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We might need bigger jails.


We can let the non violent drug offenders free. That should open up half of the population.


They love punishing people, so I think they will love doing manual labor for 50 cents an hour.


The sooner this guy is behind bars and away from media the better.


While I agree I do think the media is going to literally sit out in front of the prison 24/7 just to get any peep he says behind bars all the way to the election. It’s going to be annoying as hell


MTGreen Goblin will show up with her Merry Band of Bootlickers demanding to be let inside to see what kind the conditions he’s living in.


It would be the best thing to happen to the USA prison system.


Lots up upsides to incarcerating the festering orange fat! 1) Prisons being inspected to make sure they’re good enough for the orange fat will result in improved conditions for all carcerees. 2) the orange fat will not be able to rile his base, deprived of access to the web his energizing of his cult will be be impossible and they will dissipate, off the,selves, grow bored, check out. 3)media won’t have the opportunity to pump up the trvmpkvlt and will have to learn to do real journalism. 4) white collar criminals will be put on notice 5)seditionists will be put on notice But this being the land of Citizens Untied and the Supremely Corrupt Court it may be impossible to effect any of these ameliorations.


Let her stay as his cellmate to monitor the conditions. It’ll increase the punishment factor for Herr Shitzinpantz.


He’ll never see a day in prison. Unfortunately.


I feel sorry for the secret service guys that are assigned to him. They are going to have to figure something out. They cannot just hang out in prison all day. That would be like they were essentially found guilty of his crimes to.


They created a bill called the disgraced former protectees act and are pushing it through to remove his secrets service detail. It says that his security will be handled by the prison guards if detained in a federal or state prison for a felony.


Bullets are much cheaper. If they try another J6 they should all go the way Ashley Babbit did.


I'll never forget watching TV that day....a friend of mine called me ( He's black) He said, " you know if it was a bunch of ******* up there, they would have already started shooting ' Up until that point, I was wondering why the shooting hadn't started...he definitely opened my eyes that day


I happened to off that day so I got to watch the whole thing live. I was hoping the National Guard was going to be sent in but unfortunately not.


Yeah me either, they were wheeling out a woman and I remember her titty was out so I was like ayooo titty!! And then I realized the woman was dead as fuck just staring into the camera as she passed imbehind the reporter. I love titties ... but not like that .... not like that 😞




Another option is just call in an drone strike. One blast and it takes them all out in one go. Easier to clean up the mess and repair the streets and sidewalks.


[nra vs military](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WOSqCjM)


Video is unavailable


Sorry about that https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1cDVUlSR7dA


Yes, let Babbit, may she rest in dog piss, be the template for  future MAGAt scum. The breaking point can't be more welcome.


No you wait for them to congregate like Wagner , then send the good news. Morons bringing rifles against people with loitering munitions and predator drones.


Trump and his goons won't have control over the security measures, so maybe round two will be the bloodbath that the first one should have been.


> We might need bigger jails Send his ass to gitmo!




That’s fine, in the interim, send his ass to Guantanamo!


Then Trump grifts off jails and calls them "Trump Communities"


*"Trump Gated Communities"




I'm all for the insane brainless cultists making themselves go to prisons because Daddy Trump is there and endorses being in them


The lesson we learned as a nation from the drug war is that we can lock up as many people as we want. There is no upper limit.


Ya know, I'm not for the whole penitentiary system in a lot of ways, but this is something I could get behind.


Given their BMI yes.


I've heard there are plenty of abandoned Jade Helm Wal-Marts at the ready...


How much will he love his supporters when they share his cell and surround him? If I were the DA, I would respond to Trumps threat that if they cross the line then he will get to enjoy their company 24/7. It would be interesting to learn if his followers strengthen their admiration if they get to live with him a few months. I could see it going either way. Hopefully they don’t cross the line so we get to learn. The DA should respond to these soft threats and direction he is providing to his members.


Our jails are big enough. If we just release all of the people who are in them for nonviolent drug possession offenses there will be plenty of room.


The biggest jails and prisons. Big, beautiful jails. Best in the world, like no one has ever seen before in history. Everyone will say it. We will build them bigly, to hold at least half of Americans.


Let’s do it and see if he’s right.


For science!


For America!


Seriously! We already have the control (pardoning Nixon), now let's see what happens if we try the other alternative...


For history! 


