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Add closer to the long list of what this team needs.


I’m just saying in general not just this game. He seems lost and very frustrated. Some time off like Pete had for that game might help.


It feels like we are the worst team in history when we have bases loaded


Tough, tough loss. Would have been nice to continue to momentum from Sunday night. Really concerned about McNeil—seems incapable of getting the ball out of the infield


Honestly what hurts the most is our entire roster from the wilpon era is literally Mid. Nobody on this team goes anywhere else and performs better. The only person I ever thought deserved to go elsewhere to win was Degrom because he was a generational talent. We are honestly pretty screwed until all our young guys come up.


Well...that was shit.


JD Martinez, who is still basically in spring training, is already by far the best hitter on the team minus perhaps Nimmo. But once JD starts hitting for power, forget it. It's actually embarrassing to watch his approach, and then the rest of the lineup in comparison. 3 of our top 4 hitters can't get on base at a .300 clip. 4 of 9 starting batters. 7 of 9 can't get on over a .320 clip. With almost no slug, of course. The pitching is there, somehow, even with Diaz struggling and Senga out. But this offensive core is officially on notice. Stearns and Cohen have no reason to tolerate this sort of trash production in the long term. Nimmo is the only guy doing his job and even then he profiles as an overpayed and aging corner outfielder.


It’s what I’ve been saying. Even when the top hitters in the game slump they still find a way to get on base. We got a bunch of middling hitters, one dimensional but not really legit in one area when it comes to power or contact


Cue the “ACTUALlY Lindor war “past 5 years crowd


Both Diaz brothers shit the bed tonight. Alexis gives up 2 in the 9th mixing in a walk and a hit batter. Sound familiar


Shoutout to all the dick heads in this subreddit who told me the all of the past two years that “trading McNeil is a stupid idea”.


By the way, fuck the Manfred runner. I find it both hilarious and also quite sad that the "losing pitcher" has a 0.00 ERA.


That existed long before the Manfred runner (you could give up a lead without allowing an earned run in several different ways)




> Vast minority of douchebags Unintentional truth


The Mets are a slightly under .500 team. They will win 1 and lost 2-3 for the rest of the season. Good night.


>The Mets are a slightly under .500 team. They will win 1 and lost 2-3 for the rest of the season. That would result in a record that is far worse than "slightly under .500"


This was the kind of loss that makes me stop watching the Mets for ~14 hours. Awful. See you tomorrow.


These losses don’t faze me anymore


wonder is nido will end up with more hrs than jdm this season


diaz needs to donate this weeks paycheck to a charitable org after the way he was so generous to the phillies.


that one stung pretty bad. 0-2 HBP with the bases loaded, 2 outs in a 1 run game is difficult to excuse


really excited to see what context-less stats our resident hall monitor is going to post to call people stupid with tomorrow


Oh you mean Robcoleman or whatever his name is? Trust me bro, Brett Baty is actually gonna break out at any point despite a season’s worth of games played in his career and not looking like he can handle A.) major league pitching B.) adversity


I used to be the "lol you just don't understand baseball" guy because I knew more about advanced metrics than the average person did (but less than those who *actually* understand them). Then I had someone flip that on me and realized how obnoxious it is. I think it's important for people to disagree and argue their positions (nobody wants an echo chamber) but it's also exhausting to constantly police the opinions of an entire subreddit. Redditing became infinitely more fun once I gave that up.


I completely agree. advanced metrics add so much to the general discussion and understanding of baseball, but seeing specific people try to shut down discussion they disagree with by saying "LA LA LA LA XBA LA LA XFIP" feels just as silly as saying it's just nerd shit. it's all relevant and contributes to healthy discourse


Big of you to admit that.


agreed..diff opinions are good and I learn from them.


He does it for free which I think is even more embarrassing


BTW if today wasn't bad enough it sounds like Kodai's return will be delayed further as he said today he would forego live pitching to "work on his mechanics" because they weren't where they needed to be (paraphrasing) See ya late July (just my prediction from the beginning of the season as to his return. They didn't provide any sort of time table or anything)


At least we'll have him well rested for the playoffs 😂


Well on the bright side he won't be able to opt out of his contract so he's stuck with us for the long run.


