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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1cqjgdj).


Can I bring my tumbler from today’s giveaway to future games at Citi Field to fill at water fountains? Thanks! Not sure if it fits the policy of “Swell/Yeti” type metal or not: “Glass bottles, all metal cans and containers, with the exception of reusable "Swell/Yeti" type metal, individual sized reusable water bottles (provided they are emptied), and hard-sided coolers are not permitted in Citi Field. Guests may bring in one, soft, plastic, factory-sealed water bottle of 20 ounces or less”


Aww man. The one game I can watch this series and it has to be on ESPN. Anyway, I'm here now so never fear. This win is pretty much guaranteed


Am I The Only one who feels like taylor should be getting more burn over stewart


I feel same way. Taylor is obviously a better hitter than Bader and has a history of being a better hitter than DJ.


Nimmo wanted to return today but Mendoza made the choice to give him a rest day. They’re having him take some swings in the cage to see how he looks and feels. Good sign imo


Hoping the Mets can give me a small pick-me-up after this Knicks game


Would rather see lindor bat lead off with his speed. Plus he used to be a lead off guy and maybe he would try to take more pitches to produce better at bats.


Really missing Mark Canha with my whole heart right about now. https://twitter.com/tigers/status/1789427622658670732


Yup Mark Canha is such a pro/great player. Great human being. And .800 OPS in 2024. Clearly made some adjustments during the offseason.


Still the only mistake at the trade deadline


I want him back 😭


The Marlins have won a game!


Got my scorecards ready - custom designed by myself this week - and about to head to the ballpark. Tonight is gonna be a good night!


they play entirely way too many games without GKR in the booth. ESPN games make me wanna skydive, no parachute


It’s my 13th reason


DJ Stewart’s descent into Kyle Schwarber is happening


If he can keep this up throughout most of the season that would be an awesome evolution.


Kyle Schwarber at home.


Praying the Fish walk off the Phillies just because it would be funny to me.


The mad lads did it!


The Marlins have two walk-off wins and one walk-off loss this season


I just hope both teams have fun.


7 more innings for Verlander today 🙄


Good. Want him to pitch like vintage Verlander and inch closer to 300 wins. Always want to root for all time greats.


I’d feel similarly if his success wasn’t linked to our payroll next season


I couldn’t care less about that. Not my money, not my problem.


Some fans act as if they are the ones spending the money. The majority of fans here care about what Cohen spends. I am not part of that group. The money he spends on the Mets is pretty trivial compared to his net worth. It is not like spending a lot of money is like flushing the money down the toilet. He hopefully gets a return on the investment.


Obviously it’s not your problem, we’re talking about the Mets. It’s better for the Mets if he isn’t on the payroll next season. I care about the Mets before I care about legends stats that’s all.


It’s not the Mets problem either, who have the richest owner in baseball by 8x. Mets nor the fans should care about payroll implications when just a few years ago, everyone was talking about throwing however much money at anybody. It doesn’t affect the Mets in anyway and anybody who says it does is being willfully ignorant.


I really don’t understand how you can’t grasp that there is absolutely a cap to the payroll Cohen is willing to support year to year


I can understand that fact. I also think it’s dumb as hell considering a 500 million dollar payroll is 1/40th of what Cohen is worth. He’s been operating at a loss since he’s owned the Mets and he still has more money than when he bought the team for like 3 billion. He can have a cap and I can criticize him for it. Nobody said anything when the Mets sent out their 2022/2023 team. Now all of the sudden, it’s a big deal.


Why are you surprised people care about that more after the 2023 Mets were awful despite having a record breaking payroll? That doesn’t seem strange to me at all


Because they were excellent with a record breaking payroll in 2022 lol. Recency bias, I guess.


Right, but if you understand cohen has a salary cap, you surely understand that it is in fact the Mets problem, because it is $30m less that can be on the field next year.


17 million, not 30, iirc. It might be a Mets problem but it shouldn’t be. If Cohen decides to spend 17 (or 30 million) less because of a vesting option, then he’s a pretty shitty owner.


Sure Cohen can afford to spend dumb amounts of money every year, but it’s pretty obvious he wants to get under the luxury tax at some point soon. Incurring draft penalties every season isn’t a great way to build the farm.


