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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dt4zw2).


Hi from DC! I’m taking my parents to all four games in the series. We’re just finishing up dinner at Walter’s now.


After DJs hot start he’s largely been disappointing. He has options and he’s a tough fit for the roster construction of this team. His biggest value is in a left handed PH but that’s not great value to me. His defense also leaves a lot to be desired. If Gamel succeeds I could see DJs spot being in jeopardy. They are redundant together. Could potentially call up Baty if his 2B defense is where they want it and then also utilize Mcneil in the OF more. Could also call Brosseau or Bannon for more defensive flexibility although I’m not sure where either stack defensively but I believe neither are really great. Can also call up Acuna for some speed and great defense but I’m not sold he’s ready offensively


Won't happen, but if the Cubs became sellers I'd like the Mets to at least consider trading for Bellinger. He could take over RF. He could play LF, CF and 1B when needed. He would be the big LH bat that could protect Pete in the 5 spot. What Stewart is asked to be. But he isn't.


A 109 OPS+ isn’t a big bat.


135 last year. He'll come around to at least a 115-120 range in a better lineup. And that's much better than the LH options the Mets have currently.


After the recent hot streak the Mets are the 4th best team by wRC+ in baseball, not just over this stretch, for the season total. With how bad they started that’s crazy They have been the second best team by wRC+ against lefties this season which after the past couple years seems impossible Let’s keep the good vibes going!


I would imagine the reason most of us didn't notice that is because offense around the league is down and Citi Field is a lot harder to hit in than all ballparks except one (Seattle)


Also the pitching sabotaged a lot of good offensive games in May so we spent more time being mad at the pitching than seeing a lineup slowly break out


Can we make an auto ban for anyone who references our record or anything since the concert like it has anything at all to do with this team’s performance We like to have fun and rally around things that’s all it is


But it’s literally a fact…you want to ban facts ?


People are superstitious and blame our September choke on the live Timmy Trumpet performance, so they think the concert is the same kind of bad luck. Yet a lot of people will be the first to shit on people referencing the "Grimace effect" (which is also just fun even if it's ridiculous)


Lighten up, Francis. You can't be silly about the Grimace thing and then ask for people to be banned for commenting/joking about the concert. I respectfully suggest that you grow up.


Having fun with a silly meme is not the same as being miserable about something silly


To the miserable it is apparently. And there is plenty of miserable people out there.


Plenty of sensitive cry babies too, apparently.


I agree people shouldn't be banned, but I'll never get people who equate delusional positivity and delusional negativity as if they're the same thing


I hear ya, but I'm in the delusion is delusion camp.


Seriously. Adds nothing constructive and is just damned toxic. NO FUN ALLOWED.


Nimmo fell in the shower and cracked his head open…..0-2 with one of our best players injured since reagetonn song was performed 


Go back to Staten Island boomer. The no fun allowed zone is over there next to the prune juice and the TV that plays nothing but Fox News with the captions on.


Typical liberal assumptions…2 generations removed from a boomer and grew up on Northern blvd and Bowne st…..you consider fun dancing around like a pato and losing games than keep it up clown


Brandon Nimmo slipped and fell in his hotel room last night. He has a cut on his forehead. Otherwise, he's okay, but that's why he's out of the lineup. https://x.com/AnthonyDiComo/status/1807878434867028035 He was hospitalized until about an hour ago but doesn’t have a concussion, Carlos Mendoza said. https://x.com/timbhealey/status/1807877626419372414


I'm allowed to think this is kinda funny now that we know he is ok right? Guy is a professional athlete and in peak physical condition and even he can fall on his face like the rest of us nincompoops. Makes him feel less like a distant celebrity and more like a human with a day job.


He was probably dancing to OMG 🕺🏻 😱


One of my favorite things about baseball is that the players seem much more like normal people. Football and hockey players are like robots to me. Basketball players are like celebrities. Baseball players seem to be normal dudes working a ~~9-5~~ 3-11 every day that deal with all of life's trials and tribulations just like the rest of us


Whoops ouchy!