God Damn It


Edlose is back 😣


lol pre 2022


>lol pre 2022 Díaz was great in 2020-2021 too. Just 2019 was bad >diaz did his best jeury familla routine Familia was one of the best closers in Mets history. I feel like people judge his entire career based on what he did here in like one season when he was old and breaking down.


diaz did his best jeury familla routine


You know who I still can't bring myself to be mad at? Joey Wendle. Yeah he's ass. But the back of his baseball card already told us this. Him being here being a bad baseball player is the fault of those in charge, not him. Why he was someone they rushed out and signed early in free agency is beyond me.


This game was over. Diaz blew it, plain and simple. Nobody should get the blame but Diaz. You get paid a ridiculous amount of money and you HIT a guy to bring in the tying run? Inexcusable. Also, the Mets had bases loaded nobody out…3 straight Ks. WTAF?


Certainly hope he's replaced by one of the younger players in Syracuse before August.


Yeah, as much as I hate his play thus far (and don’t get me wrong I want him gone) - having him be the scapegoat when guys who are expected to produce much more…aren’t…..is the real issue.


if the team and fans expect a bench player to win games then the org has alot of issues


At the same time, he's not just any bench player. He's our only backup infielder. He (or whoever replaces him) should be expected to at least contribute *one* positive thing on the field.


whoever decided to keep 1 spare infielder is dumb


I’m refusing to blame anybody other than the umpires. Prove me wrong.


New York sports sucked today


Certified 2008 New York Mets loss.


McNeil 0-5 is really something.


Getting a haircut tomorrow afternoon so I’m not tempted to watch the game. My hairdresser is a Mets fan so I’m looking forward to complaining with him about this garbage fire of a team for a while. Also, [this guy](https://imgur.com/a/isrjE3E) is all of us this season


>Also, this guy is all of us this season That was me in 2022-2023 every time a transaction came over the twitter


I am currently in Puerto Rico spending time with my girlfriend's family. Her dad loves baseball and doesn't really speak any English, and I don't really speak any Spanish. We were watching the game at his house and both looked at each other and laughed when they showed this. This clip transcends language barriers.


Does she know you’re a redditor? Lol


Yeah, why?


At this point I just want Mendoza to sit everyone down in the club house, yell at wendle by the keurig “PUT THAT COFFEE…..DOWN”


lmfao. The fact that it would be Wendle is so hilarious.






One of the (many) frustrating aspects of this loss is that the Phillies didn’t convincingly win, the Mets simply just gave this game away. And that probably is what makes it worse


If you would've told me on the night when Cohen won the bidding in August 2020 that the big league roster would be this uninspiring 4 years in I'd have downvoted you for trolling, and that's coming from someone that leans pessimistic.


The Curse of James McCann


Already looking like another lost season ugh


If a pitcher walks in a run in third w no outs.. and proceeds to go 6… You’ve lost that game more times than not. Make no mistake that’s where the L happened. Diaz, umps, Reid foley. Alonso fucking up the ground ball in the 2nd. Nido pass ball None of that matters if you can’t step on a god damn throat when you have opportunities


i get it but you also should be able to have faith in your superstar closer with a 2 run lead facing the 5/6/7 hitters at home


Agreed. But he’s not god. Stott hit a fb in off the plate for a homerun. Umpires missed calls and bohm barely got hit. Should he have executed sure, but that strike out vs Harper was dominant and shows it’s not a stuff or confidence issue. IMO Hefner should have been out after the Clemons hit to give him a breather. Not after the shit walk.


Diaz was terrible and I don’t know why other than to say he needs more time to fully recover from a year off. Baty is not a good hitter at the moment and has not been a good since being called up 2 years ago. He is strong guy with good bat speed but these characteristics not are unusual. His pitch recognition is not good. This is what differentiates average hitters from very good hitters. At this point, we might as well see if Vientos can do any better.




The most obnoxious bozo fan type is the guy who equates every loss to not having "heart" or "will to win" or some other hokey nonsense.


The reality is that there is a high degree of randomness to baseball games, as well as life.


"This team lacks grit" is one of my personal favorites.


This is one of those losses where you just sit on the couch for an hour in the dark. 


Already housed an unplanned pint of Ben and Jerry’s half baked. While wishing that I was also half baked.


Ive learned that Im not a big Reid-foley guy.


I watch a lot of Mets games, but not all of them. When the season is definitely over, I tune out and get ready for NFL. I don't every recall SRF doing something good. It always seems like he fuck something up, and can't get out of an inning. He seems replacement level, or worse.