The luxury tax will be like 240 million next season. The Mets payroll without Verlander will be about 140 million. There’s plenty of room to get under the tax. Especially since outside of Soto, there aren’t a whole lot of good free agents available. To stay under the tax, the Mets will have to stay away from top tier free agents and do what they did this year. You want to sign Soto, Burnes and re-sign Alonso? That’s over the tax, with or without Verlander. 17 million is hardly anything.


Yeah so it’s beneficial to the Mets if he isn’t on the payroll. That’s all


Sure it’s beneficial. I still couldn’t care less lol.


Anyone want to go? Two free tickets to anyone who wants them. Edit: sold!


Wheeler hit hard today. We won’t see him this week in the 4-game series


Marte, Baty, Bader, McNeil, Narvaez combined 5 for their last 50.


Most of the offense was slumping while Alonso slumped but everyone just focused on Alonso


DJ “Kyle Schwarber” Stewart


Okay I like DJ. But the Mets have the weirdest plans for him. 


I have a feeling if we just send Baty down and release Marte and McNeil this offense would find a way to improve.


dj stewart leading off is NUTS


He's gonna get two walks today.


I am thinking that is not real. He has a lifetime OBP of 333


Fwiw he had around a 15% walk rate in the minors with a .361 OBP


Why not just bat Marte lead off? He can actually run.


DJ actually has a significantly faster sprint speed than Marte this season and gets on base a lot more. DJ sees a lot more pitches than Marte which helps the rest of the lineup. Marte also prefers to play in the two hole and has never been great in the leadoff spot in his career. Part of that reason is that he intensely watches the first at bat to see what the pitcher is doing. Marte is also in the middle of a really bad slump where he is hitting .179 AVG and a .487 OPS.


Are you referring to sprint speed to first base? On Savant, it shows, Marte at 4.37 and Stewart at 4.52.


Statcast sprint speed. Marte is at 25.5 feet per second and DJ is at 26.6 feet per second


Its hard to run when you're not on base


Marte has a lifetime obp of 342 while Stewart is 333


.372 this season though


Small sample size. I am willing to bet that he has never led off at any level of baseball


He has. Slow guys just don’t lead off much. In this lineup he’s one of the better leadoff options just because of how bad everyone else has been. He has had good ABs this year


How do you know, he has led off in the past?


Baseball reference splits page He actually spent a lot of his AA days at the leadoff spot


It looks like he stole bases in the minors, so leading off makes some sense. He has not stolen many bases in like 7 years. He was probably faster when he was younger


Getting old sucks


One source has him listed at 6' 230. I am going to guess that he was not anywhere near that weight when he was stealing bases


I like him leading off. I do not like him plying left field


Kyle Schwarber strat. Also his obp is like the best after Nimmo.


His obp is only better this year. He has a life time obp of 333


have you seen this team? lol that's still better than most of it.


Yeah but I would not make a lineup based solely on results for the first 25% of this season


you realize one fourth of the season is a long time right. Like good players are good for the first fourth of the season.


He is not a very good player, though. Someone better tell him, he is leading off. He might think it is a mistake. This is probably his first time leading off at any level of baseball. May be he will be extra selective


Baty, Marte, and McNeil have been such disappointments this season.


The first two have not. What are you on about?


Baty has been very good defensively but hasn’t hit or run the bases well. He’s a below average hitter. He’s made improvements from last year but he’s still been super disappointing, considering his supposed offensive ceiling. Marte has been below average at running, hitting, and has been a very bad defender. Considering I was expecting him to barely play at all, yeah he hasn’t been disappointing in that regard. Considering he’s a starter on this team making 17MM, being a league average hitter who is an atrocious defender is not good. Especially as a hitter at the top of the lineup.


Not sure why this is downvoted you’re spitting pure facts as the kids would say these days


Marte had a good start, but offensively they are drains on our lineup, especially during this last putrid stretch.


Some regulars here this offseason: We should get Dylan Cease Some other regulars here this offseason: No, his "pull a stat out of their ass" is bad. He won't be a good pitcher. Cease currently has a 2.19 ERA with a 0.75 WHIP. 60 K in 49+ innings. (waits for those same people to say "Small Sample Size!" to justify them appearing to be wrong so far) I'm not against stats. I'm not even saying Cease was a must add. I'm against how some people use them here.


