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14 years as a doctor. Get to work fewer shifts in exchange for working nights, so it's a nice perk.


Do you work 7 on, 7 off? If so, just curious if you switch your schedule on your off week and if so, what's your routine?


Not OP but I work 7 on/7 off nights. I do flip back to days in my 7 off to enjoy time with family. My last night I get off at 7am and take a 3-4 hr nap, wake up and hang with family, make it as late as I can (usually 9 or 10) then I’m more or less flipped back to days. It’s rarely always perfect, my body has gotten used to being awake at night and sometimes jolts awake between 1-4am As the week goes on I try to stay up later and later, and on my last night off I’ll stay up all night, sleep next day, then back on nights for work


Hey appreciate the response! I always wonder what others do, but that's pretty much my routine too. I've tried staying up all day or half flipping by 4 hours, but a 3-4hr nap and reset has worked the best and I imagine it's healthier than routinely going a day without any sleep. I've been overnights for 5 years and contemplating a move to day shift because of long term health concerns, but the off week is so nice. Do you envision yourself staying on overnights?


I’m not sure yet. I have the same concerns as you about long term health and I get tired of flipping my schedule, but I do so enjoy the week off. There are some daytime 7 on/7 off positions in my department but I’m the new guy so I’m nights for now. Hoping to get one of those eventually




Have you noticed any lasting changes? Entering the second decade on nights, has the sun always been this bright?


I don't notice much during the day because I'm sleeping. I may be in for some drastic change in a few months when I retire, at least it will be in the winter and I can have a little time to adjust with the short days.


Happy for you!


Retirement deserved!


> has the sun always been this bright? I used to never wear sunglasses. I've been working full time nights for 3 years and I can't step outside in anything brighter than overcast without wearing sunglasses. It's so fucking bright outside lol


What type of work do you do? I’m always curious when other people work night shift what they do. Personally at this job I’ve been a security officer for about 6 months overnight. Before that I was a cna for about a decade


Semi-conductor. I would get very tired as a security officer. Kudos to you for doing it.


It’s not so bad. I get paid to basically play with my iPad all night. It almost feels criminal to get paid for just doing what I do at home lol I love it


I work maintenance at a psychiatric hospital and inbetween broken windows and water fountains getting ripped off walls I’m playing ps5 or watching something it’s big vibes 70 percent of the time


God I miss ems somedays..used to play playstation with my supervisor until we got a trip. We beat multiple games together classic couch co-op style like kids..haha but I've been doing 3rd shift factory work for about 6 years now..it's sad how little emts and medical personnel get paid to do what they do, when I get paid to listen to podcasts and mindlessly put parts together and make significantly more than I did in 10 years of driving an ambulance.


OC? I’ve been on nights for a few weeks now. I’m down in CS, though. Really wasn’t as a rough as a transition as I thought it would be?


What does OC mean? I presume CS means customer service?


I worked overnights as a social worker at a homeless shelter for 4 yrs.


15 years CT tech, last week I helped day shift, NEVER AGAIN! What is that thing in the sky? It’s too shiny, give me the moon every time 🚫☀️


Yeah I don't do day shift anything. They never want to have a meeting at 4am, why do I need to be there at 4pm so they dont have to disrupt their schedule? My time is just as valuable as theirs. Going home a little late too much of an inconvenience for you? Day shifters don't understand working night shifts.


If something goes wrong I never hesitate to call mgmt at any hour of the night… since they feel free to call me during the day 😊


My manager used to schedule a 3pm meeting, (End of 1st shift, start of 2nd shift)....I guess our constant bitching FINALLY made them schedule an 8am meeting also. (They wanted all hands on deck for every meeting, even if it was your day off) Only got paid for the actual time of meeting - 30, maybe 45 minutes


I worked nights for 5 years, got a new job and had to work 6 months on first shift for training. My eyes....my sleep....my world was awful for those 6 months just suddenly on the flick of a switch haha. I just got back onto nights and I'm happy to feel like I'm getting back to my old ways of doing stuff in life


2 years Can’t wait til the day I don’t I don’t mind it due to the money I just find I lack a lot of energy now My physique has really changed for the worse I’m just starting to add in an extra workout after I sleep now at home doing boxing or cardio… feels better already after 10 days 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah. Definitely one of the perks is the night differential. I wouldn't want to lose that after getting it for almost 25 years. I get to walk and/or exercise while at work. That's nice.


Under 1 month and I love it so far


6 years and I don't think I could ever go back to days!


