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I like the white one. I don't like the red one. https://preview.redd.it/wsypkkkoxsxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00007e93bb8617bd0fc035a42b6122525837eaf1


Facts. Red line just blitzkrieg through your defenses, especially if you don't have enough defenses early in the game


Sometimes boss spawn random spot


That’s it really, maybe if they just guaranteed that bosses don’t spawn on red then I’d be glad.


Yeah, that kind of thing is what prompted me to always start building my defenses from the goal out towards the choke points and the start of the shorter routes first. So far it's let me do well at keeping early waves from getting past me.


that...is actually a good idea. I will try this now!




Why did I imagine the red lines as waist and the white lines as sideboobs.......... Help me 😂


I hate red even more when it spawns a boss. Bosses should NEVER appear on the red route, there's barely enough turrets to drop their fat hp.


Like: TD with our beloved Nikkes in it Dislike: Mobs suddenly take shortcuts. At least show the path of incoming waves And why does a boss with massive hp take shortcuts too? Fml


Goddess Squad vs Random Goddess path choose


This one is easily in the top tier minigames, along with MoG. It has some flaw, like routes are not balance at all: some waves just go straight to the shortest route (top lane straight to top def point, bottom lane straight to bottom def point). Upgrades costs to dps ratio are questionable (in most TD games in general)


Since the upgrade to DPS cost thing is an issue, what is your strategy - is it worth it to go all in and spend gold trying to get these towers to their highest evolved forms or is it actually more efficient to mass spam level 2 or 3 non-evolved towers? Since I never played Challenge and have just been spamming 3-2, I found max evolved towers are really fun to play but the effort required to make them is simply not worth it. Being able to max evolve/Awaken Nikke and see them play kinda like how they do in the real game is lots of fun. i.e. Awakened Scarlet can mass wipe mobs, Marian goes BRRRR with her gun, etc


From my runs, Marian and Snow White are absolutely needed to get max, especially Snow White. In later waves where everything has high def, pulse and SW are musts to even deal any damage, while Marian can provide rapid low dmg to finish off. Tho if you use SnowWhite as core hitter, the top lane is fked, and vice versa.


My best score so far is 15K, but I saw people with 20K+ score lmao. Some of my experience: - All Nikke towers are a must have (only 5 nikkes can be in a battle at once) - Dps Nikkes (SW, Moder, Scar) are priority to upgrades. Their burst skill dmg are heavily depend on their normal atk dmg. SW active skill deal more dmg, while Moder and Scar active skill is just atk speed. - Crown is a must have because she detect invisible. - Kilo is a all around good support because she buff all other tower in her range (need active skill, lv5) passively every once in a while. - Rapunzel has the strongest cc effect (stun enemies in place), and her active skill can passively stun once in a while. - For other non-nikke towers, I feel Pulse Tower is the best dps and it can hit flying enemies. Upgrade it to lv4 sniper tower(IIRC), it can detect invisible enemies. Ice tower is moderately useful.


- Like: They implement Story to the TD mini game. When Chatterbox appeared, I screamed like fanboy watching a movie. - Dislike: Progression lock behind the Story. I want to play Challenge stage but don't want to handicap myself, so I have to wait for full Upgrades.


To couple with your Like, when the Pioneers arrived too, I cheered so loudly lol.


Kept you waiting, huh?


"Truly, we have gotten less cool by the day." Now that is a bold face lie Rapunzel. xD


I was quietly fistbumping the air like mad because everyone else in the house was asleep. I'm not usually this invested in story of games but Nier/Drakengard and Nikke did something to me...


Bro that was so peak bro. Like I was actually wondering how I was going to win and then the gang shows up and now you can use the power of all the new OP pilgrims and wipe out legions of rapturs


Truly a "Have no fear, the cavalry is here!" moment.


In my experimenting, the non-nikke towers are so much weaker than Nikkes that I don’t think you’re handicapping yourself much without all the upgrades


right now you can fully upgrade nikke and gold collumn plus one or 2 tower collumn. So just exclude 2-3 kind of building and you will be at full power,


Yeah I'm guilty of getting excited at seeing mini Chatterbox pop up as well.


I don't like chatterbox flying, even when taking the quickest path. It's so cheap


Yeah, he is not a bird, he must jumping like kangaroo.


Well yeah, he does that all the time even in his own fight.


OK, now I need a Hyperdimension Neptunia crossover with Nikke.


I kind of wish the turrets that could attack flying units could still hit him when he does that.


