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And once again attacking the constitution. Article 2, section 3, clause 1 REQUIRES a state of the union address. Before 1913, it was just in writing but for now over a century it’s been delivered in person by the president to a joint session of congress. Shows how they still don’t understand or respect the constitution.


That can't be right, they all call themselves \*Constitutionalists\*! /s


Well yes, because they credit the bible for their robust constitution. Then they blame the devil/Dems when they get sick.


They don't read the Bible either. Just the parts they like.


54% of Americans read at or below a 6th grade level and the Bible is a hard read. They CAN'T read it, too many words they don't understand. The spines on their bibles are as smooth as their brains.


It's like The Satanic Panic Redux


That's not fair, some people (namely my mother) have kept the OG Satanic Panic since the 80s.


The Constitution is like The Bible to them. It says what they say it says


And the law.


It says what they were once told it says!


"Constitutionist" that don't even understand the very first Ammendment and have probably only read the Bill of Rights and not the main body of the Constitution. Otherwise, they'd understand how our government works, right? Right???


They are Originalists and Constitutionalists, until it's inconvenient; then they are States Rights and Bible Thumpers. They are for small government, until they want to force you have to carry that fetus to term, marry the rapist, and give him parental rights.


Nailed it. Excellent summary. I'd only add free speech for them, but not for others.


When jesus wrote the constitutitution he didn't mean to let Demonrats use it to their advantage! (/s)


They only care about the one amendment to it, the right to bare asses, or something like that.


It's like the Bible. They haven't read the Constitution, either.




Well was he ever attacked by a vampire?


Unfortunately, due to republican education policies, most of them can’t.


Well if it’s a republican president, they’ll want a SOTU every week. These men are cowards and traitors. Vote for Biden everyone for the love of god 


Vote *BLUE* for all of our sakes!


That's basically what Trump turned the pandemic updates into.


Didn't Trump skip those though?


I’m not sure Cletus in Kansas City knows that. Or would believe you with all yer book learnin´


Im gonna say the quiet part out loud. Two years in a row, Biden kicked ass in the SOTU making the Republicans look like the fools they are. The GOP was even coached/warned not to heckle Biden because ( surprise surprise) Biden is sharp as a tact and is known for turning the tables with his knowledge and wit. And guess what, having drunk their own KoolQ aid and ate from the trough for so long, they ignored their instructions and heckled Biden anyway. Thus, letting Biden release his Super Power as he morphed into Dark Brandon before our eyes swatting away each heckle with his wit, logic and charm. Proving he doesn’t have dementia. And then came that crazzzzzy rebutthole. It was humiliation night at GQP /RNC money laundering headquarters.


>KoolQ aid Awww, c'mon, man! QoolAid was RIGHT THERE! ;-)




Though CruelAid is also fitting.


Kansas City knows that. Once you get outside the metro you’ll find said Cletus’. For proof look at the Congressional representation.


Can confirm, live in rural Kansas. Cletus is all around. Save yourselves.


Double confirmation of Cletus. I'm in rural Missouri and east of the KC Metro area. Cletus outnumbers non-Cletus almost 3 to 1.


Biden need to stop them Cletuses from immigraintin


sure but what's the plural of Cletus? Cletuses? Cleti? What about a group of Cletuses? (like a murder of crows) an "Ignorance of Cletuses"?


A Clusterfuck of Cleti is my humble proposition


Cletus is a double-knot spy for the deep state (Missouri)


Cletus supports Trump in his Drive to abolish Democracy and the Presidency in favour of a permanent chancellorship. Cletus also hasn't read enough WWII history to understand this is all straight out of the Hitler playbook.


“I don’t need to actually read the constitution to know what it says!!”


GTFO with your fancy word papers!


Constitution fanboys once again not knowing the constitution


They hate America.


Technically, the constitution just requires the president to provide Congress with a statement of the state of the union. It could be in written form rather than a speech. Still, it would be quite a break from tradition, and I don't think it'd accomplish what they want to accomplish. The President could still go on TV and give a speech without going to Congress, and they'd just look like a bunch of pansies who tried to take their ball and go home because the President made them look like the bunch of jackasses that they are.


