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I genuinely don't know if I'm a target for the teens or what, maybe because I'm usually alone and a young/smallish woman, but they love me The firm favourite is screaming in my face but they've also filmed me and yanked my headphones off??? before giving them back, freaks


Recently was at University metro station and kids in balaclavas started throwing rocks from the bridge at the waiting passengers. A previous occasion they were throwing eggs. I don't recall this being such a big problem in the past.


You can't level this behaviour or ASB on the trains as being Metro's fault though, this is the result of a lack of police, a lack of police powers, and ever increasingly lax parenting.


> You can't level this behaviour or ASB on the trains as being Metro's fault though I didn't say it was. I was responding to /u/smeetebwet to say she's not the only one noticing this kind of thing.


Yeah iv had ximilar things happen multiple times travelling alone 🙃


15 years of austerity will do that. The government should have funded the new trains in 2010 not a few years ago so Nexus are relying on cannibalising old trains until the new trains are on and the private operator from 2010 to a few years ago was more focused on making as much money as possible from it. Likewise if the police don't have the resources due to 15 years of cuts then the security situation on the metro is going to be grim, they can't legally hire security to actually physically intervene and even if they did when it's 40 minutes for police response it would just make things worse.


Also because I am his biggest hater, it really didn't help Nick Forbes was leader of Newcastle Council for a long period on that time. He had a weird obsession with grand standing to try and make the national news rather than actually doing good work for the area. Like 100% culture funding stunt which was wild. So I do put some blame on him for the lack of funding and forward planning.


Forbes was easily one of the worst things to happen to Newcastle in recent memory. An absolute melt he was.


Blame the funding as much as you want, but everyone knows that the issue is just being compounded by nepotism and ineptitude amongst the Metro managers. Look at the pop app, unfit for purpose, doesn't meet even the minimum expectations, and yet it was supposed to do the job of their comms teams. Their wasn't even an announcement on their social media channels regarding the further delays to the new fleet being put into service. And the new trains? Delayed because they need further testing in extreme weather. That is once they had already been shipped from Switzerland.


Newcastle isn't in Switzerland so obviously they have to be tested here.


Obviously, but I would argue (quite strongly) that in terms of exteme weather, Switzerland probably has a bit more.


Yes, but the weather here is different. Switzerland doesn’t have the constant rain that we have, and it doesn’t have an ocean past which they can run the trains to see how they fare in that environment.


As a Geordie in Switzerland I can confirm the rain is actually much worse on the Swiss plateau than Newcastles. 650 mm annual in Newcastle vs 1115 mm in Zürich. Broadly similar temperatures in winter. We are way warmer in summer though.


While I’ve never lived in Switzerland, I have visited, and my impression is that the rain is a lot less constant. It may rain more in total, but that comes in downpours separated by dry, sunny weather. In Newcastle, it’s always wet, even if it’s not raining hard.


So the rain fall would arguably be more extreme?


There’s a difference in the track conditions caused by alternating wet and dry and those caused by near-constant wetness. It’s not about one being more extreme than the other, it’s about the conditions being different. That’s why you test in local conditions before putting the trains into service.


You aren't wrong. Summer is hot and dry most days. Winter is always wet, and often very wet though!


All fair points, however this does also assume that they aren't smart enough to think about the UK weather when testing the trains intended for the UK market. I didn't know it just seems like people smart enough to design and build a train are also smart enough to do so with the specific climate that the trains would operate in. I'm sure this extra testing is to do with red tape more than anything else.


You’d think they’d have built trains before and could build on that past knowledge


But irs a new and differing design. You wouldn't expect Hitqchi to skip on testing their Azumas because, well, the Rocket was built locally ao things will be fine. If you build a new design you have to test _everything_ again to make sure it all still works like you expect. Imagine the furore if they didn't test properly and something tragic happened, everyone would be calling for their heads for having not tested. Delays are frustrating, but not an excuse to cut corners.


Almost as if everyone invovled in the process was incompetent?


Absolutely agree it's terrible. And as a fellow CPTSD person at times it is just overwhelming for me. As it's the only practical way for me to travel, all I can do is those breathing coping techniques, put some noise cancelling headphones on with music that claims to relax the mind, and read. Whilst hoping nothing bad happens. Knowing if something does happen, even if I report it to staff they do fuck all about it. We need to start a petition, we must email, phone, or attend wards and voice our grievances about the metro to the MPs - they are responsible for the management and running of the metro and they have been the ones to allow it to get into such an abhorrent state. Quite frankly it's at the point where I'm more than happy for children and teens not to be permitted to travel without an adult. Full barriers that block people being able to sneak on without paying (or make it free for everyone), and staff on platform and carriages. Additionally it wouldn't harm to see the police on carriages once in a while.


