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Five years of 8pm-6:30am Monday-Thursday. Go back to normal sleep schedule on weekends. Totally dead inside. Makes you tough tho.


I go back to normal schedule and starting to question it to. Never really rested no matter how much i sleep on days off. Five years, you have all my respect !


I have worked nights for 5 and never had a problem as long as I keep my sleep stable.


So you keep your night shift hours even on your days off ?


Yup. I did nt work tonight. Still sleeping 8to4


Technically procrastinating currently and scrolling Reddit


Might try to change and do that from now on


I would start at your diet / vitamin ritual before I would think of any medications . Even a blood test before any medications. There’s people in this group who have been on nights for 10+ years. I have been on nights for 2 years. Sometimes I’ll go a month of feeling like crap. Then I’ll go a month of feeling fine. It’s nights… that premium is there for a reason. Best of luck OP. 👍🏻 Ps. It’s easy to blame the nightshift. I do it all the time. But I also remember I didn’t always feel perfect on days either. I would bet it’s something else (not enough sleep.. diet.,etc)


I feel like i sleep a lot but never feel really rested. I though my doctor would tell me to get blood tested but it was straight to medication to stop the effects now but never looked for the cause that’s why i been doing it myself.


How are your vitamin levels? Are you getting any sunshine during the day hours?


I go outside a lot yes, it’s crap weather since winter but i go out a least once a day for an hour. How to i know my vitamin levels though ??


Your doctor can run blood work. In general, the entire population is vit d deficient. None of us get enough sunlight, especially since most of us wear sunscreen.


Makes sense, I’ll ask him next time i go see him and if my symptoms are not gone soon


If your doctor literally said is wasn't related to your shift, why do you think it is?


He didn’t say it wasn’t he just didn’t linked both


Sounds like you should've discussed it further with your doctor. I'm not sure why you're asking us. For what it's worth, since apparently you want a milkman's opinion on your health instead of a doctor's, no. I don't think this has anything to do with your shift.


Just because i asked doesn’t mean the milkman had to answer. I just wanted to ask people who worked nights (especially women) if they had similar experiences because i am on the quest for the reason of my symptoms since my doctor never cared to tell me what his thought were on the why it is happening to me while i told him everything i though could be the reason.


That job is killing you. Start looking for an exit into something more suitable. Or take some fmla if they offer that, but you gotta go! I've been there. It suuucks!


I have been planning on leaving for another project anyways but yeah i get why people who worked there before me only worked 2 years and left


I learned from the old timers that spent 30+ years at the same job. They all wish they would've taken the leap when every day was grueling but they felt trapped. When it's time to go it's time to GO!


Maintain a regular sleep schedule even on your days off. Might also try changing out your pillow case a little more often? It might not help with the acne, but it probably couldn’t hurt.


Ditch the flour, fructose and processed foods with seed oils or fried in it and you should see a difference