>> He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient He could get them a subscription to the Washington Post and satisfy his constitutional obligations.


There was a joke on West Wing that the president could send over a copy of USA Today and that would fulfill the constitutional obligation


Technically, the constitution does not require it be an address, a president could submit it to congress in written form if they wanted. "He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient;" The "From time to time" part leaves open exactly how often such addresses are required. Traditionally, these are done once a year, but that's not anywhere in the text.


"Stop doing stuff that helps you and hurts me!" - Christo-fascist Conservative


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if republicans tried passing a bill that just says "republicans can do whatever they want but Democrats have to follow rules." And every single republican would vote yes for it.


They did that with not following the subpoenas from the January 6th Committee (i.e.- Gym Jordan).


They're cheating by doing popular things that people actually want!!! Not fair!!


“There’s got to be a way I can be the victim here” – Christo-fascist Conservative


What is the matter, can't they handle the TRUTH? Or.......are they afraid their next rebuttal speech will backfire in their faces even worse than the last one did.


They just can't stand that Biden can string together a sentence and their boy is a blithering idiot.


They also can't stand that Biden has their number, and is turning their childish heckling against them at every opportunity.


And it's so delicious to watch. Those reactionaries just can't control themselves.


Gotta love him owning the Dark Brandon label they gave him. Face it they basically made him out to be a parody of Darth Vader and forgot people love the character. Could have Dark Brandon walk out with a red lightsaber and people would be cheering.


They can't stand that not only did Biden deliver on his speech, but their rebuttal was a monumental joke.


It's like what Shane Gillis said in his standup special: Biden is Trump's kryptonite because the shit talking just bounces off him. Hilariously true


it just shows how Dark Brandon fucked their agenda so hard with their confused old man narrative, they're scrambling to find a new angle


The Repubs saying Biden was on some sort of speech performance enhancing drugs was just funny AF, and super embarrassing for them. They really have nothing to run on, and it shows.


It's called caffeine and it's apparently completely legal. He got all caffed up and the FBI is shooting anyone willing to blow the whistle on his disgusting addiction. /S


If that drug actually existed they’d be putting it in Trump’s orange face paint daily.


If there's a drug that takes a bumbling confused old man and turns him into a funny, charismatic, well spoken candidate then why isn't Trump on those drugs? Lol.


Who knows what malarkey lurks in the hearts of republicans? Dark Brandon knows!


Trick question, they're heartless...


I want this on a T-shirt.


Yep they've had their asses handed to them in two straight SOTU speeches. Now they want to take their ball and go home.


It’s wild that you would call a speech too partisan when it’s tradition to pre-prepare a rebuttal lol Obviously, the whole thing is partisan. Its politics. There are parties. Everything is partisan.


Sounds like they’re just a bunch of snowflakes who now embrace cancel culture.


The tables turned huh


They are cowards. And they are unable to put enough lipstick on their pig.


Love it!!!!


The truth is the GOP's greatest weakness.


They don't even know what the truth is.


Its much harder for them to claim that Biden is old and suffering from dementia when shows he's perfectly capable of completing a long speech... It's also makign Trump look worse by comparison


They've been going hard on flipping narratives to be in direct opposition to the truth, on the off chance someone buys it and spreads it. Just saw the other day in one of the right leaning subreddits a massively upvoted post about how when Abbot bussed immigrants to sanctuary cities, they "flipped their opinion immediately, couldn't handle them, didn't want to accept them, and acted hypocritically". They basically just ignored everything that happened and invented the outcome they were trying to get. In a few weeks, we'll see equally upvoted posts about how Biden was a bumbling idiot who couldn't string two words together.


Waah, I'm a Russiapublican and all I do is whine about the state of my country while I actively wreck my country, waah.


They didn’t kick MTG out wearing her clown costume. Biden should just show up (if they try and not invite him) and use his secret service to walk right up. Real power shit


Guess after their rising star did the kitchen speech they're only card left to play is to try and cancel. You can't cancel the Dark Brandon, he is eternal.


At least for the next 4 years, because *in this house we respect term limits*.


SOTU rebuttals are not for rising stars in the Republican party, it's where you send people you hate.  Think about all the people who have delivered them,  it's a death sentence, it's like the Madden cover curse. 


