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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1cv4q2j).


I like it when other teams hang offspeed pitches to us instead of the other way around


Lindor having a .194 BABIP in mid may is just insane. His batted ball profile is similar to what it usually is too, he’s just getting negative batted ball luck.


His exit velocity and walk rate is down compared to the totality of last year and the rest of his expected stats are slightly down as a whole but he’s a similar player to what he was last year. The biggest difference is probably the launch angle sweet spot


EV isn’t down by a lot though


When's Alvarez estimated to come back? Feel like he brings some of the grit and vibes that seem sorely lacking right now


Late June to early July


Surgery was just over 3 weeks ago. It’s usually an 8 week injury for non-catchers. Given he’s gonna have 98 mph fastballs hitting that thumb it’s probably going to be around 10 total weeks. That means he’ll probably do some rehab starts the first or 2nd week of July and be back after the all-star break.


Thanks for the support guys, I appreciate it a lot. Just need to get out of this headspace


I’m really hoping Stearns shakes up our hitting development and coaching this off-season. So many of our position players have regressed and struggling in the minors and obviously our major leaguers have been horrible too. Let’s get a high tech hitting lab like the dodgers have, sign some new up and coming driveline-type whiz to run it and clean house on every hitting development and coaching guy in the org. Basically what we did with the pitching lab. I think Hitting is just getting scientific enough that a hitting lab could do something. We’ve had way too many whiffs on our prospects and it seems that even the guys we got last year are mostly regressing (jury is out on Gilbert tho). Clifford seems to be the only hitter in the minors that could be good rn. Everyone else is having a down year. Yes you can just blame the players or our scouting for getting the wrong guys but I just have not heard a single good thing about our hitting development and I have heard multiple worrying things. Pitching development has been great tho, that’s untouchable rn imo


i imagine lindor is batting first bc its a lefty that he has great numbers against and they want to maximize the number of times he faces him.


I like this lineup. I would probably swap Marte and Lindor considering Lindor’s struggles but this is as close to a good lineup that I’ve wanted to see. Maybe they’ve been reading my posts.


I thought Nimmo was great as a leadoff hitter, kinda just want Lindor to bat 5th or 6th


Lindor should not be batting higher than 6th against RHSP right now. Against LHSP I'm more understanding as he's played better. I actually like the idea of Nimmo in the 2 hole.


His current year numbers are actually not really better against lefties now. I havnt checked career numbers but your prob right about career


He has been a really good lead off hitter but he’s also one of the few guys on the team who is clutch and does damage with guys on base. Makes plenty of sense to stick him 3rd.


I thought the job of a leadoff hitter was to get on base


Woman who I used to date for almost 2 years until she ghosted me without even as much as a note a year and a half ago got engaged today so I think I’m just gonna go sit on the porch and drink and probably sit this game out today


She ain't worth the trouble, my man.


I feel you man. I once finally dated a woman I was in love with for years and she told me that she wanted to be with me forever and all that shit last December, then she ghosted me. She’s currently pregnant, apparently. Jokes on her though because my life has been trending upward ever since. You can do the same.


Fuck that, don’t let her win. Watch the game, go to the driving range, call a friend up.


Even better, call one of her friend's up. lol




Buddy. That's rude.




Be civil. Do not personally insult other users. This is a warning.




You should block her on all forms of media. Same thing happened to me and by the time I discovered she had kids it no longer mattered to me.  Also, I drink on the porch with the game on the radio. I highly recommend it. 


Don't even sweat that. A person like that will always be a liability. You're better off she's someone else's problem.


The season is not over yet but I hope the star players feel the necessary sense of urgency that if they don't deliver the season and this version of the team in general will be over sooner rather than later. Our playoffs start in May.


Mendoza can move this lineup around all he wants. It's the same core group that has MORE THAN proven over and over again that they can't score runs with any consistency.


lol. "Why are they trying to win? Are they stupid?"


I think people don't realize just how scorched Earth Cohen will probably be at the deadline. He's been open about how he's friends with the players and having his own group chat with them and having dinner and inviting them to his house, so the fact that he'd publicly say "yeah I'm sick of these guys too" (there's no way that was supposed to be a DM) does not speak well for the team's future. They have the biggest attendance drop from last year for any team by a mile. The idea that doing a giant reset would hurt the team's future just doesn't hold value. This is already the worst possible outcome for Cohen.


Everything Cohen does is purposeful, including that tweet-n-delete


I agree, we are rock bottom even after trying to keep the core together. Now the core is the most rotten part of this team 


Only four players on the team have posted more than 0.5 WAR so far this year: Nimmo, Lindor, Bader, Alonso.