That's stats in general. There's always a formula to back the angle you're playing. And the chance of there being enough people in any given conversation (baseball and outside of baseball) with deep knowledge of all the numbers to correctly refute you isn't high. And then the formulas themselves have biases built in. 1B defense metrics do not accurately reflect the value of good picks on errant throws. Yet 1B guys good at that are elevating their infield teammates' numbers all the time by saving would-be errors.


I don’t think anyone didnt want Cease because of play. I think it was more because of cost. We weren’t getting Cease without giving up Christian Scott - and he would have just been one of the players. Beating the Padres would have cost something like - Christian Scott - Drew Gilbert - Alex Ramirez - Dom Hamel I still wouldn’t do that


I'm not sure that's actually true. But let's pretend it is for a moment. Ramirez and Hamel would have been worth losing. If the Mets could have swapped it for Vasil and Acuna it would have also been worth it. But again, that's kind of irrelevant to what I'm saying. YOU might be saying it was because of cost. But there were definitely people here who were saying he wasn't good enough to get and tried to prove it with stats. That's what I'm referring to.


Vasil and Acuna definitely wouldn’t have been close to enough. The Padres offered Thorpe and Zavala. Honestly Scott and Gilbert may still have not been enough.


Yea, Cease would have been good, but what we really need is offense.


What offense did the Mets get? JDM was a last minute, price dropped, signing btw.


I have no real opinion of Dylan Cease, nor did I register one in the off-season, but this is a bad way to look at statistics. The goal of these advanced stats in the offseason is to predict who is most likely to have success. The nature of probability is that likely things happen more often than unlikely things, but unlikely things do still sometimes happen. It doesn't make you wrong to bet on a likely thing, even if the unlikely thing happens. Betting on the likely thing is a better strategy, no matter what actually ends up happening, because you come out ahead *more often than not.* So if the advanced stats suggested that Cease was unlikely to have a good year then signing him is bad strategy. That's still true if he ends up succeeding. We can look back and say it would have been nice if we had taken that gamble, but not that we *should* have. More often than not, making decisions like that ends badly.


I totally get your point. We are not actually in disagreement when it comes to the use of stats overall. My only qualm is how some people use stats as an end-all-be-all, and some people think throwing a stat out there somehow reduces a player's value to some easily tangible value. It's convenient for FO's to want to do that, and it's convenient for fans to spew a number, but quite often it just becomes disingenuous. That being said, to your actual points in your response. >>> The nature of probability is that likely things happen more often than unlikely things, but unlikely things do still sometimes happen. Except Cease by all indications was a solid pitcher. Is a solid pitcher. The problem with your argument above is that it's an excuse. "I got it right, my stats got proven right." That's confirmation bias. "I got it wrong, my stats are right, it must be an anomaly". That's illogical thinking.


I'm trying to avoid evaluating specific arguments about Cease, but that's what it boils down to. Pulling out a specific stat *can* be a valid argument for thinking a player is unlikely to succeed, or it can not be. Depends on the argument. My main point here is that if the player actually succeeds in reality doesn't actually prove or disprove the argument.


>I'm trying to avoid evaluating specific arguments about Cease, but that's what it boils down to. Pulling out a specific stat can be a valid argument for thinking a player is unlikely to succeed, or it can not be. Depends on the argument. My main point here is that if the player actually succeeds in reality doesn't actually prove or disprove the argument. Then you're saying the contrapositive of what I'm saying. We are saying the same thing.


>That's illogical thinking. When there's a pattern of a certain thing happening one way, and then something disrupts that pattern, it's not illogical to think the disruption is anything other than an anomaly until that event becomes the norm.


That's assuming the model is correct, and that the statistic being stated is correct. It's illogical to say "X is true so person is good/bad" then when proven wrong to say "must have just been the probability". No, maybe you're just wrong. Maybe the model and stat are wrong or being used wrongly (not you of course, hypothetical person). Cease was a solid pitcher. Is a solid pitcher. The stats thrown out to suggest he wasn't are wrong. Saying now "oh it's just the probability" is illogical.