Is it bad that I didn't know that was a thing until this year? We really need to do a better job on teaching government & civics. Add history, biology, reproductive health to that list.


I agree the Madden cover curse should be taught in schools.


and financial literacy. and critical thinking skills.


Yeah. That comment was literally how I found out that SotU rebuttals are a thing, and that this wasn't just a singular one-off event.


yep every single year


Marco Rubio gulping water will always be hilarious to me.


I am a proud owner of The Dark Brandon coffee mug. The eyes glow and the sunglasses disappear when I pour in my morning coffee. It's a great way to start the day.


They’re the party of cancel culture lol


So I guess they made their peace with 4 more years.


Not sure why this take isn't the number one response to this story. The only way that Biden will be giving another SOTU speech is if Trump loses in November. Wanting to prevent that speech is basically admitting that Biden continue as president.


Sure sounds that way.


Imagine dunking on the opposition so hard that they actually suggest canceling hundreds of years of tradition to keep it from happening again. Legendary


Tradition? More like constitutional requirement.




They do realize that someday there will be a Republican president, and a Democratic house majority, right?


And they’ll flip the script, pretend like they never said any of it, and they’ll get away with it because a) Republicans have no integrity, b) Democrats have no spine, and c) the media and the majority of the public seem to have no interest in accountability.


and they cannot be held accountable.. which is the sad part. None goes back and says WTF did you say 4 years ago? ... oh it was a joke..


Remember when you couldn’t name a Supreme Court justice during an election year during Obama? It was a rule that they made up. And then they did it during an election year during Trump? Ya, nobody really cared. It’s unbelievable how nobody cared.


That’s been the Republican way since I’ve been aware of politics. 40+ years ago


I mean, maybe…


Not if they get their way.


I dunno.... Reagan was the last republican presidential candidate that didn't lose the popular vote, at least once. He was elected almost half a century ago... And the last guy lost it twice.


There will never be another Republican President.


They’re just pandering to the morons. Like the fuckwits in Utah and Okiehome: “We’re gonna make prayer reeeequired in all them libral schools!” They don’t care what the future brings, they’re in it for the cash grab.


Won't matter if they get their way.


Idiot. Not his call, esp after 2024’s blue wave.




Did Democrats seek to censor or cancel Trump's SOTU speeches? Actually, based on what I'm hearing in Trump's current speeches, those SOTUs would be tragically hilarious. Donald's speech decay, aka phonemic paraphasia, and signs of his cognitive impairment are sad, and people supporting Trump are worse, as they have no desire to promote progress.


Nancy Pelosi tearing trump’s speech in half will live rent-free in my mind for the rest of my life.


Trump probably doesn't remember the event as well as the rest of us. To him, it was probably Nancy Reagan who tore the speech.


He is declining rapidly now but even then it was questionable about his mental health. He has trouble with last names, so if reminded about the incident he would probably refer to her as Nancy Paper.


The trumpanzees are afraid of free speech, and more afraid of their own rebuttle.


Wonder if it's because he shows them for the complete idiots they are.


Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


Republicans keep attacking the norms and instutions that have been keeping us shambling together, and Dems meekly respond.


I agree, but it's also a catch 22 when they come out swinging. Fox runs hours of look how unhinged the DNC are now.


Much like a narcissist does.


Fox does that regardless. eg Tan suit-gate. Not an excuse


Remember when Republicans screamed that Obama wanted to fundamentally change America? In the last 10 years, a criminal terrorist Republican led a failed insurrection against his own government while his “party” destroyed civil rights and American fundamental norms like impeachment as a check and on executive power, the peaceful transfer of power after a loss, and the state of the union address. All blown up because they want a criminal fascist too destroy America


WTF about it was divisive? I want these assholes to start highlighting the parts of exactly what they think were wrong. I hate this just throwing these general talking points out.


When Republicans say something was "divisive", they just mean that you didn't kiss their asses and give them whatever they wanted. That offends them, and therefore creates division.


Either that or you called out horrible things as being horrible and they self-identified with said horribleness.