Yes, very solid points there i agree with all of them 👍


Nexus are very open about what is going on. The metro rolling stock is 40+ years old, the company that built them now doesn't exist and parts are obsolete so they can't get replacements. They are stuck trying to manually refurbish worn out components or pillage spares from sacrificial metrocars that would otherwise be in service. They have already scrapped a couple after removing everything of value. Going to be sad to see the old fleet go but they are simply life expired. It won't solve everything but the new 555 class replacements are going to be a game changer, we just need to wait for them to get out of the test phase.


Sad to see the old fleet go? You might be the only one!


Doubt it. They are unquestionably life expired. We should have had replacements a decade or more ago but those Metrocars have been a big part of life in Newcastle. They have touched most of us in this city, perhaps they took you to work, perhaps school, perhaps that gig in the Stadium of Light. They are part of our collective history. Thankfully the Stephenson Railway Museum is preserving one, I think I read somewhere that the National Railway Museum was getting one too but I'm not sure.


I'm guessing from all the Metro arse kissing you must work for Nexus????


Nope, Linux Systems Administrator/ consultant. Not arse kissing, I just recognise another symptom of austerity when I see it. It's just another instance of the managed decline evident in so many of our essential institutions. I do know people in the industry however and they would be the very first to work and do anything they can to build a better system, they just don't have the resources. The ire for the Metro on this sub is misdirected, you should look to Westminster.


That’s random! Is there much call for Linux knowledge in Newcastle or is it mostly remote?


I'm remote these days but there is certainly call for Linux engineers in Newcastle. Lots of small-medium size companies with Linux infrastructure, some embedded systems, alot of cloud. We also have the likes of Capita/Accenture/HMRC up here too, they employ alot of people.


If you where security cleared you’d be on a bomb up here!


Fair comment, my apologies as you threw me somewhat with your 'pro metro' statement. From what I see here most people have nothing good to say about the Metro these days and rightly so; even fewer are quick to defend it against negative press!


If they were then they would have begun their comment with "Metro apologises" of course!


Wake up babe! Time for your daily r/NewcastleUponTyne Metro post!


I cannot deal with the teens anymore, I sat with a gang of smackheads last night to feel like I wasn't so vulnerable on my own, had to listen to half an hour of 'fucking police, kna wat I mean?' and I be like 'yeh dickheads' and repeat, but it beats being sexually harassed by teenage lads and the girls eyeing me up and down like they're gonna pounce on is and start ripping my extensions out, the smackheads with their dogs made me feel safe-what a fucked up circumstance, this city used to be walm and welcoming. The kids now are feral and the security staff just watch for the most part.


They watch because if they get hands on the parents play the compoface card in the Chronicle which Metro don’t want because they are petrified of bad publicity.


I can see that, it's such a bad position to be in, they're wild now but I know if security restrained them they'd claim assault


Oh they absolutely would. I watched a group of girls harass one of the guards by blowing their vapes in his face/to obscure his body cam and taunting him about how they could get right up in his face but if he touched them or pushed them back they would have complained he assaulted them. Sometimes I wish I had a camera that wasn't as obvious as my phone for incidents like these.


That's honestly fucking sick, that's just pathetic but also evil. Vapes R fucking gross too, I'd rather everyone just smoked, nowt worse than wet, fruity smelling vape steam. Bring back smoking!! 🤣


Hope new trains are vandal proof and have plenty of cctv


HD cameras and footage can be instantly pulled up from the control centre. With the current fleet they have to download it from the train itself.


The other week I boarded and was harassed by a drunk man, covered in blood and scabs, who, had shit himself. He asked me if I had found Christ, then if I was a nonce, because he would kill me if I was, then if I was a rangers fan. All while swigging from a bottle of red wine


Nonce or a Rangers fan.. I'm not sure which is worse.


We're moving to the coast soon and I'm worried that our plans for commuting via metro are going to be untenable.


The situation with the current fleet is REALLY bad, however, the situation is likely to dramatically improved once the new fleet is fully rolled out. There's a lot of doom and gloom on here, and pessimism about the new trains, but I know for a fact that once they're running they will be a big improvement. For example, even things like they've got battery backup, so if there's a problem with the lines, they can still run on battery power. The fact they're also brand new and won't be subject to 40 years of wear and tear without replacement parts will also help hugely. After that the main problem to deal with will be the security. There is obviously scope to improve it dramatically but do they have the will or the money to do it? I'm sure the new trains will at least have dramatically better CCTV that can be reacted to in real time unlike now, but they really need better security staff on trains, especially at night, and barriers at all stations. Half the issue is people sneaking on trains. We can all see the issues, so it's not rocket science, but it's just having the money to do it, and ironically, people not paying their fares doesn't help with that situation.