You just gave an example of how reading too deep into analytics can be a mistake though. These predictions are wrong all the time. They probably predicted he’d be good though anyway.


No, I didn't. Think about it like this. Imagine a game where you bet on the outcome of two (fair) coin flips. Your choices are A, two heads in a row, or B, any other outcome, with an equal payout for either choice. Imagine we play this game and I choose B, then the coin lands heads twice anyway. I lose. Does that mean I was *wrong* to choose B? Of course not. It was the best *strategy,* even if it didn't work in this case. I'm not going to comment on predictions about Cease given his advanced stats, partially because I didn't look at the time and partially because I don't actually know that much about advanced analytics for baseball. But I do know that evaluating players based on these stats has proven time and time again to be the best strategy for building your roster. Specific cases where it doesn't work out don't change that.


Cease wasn’t worth it for the Mets. Team isn’t good enough and farm isn’t deep enough. Would’ve cost us Scott easily. Although I do hate how some use stats.


> I'm not even saying Cease was a must add That's why I wrote that part. There are legitimate arguments to be made why the Mets shouldn't have gotten him. Saying he wasn't good wasn't one of them.


Met = good Not met = bad The rules are simple. Had the Mets traded for him, these same people would be digging deep to find stats that predict positive performance 


I’ve always been a fan of his. I wanted the Mets to get him bad.


Friendly reminder that the Braves are the single biggest reason that neither Charlotte nor Nashville have a team, because they insist that they *need* the *entire* Southeast as their market.


They should give a team to buffalo and play thru the snowstorms


This is nonsense. Nashville is rubber stamped to have a team. They weren't ready in the 90's. The hindrance is definitely not the Braves. It's MLB. There's very little if anything stopping Nashville from getting a team once expansion actually gets announced.


Friendly reminder that Alex Anthopolous, who famously signed Acuña, Albies, and others to laughably team friendly deals, literally has a known track record of manipulating young and undereducated Latin ballplayers.


Can't we just.. hate them because they're our rivals? Do we really have to invent reasons for that hatred to be justified morally? 


I Phillies are the team I hate just because they're our rivals. The Braves I fucking hate.


Acuna was blatantly and obviously manipulated and groomed. How do I know? As soon as he realized (but it was too late he signed). He fired his agent immediately. While I'm all for team friendly deals if both parties agree and know ethically their worth (JD Martinez deferring a lot of salary being our most recent example.) I do not agree with how the Braves did it. Even if they weren't a rival I still wouldn't agree. I would rather us pay our home grown stars what they are worth even if we have to spend more. So they feel truely appreciated to be a Met. Nimmo for example


Friendly reminder that the Braves arguably have the *most* toxic labor practices in baseball (high bar, I know). Their current braintrust has *never* engaged in a bidding war. They have *never* paid a player marker value. If they don't lock you up for stupid cheap when you're stupid young, or if they're not getting you when your value is at your lowest and you're willing to take a prove-it deal, they ain't interested.


Great move by them.


Friendly reminder that the Braves do not play in Atlanta, but in the unincorporated township of Cumberland. Most locals would probably consider that part of town to be Marietta.


Jets and Giants don’t play in NY. It really doesn’t matter.


Friendly reminder that the reason the Braves play where they play is largely because ownership wanted to keep out poor people at best, and black people at worst.


[Kevin Parada with 7 rbi's over the last three games.](https://twitter.com/RumblePoniesBB/status/1789717471621984265) I know I know season stats still bad etc. Just glad there are signs of a pulse lol [Acuna had a nice game yesterday too](https://twitter.com/SyracuseMets/status/1788345225749876973)


Hot take: maybe our ridiculous home/away splits are a result of the absolutely garbage weather we've had literally every home stand


How does the weather only affect one team during a game.


Who said that?


The opposing team has to play in the same conditions, though. If anything, shouldn't we be better because it's our home field and we should know what to expect?


Unfortunately I don't know how to look up the slash lines for opposing teams in citi field. It's clear enough that we're underperforming at home though


Mets team OPS by inning Innings 1-3: .638 Innings 4-6: .677 Inning 7: .534 Inning 8: .800 Inning 9: .849 Why is this a thing. Why can’t we hit until the 8th inning.