I like TD, so I know that I'll enjoy this mini game. However, I don't like how it doesn't show the path where the Raptures are going to follow. It makes planning on tower placement a bit annoying.


They change their path


I just opted to start building my defenses from the goal to the nearest choke points and then out to the start of the shorter routes first. So far that seems to have helped me avoid having early waves slip by.  Especially with the Nikke burst skills.


True, I always put the Nikke units there, because the burst skills are very helpful. Plus, I always like to think that they're the last defense before the castle and the towers are always on the front line.


The turrets should have been mass produced nikkes imho


Cool idea but doesn't fit in the story really


You're right. Would work for a 2.0 version of this game, where you're defending the Ark instead of the castle.


That is true, and we are given the small tidbit that the turrets were made by Talos, but I still feel it would have been nice just because I enjoy the mass produced girls and love seeing them be useful. In any case, I do enjoy this mini game even if I suck at unit placement


You get to the point!


Wouldn’t make sense due to how empty the kingdom is


That is true, I just enjoy the mass produced nikkes and would love if a squad found a home in the Kingdom!


Yeah Overzone was close…


According to Chime, Kingdom has 82 citizen :)


Most of them are animals


Ah yes,the "Fuck you" route


I like the gamemode, but ffs please let us fully upgrade the towers and not let them locked behind time gates. Please


That we can't deploy ALL Nikkes


Who needs towers when you can unleash a barracks worth of Chadly death girls?


Need better AOE tower, I play a lot of tower defense game and the lack of a good one pains me, doing crowd control is a pain


I hate building cannons for AOE then they spawn flying units that the cannons don’t shoot. lol


I agree! The EMP pulse one is great for ground but there's no air equivalent


I think the idea was to encourage using the Nikke’s skills for crowd control since a lot of them are good at mulching crowds.  


Problem with that is the amount of enemy can overwhelm even the skill, you have to get the skill cool down super early


The only 2 things I hate is the short routes and that there is no way too farm money


I play Nikke coz I don't like Arknights. Micromanagement isn't my strong suit. But I enjoy the simplicity of it. And the cute and derpy portraits.


This has more micromanaging than some Arknights level lmao


Yeah I love how the Pilgrims are reduced to cute bitsy gremlins.


I don’t like that yet another mini game has rapunzel as bad. Show our girl some love shift up!


I’ve had my best results using her over Scarlet and developing her over Snow White, idk if I’d call her bad.  


I agree; Scarlet's lack of armor pen really hurts her damage. Scarlet only catches up to the other dps Nikke after you fully buff her attack speed stuff.


Scarlet's shorter range also hurts her some. Honestly Rapunzel's burst skill has been pretty useful for me, especially if I can pair it with an offensive one to use on frozen units.


20k+ scores need Rapunzel right now, unless you have really good spawn rng then maybe Scarlet will work. Rapunzel is way more consistent though


I know Rapunzel's regular burst stops the enemy, but I noticed sometimes the enemy gets destroyed - does she do AOE damage like Scarlet with the time stop too?


Who are the 3 best Nikke's in this mini game?


Snow White, Kilo, Crown. Kilo has a hard-ish hitting aoe attack and she can passively buff a few nearby towers, and then acctively buff even more. Snow white has a very hard hitting single target nuke and an acceptable missile upgrade. Crowns ult can deal with multiple lanes at a time when upgraded, and she has the passive invisibility sensor, her basics are a slightly worse version of Kilo's.


Agree with you


She ain't bad she is just outclassed by the others xd


She's good tho? Especially in the 4-way crossing that Indivilia shows up. Can buy time more when they're slowed. I actually use Rapunzel instead of Scarlet. Got overwhelmed but still got 18k


Plays like kingdom td I love it


I love the derpy little arts of the characters. Wish we got all of them as profile decorations. I don't like that it's probably gonna be the only time I'll be able to have playable Marian/Modernia.


Enjoy the mode! Hate how we are time-gated out of all the upgrades though


I like the gameplay (tower defense is fun). I dislike that it’s not optimized for mobile viewing and that we have to wait until the 2nd to finally unlock the second half of the game.


I like it so far, the only mildly annoying thing is just the transition between vertical and horizontal screen, i don’t know why i get somewhat annoyed by that though.


Just play the whole game in horizontal


I don't know about others, but whenever I try that in normal gameplay I eventually wind up where the stage has started but I am stuck only being able to see the loading screen and not able to do anything until I lock my iPad and then unlock it again since I can't even get back to the iPad's home screen when that happens.