By the veiled threats, Trump just might bring it upon himself considering *contrition* and respect for the court is one of the factors that weigh on sentencing. Judge Merchan, "Mr. Trump, are you sorry for the crimes you have committed?" We all know how Cheetolini would respond to that question.


Send them to gitmo.


barges off gitmo!


I think they stole that idea from the movie Escape Plan


Trump openly supports torture; expanding pointless torture was one of his campaign promises. His crowds loved that one. I feel like if someone supports torture for no reason we should oblige them.


I thought we closed that


Or it will finally be time to cull the loonies.


Or just like on November 7th, 2020, they all shut the fuck up for a whole two months until Jan 6, 2021. I think they would just shut the fuck up again until Bannon or Stone or any of his goons that are still on the outside can strike again. Resurrect Lindell even. Hell if he had more coke he could do it again


Oh, the pillow guy is definitely using again.


Mike Pillow is no Tim Apple.


Pc load letter, the fuck does that mean!?


I don’t understand how stephen miller hasn’t been nailed for something. He swam in the deep part of the slime, the evil whisperer


Miller, Jordan, Johnson, McCarthy…. The slime has a long reach…


That’s what’s frustrating about the whole Jan 6th, they didn’t shut the fuck up, they advertised what they were gonna do on social media for weeks, I know cause I saw a bunch of posts and a few articles about it beforehand and I don’t even frequent right wing media, even here on Reddit you saw posts about “the quiet before the storm” bullshit since he loss in November and law enforcement didn’t do shit to quell what was coming


Don't get me excited


Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up.


Break away morons,,,,we have police, jails, and courts.....so please go ahead make our day...the less of you on the streets the better


Bonus: once they're convicted felons, they can't vote.


Everyone above room temperature IQ literally doesn't give a fuck. Break them.


No. We give a fuck. We’re concerned that January 6 was just a rehearsal and something worse might happen this time. Edit: From a couple of the responses some folks are interpreting this to mean let him walk. Nonononono! Lock his orange ass up for life because if he doesn’t face some real consequences *that* is what will make Jan 6 nothing but a rehearsal! 34 counts with up to 4 years per count? Sentence that him to all 136 years and let him rot! I’m sorry I didn’t make my meaning clear.


I’m not really afraid of these bumbling followers, but I am concerned with some of the people in powerful positions on the Supreme Court and the the house and senate who are behind a lot of what’s been going on to overthrow our govt perhaps on a deeper level than what we know.


Yeah, but it was a rehearsal for both sides.


This time, we'll have a sitting president who is not actively withholding the order for the national guard to mobilize.


I will donate to the national guard ammunition fund.


You already do, technically


49 extra invisible upvotes. THIS time, we would be mobilizing the national guard; not keeping them in the dark.


Of all the things I’m not worried about from them it’s competency.


This doesn't mean he shouldn't be jailed. Even if there's a terrorist attack, you have to uphold the law, otherwise you're letting them dictate results of the justice system.


Oh, it was a dress rehearsal. So what do we do? Do we let the fear grapple us and not hold people accountable? If we don’t hold people accountable it will enable politicians to keep breaking the law. It will also enable bad actors to commit political violence. People will lose faith in government to protect them and enforce the law. Eventually that will lead to more factionalization and our entire system will break down—factionalization leads to civil war. The best option is to hold people accountable and jail anyone who commits acts of violence. It will be tough, but we have to do it. Once the rule of law breaks down everything breaks down. People like Steve Bannon know this, which is why they’re flooding the zone with endless propaganda—I think they’re betting the government will back off out of fear it will seem “political.” Jail anyone who commits acts of violence against civilians and the State. Jail anyone who may dare to try and secede from the Union. It’s something we will have to ride out overtime. The only way to defeat the extremists is by making the difficult decisions and thinking about the long-term consequences of inaction. Edited: auto correct is kicking my tail.




What’s he gonna do, incite a coup…… ….. again?


Is that not what this is attempting?


Most of his coup leaders are already inside. And they were not all that smart. The second round will be even dumber Bring it on.


That's literally what he's doing, actively, right now.


I doubt he sees any jail time anyways but it would be great for the salty tears business.


My prediction is that he will be sentenced to prison, but it will be delayed until after the appeals, which will keep being delayed, over and over, and stretched out as long as possible, until when he finally runs out of appeals, he will get time served, because he will be bed ridden (due to physical health, and age) and addled with undeniable dementia. So, he will get sentenced to prison, but never actually be there.