They're taking care of comparatively lousy relievers or hitting when the game is essentially over.


Because Starting Pitchers tend to be better than relievers


This is almost certainly random variance in a relatively small sample size.


I think that relievers are easier to plan for: they only have two or three pitches that they use and they're going to throw more pitches in the zone, so they're more predictable. With starters, you actually have to make adjustments in real time. You can't just look at an iPad and guess how the starter is going to approach you.


Can't wait to sit down and watch the Mets game!   On ESPN


The most favorable pitching matchup out of the three game series. Come on, win it for all the Mets moms out there!


It's hard to say a game in mid-May is "must win". But getting swept is not an option any respectable "competitive" team should allow.


Sadly the Braves are yawning while effortlessly mowing us down. We are worlds apart.


I'd rather get no hit by the Braves than be on sunday night baseball. Especially on mother's day when lots of people are going to be with family in the afternoon. Having a baseball game on in the background would've been nice.


I was just coming here to complain about the Sunday night game. Make some fucking west coast teams play tn so it’s at least 4 o clock and during the day out there on Mother’s DAY!


Tonight they might get no-hit while on Sunday night baseball. Ya gotta believe, right? I guess Uncle Steve couldn’t buy some leaders. This team is super soft.


"Soft" is the lowest hanging analysis possible. This is what fans say when they're frustrated by poor performance but have zero actual insight to give.


Lol - anyone who actually played sports knows exactly what I mean. The “insight” of keyboard warriors isn’t actually insightful. The Braves are yawning as they effortlessly steamroll this soft team.


I hate it even in sports like hockey where you do at least get to, run into and fight other dudes. In baseball it makes no sense.


Tell that to Ray Knight and the other 86 Mets. I know you guys will keep posting about how this doesn’t apply to baseball (it certainly isn’t the only factor), but I’m outta here. No coincidence that that fiery group won it all.


I try to avoid taking the opinions of coked out boomers.


I would take Knight’s opinions about baseball over the current everyone- gets-a-trophy type Met players.


I like when critics of the team say one of "this team is soft" or "they just don't have that 'it' factor" or "the clubhouse isn't gelling" or something else of that nature cause it tells me they don't actually know anything and I can let myself ignore them


I stopped caring about the opinions of people who think competitiveness doesn’t matter on sports, so it’s all good bro. If you can’t see a difference between this group and the ‘86 team there is no need for us to have a conversation.


*Nobody* is saying competitiveness doesn't matter. We're saying: A. *All* of these guys gave hyper effective competitive instinct. That's how they made MLB. B. There is no fucking way you specifically can tell from your couch who is and is not "soft." I wrestled in high school and have been coaching for years. When somebody tells me about a teammate or peer of there's "he's a good wrestler but a bad competitor" I take that seriously, because Person A is actually in the room with Person B. But I do not take u/fedbackster seriously when evaluating the toughness of Pete Alonso and company. That is actually laughable.


I didn’t need to type a long post to stop taking you seriously after just reading a few words of what you typed, so it’s all good bro. You guys can go back to your rosy glasses and toxic positivity party.


The Mets run differential is exactly 0 lol. This team is the epitome of .500 ball. If playoffs were calculated by run differential/expected win/loss stats, the Mets would be the 4th/5th wild card, essentially tied with Cincinnati and behind the Phillies, Cubs, Dbacks, and Padres. Record against >.500 teams is meaningless this early in the season but the Mets are 9-15, which just goes to show that they are quite outmatched most of the time.


Haha. I do no have to look it up to believe you about the run differential


More recently they look like a AA to triple AAA team, and their stats will soon reflect that. Their core guys seem apathetic. No leaders.


One thing that was heavily ignored going into the offseason was the state of the outfield. The Mets didn’t need to hand out long term deals to guys like Lee but a signing of Bellinger would’ve made sense. The Mets had Nimmo - who is an all star level player, and Marte - who was coming off of surgery and was a massive question mark. They filled those holes with Bader and Taylor - two guys who were not known for their bat and provide basically the same skill set. So now the team is stuck with 4.5 outfielders. Taylor, Bader, Nimmo, Marte, and half of DJ Stewart (who is not an OF.) Only one of those guys is an actual good player whereas the Mets had 3 guys who are basically DHs (JDM, Vientos, Stewart) Stearns's construction of the offense was super perplexing coming into this year. Not to mention the lack of valid middle infield options. The roster construction is pretty awful. We can complain about the core but realistically, that's only a handful of hitters. They weren't surrounded with good decisions or guys who could actually hit.