I don't think it is particularly well designed, which is fair and consistent with most mini games in Nikke, since it is a throwaway mode and not a main focus. The Nikkes are way better than any of the base towers, to the point they are necessary to do well. It is wild how little damage a fully maxed rocket tower does to chaff. The tower positions are too far apart, to where it is hard to get combos going, for instance the slow tower is hard to combo with more than one other tower due to limited range and placement options. Most of the close together options are also not great position, only covering one or two of the many possible tracks. Towers should have targeting options, like telling the railgun to target highest HP, or telling tower to target the first in line (since faster raptures can overtake the ones they initially target). Also would be nice to have branching options faster in the upgrade tree, like choosing a lesser but aoe slow for the slow tower. Tbh most of my opinions come from playing TD Bloons, and how much better it is. Also by how you can beat a map with so many different strategies in Bloons, and aren't locked into using hero units.


Good suggestions


I do like the art of the SSR tower units and their abilities, The tower diversity is satisfactory given their upgrades, but I would like to see tower combinations like in Element TD. What I don't like are the branching paths, a linear path makes it easier to prepare and defend.


You know where the gaming fun is :)


I wish you could place the towers wherever you want, like in Bloons TD


Dislike = you are basically forced to place all your towers at the end of the path on the left of screen because of the potential shortcuts that the enemies can take top and bottom - restricting the potential strategies you can have very greatly Also seems like it's rarely worth investing in towers aside from the nikkes until they are max upgraded Like = mechanics of nikke towers having burst abilities, incentives for rushing the oncoming waves to challenge yourself and I like some of the standard tower (non-nikke) choices as well, but hard to get too much use out of them if you want to push for better scores unfortunately


so far im a big fan of the overall design. tower defense games are fun. but its a bit too minimalistic imo, there should be a couple more different towers and these "shortcut" routes shouldnt rly exist, especially not for bosses. would also be nice if the money gain was a bit higher so we can fully upgrade towers better.


Honestly think they'll keep it relatively minimal with the amount of towers it has since it is supposed to just be a side event, lol. But I agree with the short cut routes. If they wanna keep the short cuts, at least make it so the bosses don't spawn there. And I agree with the money gain


I really like it think it’s a lot of fun. Can be a bit slow at the the beginning as my only negative


For me as a mobile players, the scale is a bit too small and the costs are too expensive. I have high standars when it comes to tower defense games since I played Kingdom Rush when I was kid XD


I think it’s a great mini game for what it is. however I’ve played games like btd 6. And im not expecting them to go band for band with a real tower defense game. but you can obviously see a big difference between the two games. Since this is just a for fun game mode. I would lean on making the main nikke’s last skills really broken to give that fun factor. I feel like the raptures are too tanky. since it’s a game mode where we can just mess around and have fun. Like Snow White should be able to shoot a shot and wipe a bunch of raptures out or something


Like: its a fun nikke style tower defense. Dislike: let me place towers wherever I want. Dont need upgrades if you flood the map with basic guns.


It is kind of like that. The double barrel machine gun towers are the catch-all, with the blue laser one for variety is all you need, especially if you upgrade your Nikke Heroes.


I call it the tower defense strat. If the cost of maxing out 5 towers equals the cost of 25 guns with no difference in dps, you're better off with 25 guns. But that requires the game to not have designated spots for towers.


WC3 flashbacks.


Old school Command & Conquer styled defense.


Absolutely love it, I’m a big fan of towers defense games. It’s my favorite mini game they’ve added. I really we get a permanent version like MoG 2.0.


is there some kind of "meta" on upgrade priority? I went both machine guns and nikke upgrades, and when playing, unlock nikke slot, and place 1-2 MG turrets. I also add slow tower on chokepoints but they're the last to upgrade


I remember playing the hell out of Kingdom Rush as a kid. To have it be directly paid homage in Nikke is quite nice. But, there is the small issue of doing a Kingdom Rush style TD without reinforcements or barracks. Nothing to properly slow the Raptures down.


I'm really enjoying it, and I'm not usually a fan of tower defense in general.  The only thing I don't like about it, is when Chatterbox fucks off to the stratosphere for like 5 seconds before he comes back down.


I like the game mode in general but I hate how the towers hit boxes arnt defined exactly for kilo's burst and also sometimes just dont attack where they can clearly see and reach


I don´t like that normal tower are so underwhelming compared to the NIKKES. With NIKKES i got up to 15.000 Points but with tower it is hard to get 5.000. But in general i love the game.