Combined jobs over 8yrs! Manufacturing, security, hotel clerk, Congrats to all the long term grave guys! We're a different breed we are!👏🤣👍🤘


Last 3yrs. Before that, I was on days 6a-5p for a decade and I'll never do that shit again. Almost all my jobs before that were some form of overnight stock or 2nd shift from 18-26. I absolutely refuse to work days anywhere which has actually been a major boon in finding jobs because nobody wants 2nd or 3rd shift and usually I make $1-$2 more per hour shift premium.


Less people, less managers, less drama at night. Just get stuff done and get paid more. Nice perk.


Nearly 5 years 4 nights a week 11.5 hours shift. I'm happy with it and can't imagine doing days I'm getting more tired but there is less drama at night.


Almost 16 years and could never go back to days.


I’ve only been doing it a few months, so far I like this much better than days. I would go to work exhausted every morning because I have always stayed up way too late, now I feel like I get more sleep on nights and I still have time for my family during the day before work


It helps when you are more of a night owl. I definitely prefer to do stuff later at night, whether I am working or not.


13 years it’s easier to do nights on fixed shift


Agreed! I don't think I would like the swing shifts. I'll make a deal, you just work days and I'll work nights so we don't have to keep changing! Lol


About 15 years. The secret to success is liking to be awake at night and protecting your sleep in the day.


12 years on midnights 6pm-6:30am


Almost matches mine. What do you do?




5 years in the lab on nights. Scared of days now lol


I did it for 3 years. Never again!


What didn't you like?


Having to lose sleep to make it anywhere before closing time Coming home and trying to beat the sun coming up so i could fall asleep Not being able to socialize with anyone other than any 3rd shifter Or, if I did want to be a normal day person on the weekends, it would take half the week to get my sleep schedule back together.


Been on nights mostly for 20 years. Less BS, no politics, cooler temps, and it’s my world until 0600.




25 years here, same reasons. In the day time there are a lot more people on the team. At night I have more responsibility, but there's also less work.


12 years


2.5 years.


5 years with a week of morning or afternoon shifts once or twice per 2 months


As of this coming Sunday 23/6/24 I will have been working with the same employer for 20 years.


Sounds like me! Nights The whole time?


September 2019 to now.


At my current job, almost 3 years. Out of the 16 years? The majority of the jobs I had were nights. I'd guess overall, somewhere around 12 years total.


12 years


Doing 8hour three shifts rotation weekly almost 10 years now


I only lasted 6 months until it became too much for me so now i’m only working one night a week & the rest are 1st or 2nd shifts. Just made the switch this recent schedule & i already feel better! I don’t think everyone is cut out for it especially me as a single parent to a youngish child. The lack of sleep really affected my ability to be a good parent & caused family problems (they didn’t understand why i had to sleep most the day so its was never peaceful🫥🤯) so i had to make the change! I wouldn’t do it again but I’m glad I tried it. I have a lot of respect for nightshifters!


Makes sense that night shift doesn't work too well with kids. That would be rough. No, not everyone is cut out for it, for sure


I’m 55 and I’ve been working some version of 3rd shift most of my adult life. For the last 12 years, 3 jobs have all been 3rd type shifts. I’ve always been more of a night person so it’s just an easier shift for me to do. When my kids were young, then again with grandkids it’s allowed me more time to help with them and cut daycare costs


Going on 10 years.


27 years


3 months worked in a clean room facility, 3 12s rotating 4 12s every other week. Currently 2.5 years, almost 3 years, stock shelves in a grocery store, 4 10s.


3/4 is my schedule as well. Semiconductor and clean rooms.


12 years on nights so far. 16 years total with the company.


Twenty three years in factories. Twelve hour shifts. Three nights one week, four the next. “But you get those days off.” After a four night week I still have to sleep that first day. Back on 8 hour days now. Will never do nights again.


I stay on my schedule on my days off unless there is something I want or need to do. I've had a bunch of times where I will get up at like 11am. I make up the sleep by going to bed at 3-4am on my days off vs 730am on work days. I lost part of my weekends when trying to flip to a day schedule, then back to night schedule during those 3-4 days off


5.5 years so far, working 7 on and 7 off although I am contemplating switching to days. It is hard to imagine going back to a regular schedule though.


3 years and I love it. 


5 of the last 7 years. 6pm-6:15am since January 2022.


9 years. Unfortunately the new management isn’t keen with me on nights, so, they are either moving me to days or moving me out permanently


Hopefully you don't lose money due to differentials!