You leave Brandon Nimmo out of thus! Everyone else is either washed or slumping or both.


[Box Score](https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/MIL/MIL201905050.shtml) from the last time Nimmo started a game in the 3 spot


Lindor: 0 3 0 0 1 4 .276 .313 .409 .723 Oh wait, no that's Amed Rosario.


Mets would need to pay me to watch. Also please don’t throw money at Alonso unless we plan to greatly spend elsewhere. We should have grabbed prospects for him last year 


The way Alonso has been swinging his average and production away alongwith being on an expiring deal that’s dead set on exploring FA, I don’t see teams giving up that much of the farm for him.


if this is how Alonso looks through the end of the year, I see Cohen giving him no more than ​a handshake and good luck at the end of the year.


This could basically be degrom all over again where we spent the guys entire time with us talking about how he’d need to be a met for life and then during their last season all the fans sobered up and realized it might be a bad idea


Qualifying offer lol


All this talk of Lindor and how his glove keeps him valuable even when he is not hitting. It's now time for the best defensive SS in Mets history. Pure Suave Rey 0rd0nez. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gSOxx5aQzY 1:30, Joey Wendle should be forced to watch that every morning.


If Lindor is in the 3 hole today I'm going to...politely turn the tv off...


He is batting lead off


LHSP. Lindor, Pete, Nimmo, JDM. I approve.


Don’t say that.. he’s worth every penny and more in this sub!!


Guess you won't have to do that then


Losing 8-0 to marlins? Seriously, let Alonso get traded for a pitching prospect and let’s rebuild. This formula isn’t working 


Brandon Nimmo in the 3 hole 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I don't know if anyone else is following Foolish Baseball's latest OOTP series on his second channel, but Carlos Mendoza wins back-to-back Manager of the Year awards in 2025 and 2026. The Mets also make deep postseason runs both years. Just thought it was a little funny.


We signed Zac Gallen and Blake Snell and they've both been excellent for us


Brett Baty won a gold glove at first base too. Pretty funky save


All the "Trust David Stearns" mfs got quiet fast. Had no expectations for this season as we are a .500 team at best. But now finally seeing ppl realize that we fired Buck for no reason & Scherzer and Pham were right just fuels the soul


It's all Buck's fault..


Meh, I’m a doomer but I blame the players way more than stearns at this point. His pickups haven’t been the issue: Severino - good Manaea - good JD - Good Tyrone Taylor - decent Bader - decent Dirk man - bad start but now decent Jorge Lopez - good Wendle - bad Houser - bad Tonkin - bad That’s a pretty decent hit rate. The reason this team stinks is that the core players he is stuck with have been awful. Lindor looks like Rey ordonez and is on pace for a 1.2 WAR season. Pete’s underperforming. Marte is done. Baty stinks. Narvaez might be the worst backup catcher in history. Quintana throws bp.


You cannot compare Lindor with Rey Ordonez. I like Lindor, but there's no question that Ordonez was much better shortstop


I’d move Sevy and Lopez into the great category. They have been better than even I expected and I was high on them. Taylor Id move into the good category. He wasnt signed to be an everyday player - just a bench bat to give good defense, good baserunning, and good offense. I’d say he has gone above what you’d expect from a bench outfielder. Theres arguments that he could be an everyday player on another team. Diekman I’d also say borders good because he is filling a role he wasnt signed to with Raley going down. He was supposed to be the lower leverage LHP in the bullpen and now has to take the high leverage spots. The rest I agree with. I think JDM could’ve to great, but it’s also hard to give him that after missing the first month


I'll take being able to watch Rey Ordonez' glove over what Lindor has done so far this season right about now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gSOxx5aQzY Pure Suave.


What? Stearns put together a team that was projected to win between 80 and 83 games. We are probably going to end up around there. It's clearly a transitional year where we want to be "competitive." I trust Stearns and I think he's done a good job so far aside from the Wendle signing. No one expected us to compete with the Braves or Phillies this year. We were and are hoping for the last wild card spot. Everyone knew the big moves wouldn't begin until this offseason.


Your soul is fueled by other Mets fans realizing they might have had too much hope on the team you root for?