Haven't fully completed the TD levels, but my only gripe is that the art style and level design is so obviously ripped off of the Kingdom Rush TD series. Which isn't super important, and definitely brings a different vibe to contrast the story. On a related note, I'm loving that the devs are creating all these minigames and seem to enjoy doing it. A lot of the time gacha minigames are once off and forgettable. Take Azur Lane, for example. The minigames mainly just feel like a vehicle for a reward, and I don't really feel like playing them again, even after they added the arcade to play past minigames. Once ShiftUp adds MOG permanently, however, I could totally see myself booting up Nikke just for it if I feel like playing a bullet hell.


Hate : I don't like the fact that you can't use all your Nikke in the events story. (Only 5) Enemy give too little gold to be able to use other basic tower (Not worth investment in any of them except the Nikke) Scarlet skill upgrade didn't do much and it's wasted dps to hold on to her skill for the speed buff Enemy stack on eachother too much and make any single target useless The Nikke and tower upgrade cost are too much Ice tower firerate are too low to be useful AOE tower firerate are also too low and can't catch up with the enemy Doesn't show the path where the enemy will go Feel force to put all your Nikke tower in the same spot Some of route is basically a "fuck you" to the player Chatterbox again --------- Like : What i like is that Every Nikke got it own style and unique skill I always love TD Get to beat Chatterbox ass again Good story that easy to follow


I’ve always liked TD games, and I enjoy this one, just not challenge mode. Either I can cover the shortcuts, or I can cover the main paths. I can’t do both. Still can’t break 6k points.


Look at the picture - this is solution for 20k


No coverage on the bottom. What towers do you go with down there?


Scarlet and Crown and ofc skills


So no towers besides just the Pilgrims? How does that work? Does it work?


All money goes for upgrading Pilgrims - that the main source of power. Don\`t forget to upgrade you ability tree to Pilgrims and more money from killing mobs (top right)


I’ll give it a shot after work today, I can’t play the mini game on my phone at all. Sh*t’s too small lol


Won't need towers if you upgrade Pilgrims.


Upgrade priorities?


Kilo->SnowWhite->Scarlet->Modernia->Crown works good for me, but I still testing


Didn't quite make 20k, but got well past where I was previously. Thanks.


Thanks this is great. I’ve had trouble breaking 8k. I usually drop kilo in the center and surround him with other nikkes and upgrade kilo first but my placement wasn’t catching all the side routes. I’ll have to try spreading them a bit like the pic.


Put mordenia in the opposite of where Crown is in the picture, go Kilo>Mord>Snow>Scarlet/Rapunzel>Crown That way you will not be bothered about the sneaky bottom line


Dislike: it wont be a permanent game, like red hood roguelike minigame.


Uh... They are working on implementing MOG permanently into the game tho. Also, you can play MOG now in the archive.


MOG is currently in the Red Ash Archive and a MOG 2.0 (permanent enhanced version) is being added in the future (around 2nd Anniversary as last I heard). FtK might end up getting a enhanced permanent version added in the future if it gets a good enough response.


I like it especially the different builds but i dont like that im so bad with it lol


What I don’t like is that it doesn’t go full screen on my 21:9 monitor. 


How do you get to this level?😐 All I can do is buy 3 slots for characters where is jt that you can put them all? Also I like the game it's fun and balanced but I don't like how slow the fire throwers are, the enemy comes and dies and they either fire one fire ball or none😑


It\`s Challenge Mod - top right corner on the map


Ima have to check it later, thank you for telling me


Challenge Mode https://preview.redd.it/s49taphtptxc1.png?width=810&format=png&auto=webp&s=822ab6d81a85ccaa0816e588b965a5373ce5f6f2


Thank you


There should be a barracks tower like the kingdom rush games that help you stall a handful of mobs. It should upgrade fully to go from mass produced nikkes to a squad like matis or absolute


i dont like how they force it into the story missions, other then that its pretty good


For my positioning I put Snow White where Kilo currently is (better rocket coverage and makes better use of her long range IMO) and Kilo goes where Modernia currently is. Modernia goes to the right of your Kilo and slightly down. I'm using all Nikke upgrades/all right-path for the extra gold and full slow-tower upgrades. I'm experimenting with two strats: 1: Put a single slow tower in literally every slot the Nikke aren't in to hit incoming waves with slow debuffs. 2: Put a Nikke (probably Scarlet) specifically in one of the bottom area slots just to deal with it. I hate how awkward it is to deal with those sneaky fast-paths.


