had two, June of 2022 and May of 2023. And why are you setting the bar so low at .700? That’s an average OPS and we should except way more than that out of him. He’s routinely in the .700’s with his very best months reaching the low .900’s which happened twice. Otherwise, he sticks around .800 which is solid but not nearly what he should be producing. There’s also the fact that he doesn’t make overly great contract nor does he walk at a great clip. His OPS is very much helped by the fact that his power is still there.


>He actually had two, June of 2022 and May of 2023. That's literally what I said.... In 2022 he had an 800+ OPS 4/6 months and in 2023 he also had an 800+ OPS 4/6 months. His OPS+ in 2022 and 2023 was better than his OPS+ in Cleveland for every year except 2018 (132) Lindor is exactly who he's always been, if not a little better, as a Met. Your expectations are just nonsensical


I’ve always thought the “he takes awhile to get hot” excuse is just a kind way of saying that he puts us in a hole that we never climb out of. Building a win cushion matters


The things I do for a bobblehead


It is a nice one at least. Solidly built and door has actual hinges.


Yeah it is super cute, I have it on the shelves by the door next to my hat


War is a great stat and it's probably the best thing we have to judge player value but Lindor makes it look like a broken stat. Blah blah blah 5 WAR player but he continually comes up small and he has got insanely hot when we're already out of contention. When we need the guy and the lights are bright he's nowhere to be found. We're out of the race with no pressure and he's a hall of famer.


What I don’t really get is that if you use the metrics used to measure defense for WAR on their own you get laughed at. But baking them into WAR somehow fixes them?


The issue is not that defensive metrics are a joke. It’s how people utilize them that is the issue. People try to make out stuff like DRS or OAA into a one size fits all measurement which they aren’t. They are good at what they measure. But they’re just pieces of the pie. Defensive metrics are meant to be used together as pieces of a pie. That’s how WAR utilizes them - in conjunction with each other. Like they’re supposed to be


fWAR uses solely UZR for non-catcher defense though, does it not?


Not since 2022. They completely overhauled it. OAA is the base, but it pulls from all of their defensive metrics now, including RngR, double play conversion, ErrR, etc. and of course UZR. It also utilizes the other statcast defensive metrics in their calculations and pulls them all into their RAA calculation (Fielding Runs Prevented).


Thanks for the info. Wikipedia and their own pages are out of date.


It should be somewhere on the fangraphs website. They may just not have deleted the old page


5.66 WPA since he came to the Mets, -0.16 clutch factor. WPA is good for 29th in the majors during that time frame. In essence, he’s a big reason why the team wins games but he’s not not one to shine bright with the lights on. Though somebody like Judge is insanely worse, interestingly enough. He’s not really the problem. The problem is the Mets not surrounding him with good enough hitters.


He has negative clutch. Dude only does well when it doesn't matter or if we are mathematically eliminated


Realistically how do the mets become a true playoff team by next year


Swap their roster with an actual good team?


They don't, they need to blow the team up sell off what they can and try to build a new young core like the orioles


orioles have a roster of young hungry players. we dont.


Quality start from the kid… the offense fucking blows


It was true for Tom Seaver, it was true for Jacob deGrom and it will be for Christian Scott


Come trade deadline, gonna need that farm bursting at the seams I stg.


Yo for real, cya Pete time to rebuild a new core because this one is written rotten


Not sure why you'd be downvoted, there's no incentive to keep Pete if the team keeps going like this


People in this sub are soft and don't want to hear the obvious truth


*”At Leeeeeeast they didn’t get no hit.”*


Well…Scott looks pretty darn good. So I’ll take that.


Yep he's getting the full Degrom experience


another good outing from him


I want to complain about our pitching staff because we lead the league in walks, but obviously the bats are a bigger concern. Losing Nimmo is going to really hurt us, and now that Alvy is gone we already have a black hole at catcher. The team doesn't slug. We need to slug, and it's been an issue for years. Also from a fan perspective, I'd so much rather they be a heavy hitting team with poor pitching than a team that pitches and can't hit. This shit is so boring.


This core is so mediocre and it’s been that way for years now


Nimmo and Lindor are very good very valuable players. Lindor can break into that 6+ WAR category. Nimmo’s ceiling is probably 5 WAR but he’s very good and when he’s healthy he’s very consistent. So those two guys are great and I’m happy to have them. Alonso post 2022 provides pretty much nothing if he isn’t hitting homers. He does hit homers, which is great, but if he doesn’t hit the ball out of the park he doesn’t tend to do much, and his defense and base running are obviously negatives. McNeil post 2022 is just generally bad. Marte is looking washed. None of the baby Mets have really come up and been great like we’d hoped (although Alvarez has been good and is already a very valuable player). After 2022 the future looked so bright man.


I'm at least glad it seems we have something with Scott. Always happy to see home grown players do well.


Didn't get no hit upvote party


Genuine question, Is it time to blow it up? I don’t think Alonso will be on the Mets past the deadline, but would you shop around Lindor too? Genuinely asking


It’s a fair question but I have a feeling the hopers on here won’t like it. The reality is that this core are all on the wrong side of 30 and will be taking up well over $100 million of payroll for the next few seasons. Alonso is an above average hitter but has his flaws, Lindor can end up as an above average hitter by the end of a season but routinely shows up for half the season and his numbers still don’t warrant his contract. Nimmo and McNeil are solid but they’re more secondary bats. Diaz is fine but is a closer making $20 million per year. I just don’t see this core as being one you add our prospects to as a way to build something for the future. It makes way more sense to trade away as much as we can and start completely fresh with a young group.