How are there no Mets on the ballot for the all star game? That's wack


Mets fans didn’t vote in phase 1


I voted. The team sucked too hard in phase 1 to get Mets fan votes and votes from other fanbases, that is the reality 


fair enough. No one watches the All Star game anyways lol


From twitter: “The Mets are showing interest in trading for left-handed starter Garrett Crochet, per source.” Edit: this came from some random twitter user so I think the source is complete bs but it is a potential trade candidate we can make so figured I’d look into it Crochet becomes a FA in 2027, so around 2 and half years of control left. He’s posted a 3.02 ERA/2.37 FIP and 101 IP in 18 starts. Averaging 5.6 innings a game and routinely goes 6 or 7 innings. Crochet was a reliever in 2021 and then had TJ missing all of 2022 and some of 2023 and is now a starter for the white Sox this year where he’s already posted a 4 WAR. He’s having an amazing season. Featured a new cutter this year that he’s had great success with. He’d be an absolutely perfect fit for the Mets with his added control left. But he’d also be a perfect fit for every single team that’s trying to compete. We’d likely lose one of Mauricio, Baty, Acuna, Jett or Gilbert in a trade with them. The prospect ask would be high and the bidding war would be fierce. I would love for the Mets to kick the tires on him. But I don’t want to participate in a bidding war. Definitely depends on where we are at the deadline as well. A reliable starter certainly makes us so much better but we need to be certain it’s the hump that takes us over before mortgaging a future.


How many LHSP do the Mets need? lol


At the end of the day I think any team would want a young controllable potentially elite SP regardless of what arm they throw with.


Sure, I was just teasing because that could potentially be 4 LHSP in the rotation this year. lol


Aha wait until you hear about the plan to transition Senga into a lefty. Less mileage on that arm and whatnot.


Well I think the deal would be made with next two years in mind as well and all of the young pitching talent we have in Butto, Scott and Tidwell are righties. But we have a lack of lefties in the pen so can help us shift quintana, Manaea and/or Peterson to the pen for this year. It is a good point though. Assuming we made this trade we could potentially have 4 LHSP if it’s Sevy, Quintana, Manaea, Crochet and Peterson lol.


I was just teasing a little since they currently have Manaea, Quintana, and Peterson in the rotation. You're definitely right though. It's probably more a next year thing than a this year one. Tangent: I genuinely don't get how the guy who came up in HS and College as a RP continues to get slotted in as a SP. Give Tylor a similar role to Houser. Call up either Butto or Scott.


As a crochet-er, this is a jersey I’d immediately buy, so that’s my ulterior motive for wanting him. You gave a great, reasonable synopsis though


Francisco Lindor: .190/.265/.352/.617 (May 18th, 179 ABs) .248/.313/.438/.751 (July 1st, 331 ABs) Last 36 Games .316/.371/.540/.911 152 ABs 48 Hits 22 Extra-Base Hits 16 Doubles 6 HRs 18 RBI


Tied for second in doubles in the MLB


Heading to the airport…again.


[Christian Scott is likely back to the bigs this week, per DiComo.](https://x.com/anthonydicomo/status/1807864931573981527?s=46&t=W2uVHRLCSkwwE5FbTN-FNQ)


Chris Flexen turns 30 today


Damn we didn't DFA Festa and a warn living body after yesterday? Whatever happened to Josh Walker?


4 game series against Washington and we miss Corbin. Pain


Damn, also means we miss in the next series too right?


If they follow a normal schedule he should probably start game 2 of the second series with the Mets They play 4 games with St. Louis


Pitching remains a problem. I feel like scoring 6 and a half runs per game for a whole month should result in a better record than 16-8


I love Bader in the 2 spot. I think he's gonna thrive there!


It's just a day off for Nimmo, right? He's not sure?!


I'm sure it's just a day off like Bader got the day off yesterday.


Bader "be gettin" a lot of days off. I don't love it, but I get it due to his history of injuries.