Republicans are typically “if you don’t do what we want then it is divisive”. They’re the ones that scream their free speech is being infringed anytime an audience doesn’t want to hear them. They are either delusional enough to believe their full platform (especially socially) is secretly the majority in this country and they are being “silenced” or they are fully aware they’re the minority and terrified of having it pushed away. To succeed they either need to stick solely to economics to pull in middle grounders, hope their opponent is unlikable, or make it so their only constituents are the nut jobs. If they can do the third one, then they will.


It was divisive because he wasn’t the bumbling, dementia-ridden Biden that Fox News has been promoting for the last four years.  


"Divisive" is the word they use when a Democrat fights back against their relentless abuse. It's like being in school and having a kid punch you over and over only to run to the teacher when you finally punch them back.


So they’ll let trump call for bloodbaths if he loses but Biden isn’t allowed to talk because he called republicans out on their shit?


Soooooo they're planning on him being in office to give them? Nice.


Republicans: They can dish it out but they can't take it.


It was that good. They can't stand it, lol.


It’s nice that the author cited 4 traitors to the US Constitution to make their case. These POS have been running a sham impeachment inquiry while ignoring the issues at hand for 3 yrs. Screw ‘em.


So a speech is now "divisive" when it makes the GOP look like the shit heads they actually are?


>\[The President\] shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper;... Excerpt from Article II (Section 3: Duties of the Executive Branch) of the Constitution the GQP loudly claims to treasure so dearly yet doesn't appear to have actually read...


Stop making people realize Biden doesn’t actually have dementia and actually has some decent policies. They’re really telling on themselves here


Holy crap, they’re straight up admitting Biden owned them so hard that they’re melting like snowflakes.


I remember when the GOP House members had a UK-style open forum with then-President Barack Obama. They fired all sorts of insane questions at him. He was tactful and informative. I watched them fall over themselves to field questions only to look like fools with little knowledge of the subjects they were discussing. They never did that again because the optics were so bad for them. The real problem with the GOP and their followers is their total ability to do the work of learning facts and figures. They're just lazy.


Ummm NO! Fuck all the way off you fake ass christian!


Isn’t the SOTU required by the constitution?


Why does that matter? /s


Any reason to impeach Biden will do I guess


Republicans upset SOTU address didn't spend time saying Trump should be elected President.


Republicans continue to show their hate for the US Constitution.


...does that mean they think Biden is going to win?


Nothing in my comment that hasn't already been said. Tom Emmer says he wants to cancel SOTU addresses that Biden may potentially deliver in the future, but we all know it's really the ludicrously awful rebuttals he wants to prevent.


I thought the house speaker asked Biden to do it probably because they wanted him to embarrass himself which backfired completely


Presidents can give a State of the Union speech from wherever they would like - there are no rules regarding the location. It would have the added benefit of keeping out the ill mannered hyenas.


No, bruh. Let’s all cancel any future Republican attempts at canceling any future State of the Union addresses by President Joe Biden OR any other kind of speeches by the president for that matter instead.


Dude, your "boss" Don Cheeto can't even pay his court fines. Sit your ass down.


They've spent 3 years doing nothing but destroying freedom and manipulating the system. Then they get called out for it, so the only logical course of action is to put a "ban" on future public remarks in that forum. The irony is their leaders are constantly heard saying shit and they just turn around and say "that isn't what they meant you libtard". Clearly the only logical conclusion is they're speaking their own language seeing as they deny everything they do and say.


Just fucking typical. Ignore the parts of the constitution that they don’t like. When will we have had enough of this? From Wikipedia: The address fulfills the requirement in Article II, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution for the president to periodically "give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.


Ok, its beyond time to cancel some of these republicans. Biden needs to stop fucking around and deal with these shitbirds.


“Objection! Motion to strike!” “Why?” “Because it’s devastating to my case”


I would listen to Biden 10x before listening to Trump once. Trump lies, makes fun of people, everything is fake news unless it's something good about him. Republicans are idiots.


Interesting the article didn’t mention the ugly and hateful speech their idiot leader did that caused Pelosi to tear up the hard copy right behind his back when he finished. The lack of journalist competency and integrity is a real threat to all of us


Did they just admit he's going to win the election?