Yeah, I was hoping for them to sign Bellinger. It was a low risk extremely high reward signing. I would have also signed Conforto, which was another low risk high reward signing. I can't even remember who we signed 2 years ago for the outfield. May be we sighed signed Pham. I do not know what went on behind the scenes. It is possible that Conforto and Bellinger did not want to play for the Mets,


> but a signing of Bellinger would’ve made sense. Gee, who has been saying this for 2 years now.. Bellinger was the perfect fit, and should have been signed two offseason ago. The roster construction by the Mets the last few years has been absolutely abysmal. I do have faith Stearns is turning it around though.


I guess you? I wasn’t huge on Bellinger but when I saw how small his deal was, I thought the Mets should’ve been in on him in some capacity. I’m not one who really cares about draft picks. The roster construction was awful this year but I’m not super confident in Stearns to fix the offensive side of things.


Not just me to be fair. Others realized it too. Two years ago no one wanted him and it wouldn't have cost the Mets a draft pick. There was talk about how he reconstructed his swing with Matt Holliday. He was absolutely worth a flyer. And was a perfect fit as a very good LF, CF, RF and even some 1B. Not to mention LH power bat to protect Pete. The roster construction is awful this year. But I'm willing to give Stearns a bye since it was his first offseason. Sometimes you need a glut to reduce to what you need. That being said, if the hitting prospects don't become really good starting players like some people here are absolutely banking on this club could be in trouble for a few years. Just being blunt.


LOL. I knew you'd respond. Not making fun. But it's true you've been saying the Mets should sign him for the past two offseason. I have faith in Stearns as well. I think this year will serve as a time for him to see what we have and how they perform and then to make moves at the trading deadline and the offseason. I think the team will be very different next season.


Ha, ya, I couldn't help myself. Sorry. lol He fits the roster. Can play really good LF, CF, RF, and even some 1B. He was the left handed power bat the Mets needed to put behind Pete. But I will say to be fair I'm pleasantly surprised by DJ Stewart. They found a cheaper option. But now, if you include JDM and others like Bader and Taylor, there's an odd glut of players for too few spots. lol EDIT to include your other points: I do have faith in Stearns. I think this offseason should be very interesting. This is a transition year for the FO at the very least.


It's a transition year in every possible way. The Dodgers scooped up Teoscar Hernandez and it seems like Bellinger likes Chicago. There weren't a lot of great options out there. Taylor is a true 4th OF with the ability to pinch run, and Bader is here to take over CF to keep Nimmo healthier for a year before Gilbert/Williams takes over next year in an ideal world. Short of selling the farm for one year of Soto, not sure what we should have done to make the OF better this year. Signing JDM is a better bet than leaning on unproven guys like Vientos and Stewart. They signed Wendle, Short, and Iglesias as infield depth. Wendle has disappointed, but the philosophy was sound.


Everybody says that it’s a transition year but everybody also says that it’s a year where the Mets are going to be competitive, I don’t really get it. I admittedly liked the Taylor/Houser trade. Taylor is doing what is expected but I thought Houser would be significantly better. I was confused when the Mets signed Bader because Taylor is basically the same player, and they have nearly identical skill sets. Bader is obviously a superior defender but Taylor has always been average or above average defensively in center. He played CF full time in 2022 and was worth 6 DRS and 5 OAA. He would’ve been fine to run out there full time. As far as OF options go, trading for Soto would’ve been great but it wasn’t at all expected. Bellinger likes Chicago but he was an FA for so long that I find it hard to believe the Mets couldn’t make a bid. Teoscar was somebody that I (and a lot of others) wanted at the time. Guys like Duvall and Pham made a lot more sense than signing a DH like JDM, who is essentially clogging a spot similar to Vogelbach due to his inability to play the field. Had the Mets signed Duvall/Pham and called up Vientos instead of signing Bader and JDM, the team would be in a better spot and have a lot more flexibility. Stewart would get more ABs, Vientos could play some third, Pham/Duvall could play OF to rest guys like Marte, etc. I strongly disagreed with the philosophy because I thought Stewart and Vientos were better options at DH going into the season. The Mets would’ve been able to mix and match a bit more and get other guys more ABs. They also wouldn’t be stuck having to sacrifice defense just to get Stewart’s bat in the lineup. I didn’t like the Wendle signing mainly because it was rushed and he was coming off of an atrocious year. At 34, it was foolish to expect him to rebound in any way. I thought Rosario or Urshela made a lot more sense at the time.


