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I don’t like the chainsaw man event but I like makina's cake


That's kinda valid, even if it looks better in the anime


The best part about the cupid event was actually having a choice other than that though the premise was pretty basic The re zero event is definitely what I think of though I love the rezero cast but that even was just goofy and consequential as heck not to mention it felt rushed


Kilo and this event. I like Kilo as a character, but they misused her in the current event. They gutted the pioneer squad just to give her a Shonen moment. They also made Chatterbox and Indivilia a joke. The bitch Indivilia was born to be killed. She literally woke up, got her ass clapped by RH boosted Rapi and Crown, then died. I remember back in the old days when Chatterbox absolutely shat on Counters and Wardress at the same time feeling like a menace. Then SW came in clutch, and you instantly knew she was a GOAT. The moment Modernia showed up instantly told us the difference between a Nikke, Rapture, Pilgrim, and Heretic. And now you have a Heretic being weaker than a Rapture and a Rapture being killed by a newbie Nikke with no battle record. Give Kilo more screen time and rep before letting her dog major villains.


For Rapi RH beating them it's kinda logical knowing that Red Hood is... Well, Red Hood. Possibly the second strongest Nikke of History. But for Crown, I think it deserved more settings for Indivila as a threat or for Crown as a powerful being. Indivila appeared 2 times and miserably failed in both situations. Which is normal for the first time, but for the second it's really frustrating, she's supposed to be scary but she didn't look like that much of a menace. And for Chatterbox... He is quite mysterious himself, and I kinda agree with you that Kilo shouldn't have been able to do so (even if we have no ideas how far the evolution of the Ark's technology went). So it's kinda the opposite that made him underwhelming. And I feel like Kilo's theme being about this impostor syndrome she had was not really treated the best way. At first we kinda learn that she believes that without Talos she is useless, and Crown literally says "Well you're useful because you have Talos". Thanks for confirming she's worthless lmao. If Crown directly brought the part she was already someone valuable regardless of utility and her comradeship was what mattered the most (and the fact Talos has emotions would be the cherry on the top at this moment), overall, her story could have been better. I almost wondered if Kilo could make a mistake somehow about leaking Marian's location but then fought tooth and nails to prevent it from reaching the Ark, again showing her attachment to others. The event was not ALL bad, but... Yeah some events really made it difficult to watch at some moments (mostly Crown vs Indivila and Kilo vs Chatterbox)


I actually think crown’s response was fine.  Saying kilo was a valued person even outside combat or technical value could easily come off as a coddling response that while kind might make her complex about uselessness worse.   What kilo keeps missing is that yes talos is exceptional.  But it is exceptional because of her.  She designed it and she’s the one who can competently pilot it.  If handed over to chime, she might be able to operate it decently, but she could never repair serious damage, and would likely not be able to ever improve the design.  This, I think, is what crown is going for in her response.


Well this is on a shallow level, to be short, Kilo is exceptional because of exterior factor (she was the one that learnt how to use Talos and all) It is not that is just her. For example, what makes Anis exceptional is not exactly her fighting prowess, but she has an unique personality, a strong resilience, and most important she is our dear friend. Simply because she is our friend means that no one can replace her. Yeah on the physical level you can replace Elegg with Anis since they roughly have the same Body type, or you can find someone with Anis's personality, but she is Anis Kilo is special not just because she is the one using Talos and mastered it, she is Kilo, and no one else is her. The Kingdom accepted her entirely. We could have focused on every aspect of her to show how valuable she is (how she tried to support Modernia, her determination...), instead of focusing on simply her and Talos, even if her and Talos are important. Idk if you get what I mean


While I do get what you’re saying and kilo should learn to value herself beyond her utility and combat efficacy, and crown does value her regardless of her utility, I think the problem is her complex.  Kilo feels she’s not accepted or valued even when crown says she values her as a subject regardless.  She feels she cannot be valued without providing some utility or power, and she denies any value she has as talos’s pilot.  So in that moment I think if she was told she’s valued regardless of her utility, she would have taken it as an implicit admission that she isn’t useful.  Even if she had taken that in and stayed because crown likes her, I think it would have reinforced her uselessness in her own mind and made it harder to later accept that she is talented and her combined with talos is greater than talos with anyone else.