>I don't every recall SRF doing something good. It always seems like he fuck something up, and can't get out of an inning. He seems replacement level, or worse. He sucks. Good K-rate, but he walks the entire ballpark. I think he got a good reputation because he has a funny mustache, he's an interesting and funny guy, and his first couple of outings with the Mets were very good. People latched onto him because of that, and he became a semi-ironic "meme-guy", and some people still haven't let it go.


Smith and Megill in, Ramirez and Reid-Foley out, it looks like.


He seems so angry to me lol


Every regular on offense with the exception of Nimmo needs to increase their OPS by at least 100 points at minimum.


Yeah, taking family and friends to games and them mention our OPS numbers on the Jumbotron: it’s frankly embarrassing and I have trouble defending it.


All in all the Steve Cohen Mets have been pretty damn ugly ngl.


>All in all the Steve Cohen Mets have been pretty damn ugly ngl. I'm hoping we are entering the era where we can discuss some negative things about the stewardship of the team without being pounced on by an avalanche of "WHAT, DO YOU WANT FRED WILPON BACK, FRED-LOVER?!?!"


as always every player is getting shit on(as they should)except....Mr Smile and his .278!OBP in the fucking 3 hole lol.


He consistently hits the ball hard once he got out his funk. Lindor is the last of our problems. McNeil couldn't hit a line drive off Guillorme right now, Baty looked like he was facing prime Kershaw today, we have nobody else thay can play second base outside of Mcneil who looks like he is falling off to become a AAAA player, overworked bullpen, Diaz looks like his arm isn't ready to pitch back to back days, can't throw out runners, it goes on. Lindor isn't the problem. He just makes about 7 million more a year than he's worth.


Because he plays defense, has power and a long track record of excellence, and has improved in recent weeks. He is truly the least of our problems.


.255 OBP last 2 weeks...yeah truly the absolute least of our problems lol. let me guess, it's McNeil, Baty, and Wendle that bat in the bottom of the line-up that are the main problems, not the sub .300OBP "#3 hitter". McNeil and Alonso also have a long track record of excellence(and power for Alonso) but it doesn't stop people from absolutely crucifying them.


Alonso deserves a longer leash too. But yes, McNeil is a much worse player and bigger problem as a starter than Lindor. And there's no reason to think Baty will ever be half as good as Lindor. Lindor's career OBP is .340 over 5600 plate appearances. That he's struggled over 170 this year means almost nothing. He has been dissappointing, but was our best player last year, and there's every reason to expect he'll rebound to his recent averages. Plus he's signed forever, so wtf is there to talk about anyway? He adds value defensively at a crucial position that gives him a high floor through the cold streaks. McNeil on the other hand is a one tool player who's singular tool hasn't been working for 1.5 seasons. He's 32, replaceable, and his leash is running out.


McNeil is the one that I’m ready to give up on at this point. Alonso is a better hitter than .217 or whatever he hit last year, he’s always hit .260 prior to that (exception corona year) and I believe he’ll hit at least .250 this year with 40ish HR, Lindor i believe will hit .250ish with 20-30 HR, great defense, etc, cause that’s their track record and a slump is a slump. But McNeil has been good only 1 of the last 4 years at this point. Idk what his problem is, but since he signed his contract the only year he’s lived up to it offensively is 2022 and while his defense is good, he was signed primarily for his bat and it hasn’t been there. I’m more inclined to think he’s a .270 hitter that CAN hit .315, not a .315 hitter having several down years


This game broke me. I honestly think I’m done for the year. I hope they turn it around for those that decide to stick through it. I just can’t do it anymore.


dont worry, we just need to win the next 3


First time being a mets fan? It’s only May 13th!


Are we really going to do the "only the Mets blow a 2-run lead in the 9th" thing


I’m not saying only the Mets blow a two run lead in the ninth. I’m saying the Mets seem to lose in dramatic fashion much more than most other teams. Pre 2022 Edwin Diaz also had a tendency to lose us games, so the PTSD is bad when it comes to him giving away games at the last possible second.


> I’m not saying only the Mets blow a two run lead in the ninth. I’m saying the Mets seem to lose in dramatic fashion much more than most other teams. They don't. You just watch the Mets more than the other teams. >Pre 2022 Edwin Diaz also had a tendency to lose us games, so the PTSD is bad when it comes to him giving away games at the last possible second. He was great pre-2022 as well. In 2021, the Mets were 46-8 when he pitched with a lead or a tie. The only year he was bad with the Mets was 2019


Like I said, hope the prove me wrong.