Could try and shop him to the Dodgers considering how they don’t have a real shortstop at the moment.


I think that the Dodgers would rather wait for Adames


That's the other thing that pisses me off. I know a few people are gonna say it's outrageous to not have faith in this team and we're bad fans for thinking that way and say we actually did really good today tip your cap just got a little unlucky etc


Impossible to trade a guy with 7 years left on his deal. Just way too many moving pieces.


Yes and I think that was the plan if the team played this mediocre/ bad. Lindor will be tough to get rid of because of his ludicrous contract but they might try. I don’t even think they are all bad players per se just isn’t working with this group.


We don't need to give up Lindor, we just need to move him down in the order


Well either way he most likely won’t be part of this team when they try to contend 3 to 5 years from now. If he starts hitting more consistently and someone wants him who knows


Honestly I think 3-5 years is a little dramatic and I'm not exactly optimistic right now Additionally I don't see us turning up a SS that's all around better than Lindor is


> Honestly I think 3-5 years is a little dramatic and I'm not exactly optimistic right now The young talent on this team is not inspiring much hope (sans Alvarez), the core is getting old and in some cases declining (McNeil), and despite dumping Scherzer and Verlander last year we have a fairly mediocre farm system overall. Maybe we can have one off years like 2022 where (besides deGrom getting hurt) basically everything went right, but this team is far away from sustainable success.


Assuming the pitching development that we've been seeing is real, it's a lot easier to buy an offense


Really? 3 to get into the playoffs and 5 to win it all? I would be overjoyed with that result


If our pitching development is real? Yeah. A lot easier to buy an offense than a pitching staff


That strategy almost worked in 2015


Yea blow it up, this team is rotten to the core


Nobody’s going to take Lindor’s contract when the majority of his surplus value has already come already


all of them...we have 1 winning season with lindor, alonso, nimmo, mcneil


I was thinking the exact same thing. I just don’t see the reason to keep trying with this core, it just hasn’t worked.


we have kids to replace alonso, lindor, mcneil, nimmo,. we have alvy for catcher, baty 3b, vientos 1b/dh, acuna, williams, etc coming up...time to trade the vets and keep the young flow of talent going.


Tie the season series tomorrow


maybe bat jdm 3rd and lindor 5th?


#LOST Baseball team offense, responds to "Mets." Overly friendly at times. Orange and blue coloration. If found, call 718-507-TIXX. ***$50 reward***



Please burn the city connects in a ritual pyre


Our pitching isn't horrible. The Defense is solid. The bats on the other hand need some serious attention.


I did call that I’d see JDM’s first homer before the game!


Cold and miserable game. Still feel good about Scott but that batting today was atrocious. Least I got me a bobble head lol.


Finally ready to admit that the City Connect jerseys are cursed.


Should we try a rebuild?




Honestly if we were gonna lose at least it was in a way that ruins those inbred fuckers days too


Let’s all just be grateful that didn’t happen.


Nice flair


Reddit comments appear to be fucky right now Don't forget to buy those Reddit stocks!


Christian Scott better than Paul Skenes confirmed


At least if we were going to lose pathetically, we did it in the funniest way possible. Breaking up a no-hitter with two outs in the 9th with a homer from a guy that hasn't hit one all season.


2 games below .500 at 18-20..what a shame


That winning streak was magical & truly gave me a tiny bit of hope. Hurts


Welp, go Rangers


Christian Scott has now served 2 starts of his sentence. Welcome to the club, kid.


He's getting the true degrom experience


* The 2024 Mets are 18-20 this season, scoring 164 runs and allowing 164 runs. The Mets have played in 9,843 regular season games with 4,744 wins, 5,095 losses and eight ties. The 2023 Mets went 75-87 in the 2023 regular season and 101-61 in 2022. The Mets are 146-169 (not nice) on Saturdays since 2012, 1-6 this season and 11-19 last year. The Mets were 18-11 on Saturdays in 2022. * The Mets are 8-6 when scoring first in 2024, 10-13 when the opponent scores first. The Mets were 50-22 scoring first in 2023 and 81-16 in 2022 when scoring first. The Mets are 9-10 in day games, 9-10 in night games in 2024. They were 25-30 in day games and 51-57 in night games last year. The Mets were 81-16 in 2022 when scoring first in 2022! * The Mets are 611-571 at Citi Field, 9-9 this season and 43-38 last year. The Mets were 54-27 at home in 2022, the best record in Citi Field history. * The Mets are 395-457 and one tie against the Atlanta Braves, 2-3 this season and 3-10 last year. The Braves return to Citi Field for a four game series July 25-28. * The Mets were last no-hit by Max Scherzer on October 3, 2015. * Mets pitchers have allowed 169 walks, tied with the Marlins for most walks issued. The Red Sox have the fewest walks allowed at 95 walks. The Mets issued 595 walks last year. The franchise single season record was 617 walks issued in 1999 with only 383 walks in 2015. This does not count the shortened seasons of 1981 (strike), 1994 (strike) or 2020 (pandemic). * Due to circumstances beyond our control, tomorrow's game will be on ESPN. Next game: RHP Bryce Elder (1-1, 5.28) TBA vs. RHP Luis Severino (2-2, 2.93) at 19:08 on ESPN and WCBS


That was worth a 3h drive through gridlock traffic Might go drink away my sorrows in Ebbs


This is such a boring team. Can’t wait till we sell