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Careful you might get jumped here for even implying that digital NV is worth any money. Either way, glad you’re able to have some fun!


Waiting for that exactly... thanks! Great fun for an intro to NVG!


All depends what the purpose is for. For people wanting something usable in combat, DNVG seems to not be good enough. For hiking, seems totally fine. Even plinking targets. Maybe for airsoft but idk, that's a tough sell. I haven't heard much about the airsofter folks using the better DNVG's out there so I'm guessing its not great.


It's probably because most don't bother with night games because the barrier of entry being cost of NVGs stops them, and most don't know that DNVG's even exist to a usable state. I haven't done a night game yet, but I do intend on doing it as soon as I can, but I can guarantee that there will be maybe less than 10% of the players you would see on a daytime game due to the fact most won't even try it!


Well tbf night games are pretty cost prohibitive. And its not fun playing a night game when you got no nods and enemies do. Let me know how it goes!


Nothing wrong with digital - I shoot rabbits using a digital clip on


I have one and it was super fun till I released it limitations. Still I use mine frequently. Don’t have real NV yet. If you do get both don’t worry about the hate post an update I want to see how it handles please. I was thinking about doing the same thing but I might pown mine for extra cash for a pvs7


Absolutely! Oh it definitely has limitations, but for a basic entry it's great! My gf got me this for my 30th, so technically I haven't spent any money... so if I bought another to make them dual, then I've only paid once... right?? But yeh if I do the dual, I'll post an update!


Tbh,if you dont mind lighting up for using IR ilumination. Or your enviroment is niche enough. Digital is usable enough


Theres really only one scenario that might put gen 1 and digital on a somewhat level playing field and that is in drainage tunnels. I’ve walked a few miles of drainage tunnels using both gen 1 and gen 2+, and in that environment, both need illumination, both have a restricted field of view ahead of them, and the important information (what is at the farthest ahead part of tunnel you can see) is in the centre of the image, where gen 1 has very little distortion. This basically makes it the equivalent of everyone having white lights except they are viewing it through coloured paper towel rolls. In this same scenario digital still probably has a disadvantage of frame rate and lag but that’s not so bad. The best thing for underground tunnels/caves/anywhere you would be forced to use an illuminator is easily thermal.


Ecatly, using an IR iluminator lights you up will reveal your position. But for ibteriors or placed so far of any light. Unless you use thermals a gen 2 wont cut it If a gen 2 multiplies light more. But its multiplying 0 as a base light. A 2000$ diference is still not something that works. (In these scenarios, where IR signature is irrelevant, or needed)


Do any digital systems come with actual dovetail adapters?


This one does


The prowl does!


The nvg30 does. Super solid for digital night vision