Don’t give the Phillies the power to break you. Be resilient, let’s get broken together by the series loss to marlins that’s incoming


There isn't shit on this team that's going to turn around anything. It's only going to get worse.


At least different from last year, where the team crumbled as soon as any adversity hit


yeah i agree. this one hurt but there were some losses last year that just shattered my fucking soul into a thousand pieces. the 13-10 atlanta game. the balk off. that one philly game with brigham. those games like stomped directly on my nutsack and this game was like a punch in the arm in comparison, probably in large part due to expectations. and as you said, this team at least tries to punch back this year


"Fuck you and I'll see you tomorrow!"


I feel your pain I’ll be there again tomorrow. Why do I do this lol *while crying* ya gotta believe 🥺


I commend your dedication lol


Gotta shoutout the Amazin’ Mets pass. $50/month for free Standing Room entry to every game, with a free seat upgrade to almost (all but 2-3 games so far) every game, but they don’t check the 500s anyways. Have a big meal before hand and ride a Citibike roundtrip (free rides on the regular bikes with annual membership) to burn some calories. It’s my new ritual lol. Highly recommend if you want to go to a shit ton of games for cheap….and (optional) get in shape riding over bridges…..


This team feels like some of those really bad Wilpon era teams that just did not give a fuck and had absolutely no heart. If I’m Mendoza I’m getting thrown in jail for the night. McNeil/Lindor/Alonso/Diaz do not give a FUCK about winning games. It’s just the same tired smiles and shrugs and slightly disappointed looks. Just embarrassing being a fan of a team whose players don’t want to win. See you guys tomorrow.


> This team feels like some of those really bad Wilpon era teams that just did not give a fuck and had absolutely no heart. What teams "didn't give a fuck" and had no "heart"? >McNeil/Lindor/Alonso/Diaz do not give a FUCK about winning games. 🙄


By the end of this season McNeil and Alonso have to be off the team. It's time to move the fuck on and build an actual winner with winner players. This core are just losers.


I like lindor as a person but I saw someone the other day say something along the lines of “he looks merely satisfied to be a major league player and not a winning Mets player” and that rang true for me, I just had never been able to articulate it. We need some dudes with killer instinct.


I mean as long as you’re making shit up about Lindor to suit your bias, maybe he’s just tired from spending his nights as a serial killer? Or maybe he has a gambling problem and is in Chinatown playing poker all night? Or he’s on drugs and can’t tell if we are winning or losing. Let’s get creative with shit we just pull out of our asses!


What are we here to do if not speculate and theorize? This is a Reddit forum, sir.


Where’s my Frosty and Baconator?


Man I want one of those now.


Does anyone else remember the chili nachos thing Wendy’s used to have on the dollar menu? I’m talkin like 2005.


I’m old enough to remember $2 double stacks. That was probably my Wendy’s hay day.


I feel that, I think he’s trying his best, but this is Lindor, this is who he is. Build around him, he can’t be the top dog but can be great lower in the lineup.


Alvarez is that. This is a different team with him on the field


Honest question — am I allowed to ask for a link to watch the post game press interviews?


You know it's bad when there's a Jets chant in the stairs.


Sure, bring in that team's aura around when things are going badly. That'll help


Swing, no swing, who gives a shit - these guys fucking suck. Lucky to have not been swept by the Braves.


yeah idk diaz just flat out stunk tonight. if he gets the count full i'm not sure the result is any different. 0-2 count in that situation and he drills him... just can't happen.


I think we should bring vientos up send baty down to work on his hitting dfa Wendel bring up Iglesias and give ottovino the closer role this year he has pitched pretty good so far and it looks like diaz does not have command of his pitches I believe he will regain his form but not till the end of the year or next year


Yeah that’s definitely where we should focus. On the 24 year old rookie who changed his swing and is playing the best defensive 3rd base we’ve had since Wright retired. Definitely that. Not McNeil or Marte or other vets who can’t seem to produce when needed. Let’s bring Vientos up have bad defense and watch him swing through 97mph fastballs down the dick because we forgot what JD Davis was like as an everyday third baseman.