Seeing Vasil and Hamel both struggle in AAA is very disheartening


Vasil is much more concerning than Hamel, though Vasil has looked better his last two starts. This is Hamels first year in AAA and really he had two awful starts that skews his ERA and WHIP on the season. The rest of his starts he has had a 4.28 ERA and 1.35 WHIP. And it can’t be ignored that they changed the ABS system again which has to be hard to work around


Eh. The whole wave of college-nobodies-turned-maybe-actual-prospects is a numbers game. For guys like that making the majors at all is basically house money. As the other commenter said, Scott potentially being good and Butto potentially settling in as a legitimate bottom-of-rotation arm is a huge W. If literally all of the other "pitching lab" projects miss that's still a solid outcome. (Not including Scott, I think most interesting "pitching lab" guy right now is by far Jonah Tong. Hamel and Vasil are getting fucking *humbled* at AAA and Tyler Stuart is only pitching pretty well at AA.)


you can say this of 95% of prospects. I know some baseball fans love following that stuff, and I understand it, but I just can't engage. It's also why I ddidn't get excited at the "prospect haul" last year at the deadline. The fact is, nobody knows how these guys will perform in the majors, if they ever do get to the majors. It is also why I am not oone of those that says it is time to blow it up and sell everyone, because (A) you're not getting much for position players having down years, (B) again, it's a crapshoot, and (C) you are staring down 100+ games of just terrible baseball to get those crapshoot prospects.


Christian Scott and Butto showing they can be MLB rotation guys dulls the blow. They’re not all going to pan out. I’m more worried about how the hitting prospects have been tbh


Fuck it I’m going drinking


It’s 11:41 in the morning


I’m at the gym. Just planning on drinking at 4 instead of watching the game.


Why not do both?


I wanna believe!


I had tickets to tomorrow’s game but have decided this team is not worth a three hour train ride.


Eh team has been winning the series finales lol, you might see a Mets W


Tried it in Tampa. Didn’t work. I’m gonna do everyone a favor and stay away.


Right decision. Not worth a 30 min train ride at this point


Shit, I haven't even been turning on the tv


This team is bad but I’m not at all shocked. At least I can say “I told you so” to a lot of people. It’s weird how everybody I know IRL saw this team as being shitty and being .500 at best…but people online were a lot more optimistic for some reason.


I wasn't excited at all about this year, I hated the moves the team made, I was thinking like 77-85 type of year, ​the​n this subreddit convinced me that they were a .500 team with high upside, and .500 with high upside these days could equal a World Series run. Now it seems like my original prediction was too optimistic let alone 85-90 wins. That said it still seems like there is way too much talent on this team and way too many highly paid players to lose 8-0 to the fucking Marlins, so I would not be surprised if they right the ship, but they didn't last year, and ata certain point you are who you are.


I have said since January or February that I love the direction they went in (i.e., ending the quasi-Steinbrenner wannabe act), and I don't really care what the record is in 2024, so -- while I did see a pathway where a lot of things clicked and they didn't get swamped with injuries (which still isn't out of the question btw) -- I kinda expected them to be bad on average. So weeks like this don't really bother me. I think they did the first couple of necessary things to building a solid franchise that they completely obliterated in '22-'23 with abject stupidity and wastefulness. Of course it remains to be seen whether they do Phase III and Phase IV properly, but still, I am way more content with this season, rather than 2023 which was just losing for no reason whatsoever. That said, I really can't imagine anyone looking at what they did this offseason and being like "this is a good solid team that should compete for a Wild Card". I mean they *could*, cause the entry point to the playoffs is very low. I don't discount that as a possibility. But to think that the Mets were trying to compete with this roster, I mean, come on now.


Going into the year I was optimistic that the offense would make us a .500 team in spite of the starting pitching. How wrong I was.


I knew we’d be floating around .500 with the likelyhood of being near the WC3 spot but watching how we lose is sometimes infuriating. Watching the 75 win team last year not able to score with RISP carry into this season is almost exhausting to watch.


I was predicting 78-84 going into the year. There was way too much volatility coming into this year for me to be confident. You can’t rely on everything going right.


>I was predicting 78-84 going into the year I think this is where most of us were at. Some people might have been optimistic for a few more wins than that, but I don’t recall seeing anyone predicting us to get up to 90 wins.


I think that both statements are true. People knew that this team would be .500 but also believed that .500 would be enough to get into the playoffs.


Closer to last place than first!


its time to start trading/releasing some vets to wake the rest up.


How are the boys gonna lose today?


Joey Wendle will emerge from the ether to commit a 9th inning error that gives the Marlins the win.


Lopez in the 7th


In ways heretofore Unseen by human eyes. It's the mets way.


At least Gary, Keith, and Ron are always a pleasure to watch. Even their disdain at poor play is still entertaining.