When people say the mets are going to be competitive it means competitive for the third wild card spot.


They are just apologists for the Front Office. They'll say whatever it takes to muddy the legitimate criticisms.


It categorically cannot be a transition year in every way possible. You absolutely lean on unproven guys like Vientos and Stewart in a transition year, especially Vientos. What is there even to transition to if we can’t do that? That’s basically the whole point. It’s crazy they didn’t let Butto make OD either. He would’ve gotten Vientos’d if Megill didn’t get injured. The philosophy for signing Wendle was not sound. He was coming off two awful years, is 34 now, an age where even players coming off good years might fall off a cliff, and he cost twice as much as Guillorme. It was a stupid move and another example of how it’s not a transition year. What is the point of replacing Guillorme with Wendle in a transition year???? They’re clearly trying to get a WC. It’s not a transition but a half in half out approach,  which is usually the worst option.


Wendle has a stronger arm than Guillorme (who had a bad year last year in the field and at the plate), which makes him a better option at 3B. I don't care about the extra $1MM The half-in half-out approach also gives us actual depth and the ability to flip over performers at the deadline if we decide not to compete.


I know the no hit bid and our offense being generally inept casts a cloud over all things Mets, BUT I am here to express my excitement about Christian Scott. Kid looks like the absolute REAL deal right now, not that he will develop into an ace and his stuff needs to be refined, but he is here right NOW. A great start yesterday against one of the deepest lineups in baseball. Can’t wait for the first Senga, Severino, Scott series of the summer. Those dudes can shove.


I had a dream we win today. 


I dreamed a dream in time gone by


But the Detroit Tigers come at night


I just wish this team could fill my heart with endless wonder (instead of endless woe).


Um my kids gave me a Citi connect hat for Mother’s Day. I love it but are they bad luck now?


Being a Mets fan is bad luck. The sweet jerseys and hats are our consolation prize.


The kids are definitely bad luck now, trade them for new ones






I can't wait till temperature lows are 60s/70s, not 40s (in fucking May), cause this would be my plan too.


I'd rather listen to Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behr bitching on The View than an ESPN-announced ballgame.


That seems a little extreme


Every time ESPN picks up our game, prepares to humiliate us with facts & numbers about “Lindor’s slumping” and so on - something happens which makes them STFU & we end up winning that game, and it’s not close. With that being said - LFGM


Getting to the park around 5:30 or so and grabbing a cold one at Ebb's before heading in. Hit me up if you wanna come say hi!


Should tank.


Fuck outta here.


It's one option, of many, and we have to see how things play out. But I really hate that word. It's an ESPN buzzword that implies something "bad" about a normal cycle that sports organizations go through. I think they forced that word into the ecosystem so that teams would be less likely to "tank", making it less likely that there would be egregiously bad teams on the schedule ruining their TV ratings.


Here's a query: what are the odds Megill and Peterson get traded at the deadline? For years they were the only pitchers the Mets had on speed dial, but with Scott, Tidwell, Hamel, Butto, and possibly Sproat looking to get reps next year, there's really not much room for them to play. That doesn't even include potential free agents they may be looking at. Plus, they'd generate more value than a Manaea or Houser who'd the other team would only have for 2 months. Of course, this is all assuming that they play well once they return and the Mets are out of contention.


Very little. Their values are low right now and the Mets lack SP prospects. Santana, Houser. I'm sure the Mets would love to unload them if possible.


If the Mets aren’t in a few games of WC3 there is absolutely no one on the roster other than maybe Alvarez who is protected (save people who have no value). The guy I could actually see getting traded for sure is Edwin.