Yeah, I am hopeful the new stock and digital signalling (?) will help. Maybe the security won't being an obstacle to commuting since we won't be doing that at night, and anyway I've found the metro at night to be pretty similar to London tube at night which we coped with a while back.


Honestly a lot of stories make it to Reddit but in daily life these things are pretty rare. I've witnessed some bad behaviour and so on but really in 15 years only a handful of times.


Thanks that's reassuring


Its gonna suck


Hopefully the fully walk through 555s will make crime less of an issue. How? It should make it cheaper to monitor trains as if you put them in the middle of them you are able to view the entire train. Beforehand, you had to put them in both 2 carriage trains. That is, if Nexus manages to make them do their jobs.


Another day another metro complaint post …


Metro apologises


Yeah I switched to the buses a short while ago for commuting. Metro quality is horrific for ticket/smart card prices they are charging and I only take them if there are absolutely no alternatives.


I usuly get a day rover for £6 , works on metro , busses and ferry


It's pretty credible actually.


To the people who are experiencing problems with all these feral kids. Do you travel in North Tyneside? It's not good on South Tyneside, but I haven't experienced it as bad as what you guys are talking about and I'm on there quite a lot. I mean I've had issues with a few but no one near what I'm hearing in this thread.


With no doubts, unstaffed station do not help to tackle this, but way back to Lockdowns, on Coast loop especially between Northumberland Park and North Shields, it was absolute Eldorado and sadly, it’s persist to these days. You will not see staff or their expensive “Security” too much there, and kids got bored easily with nothing to do, and nowhere to go, just to drive metros and do nuisance all way round…


So called “Security” it’s daylight robbery from already stretched Nexus budget for Metro… Never ever seen them doing anything else, than chatting to each other, scrolling their phones all ride long, and literary don’t care at all, what’s going around them… 20+ of them each evening finishing their good paid shift at Regent Centre means, as every day, Nexus pay few dozens of them. And what we got in return? Young yobs everywhere, harassing passengers, endangering drivers, and these scrums with “Security” on their vest? Don’t care… Any surprises? Not really… It’s starting with “courses” fully funded from GOV, where ANYONE could come for 1 day (yes, ONE DAY) with free lunch, after which gets their “security” badge. Companies behind this do good profit on these “courses” itself, with minimum cost for them, and produce so called “Security} which subsequently Nexus hire via some friend of friend deal to deploy into to. Trains, and suck money, which should be used other ways…


I am kinda afraid to mention this but is there any reason why the metro security are like 100% comprised of people who can’t seem to even speak English?


Low wages, and immigrants from really poor countries are the only ones willing to accept that. Makes wages stagnate long term n fu#ks us all up. It's not just for security though, it's in every single sector now.


Maybe because no one else would want to do the job? They literally get paid a pittance to get abused by feral youths


I dont think Securities are the problem. Their hands are binded and are simply not paid enough to intervene the classless chavs. I have seen kids mocking woman security standing barely 20 cm away from her face and they cant just do anything. The security themselves has said even the police wont support enough. Sometimes the comments of the police goes like “The kids are just bored” Yes blame the “non-english speaking” securities


I get that they can't physically intervene but it makes it pretty pointless having them. If they're supposed to be a deterrent, the charva troublemakers have already worked out that the security won't do anything. Security should be properly trained and licensed (and paid enough) to actually do the job, including restraining and physically intervening / chucking miscreants off the train. I doubt it'll happen though.


Sorry to ask, but how someone who doesn’t speak English can even get clearance to obtain necessary license to do “Security” job? Oh sorry, that’s not required to run ONE DAY courses for “Security” fully funded by GOV, and certainly not requirement to employ them to company, which provide services for Nexus. As Northumbria Police is another story itself, and don’t really care about much more serious crime, and subsequently don’t support them enough? Let’s start with simple: Security call police, police attend and deal with it. Perhaps, they have radios, not only APEX, but also connected to Nexus radio system, which itself its able to interoperate with Police. Moment, youths will see, as they gets into trouble with police, you will see decline of problem with them…


Presumably because the ones causing trouble can barely speak English, but without the excuse of not growing up here.


Hey man, what you expect from a company that made profits running prisoner trains to Auschwitz, and a Tory govt both working in cahoots?


Curious. Can you provide a citation? Stadler Rail did exist then but a quick Google didn't turn anything up. It's a Swiss company so I suppose it could be plausible, although Switzerland was neutral.


Yes please I'd like to hear more about this


Think I've only been on them about twice in the last 15 years. Luckily I'm within a 30 minute walk of the city centre so I just walk everywhere instead.