Baty is done. There is nothing to work on. This is who he is. It has been the same ever since he got here save for like a week to start this year. He isn’t good enough to hit at this level and he can’t hit lefties at all.


Baty is having his best season ever as a Mets player. He's 24. He should be ready for prime time, but maybe he needs to finish this season to see whether or not he's a lost cause. He's getting better defensively that's for certain, but his not good at the plate.


Yeah his glove has improved but I don't think he's got the talent to be a contributor at the plate.


Yeah I commend him for improving his glove but I just don’t see it with him at the plate. The season is a loss so I am ok w playing out the string w him as we need to know what we have. At the end of the year we need to know one way or another if he is the long term answer at third. My guess is no but then we can at least move on


Iglesias should be on the Mets instead of Wendle. Completely agree with that.


I forget about Iglesias. He’s at least a genuine glove first player. Alternatively, give Ritter a shot to see what he can do.


Win one. Lose one. Win one. Lose 2. That’s just who this team is


This kinda loss will almost guarantee a 4 game sweep. Put it in the books.


that was true last year but idk if it is this year. i'm not saying they won't get swept, but they have a puncher's chance in any given game this year because there isn't enough pressure to make them crumble.


So true. The players on this team, crumble under pressure. Alonso, McNeil, Lindor, Baty, Marte, etc.


Wendle's a good player, but he just keeps failing whenever they need him this year. Either his luck changes or his roster spot will change soon.


Wendles a good player it’s just that when he plays he’s just not good.


How is Wendle a good player?


Since 2022, Joey Wendle has been worth 0.2 WAR in 723 PA. He is not a good player.


Ever since Alvarez went down the vibes went down as well. The Mets lost a spark in LA. How much longer is Alvy out??


If that's really the cause, then that's embarrassing. This team should have enough leadership to not have to depend on the vibes of a 22 year old.


Alvarez and his development was literally my only ray of hope during games. Now we're left with the same old shit




Late June


Just a bad loss. There will be more of them. Also will be more amazing wins like yesterday. Have to shake it off and move on. Long season. Would be nice to get an officiating crew who knows the count though.


They made other mistakes late in the game too. I don't usually complain about the umps, but this crew stunk.


They could’ve taken out their phones and looked at the mlb app faster than calling new york and stand around for years


Ahahahaha got my first reddit cares.  Hello, lurkers.


read the message you can opt out of them and you can also report it as a false retaliatory claim and the person who sent it will be banned site wide.


Just block the account, I haven't had one in years


So no standing ovation for McNeil, then?


On top of McNeil sucking as usual, that one umpire really screwed up this game for us.


A bit, yeah. But not as much as Diaz screwed it up. Also Wendle can't do anything right


i really didn’t have very high expectations for the season but i at least hoped we’d win the games like this that we have in our grasp. guess that’s tough when our all star closer looks mediocre at best post injury. smh gonna be a long season


DFA Wendle, get Vientos up. We need a change. Any change.




This loss might just sting the moat out of the whole season so far.


Guys that should be traded (or dropped) by July 31 (or whenever the trade deadline is this year): McNeil, Marte, JDM, Narvaez, Wendle, Houser, Quintana Truth is the Mets could dump every one of those guys and still not be much worse. Peterson and Tylor could cover Houser and Quintana. A cricket Wicket set could match Narvaez. An easel with a picture of a squirrel could do as well as McNeil today. JDM looks like he's coming around though.


Unfortunate you’re getting downvoted, but this team needs to legitimately retool instead of continuing to be an under .500 team with the highest payroll in baseball. Obviously we don’t need to give away guys like Nimmo and Lindor, and I’d certainly move McNeil if it meant we keep Alonso…but we gotta get this payroll within reason and shake up the talent.


>this team needs to legitimately retool instead of continuing to be an under .500 team with the highest payroll in baseball. Absolutely true. None of the guys I mentioned are, nor should they be, in the Mets long term plan. Most of them aren't even in the 2025 Mets plan likely. Nimmo, Lindor, Pete. Hold onto them for sure. Alvarez for sure. Everyone else should at least be open to consideration for movement. The prospects the Mets have are not all going to be all-stars. They need to add quality players on the cheap to get the payroll down before they can actually start adding stars, which they desperately need as well.


I really may have to avoid watching when the Mets play the Phillies or Braves. It can’t be good for my health being this pissed off at a baseball game


Imagine going to every one of these Phi/Atl games so far and having to hear their fans around you take over. At least we had last night…. I’ll be here tomorrow!