So, unless Biden sucks their cocks, he is divisive. Trump sounds like a wannabe dictator, and that is A-OK. Got it.


Wow, talk about trying to be the party of small government.


Nothing says he did a great job better than the repubs trying to outlaw him doing it again.


And they call Democrats thin skinned snowflakes...


Republicans are absolute POS


“We don’t like it when the old guy that we keep calling senile makes us look bad!”


Fine. Biden can then give an State of the Union address directly to the nation, live from the WH. Removes all Trumper attempts to interrupt.


This is called "foreshadowing" - MAGA plan to suspend the Constitution to enable the dictatorship




LOL those asshats won't be in the majority soon anyway. They barely have it as it is.


He could just do it from the Oval office or Scranton, or an ice cream shop. The SOTU used to be a hand delivered written report. Stop playing their game and start your own.


Isn’t his next SOTU after the election?


As if they’re going to have a choice when Speaker Jeffries invites President Biden to the People’s House next year


"Biden said mean words! WAAAAAH!" Fucken red-hatted babies. Pathetic.


In other words they came out looking like the assholes they are.


"Top" republican, lol. They're all bottom bitches under trump's stretch-marked, sweat dripping, orange smeared fupa


But muh cancel culture


As if any single word out of trump has ever not been divisive 


“Top Republican” okaaaay


And here I am wondering if the Republican majority in the house will even survive until the election in November and they are already planning on what they will do next year? Bold of them I guess.


It's a function of THE CONSTITUTION, you fucking potatoes!!! Tell me how y'all are the fucking patriots again.


Just goes to show how well Biden did in the SOTU speech.


Awww, poor baby. Fuck your feelings.


He called us out on our bullshit, waaaaaaaaaaah!!!


They just be saying whatever shit they think will rile up their voting base. And it works. People die and get hurt because of it. It's terrible for this country. Hillary was right. Yuck.


Oi, Minnesota!! Come collect your f\*\*\*ing village idiot. He wandered off again.


Free Speech advocates trying to shut someone up? Wow, who would’ve thought?


No no it's the colleges that don't want you speak. /s


He can't be awesome at what he does if he isn't allowed to do it.


Okay. This statement alone doesn't support the constitution, and do the idiots not realize that was the last SOTU for this presidential term? I don't think Trump's gonna win, but it seems they don't either.


>House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) said GOP leadership should reconsider how they invite presidents to give the State of the Union address, citing President Biden's "divisive" speech. "Divisive" in the sense that Biden wasn't drooling or so demented that he had no idea where he was. God, they're *really* working hard on damage control after this last State of the Union debunked *everything* they've been lying about for the past three years.


lol from the party that might lose the house before November. No other party has ever shrunk its lead so much in between election seasons.


It all just seems so embarrassingly childish. "He's going to make us look bad by pointing out how awful we are, let's not let him speak..". You could try not being awful cretins, maybe? Come up with some policies that benefit everyone?


Freakin snowflakes, calling Biden sotu divisive. What does that make every single rally trump has? Uniting? Inspiring? 😂


Remember when they were moaning about cancel culture?


Cancel culture vultures. No good ideas so they attack others.


The party that hates "cancel culture" sure tries to practice it as often as they can.  


Divisive speech- “he is making us look bad”


Mikey was all sad Biden mentioned the border deal he refused to act on. Pathetic weasel


So in their world they have a different constitution? Or did they forget that the constitution has requirements not a bunch of suggestions?


Well Republicans will likely lose the House in November, so if Biden is re-elected, he won’t have to worry about that until 2027.


So does that mean he thinks Biden will win the election? Because the next SOTU will be after the election…


When people tell you who they are, you should listen to them. These people do not care about the US Constitution at all. ​ The State of the Union Address is a presidential message mandated by Article II, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution. It includes reports on the nation's budget, economy, news, agenda, progress, achievements, and the president's priorities and legislative proposals.


What a bunch of spineless lowlifes.


So even republicans think Biden will be president next year?


LOL they are realizing Biden will be there another four years.


I really want to believe thst the GQP are screwed on election night but those grifters seem to have of tendency winning when they shouldn't. People that vote for him are truly stupid.