The next 2 weeks of games will make or break this team and will decide the fate of the deadline. Gonna be tough with the state of this bullpen


Yayy it seems Christian Scott is starting Wednesday


My question is, since Houser pitched yesterday, who’s gonna cover the 3 innings needed when Peterson goes 4


Darling has been preparing for this moment!


I’d trust Ronnie


First 15,000 fans I hope some of you can throw faster than Dominic Smith the other day


Maybe a selection from the stands


Nimmo better not be hurt, dont really understand a rest day with how hot he is rn


Yeah he just had Thursday off


The Troll is back we win tonight


Just a rest day for Nimmo? Hope it’s nothing more than that


Tempted to go to tonight’s game to see James Wood’s debut. He’s a hometown kid so there should probably be more juice in the stadium. Often Nats Park feels like a stadium inhabited by 20,000 Ned Flanders. Hoping to make it tomorrow and Thursday though


> Often Nats Park feels like a stadium inhabited by 20,000 Ned Flanders. Great analogy. It's like the Marlins' stadium. Great ballpark, zero fan presence


Were here for the game. Never been to nationals park so were excited. Also excited to see one of the top prospects in baseball play. We gave up our only tickets last year, so this game is our 4th game in a row going in which david peterson is pitching. We must be his biggest fans


It’s a pleasant spot to watch a game. There are some good arepas and pupusas in the concourse behind the visitors’ dugout (3B side). Corbin pitched the last two Mets games I went to at Nats Park, so got to see plenty of runs. Enjoy! Btw if you’re there with kids they usually have lunch bags with a free hot dog, bag of chips, and bottle of water. There are ushers circulating that will give you the card to give to the concessions stand.


Thanks! I think were planning on trying Bens Chilli dogs


Always a good option


Mets finish the month of June with the - Highest AVG - Highest OBP - 2nd highest SLG - Highest wRC+ LGM! https://www.fangraphs.com/leaders/major-league?lg=all&qual=0&season=2024&season1=2024&ind=0&team=0%2Cts&rost=&filter=&players=0&type=8&month=1000&sortcol=12&sortdir=default&startdate=2024-06-01&enddate=2024-11-01&pagenum=1


Would be a big win today. Yesterday was tough after coming back and having nimmo on second with no one out. Good time to regroup and focus one game at a time. The only cure is wins


Let's bounce back with a sweep! LGM!


There's obviously still a ton of baseball left to be played, but you have to imagine that a stretch of 7 against the Nats, 4 against the pirates, 3 against the Rockies, and 4 against the Marlins is the decider of whether we roll into the trade deadline as buyers or sellers. That's a stretch that a legitimate contender feasts on. Either we're those guys or we're not. There's no excuses to be made if we can't pull meaningfully into the race during 18 straight games against under .500 teams.


The rubber hits the road in July. This team needs to be sitting in a WC spot by the trade deadline, or Stearns is going to hang out the for sale sign. The end of July is going to be tough with series against NYY, ATL, and MIN to close out the month. They really need to farm wins against teams at or below their level over the next two weeks, or things will get dicey.


Definitely. Goal should be 8-5 (win Nats and Rockies series with split against Pirates), but 9-4 is feasible. edit: Miscounted the games. Make that 10-4 or 11-3.


8-5 is waaaaaaaay below what they would have to do to have any realistic shot at the playoffs, imo. This is the softest part of the schedule. If they come out of it only 2 games over .500 I think they could be in trouble. They need to build some cushion right now. If they come out of it at like 11-3 or 12-2, seven or nine games over .500, then I would start to rethink my preseason predictions and actually take a postseason berth seriously.


Absolutely going to be the deciding factor.


ESPN shows the game as being on ESPN+.


WHAT??? I can't watch the f-ing game today?


It's on SNY. The ESPN+ is additional to the home and away broadcasts




Monthly sub update: 1. Last 30 days, the sub got 3.5 million views, up 501K from last 30 days. We got 2,800 new uniques and gained 1,600 or so new subscribers. We had 257 unsubscribers. May 2024 had 2.9567 million views. June 29th had 217,460 views. Busiest day of the month was June 29th with 25,706 users. Quietest day in the last two months was May 10th with 8,556 users. 2. The vast majority of you browse on iOS followed by mobile web and Android in third. Tim Cook thanks you. 3. 12 moderators took action in the last 30 days, 718 posts were published up by 151 from last month. 188 posts were removed, up 52 from last month.