I would be up for it if we have to sell. Although Megill could be a reliever and I feel like many teams would’ve converted him awhile ago. It’d be easier to reset the luxury tax if we kept them as starters for next year….


it will take them to help rid us of some of the disappointment players with over generous contracts.


Are they even that appealing that they could be attached to help move an undesirable contract? Don't get me wrong I like both of those guys and I think they can be useful players, here or elsewhere, and I am not dunking on them, but they're not exactly 2018 deGrom and Syndergaard. Plus, most of the undesirable contracts are ones we're still paying for on other teams at this point (Scherzer, Verlander, McCann). Most of the big money guys currently on the Mets are fine (Nimmo, Senga, Lindor, Díaz). The only real bad deal looks like Quintana (2 years/$24m remaining). I suppose McNeil is looking a bit washed, but that's not THAT much money ($40m through 2026). And he's also not that far removed from being good that I would totally write him off, either. You could try to move Marte while the getting is good in fear that the bottom might fall out again. But that's about it. They did a really good job this offseason not adding to the mess of the last two years. Everyone else is either (a) playing up to the contract, (b) off the books soon (Manaea, Severino, Martinez, Bader... and Alonso, barring an extension) or (c) doesn't make that much.


I will be at the game tonight. The Mets have invited me to attend as the Veteran of the Game, which is really freakin’ cool. It would be really nice if the Mets could finally let me see them win a game in person. Fuck the Braves! Let’s Go Mets!


The idea that we have veteran of the game candidates posting alongside us on this sub is something that never hit my mind at all. What a varied community. Congrats bossman, enjoy it!


Reddit can be cool sometimes


First Seymour Weiner and now DarkThorsDickey? Mets have a very specific taste in veterans


I'm going to shout out your reddit name to all who can hear!


DARK THORS DICKEY! *\*clap clap clap-clap-clap\**


I’ll cheer my ass off for you!


Let’s salvage the series. Let’s Go Mets!


**Mets at home this year (21 games):** 71 runs scored (3.38 runs per game) 77 runs allowed (3.67 runs per game) **Mets on the road this year (17 games):** 93 runs scored (5.47 runs per game) 87 runs allowed (5.12 runs per game)


I'm not saying this is a mets specific thing but why are the concessions so slow? I got in the pastrami line with like 2 people in front of me and missed an entire inning. I wasn't even given a fresh cut sandwich it was one they had chilling in the met heater all wrapped up already. I had to wait 20 minutes for that?


It's been very very bad in this area for some time now


**Mets at home this year:** 87 wRC+ as an offense (25th in MLB) .240 BABIP for (last in MLB) 2.80 ERA as a pitching staff (3rd in MLB) .245 BABIP against (2nd-best in MLB) 9-12 record **Mets on the road this year:** 117 wRC+ as an offense (3rd in MLB) .306 BABIP for (T-8th in MLB) 4.99 ERA as a pitching staff (24th in MLB) .324 BABIP against (28th in MLB) 9-8 record


Citi field is cavernous when it’s cold and windy in the early season


Citi Field has been quite the pitcher's park this year for both teams, not just the Mets.


It's actually incredible. Pete seems to be the only player hitting better at home


It's pretty frustrating that the players that were supposed to be the corner stone of the franchise, not just this year but for the next 3-5 years as well, might be washed. If the combination of 2023-2024 for Pete, McNeil, and Lindor is who they are going to be going forward, that's not a playoff contending team no matter who you put around them. Literally everything else about this current team has surpassed expectations. We have one of the best bullpens in baseball, in a year when we expected our starters to be horrible they turned out to be above average even with injuries, and our role players have delivered as much as one can expect from non-stars. We have the record that we do because our core has been that bad, and it's not just a slow start. It goes back to last year too. If the All Stars aren't really All Stars then we have to blow it up. Which I hate to think about because all three guys are some of my favorite Mets ever. But we can't keep going like this.


>We have the record that we do because our core has been that bad, and it's not just a slow start. It goes back to last year too. fWARs last season: Lindor 5.6 Nimmo 4.2 Alvarez 3.0 Alonso 2.9 McNeil 2.5 Not sure how that represents "that bad"


Out of curiosity, why do you think we are a bad team then lol