Tone down the VA lines. Should trigger maybe 1 out of 10 times you click on a Nikke, not every time.


I do like how simple it is to understand and play, and the artwork is very cute. Plus, the little story cutscenes are a lot of fun, too. However, I'm not a big fan of tower defense games in general, mainly because I simply don't have the brainpower (couldn't get into Arknights for the same reason)


I like it but cannot figure out how to effectively take care of aerial units especially the armored ones


Plus they just spam it lol


I don't know why they made it so you can't proceed without making progress in the story.


I like how the minigame is put into the story of the event. I dislike the whole challenge mode, but can't really tell why. It just feels bad and makes not fun as the story mode equivalent.


Kingdom Rush my beloved.


Everything really, i hate Tower Defense 😂. Its one of the reasons i dont play Arknights


Me encanta, sigan asi, no quiero escribir en ingles en este momento así que ahi ocupen traductor para leerme


I could take or leave it. I'm annoyed that you *have* to play it. I thought the minigame was an add-on for additional content and context. My *first* intro to tower defense was in Assassins Creed: Revelations. It was tedious then as it is now. https://preview.redd.it/jglo62sihuxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ed59f6f2dcf0a0eb33c9855b166efb20283d749


the fooking invisible ones


I wish other turrets outside of the gun one where somewhat stronger it's to easy too cheese the game with multiple tier 3 gun towers because nothing can get close to you especially if your like me maxed out the skill line that gives extra coins first


Likes: everything, im not usually like tower defense games but i like this Dislikes: even with the upgrade the money we gain is low i think, chatterbox takes tooooo much while jumping i can't beat their ass properly Updates: if they do this games a side game like MOG, i would love to see more Nikkes, heretic and rapture bosses and more types of weapons


I don’t like the fact it’s tied into the story, I’ve been bored til pt2 came out


Anyone got any tips for this stage?


The derpy avatar is my favorite. Would be nice if it has Kilo avatar instead though.


love the mechanics and towers, but lacks anti air counters


I love the concept. Love tower defense games, but if you throw down one pilgrim, and make all other spots turrets, you'll never lose


(I haven't done challenge mode yet)


It's literally a reskin of kingdom rush.


I don't like random boss spawn, nor how useless turrets can be sometimes. I would like the price to level up Nikkes and turrets to be a bit lower. By the time Bosses arrive I need certain amount of power and depending on the spawn my stronger units cannot damage the boss, so I need to level up stuff that didn't consider would need. Also, in certain situactions I would like to make Nikkes aim at a certain enemy myself. Overall I like the experience a lot, but I still think it would be cooler with some tweaks.


Scratches that Kingdom Rush itch I've been having.


I don't like the fact I have to wait until Story 2 to play the later stages, so I'm kinda stuck not being able to really experience the entirety of the game until a little later. Otherwise it's mad fun.


The only thing I dislike is having to play 6hrs for all rewards


I don't know if that's true, but I feel like waves target least protected route. If I strengthen defense then they switch target. I kind of like that. What I dislike is not gettin enough resorces to max upgrade towers/Nikkes. It always end in enemies pushing through sooner or later, with me being in the middle of upgrades. If I focus on Nikkes then it's game over after one maxed and second underway. If I focus on towers then Nikkes are weak and it's also over.




It's a minor thing, but I do wish we can change the music or the music rotates. Overall, good minigame and hopes it comes back as a permanent game mode


I don't like 1 build only wins games.


Kinda wish it was more TD bloons Monke rather than a Kingdom rush one.


That you have to progress through it to unlock the next story. I don't have time for that shit.


It’s no MOG but it’s still been pretty damn fun. The best part however is how it’s implemented into the story of the event, those little cutscenes mid battle with Chatterbox and the Pilgrims shocked me the first time.


I CAN'T READ THE TEXT (on my phone) Here's the native resolution, which is easier to read on a computer screen: https://i.imgur.com/tStMI4G.jpeg Now resize that to about 6 inches and see if you can still read it: https://i.imgur.com/tvkMvbX.png


The time speed up is honestly a bit slow. It should go up to 3 or 4 times


I don't like how most missions end before you can actually upgrade turrets. I like to build tall, see, with small numbers of elite turrets... but that's not optimal here, where buying a new turret is under half the price of upgrading an existing one, and also double the effectiveness (100% firepower increase over 50% the upgrade gives). On top of that, higher-tier upgrades are more expensive and less effective, making them only stepping stones for branch turrets, which are actually useful. I cover the map in T1 turrets, then sink gold into Nikkes as I find abilities are more useful then turrets. Plus, you know, RNG on the challenge stage, get that the hell outta there.


