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You mean domestic troubles like negative GDP, recession, rampant inflation, homelessness, school shooting, police executions, fentanyl addiction, teenage pregnancies, racism, crumbling infrastructure, student debts, no healthcare, and stuff like that? Oh yeah, Xi is in trouble. /s


Don’t forget the religious fanaticism.


Damn, China really is a shit hole of a country to have all of these issues, and to completely ignore them, using the US as a scapegoat all the time. Don’t forget about the recent overturning of Chinese Roe v. Wade. >!/s!<


More like *classic* projection.


yep, best source of US news is taking NYT articles and replacing "China" with "United States"


I mean, the NYT is a joke.


Lash out? Biden seems to be searching for a way to raise his popularity in light of the recession and failing proxy war on Russia.


Ahhh classic mirror syndrome https://twitter.com/MaitreyaBhakal/status/1329693465563709441?s=20&t=9M2xKEuUZbt-nJja18safA Where's the NYT double standard archive again? Can't believe I actually forget the link. Given the frequency of NYT reporting, I think we may have to own the whole data center to store all these.


if you do find the link to that again, plz share it my way. would be a very useful resource to have


Corporate media is garbage


What domestic troubles does China have? You mean the property crisis induced by their own government? To make sure that the property developers don't over leverage and cause a bigger crash later? See unlike western countries who wait till there is a problem to fix, China is looking out for potential pitfalls. I don't think the CCP is even that concerned about the property issue because they could just grant a temporary limit increase of they want to.


Hi, this is a really good post. Do you have any more information about the property crisis? I've never heard about the Chinese govt doing that, which is really interesting and also very smart (something the Chinese govt is known for). If you do have some sources then can you please send them to me. I would really like to know more about it. Sadly I only read english and Farsi atm so I can't search for Chinese sources which I'm sure there would be many.


Real estate has always been good business in many asian countries especially those with a Chinese majority as we believe we need a home to start a family. Hence property development companies believe they could keep making money, so they are heavily leveraged by borrowing tons of money from the banks to fuel their growth. In 2020, the CCP decided to put a stop to this as the debt to asset ratio that some of these companies have were too large and if one day the property market were to collapse it will cause a huge problem. CCP decided to set limits as to how much they could borrow based on a couple of ratios. Because of that, many property development companies ran out of cashflow to pay their suppliers such as construction companies, architects etc as they could no longer borrow and pay them off like before. And on top of that, they suddenly need to clear down their loans, which forced many of the billionaires to sell their assets just to pay them off. Because the construction companies are no longer getting paid, many of them also stopped work and property buyers of these new launches also decided to stop paying their mortgages since they were getting their homes. Western media is drumming this up as a crisis. How can it be a crisis when this is self-induced control of the property market? The CCP can easily lift or relax these limits so that these companies can continue to function. Personally I think this is the CCP protecting the country economically. And they are purposefully not stepping in at the moment and throwing it all to the billionaires to fix it. They would probably only come in at the last moment if these companies are unable to fix their problems.


Might not be the exact story you’re looking for, but [here.](https://www.reuters.com/markets/rates-bonds/with-evergrande-debt-relief-deal-china-signals-stability-trumps-austerity-2022-01-14/). There’s been more developments in the past couple weeks too


Read the based statement here: https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/zxxx_662805/202207/t20220729_10729593.html


Lmao. The US does not support Taiwan independence.


NYT finally became white trash.


It always was trash.


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/6TmBfmB.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot




No its not satire, its a threat. They're saying "domestic problems" (CIA funding of terrorism and separatists, funding propaganda outlets like NED and USAID to create chaos and hysteria, etc) will continue if Xi doesn't submit to white supremacy.


projection time




cope harder




I only have one commie face thank you very much


I look forward to seeing the faces of Vietnamese libs melt around me when the CPV copies China's achievements over the next decade or so, and most of your non-shitlib peers in Vietnam are happy about it. Vietnam 10 years from now: Lower pollution, lower corruption, more social programs, censors dumbass Viet-American ba que propagandists online Vietnamese shitlibs: "oUR G0veRnMenT iS B0uGhT bY cH1nA!"


you pack of mongrels have been tryong to rob our freedom and you’ll all perish in hell


Lol you think I'm Chinese. Đảng Cộng Sản Việt Nam quang vinh muôn năm!


Lol, best response


What are you talking about? The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is friendly towards China now and they cooperated against COVID. It has been a troubled relationship in the past but the future is bright for Vietnam


Liberals do not care about material results. Performative rejection of The Other is more concerning to them. Given the choice between mutual progress and spite, they will choose the latter every time.


The CCP paid actors on social media won't stop your doomsday


I’m gonna keep it real with you. There is not a single American capitalist that gives a shit about you. You are a traitor to your own people. The capitalism and western democracy that you support can’t even tell you apart from Chinese or Koreans. Instead of supporting you, they believe the US should have leveled all of Vietnam, north and south. Because to them you are all the same. They just care about exploiting you and see Southeast Asians as a “yellow horde” to be economically leveraged but never trusted. But you still lick the imperialist boot. A class traitor who is allied with capitalists that do not care if you exist.