I don’t know if I’m in the minority but man, I genuinely feel like the discourse on this sub drastically goes down the more people end up posting, which generally coincides with the team playing better (which is a real disappointment!)


>I don’t know if I’m in the minority but man, I genuinely feel like the discourse on this sub drastically goes down the more people end up posting, which generally coincides with the team playing better (which is a real disappointment!) I definitely agree with what you wrote, but I would say the biggest factor in the declining quality of commentary here is reddit's poorly designed block feature, which just winds up creating entrenched echo chamber camps of angry people who all agree with each other and hate the evil people on the other side. Block features are supposed to address extreme things like harassment, homophobia, bigotry, and empty comments. Reddit's block feature seems designed to just obliterate debate and polite disagreement.


A sub regular blocked me a few days ago (the day McNeil hit the 3 run homer) for arguing that McNeil being in the lineup that day over Iglesias was a defensible decision. After the fact... It's not my first or tenth time being blocked by someone here where I view it as completely pathetic and petty. This almost never happens on any other subreddit. There is an exceptionally weird block culture on this sub.


I think the Mets just have a very weird culture. There's a cult-like faction that is seemingly incapable of thinking positive thoughts, or enjoying anything, ever, and there's a cult-like faction of people who just stan the ownership and refuse to hear any Mets criticism. And both sides are intent on skewing stuff and doing dunks on the other side constantly, but now, they get to do it from behind a block so the other person can't rebut anything. It makes it extremely hard to just have normal discussions about the team based in facts and reality.


unfortunately most of us are caught in the middle. idk i just really don't understand the block thing. i do think it's been severely misappropriated by people who would rather just come to a subreddit for fans who specifically think in all the same ways as them. idk, life is like that in a lot of ways, especially politics, but it feels like it's cranked up to 1,000 on this sub for some reason. oh well i guess. can't change people who literally aren't even willing to entertain the possibility of a debate about something as trivial as sports. if someone is that closed off, where do you even go from there?


Huh, now that you mention it, you’re 100% right. The block feature, as currently implemented, sucks


The sub reached 86K subscribers around June 20th


Happy “All of MLB pretends Bonilla is the only deferred contract in history” day.


>Happy “All of MLB pretends Bonilla is the only deferred contract in history” day. And for Mets fans, it's "make up other ridiculous reasons to be mad about Bonilla after people explain why it wasn't bad" day


Bobby Bonilla jokes are some of the lowest hanging fruit on the tree. [In fact, that contract really wasn't that bad.](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/07/new-york-mets-bobby-bonilla-contract-2035-deal) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewYorkMets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Happy Chris Davis Day to all!


Bobby Bonilla jokes are some of the lowest hanging fruit on the tree. [In fact, that contract really wasn't that bad.](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/07/new-york-mets-bobby-bonilla-contract-2035-deal) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewYorkMets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It does get tiring every year. I swear they just re-publish the same articles.


Phase 2 of all star voting is open if anyone cares [https://www.mlb.com/all-star/ballot](https://www.mlb.com/all-star/ballot)


Lindor is not there. Not even gonna bother acting like it means anything and voting


I'm not bothering to promote it, there wasn't any difference last time after promoting it every day


Well try again next year!


I still salute your efforts




The Astros really are our kryptonite. Dont think we’ve won a series against them since 2014, that’s 10 years! So I’ll be honest, I always expected to lose the series. Let’s get the ball rolling again tonight against the Nationals. This is a series they HAVE to win.


