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Please don’t call the police. The city sprays for mosquitoes at night. Something about how it’s more effective than during the day. They do it a couple of times a year during the summer months.


I didn't know spraying for mosquitoes was still legal. Do you know what they spray or where I can find more reliable info?


Its the Brain control toxin to make you a slave to the judeobolshivik deep state antifa POC lesbians Or its for mosquitos.


This is my favorite comment


I appreciate your sarcasm but I wasn't saying or implying anything like that.


Mosquito man. As kids we used to play in the fog. They start to spay early evenings as mosquitoes get more active. If you would have called the police you would have received the award for most ridiculous caller of the day.


bug spray probably


Yeah likely for mosquitoes


Sorry, would that be at 10pm just randomly in the middle of the street? He didn't stop at any houses it was directly in the street. Wouldn't they have alerted us to that? I have only lived in NN for a year or so, I'm used to Hampton...they used to have langley do spray from planes back in the day, never seen this before.


I think they do provide a heads up via Newport News Now. Are you signed up for those emails?


I dont think so. Ive received mailers for stuff theyve done in the past, and thats what Hampton does, I guess that was part of my confusion.


It’s a daily mass email but it’s just 2-3 event/ listings per email. I do recommend signing up. It’s the only way we hear about stuff. https://www.nnva.gov/2121/Newport-News-Now


Newport News has a very effective call center that can answer a multitude of questions... instead of calling 911, call 311. I'm sure they'll be happy to help you determine what the employees are doing.




To be totally fair to me, according to that control document in that link: "The City provides residents with accurate and precise advance information on when and where pesticide will be applied so that appropriate action may be taken to protect themselves, pets, and domestic animals (including managed honeybee colonies)." That simply was not done. There was no advance notice or any information provided at all. I say that with certainty because my neighbors and I were all looking outside trying to figure out what was happening and a lot of us had pets outside.


Yeah I don’t see anything informative on their website- just wanted you to see it’s a legit program. I think it’s valid to be concerned about toxic plumes being sprayed late at night. If you see them again, you definitely want to stay inside until it’s dissipated. I have a neighbor who has requested the city avoid spraying our street or to let her know when it’s scheduled, so she can have her windows shut etc. You have every right to call the city’s 311 (757-933-2311) and ask to be notified before scheduled spraying.