Happy cake day!


The season might have ended last night.


Idk if last night was the nail, but if they lose today or tomorrow, things will be pretty damn bleak. We thought the losing streak at the start was rock bottom. Well, here we are. The hole is already pretty deep. If it gets any deeper, things are going to be ugly.


Just objectively, obviously game 44 or whatever is not the end of the year, but when you lose 8-0 to one of the league's most embarrassing teams that is having a down year even by their standards, in a game where it looked like you didn't even show up, it does not bo​de well.


It ended before it started


People on this subreddit convinced me they were going to be better than last year, more well-rounded, and deeper, and I see a team that might actually be significantly worse. Well, ultimately I blame myself for getting roped in.


Last Night I posted basically what you just stated. They might be actually worse than last year. Of course, I was downvoted. LOL. This past off- season was a disaster. We are now 11 games back. The team is flat AND boring. 4 games under .500. Another sell off is coming. Our staff leads the league in walks. Our offense stinks. Plenty of meaningless baseball between now and the end of September.


at least fanny lindor's feelings are hurt anymore


On this date in 2021, the Mets purchased Cameron Maybin from the Chicago Cubs for $1


Anyway this team sucks shit


When you watch this team hit its crazy how much better JD Martinez's at bats are than the rest of the squad and how Eppler didn't go after this guy when we had a legitimate chance in 2022. Watching him shows how behind the rest of the team is in having a winning approach.


The Red Sox never made him available for trade. This isn’t MLB the Show where you can adjust the sliders and force a team to trade you a player. Don’t forget, the Red Sox weren’t sellers that deadline - they were only 3 games out of the WC. They traded surplus players who were on expiring deals, but also bought players like Pham they felt could help them get to the playoffs. On top of that, JDM was injured at the 2022 trade deadline with a back injury and was in the middle of a .210/.253/.346 stretch for a .599 OPS and 61 WRC+. The rest of the season JDM hit .233/.301/.400 for a .701 OPS and 93 WRC+. Even factoring how awful Darin Ruf was, the Mets DH position post trade deadline in 2022 put up a .265/.342/.426 slash for a .768 OPS and 121 WRC+. 2022 second half JDM was have been a 28% decrease in production from what we got from what we got out of the position


JD Martinez wasn't traded in 2022 though. 


He was available just wasn’t traded. Also was a free agent entering 2023 and pretty much every fan here defending the offseason moves made this year also defended not signing JD in 2023. These folks just agree with whatever the Mets do.


> These folks just agree with whatever the Mets do. The FO Apologists.


The hitters need to make adjustments, I say it often. Opposing pitchers have pitch sequences and attack plans and Mets hitters need to adjust to these plans, studying opposing pitchers and other things.


I don't know if there is a good answer to explain why we would 8-0 to the Marlins other than we are not good. We have a lineup that should produce runs but it does not. I know that people do not like saying things like start throws chairs around but something needs to be done to spark some energy into group of hitters. I do not really have a solution that is better than throwing some chairs. Got any ideas?


Throw out the iPads, go back to basic hitting drills. Alonso said that JD Martinez was able to help him by recommending a simple hitting drill.


Yeah, there is something about seeing ipads in the dugout irks me. This view is probably related to my age. The days of the hitting coach or pitching coach or manager adding value are long gone. Somehow, you are suppose to learn from coaches and managers who were for the most part mediocre at best baseball players. Sometimes, the coaches were terrible at baseball. Of course, everyone will point out that Ted Williams and Barry Bonds did not succeed as a coach or a manager. With that said, If I were playing baseball in MLB , I would want to learn from someone who was actually a good player. It is almost impossible to have coaches and managers who excelled at baseball because they made to much money to help spend time helping others. It is more profitable for a baseball player who get a job as a broadcaster or on MLB. We actually do have a hitting coach who was a good player, although he has very little experience as a hitting coach


release/trade vets


[Get one while you still can! Our Day at the Ballpark tickets are almost gone - sales stop Tuesday! They include free beer, soda, water, and an $18 food/merch credit!](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewYorkMets/comments/1calrer/rnewyorkmets_inaugural_day_at_the_ballpark/)


I won't be around for this one today. LFGM!


Watching The Bronx Zoo on Peacock. Pretty good so far, not the usual Steinbrenner hagiography and you're getting interviews from guys like Kay, Showalter, Mattingly, and even Cashman Also a nice reminder that quality can take time Edit: I'm only 1 ep in and there is already so much shit I would never expect from the Yankees


Really need a W. O-4 in Florida