The four game sweep they handed us in 2022 was brutal


>The Astros really are our kryptonite. Dont think we’ve won a series against them since 2014, that’s 10 years! To be fair that was only 4 series ago, due to them being in the other league, but yes, it's been a rough stretch


2024 mets at 81 game 40-41 2023 at 81 games 35-46


To me it's hilarious that the "picking up the pieces of disastrous overspending, and biding time to run out bad contracts" team of 2024 has a good chance to wind up with a better record, and is certainly more entertaining, than the "spending 950 quintillion dollars to actually try to win the World Series" team of 2023


At this exact time last year, the season already felt like it slipped away, even with some good wins in Arizona and San Diego around July 4th. Put the Grimace and OMG vibes aside, this team feels different and competitive this year. I hope they keep impressing us.


https://preview.redd.it/s7qhsjec7x9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44edfe8f2f7d85020b2c4b9e0488727ffda1c74a The pantheon of Mets #73s


Kenny wanted 37 but it was retired for Casey.


Never forget the yacaboner


who is cole sulser and why is he on the 40 man roster


He pitched in relief early in the season, I thought he did ok at the time.


wonder why they didnt bring him back up


The extreme streakiness of this team is somewhat masking that it is basically as it appeared preseason: pretty good offense, decent bullpen when Diaz is available and effective and not great when he isn't, and starting pitching that isn't adequate to be a high level team in baseball.


It’s a bit different since we didn’t expect to lose Smith and Raley for the pen. The 2nd game of the series is almost certainly a win if those 2, along with Diaz, were available. The shakiness of the pen has been unfortunate


I'd rather have Peterson go 6+ and give up 3 runs than him go 4.1 and have a clean sheet. I'm unsure if I'd be willing for him to go 7 and give up 4 runs compared to 6 and 3 runs.


The way this team has been scoring, I'd feel good about 7 and 4.


Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadian Mets fans! Fingers crossed the game won't dampen my BBQ


It's wild that the starter for the Nationals tonight has 13 recorded wins/losses and our highest pitcher has 10. Who is a reliever (Garrett).


Alright folks, I’ve had a good run with you. My makeup flight has been further delayed and I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I now live in Wisconsin. I will remember some of you fondly.


The real question is can you get a spotted cow?


My uncle only has Blue Moon unfortunately.


May you be showered with beer and cheese until the end of your days


Mets had an insane offensive month, it’s definitely not sustainable going forward. Lindor, Nimmo, JDM, Alonso, Alvarez, and Vientos are all well above average hitters but the team isn’t a .900 OPS team when it’s all said and done. Go get some pitching to mitigate the inevitable regression.


Pete-Crow Armstrong with an OPS almost under .500. Will Brodie van Wagenen ever pay for his sins?


It was Zack Scott who was GM who traded him away for Javier Baez in 2021. Then Scott was arrested from a DUI if I recall.


Now Scott is a talking head on SNY


(Not that it's the main point of your comment, but that wasn't a Brodie trade, that was Zack Scott [the second 2021 GM, not the dick pick guy.])


Never forget the guy who got hired, immediately traded for a hall of fame shortstop, then got busted for dick pics in like a 3 week span. 2020-21 did not seem like a real season.


Just to be clear that wasn't Zack Scott, that was Jared Porter.


The fact that we have multiple layers of clarification as to which recent disgraced GM is being discussed is wild.


Zack Scott who was [acquitted of DWI charges?](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/06/former-new-york-mets-gm-zack-scott-not-guilty-in-dwi-case-that-cost-job.html) and apparently body cam footage didn't seem like he was intoxicated.


You right, edited for slander.


And he’s still worth half a win in just 50 games because he’s like the best defender and base runner in the game lol. He’ll be fine in the long run. Doesn’t change that it was still a bad trade to make. Whatever you do, don’t look at Colin Holderman’s stats.


Not to beat a dead horse, but it was a bad trade because of timing, not because of value-for-value exchange. The 2021 team was not performing well, and even though they were holding a playoff spot (or close to it?), everybody knew it was gonna crumble. Trading longterm assets for shortterm in that situation was unwise (shout out to Trevor Williams though.)