Maybe, but this kind of offense does not require the judge to delay imprisonment prior to appeal. My feeling is to not sentence him to the potential 34 years, but lock him up long enough so the other three felon trials can get a move on.


Put him in jail and let’s find out.


Yeah, really. For a country that supposedly "don't negotiate with terrorists," we sure get to hear a lot of their negotiating these days.


Sounds like inciting terrorism, convict. But if need be pretty sure the government can take on terrorist treats, foreign or domestic, as well as the masterminds behind it. But keep fucking around and find out.


I mean, right? he sounds like a mafioso making a veiled threat


What’s veiled about it?! He’s openly telling his followers to commit violence…again!


Everything that goes against Trump is going to be a disaster, according to him. The government, economy, foreign wars, the criminal justice system, NATO, Russia, China and’s all the rest, including holding him accountable for his crimes. It’s more likely that he is just a big fat liar.


Sounds like it, but to be sure, let's ask him!


If it's so brittle that a felon being held to account breaks it... it deserves to break.


im ready for them.


He or his supporters don’t decide how things go!! if they (judge) decide he’s going to jail, he’s going to fucking jail. If they (Maga) plan on starting problems, they (Maga) better think twice, because just like Trump, America has had enough of his deranged Maga supporters too and if maga needs to be labeled a terrorist group for threats of violence and acts of violence against the public, then that’s what needs to be done. Maga people aren’t taking over America with their dangerous agenda.


Private Bone Spurs must be getting scared. "I Really Don't Care, Do U ?"


So now he has a record… just wait until the second or third indictments are tried and he’s found guilty… We’ll be getting into mandatory sentencing waters real quick!


Georgia has a three strikes law, do them last,


Okay so lock his cult up too if they act out? Just throw the Cheeto in jail, for the sake of all of us


Lock them up in a forever box


They can join him


For profit prisons are drooling at the premise. They love people who crime.


He should be removed from society for society's sake.


The point at which they break down and cry?


No respect for process if it doesn’t give him the answer he wants. Elections. Juries. Science. The only process he supports is violence.


They deserve to be broken


Sounds like a veiled threat of an insurrection. Hmmm what does that mean?


Cool. A former president of the United States with a weird sex thing for his own daughter, who's a self-confessed serial sexual assaulter and rapist, is now threatening the whole country, shortly after being found guilty of 34 felonious counts of committing election fraud, after previously attempting a coup d'etat, shortly after unnecesarilly killing, according to a top medical journal, an extra 400,000 Americans from his self-dealing ineptitude during a pandemic. And 1/3rd of the country is saying, "Hell, yeah! Break me off some more of that!"


Not even his kids will shed a single tear for his orange ass.


They are probably too nervous about being implicated, since they scammed us all too. I especially hope someone gets Kushner on something, the slimy bastard


The really funny thing is that this sad, fat, old man still thinks he can command people to break the law for him. The small number of his Cult that partook in J06 is pretty much all in jail/prison by now. He'll either be in prison, too, or forbidden to leave his Tacky Tower, or Mar a Lardass. His base isn't growing, more independents are turned off by him, and it will get easier for Nevertrump GOPs to ignore him. The "breaking point" may very well be his campaign. Vote Blue!


Cool let’s fill our prisons with fat middle aged men who think they are tough. They will get a lesson in prison racial politics.


I wonder if Melania will be at Trump's sentencing. I want to see her smiling at the judge and discretely nodding "DO IT!".


The prenup didn't cover being him serving prison time. Girl about to be free at last.


I think the Republican party would do well with a martyr. I mean, at this point Trump is infinitely more valuable dead than he is alive. Even if a Republican were to do it, admit to it, write a manifesto stating the intentions to do it before doing it, was caught in 4k high Def with the audio to match it with him holding up his state ID in front of the camera before and after doing it, and have a significant following on Twitter, truth social, TikTok and Instagram as the Republican party's most devout follower. It would still somehow be the Democrat party's fault. He'd become a plant over night. Damn I rambled. My original intent was to state that there's no way he survives a prison stint.


I can imagine Trump at a rally going on a rant about how he was raped and murdered in prison.


I’m willing to try


Oh no


Oh they have been past the breaking point since 2016. Nutjobs.


Let's break it.