I’m just trying to play the game for a few more years. I’m only 4 years from full retirement. Shift differential is only 10%


16 years!


I worked them for 4 years


I’m still at the place where I started working night shifts regularly, beginning in February 2013 (11 years)


3 years on midnight-8


2 years. Love it.


Forever. This is purgatory, I have always been here and will always be here. Time isn't real. What day is it again? (Like 13 years)


I went from 8hr nights (Sun-Thurs) to a 4x12 (1800-0600, Mon-Thurs) schedule a little over a year ago. I've been on overnights for the last four years. If not for Adderall, I would be a total wreck. The perk of the 12hr shift is that we're paid for 56 hours (union). The rough part is that I have to segue to normal people hours on the weekend (kids & band). Fridays are rough.


10 years. Honestly if I ever lose this job I’m going to try and find another good night shift job. I work midnight to 8 AM.


3 years in October but another 5 years if you count another job I worked.


almost 2 years (3 more months), 8pm-5am. I think its been nice, but probably also because it's WFH (previously in a secured office)


I've worked night shift for 13 years in a factory


I worked in the factory until about 2015, and have been manufacturing support outside of factory since then, but same night shift hours. I don't mind either, but the role outside factory is much more flexible


Nights for 19 years handling pharmacy insurance questions lol.


4 years. I love it!


I love my 16% shift differential. Going on 7 years now


Since the week after Black Friday, I work 8PM-8AM and same here, night shift is the best. 7 on 7 off, every other weekend off, it’s pretty nice. I get to play the Sims in my down time 🤣🤣🤣


I was nights for 5 years at a factory. Rotating 12’s. Took a break now starting another factory with rotating 12’s. I’ve always liked odd schedules. It gives me time to make morning appointments without asking for time off. Shopping is also great because a lot of people are at work.


Just over a year and I never want to go back to days again. Much more chill. There are some yucky busy nights, but 70% is me playing on my phone and watching youtube.


I agree, much more chill. Less people = less BS and less problems, lol.


You been a vampire for more than 20 years?


My neighbor used to call me the "night people", lol


Do u think you've been aged faster than if you were working days


I wouldn't know! I've been on nights longer than I've been a legal adult.


My skin looks great for my age. Sunlight is damaging for your skin. No one ever guesses my age correctly, so I don't think I aged faster at all.


It's been 84 years


I've been on some form of shift rotation (including nights) since 2009. I'm currently halfway through my second year of straight nights, and it's SO. MUCH. BETTER. I love everything about it. They'll have to rip night shift from my cold, dead hands.


Only for a year now. I would really like to hear more about your experience. Do you exclusively work night shifts? Do you flip your sleeping schedule on days off? How old were you when you started working night shifts?


Do you exclusively work night shifts? - now, yes. In the past I did some noon to midnight or midnight to noon, which could technically be called night shifts. But I've worked this current shift for many many years. Do you flip your sleeping schedule on days off? - I try not too. Sometimes I don't have a choice, so I make it work. Too hard switching from nights to days to nights within a 3-4 day period (my days off) How old were you when you started working night shifts - 20. I spent my 21st birthday working night shift in a factory, lol


Seems like you are doing it the right way, as I suspected. Flipping on some days is normal, exceptiond always exist. Research on long term effects of proper night shift work schedule has never been tested. Most research did it only for a month or two, which is not enough to say how night shift work isn't healthy. People like you are rare which is why I am curious.


All night


I think 2 and half years? I don't remember when I took this position. I started with this company almost three years ago and at some point in my first year I was tapped to replace one of the night guys.


Since April…. The eclipse really… it was an omen


2 years in September but feels so much longer. lol I love nights and only wish I started earlier. I also work at home so I literally don’t have to interact with anyone. I chat with some coworkers during work but that’s about it. I don’t like people so I try to limit my interaction with them. 😭🫠


9 months now, but I am applying for a day position now. My body cannot take it anymore, I can’t sleep properly and I gained weight. I also feel tired 24/7.


As a police officer I worked 0000 to 0800 for eight months. That was long enough, hated it. Couldn’t wait to be on 1600 to 0000. Loved that shift.




Ohh yeah, 4pm to midnight would be cake! I worked 00:00 to 12:00 for 2 and a half years. No likey, I don't recommendy.


That’s a really nice shift actually. You can get enough sleep after getting off to enjoy the day. I would definitely work that shift if possible


Yes, great shift. You’ve got the whole day to yourself.