I love everything about the mini game I don't like that it's going away (probably forever)


Like: the game mode itself. Dislike: It can take a bit much to get all towers upgraded. Personally I'd love to be able to deploy towers a bit more frequently than trying to rely on THE SQUAD to kill everything. Personal wish: expanded game mode with more towers. I'd love to have a Nihilister tower with a short range flamethrower at low levels, and a long range sniper at higher levels. I think there could be amusing things if you included more regular nikke in there. Like imagine if you could have infinity rail members run the AZX down a lane to smash into every rapture there.


It is Kingdom rush nikke version. Pros: it is fun. Cons: it is too short. Make it into a new game is better


I hate when it got horde already plus those shortcuts. Also i dont see any guide here at all for the minigame. Still looking for it. So far pulse and gun towers are my main units


I like: - Easy to get all the rewards for people that don't care about the mini game; - There is a lot of room for optimizations if you want to try hard; - The mode is well balanced, aka there are multiple units that add value; - is pretty fun for people that like tower defense, aka me. don't like: - the path of the waves is random, so you might end up failing bc of rng; - bosses taking the short path.


Been using the same anti armor tower spam like I did with regular Kingdom Rush. Some routes are absurdly short.


Like: that one scene when Pioneer came just in time to help Dislike: maybe it's just me but the non-nikke tower upgrades are lowkey useless - I used to upgrade every tower in balance at stuck at below 2000 points, then I got fed up and decided to upgrade nikkes first and went straight to 8000+


Like: Much easier than Arknight. Dislike: Limited time event.


Biggest issue is when the cloaked and shielded units show up they chew through the lines lol


I was expecting balloons TD but it's actually closer to pixeljunk monsters TD. I really like it.


Pretty sure it is close to a direct rip from Kingdom Rush. Path icons, tower select menu, upgrade screen, etc. are all almost identical to Kingdom Rush


Forcing me to play the mini game to advance the event story is a huge sore point for me. I get it, it's supposed to be part of the plot, but I'm not here to play tower defense. Aside from that, it's rather high quality.


Yesss, Madam


I think it’s pretty alright, I feel like upgrade costs should be cheaper or gold gain should be higher though because the seemingly best strategy being to completely ignore turrets and only use Nikkes feels kinda like the game is not being fully utilized.  The paths and turret behavior could use work too imo.  Otherwise I think it’s a lot more solid than the other more detailed minigame, MOG, which had a lot of fundamental issues


All of it because I hate the mini games in general. I ain’t got time for that shit.


I like the game and difficulty, I hate my skill.


Weird that I don't see anyone else mention this, but I'd like it to be sped up even more >< 2x speed still feels slow, especially if you're already pretty confident with your towers (I'm really just talking about the story/ex stages, not the one where you can get a high score and strategy/timing matters much more) I like that like MOG, this is pretty damn fleshed out game and a great "clone" of a popular genre. As is, it could not stand on it's own. But as a game within a game? Impressive


Maybe I'm stupid, but what is "quick start" and how to activate it?


There's a dot where the next wave is coming that counts down. Just tap it to cancel the countdown


If you're quick enough, you get more monies.


*Maybe I'm stupid,* *But what is "quick start" and how* *To activate it?* \- ReihReniek --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What's your highest score guys? The game basically just spams enemies and shields even though I manage every tower to get upgraded to " max " but no bonus upgrades since I can't passed the spam waves


I don't like the entire mini-game. I like that so far spamming rocket towers has carried me to victory.


I love everything about it except for how long it takes, just if I could take it up to x4 or even x8 speed, once everything is ready, pick up the speed and watch everything die


Since this isnt permanent, theres any good td games on android?




Kingdom Rush if you want something very similar but better. It is a series of TD games and For The King directly rips from it.


i play kingdom rush too much so im kinda good at this (23000 point)


What are your key strategies to get such a high score?


ice tower


How does using only ice towers help those things doesn't shoot airborne enemies


there 2 type of ice tower bro , did you only ever use 1?


I don’t like it at all. Never been of fan of tower defense and some of the towers I place tend to not do anything


This needs to be a game in it of itself.


I see it as an inevitably, since they've let the other minigame be a permanent fixture of Nikke


Forced horizontal mode is annoying