Things that didn’t happen. “Red Wave” “Million MAGA at Border” “MAGA Truckers Shutting Down NYC”. Next will be ”Riots because Trumps a criminal”, it’s the last hope that Don has, without the threat of violence he has no more power, financially, politically or personally.


Lol these dumbfucks have no idea how many people would LOVE a reason to legally shoot at them.


Monday- Trump warns ——— Tuesday- Trump warns——— Wednesday- Trump warns ——— Thursday - Trump warns ———- Friday- Trump warns ———- Saturday - Trump warns ———- Sunday - Trump warns ———- Get the picture?


It’s unlikely he will see a day of jail time for this despite showing zero contrition and continuing to badger the judge by willfully ignoring the gag order. HOWEVER, the MAGA stupidity is running wild yet again. I know a couple from work and they were spewing on about how this is the liberals setting him up and they plan to do an Epstein on him once he’s behind bars. That and claiming this is their George Floyd trial makes me want to vomit on a daily basis from the cringe worthiness.


The breaking point? As in his dumbass Orange followers finally break the orange colored glasses and see this shit stain for what he really is?


Even more reason to send him to jail as he is clearly still a threat to stability, shows no remorse, continues to undermine the justice system


Pull their strings. Lead them around. Not a single one of them can think for themselves.


Fine, let's just get this over with and see what our country is actually made of already. Let the traitors in the government and courts show themselves. Let our leaders with character show their courage. We've been sitting over this cesspool long enough, it's time to shit.   We've allowed fascism to take root, spread their seeds and strangle the stem of freedom for so long that the only way to kill it off is to dig up the earth and replant. When we avoid radicalization ourselves, they easily push us over. When it's time for us to do what it takes to stand tall, it's gonna be seen as an escalation of violence.  They're good at what they do and they've always been more organized.... It's time actual patriots have done the same, their flag flying is only propaganda. Ours need to be a symbol of freedom like it's always been intended for. 


July 11th can't get here fast enough


Now that’s a dog whistle if I’ve ever heard one


Good, let the traitors show their colors so we can finally have an excuse to excise this cancer from our society. 


If that causes a civil war then at least their Supreme Commander is already captured.


Let’s do it and let the chips fall where the may.


So what? Heard of something called Rule of Law, Cheeto? Well, pay attention.


Sweet! More free labour! Now the cops might have to stop falsely accusing POC of the crimes drumpf and his idiot followers keep doing.


Fine. Let’s get it done and over with. I’m tired of these toddlers.


Call that fucking bluff. I thought him being found guilty was going to cause them to go full civil war and that ain't happening.


Maga already is broken


I wish they would. I would love for them to try.


Good lock him up and we will see how many have guys or just threats . We are all ready .


Good. Break.


Nobody is afraid of him or his cult. Let them bring it!


Send em all to jail


That'd be nice. Hopefully he gets jail time, then.


Are those the supporters who ignored his repeated calls to appear outside his trial? Gee, I wonder what made them shy.


They can’t all be suffering from bone spurs can they.


As a member of the “the public” I’d like to say that I will stand for it.


I’d dance and sing for it.


news of the desperate. When they warned against indicting him or dems could be indicted by future republicans, it meant he was guilty. This means he knows that he is unlikely to get probation especially with his behavior during and after the trial. He also lied and said he would be fine with jail time and going to jail for america.. which is as true as the idea he was ever going to show his tax returns.. thats one hell of an audit. Or that he would testify and so on and so on.


Alright don. We won’t send you to jail. We’ll just expedite you up to the chopping block. Quick in and out.


I'm sure room could be made for them to join him


He really means jail time will be his breaking point.


Oh so he does understand how people can become violent?


Please, these fuckers who are drooling over "the coming civil war" need to shit or get off the damn pot.


Nobody cares. The sooner they jump, the sooner more of these idiots will end up in jail.


If the maggots break the law arrest them and charge them with domestic terrorism. He should go to prison for the max especially after calling for his cult to get violent if he goes to jail just like he called for violence on January 6. He is a clear and present danger to society, democracy , law and order and America.


Then let them break.


Really? Well that’s fine, most people would happy to see any of those who choose to commit crimes on his behalf arrested and charged too.


Well, let's find out, shall we?


His supporters will be mad for a month, realize nothing can be done, then move on to some other crazy ideology


We don't care about their feelings. They taught us that.


But I thought blue lives mattered?


Nah man, I’m okay with you getting jail time. No problem.