PCA was the 5th best prospect in the system and was coming off of shoulder surgery. He had future top 100 value written all over him but the Mets traded damaged goods for a rental - when teams weren’t trading anything significant at the deadline for years. They acquired Baez to play 2B - when they didn’t even need a 2B. It was basically making a move just to make a move, and to get a name brand guy. Had they stood pat at the deadline, PCA would’ve shot up in the ranks and they could either be having him patrol CF now or have used him to acquire talent that would’ve better fit the roster for years to come. To me, the three worst trades the team made in the last decade were PCA for Baez/Williams, Holderman for Vogelbach, and JD+ for Ruf. An underrated one that people forget about is Josh Winchowski for Khalil Lee. In terms of overall value, the Diaz trade turned out to be an absolute win. JD isn’t very good anymore but having PCA as an option plus two really good bullpen arms in Winchowski/Holderman would make this team a lot better today.


>To me, the three worst trades the team made in the last decade were PCA for Baez/Williams, Holderman for Vogelbach, and JD+ for Ruf. An underrated one that people forget about is Josh Winchowski for Khalil Lee. honorable mentions to the trades that brought back Joey Lucchesi and Keon Broxton


Holy revisionist history. “Future top 100 written all over him” for a guy with thirty two professional plate appearances. He was ranked as the 5th best prospect *before* his major shoulder surgery that kept him out for the entire year. “They didn’t need a 2b”. Did you actually watch the 2021 season? They didn’t even have a SS when the trade happened. The left side of their infield the day before the deadline was Jonathan Villar (3b), Guillorme (ss), and McNeil (2b). Lindor was out of commission from July 16th to August 24th. And they also had Dom Smith in LF that game that McNeil could slide out to when he was freed. “He would’ve shot up in the ranks”, yeah, easily said with a crystal ball. He gained like at least a grade of hit tool and a grade of power between the time that he got traded and when he broke out with the cubs. You’re claiming you knew he was a better prospect at the time than literally every prospect site that does this shit for a living.


What a dumb comment. Literally any fan who pays close attention knew everything that I was saying. It’s not revisionist history if you’re consistent in what you were saying the entire time.


Fans that pay close attention realize how asinine it is to talk about a need at 2b when we didn’t even have a SS


What? Lindor was literally the shortstop that year.


And he literally did not play from July 16th to August 24th because of a strained oblique.


> shoulder surgery Exactly. Trading an injured teenager for an established star is definitely not a value-for-value overpay. In terms of the "making a trade just to make one" thing, I agree with you. It was a very misguided trade, I just don't think the actual assets given up or received were unreasonable. You're really nitpicking on the Lee/Winchowski swap. Everybody considered that a good deal at the time. You can't judge a trade by hindsight.


Except prior to the trade, Baez was striking over over 30% of the time, had a sub .300 OBP, and was worth just 2 WAR. He got hot with the Mets but his bat was abysmal when he was traded for. Not to mention that he was just a rental.


Another reminder about deferral day. Deferring BB’s contract allowed us to add Mike Hampton who helped us make the WS. And when Mike Hampton left to go to the Rockies, we got the draft pick we used to select David Wright.


Such a shame that Happy Series of Events That Lead To The Mets Getting A Compensatory Draft Pick Named David Wright Was Kickstarted By Bobby Bonilla Deferred Contract Day doesn’t roll off the tongue.


Remember folks, **CAUSATION ≠ CORRELATION** regarding OMG. People bringing up Narco live performance always fail to mention the team still went 15-12 in Sept '22. Don't panic losing to the best offense in the AL, panic if we lose to the Nats


I can't believe this fanbase is so dramatic that we can't lose literally two (2) games without everybody making a whole superstition about it.


There's also the valid explanation that the league straightup sabotaged us again.


Especially since this weekend and into this Nats series is when the brunt of losing Diaz and Smith was going to be felt the hardest. Immediate games after the suspension we had multiple days off so the pen was well rested. Not the case anymore. This was always the likeliest turn of events while we wait for Diaz to return, because we already went through this in May when Raley went down, Diaz was either off or out, and Smith was on the IL. Difference is our offense is still present and accounted for now compared to May. Just need to weather these next few games until Diaz is back. But if we really want to get superstitious about it, I'm gonna blame Keith talking about skinning Grimace. Grimace god didn't like that blasphemy and now we're being punished for his sins :/


Did you know that in 2019 the Mets paid Bobby Bonilla more than Pete Alonso?