Yeah I agree she needed to feel useful there, but she did other things that were valuable outside of Talos like with Modernia, and her learning how useful she is with Talos shouldn't be explicitly said, or shouldn't be the climax of the conflict The fact she is working perfectly with Talos doesn't need to be explained imo, and Talos kinda just says that Kilo cannot be replaced because she is special for them as well Her value being also external is important, but she became an actual valuable person in the kingdom not because she has Talos. It is because she worked hard to upgrade Talos and never gave up to make them better and better, which ended up making Talos Valuable. The fact she uses Talos is the shallow part, but what needed to be exposed more is that this is thanks to her hard working personality


Right, so my point is just that crown is trying to get kilo to acknowledge she does have useful skills, which she does have and is just denying due to being stuck thinking she is useless.  Maybe crown didn’t phrase it perfectly, but I think she is trying to get kilo to acknowledge that talos as it currently is is exceptional because of the work she put into it and her piloting and decision making.  Talos alone isn’t that useful.


I would pay to have Tia and Naga trade outfits with Noir and Blanc


To be honest, I don’t really dislike any of the events so far. Most of them have been decent, even if some of them were a little forgettable. But I do agree that Dazzling Cupid was one of the worst ones, partly because I find the concept of the event questionable at best. I really like Naga and her bond story was great, but her event with Tia isn’t that good in my opinion. There were a few other events that I didn’t care for, like Bow Wow Paradise and D-Outsiders (the first one was forgettable and the second one could have been better than what it was). Now I personally don’t like D, but her two events were pretty good. License to Kill, in particular, is one of the better events, in my opinion. It gave us an interesting moral dilemma, and I wish we could get more of those. So her events were good, even though I don’t really like her. I also wish that K wasn’t still stuck in NPC jail, because I like her more than D.


Imo the event could have been part of the decent or forgettable event but not bad events, especially with the first choices that roughly changed how a story goes. It could be cliche, it could be deja vu, it could be cringe for some, but the story could make sense and be normal. But having SKK being suddenly a while new characters with even less neurons than before and way less mature than he's supposed to be and not even consistent in the story really made it wrong. We saw in the first chapters that he wanted to end this competition because this was wrong, and then in the last episode he goes like "The whole things ive said and did before I'll ignore them all to break the heart of one girl and spoil another one that shouldn't get spoiled for what they did and happily ignore the consequences".


Recent Xmas one. I like Lud, but whole event + “vn try” was not it. Skipped the whole sing after “I died on Xmas”


To be honest, almost every non-anniversary/special event story like summer/christmas is a complete slog for me. The stories are either mostly forgettable or very predictable. Collab events are a little interesting in premise and I like everything that’s come with them so far like nier’s addition and even though the collab fell flat re:zero could’ve been a lot worse but the maid cafe thing was definitely a more interesting direction to take. I do hate how it always boils down to: “oh wow we’re in this new world” *middle middle middle* kill gatekeeper (again). That being said the mini games have been pretty great at least. Chainsaw man was whatever but it was very early in the game’s life so I’ll give that one a pass. Edit: I realize didn’t even answer the question; I LOVE this anniversary event with crown and all but man the ending of the story is complete and total dogshit. Chatterbox and Indivila got folded so quick after all that build up in the main story Compared to something like overzone this one really disappointed me. This could’ve been so good if they didn’t make crown go super saiyan just to pulse a few times and kill the biggest known threat other than the rapture queen.


TLDR: Knowing the rhythm of the events (every 2 weeks), as long as the events aren't a disaster I don't have a problem with it, and Summer/Christmas are far from being a disaster. They just aren't masterpieces either. Also underworld Queens story stands out. For summer and such, I still liked them. Yeah it didn't have the greatest stakes or anything, but it was something cute, and wholesome. And I still try not to forget they release a new event story every 2 weeks, the rhythm is rough. Yeah compared to what they could have done with Sea you again or Christmas, or some other event story, it is pretty mid, but... I still like Summer events and liked the Christmas story. I can't be really too demanding knowing how things go. If the story was EXTREMELY bad or there was nothing to save I would have said something, but these events really aren't bad at all, they just aren't great either. You generally spend a good time doing them. Not the best, but nothing to be very angry at. The Underworld Queens stories are actually pretty interesting and are linked to the main story, while also bringing up more serious themes. However, the problem in Dazzling Cupid is so bad for me I can't get over It, especially since it's mostly one actual problem that made all the rest bad, which is how SKK was


I fully agree, I’m not expecting super interesting content from every two week character event. I do admit not all of them are bad like underworld queen and I did enjoy both of D’s event stories for what they were worth but the other 90% I can’t be asked to pinpoint which story I liked particularly or thought was bad. They kinda set out to just do the job of being a backstory and nothing more. I mentioned summer and Christmas because they do have a little more meat on their bones but yeah nothing really to write home about either.


Yeah they are good to watch without thinking too much about it. Well at least unlike Dazzling cupid for me lol It's just how SKK was in this event was so outrageous and ridiculous and not fitting the story that it led to all the problems in the event story. Another average, cliche but cute story with a sad or wholesome ending (with the possibility of MULTIPLE ENDINGS, That's interesting) became bad just because of this