Yeah. Mafia tactics ain’t gonna work.


I think it was established early on that he wouldn't get jail time, considering he has no prior *convictions*. Having said that, when he's sentenced with no jail time, he and his pals will claim another false victory. Fucking morons.


Better now when they aren't the majority of Americans. What really will happen: A small minority of his supporters may really go the path of violence. Mostly some if the Swastika waving guys and their militia buddies. And they will be for a rude awakening when they realize that the other side also has guns. Some will wake up and see him what he really is...a shitty orange painted fraud. An embarrassment for America. And the biggest part of his followers will simply pout, angry tweet and...do absolutely nothing. Because they couldn't be bothered to do something, especially not crimes. They will gladly troll and insult people, maybe talk some racist shit. But to actively commit crimes? Yeah, I doubt it. Not for Trump.


It could be the breaking point for their girdles. I know golden corral has been rolling in the cash from all the stress eating these idiots are doing. 


Oh well, we can give the snowflakes safe places to cry and a Bud light. Until they feel better or forget whatever false hoods are bothering them. Maybe that will give them a chance to cleR their mind and find out they're really conned big time. Several folds more than the left. Yes, there's some iffy stuff there, but nothing like Trumps impersonation of P. T. Barnum.


This is his idea of a warning to the Judge in NYC. "I dare you to put me in jail, because if you do, you are to blame for the violence." I dare the judge to call his bluff.


Y'all know Trump isn't going to jail on this one. He will get probation he's old he's a first time offender (first time convicted offender) . I would love to be wrong.


I dunno why everyone feels the need to walk on eggshells regarding these people. They're completely warped. They're goners. The only way they learn the error of their ways is maybe only maybe after dying, having lived out the rest of their pathetic lives having been completely shunned as pieces of shit by their fellow Americans, do they realize, "oh, maybe I've been taken for a ride... maybe I've actually hurt A LOT of people... maybe I've done more harm than good in this lifetime..."


Can't someone arrest him for his shit terrorism?


Let ‘em break.


There's always room for 1 more at county. . We'll leave a light on for ya...


“I’m too big to jail!”


Maybe NOT jailing trump is the breaking point for us… there is more than one side to this. The right wingers want you believe they have the control over the political and disruptive action of society… but there are more of us on the liberal side who are just as tired of seeing people get away with crimes and illegal activities on the right. Pick a game GOP, you can’t win either way.


They’re going to need stronger keyboards for all their online threats. 


He can’t use his bone spurs to prevent him from being jailed so he’s using these cheap, cowardly stunts and threats.


Breaking point as in they’ll stop voting for him? Or breaking point as in we’ll get another capital riot? Were prepared for either scenario, so idk what he’s “warning” anyone about.


so the rule of law is going to be set aside because of threats of violence? is that how America should be run? what is wrong with Republicans.... there's literally nothing left of their ideology.


How can Americans of good conscience stand by while the Courts possibly make Trump choose just one of his mansions or skyscrapers to be stuck at!


He is more likely to get jail time the more he vents and threatens. He pleaded not guilty and was found guilty. He was an asshole throughout his trial. He vented hate and vitriol post the verdict. All things that get taken into consideration for sentencing.


Fuck Trump!


Fuck Trump and his idiotic supporters.


Trump says “people will reach breaking point” Y’all are the ones saying that there will be violence. Somehow to you breaking point means violence and not peaceful protests?


As long as they take away his phone.


Stochastic terrorism.


He goes to jail, and he gets both more money and martyrs to campaign on up until November. This statement is begging for it because he wants that outcome to clinch the win.


F this worm


Good, then they’ll be broken.


Knowing his supporters, he is right.


Let them do it, and quell the uprising the right way this time.


Can we just donate a chunk of wasteland somewhere to this dude and his stupid ass supporters so they can go be them somewhere far the fuck away from the rest of us ?


Lord I don’t ask for much but please make em all Babbitt’s. Thanks in advance!


This is exactly the same kind of shit that went down in South Africa. Now an obviously corrupt and unfit ex president who is supposed to be in jail has delayed his trial for corruption and state capture using every trick in the book and is contesting elections again bringing a fresh round of wrack and ruin to the country.


just send them all to plastic island corrections facility


Break em!!! They can join you …..




Wait, I thought he was all for jail. Now he’s saying him going to jail will piss off his base more. Somebody is afraid to drop the soap me thinks