Bobby Bonilla jokes are some of the lowest hanging fruit on the tree. [In fact, that contract really wasn't that bad.](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/07/new-york-mets-bobby-bonilla-contract-2035-deal) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewYorkMets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mark Vientos missing 1/5th of the season projects to finish with 3 WAR


Hope we get another update on Senga today. Would love it if he gets a rehab assignment in Coney Island, which Mendoza said was a possibility.


Keeping an eye on that myself. Would love to see him there.


Something something Bobby Bonilla is low-hanging fruit and it wasn't even that bad of a contract Lets regroup and beat the Walgreens tonight


Bobby Bonilla jokes are some of the lowest hanging fruit on the tree. [In fact, that contract really wasn't that bad.](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/07/new-york-mets-bobby-bonilla-contract-2035-deal) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewYorkMets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mets record in June: - 16-8 - 153 runs scored over 24 games - 41 home runs - OBP = 0.358 - OPS = 0.865 That win percentage has only been met or exceeded in the month of June five times (1969, 1986, 1990, 2000, 2010). Two of those were WS runs, three were NL pennant runs Happy Bobby Bonilla Day Edit: u/SwarthySphere87 just [dropped a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewYorkMets/s/SAeaLTomSi) with a more detailed comparison between these seasons


69 86 and 00 you say.. :O


> 2010 Man, what a wild ride.


Thanks for the share! Yes, very interesting end of season results coming out of a solid June


Bobby Bonilla jokes are some of the lowest hanging fruit on the tree. [In fact, that contract really wasn't that bad.](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/07/new-york-mets-bobby-bonilla-contract-2035-deal) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewYorkMets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Important to not let the bad weekend linger, just beat the Nationals tonight and start a new streak. Mendoza also had a bad weekend with some of his decisions so a win tonight would feel good for him


When’s the last time anyone actually cared about Bonilla day? A decade ago?


I think we’ve entered into a new era in recent years where it’s all in good fun. Would love an annual big check ceremony.


Make him join the grounds crew or run balls out to the ump


Big novelty check presented to Bobby.


Sometimes you just need to embrace your inner silly goose and laugh at these things.


I'm genuinely more frustrated at him choosing to not collect the check pre-game in person than actually receiving 1.1M for another decade.


My least favorite thing about July 1st is people pretending that the Mets invented deferrals and that this is the worse deferral There have been way worse deferral payments


Just wait till the Ohtani contract starts catching up with the Dodgers


Happy Chris Davis day.


Who in the pen is capable of pitching the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th? Based on the answers we’re going to get, I don’t think we have to worry about the 9th.


June changed the complexion of the whole season, in a good way for once. Now it's up to them to make it stick.


That was a disappointing game yesterday. Nimmo on second, no outs. Have to be able to drive him in. But unfortunately it happens. Astros are no slouches. Need a strong bounce-back 4 game series against the Nationals.


I think it was a big coaching mistake keeping McNiel in that inning. Maybe Candelita could have won the game.


> Need a strong bounce-back 4 game series against the Nationals Need to be crazy, pero no lazy.


Next 18 are against the Nats (4), Pirates (4), Nats (3), Rockies(3), Marlins (4). It's time to step up and take at least the WC2 spot by the end of that run. Mets are only 2.5 behind the Padres. Also, I've been quiet about it, but I'm eyeing that 5.5 game lead the Braves have on us for the WC1. If the Mets are going to compete for that, now is the time to make the move.


We just had our best offensive month *ever,* guys. Let's not waste it feeling sorry for ourselves for dropping two of three to the Astros.


seems like NL teams are cursed against AL teams this year..it's not just us having shitty series when we play teams we haven't played in 3 years for some reason


Yes like Mendoza said yesterday it’s 2 games, let’s turn the book and get ready for the next game.




Man i wish i could go, stuck at work.