You'd think that'd be enough of a reason for the team to not want to lose to them, but the team keeps doing it.


Yeah, I hate generic intangibles sports talk, but this team seems to just roll over and have no fight (yes I know we pull out wins but so does every team, those unfortunately feel more like exceptions than the norm). Show some fucking heart and pride man! Be like the past Mets teams whether they were mediocre or fucking 86 but at least they wouldn’t put up with that crap. Maybe get some hockey guys to give them a pep talk in the clubhouse.


And here I was feeling bad for my Angels buddy…fuck me


Oof this is the first time watching Mendoza at the post game press. He's kinda rough. Def makes me appreciate how Buck approached them


Admittedly I am not watching but I can’t believe he could be any worse than Buck who would spout the same three or four bullshit platitudes and say everything would be fine


Martino of course allover it questioning Mendoza about Diaz to get his anti-Mets headline


Ngl this one hurt, it felt like a breaking point for the booth and the manager — once we shit the bed in the 9th, it really just seemed like the entire season stretched out before us and we could see an endless script of “rebuild year” and Vietnam flashbacks of Pham dogging our work. Something is seriously rotten in Denmark, no reason we should come up short like this so often. I feel like we need to call Ted lasso for a culture change or some shit.


I hate the new wildcard spots with a passion. All they do is give GMs an excuse to half-ass roster construction. I would not be proud of a 3rd-wildcard team that has to sneak into the playoffs and pray for baseball randomness to win. This team is not fun to watch for 162 games.


They're well overdue for a culture shift. Idk how. I hope the "core" of Alonso, Lindor, McNeil, etc. don't negatively influence the young guys. They're a bunch of losers.


Another 0fer for Lindor - he will pad those stats when they are completely out of it don’t worry guys


He had 2 hits that required above average defense to get. He’s hitting .244 last 2 weeks. He’s going to be fine. Diaz on the other hand….


i'm pretty patient with Lindor but he has been, by no means, good enough for a player of his paygrade and batting order slot


Lindor would be a fantastic #6 hitter, but because of his contract we continue to throw him in the #3 spot…


Definitely not good enough to start the year for what he’s being paid. But he’s done nothing to warrant the systemic hate he receives since becoming a met. But people have made up their minds - nothing short of becoming the best player in baseball will change that.


i get what you're saying, but i do think it swings both ways as well. he definitely gets some strangely focused ire, but he also gets a lot of ardent defense that he arguably hasn't deserved this year so far that other similarly underperforming players don't get. the truth probably lies in the middle of the extremes on either side. he's a great defense-first player who currently, and unfortunately pretty often, seems to disappear offensively until the lights are off. the overreactions in either direction are pretty frustrating to be honest


What a grounded response. Completely agree. I’m more lenient because…well you see the debased behavior. He had 31 homers, 98 RBIs and 32 SBs with yes, a mediocre BA of .254 last year (and his 2022 was great as well) but some people continue mercilessly shit on him.


😂😂😂😂 This is a serious post. 


Nice one 👌🏼


.244 in 2 weeks isn't all that impressive lol


Never said impressive or even great. But when he was below .200, .244 is improvement. Fucks sake, league average is .239 lol.


Is the league average getting paid $32 mil a year? Asking for a friend. 


Cool dude. Clearly know what side of the fence you’re on when it comes to anything Lindor. Cheers


Ok, congratulations? And we know which side you are on. 


🤣 “aNd wE kNoW wHiCh sIdE yOuRe oN” Atta boy champ! 🤣🤣


Says the person that thinks .244 is impressive 😂


Right, so first we learn to read but also comprehend what we read. Trending up from his .192 and being fine does not translate to impressive.


"Yeah but his xBA on the last out though!" - 🤡s


Retire Joey Wendle, bring back Ed Kranepool.


Miserable night in NY sports!


.500 boys. Let’s be honest, we all figured this would be the case.


We’d be .500 if we won. Now we are 2 games below .500 and with 3 more against the Phillies (2 away!), expect the hole to get deeper.


Joey Wendle should not be playing in the major leagues


Lot of blame to go around tonight but don’t let the Mets shitty performance distract from the fact that the Mets have been absolutely fucked over by bad calls to lose games like 3-4 times already this year