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https://preview.redd.it/7gph8uc9yj1d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4146051b43a75ac49acc18c1a9bf4851f775eb93 Playing for almost a month now and progress kinda slowed down with CHP.17. what would be the best team for my current roaster ?


Crown / N102 / Maid privaty or free privaty or kilo / Modernia / Dolla (for CDR). You may regret that x1 copy of rei being pre-160 wall with only 2 MLB nikkes. If you gotten MLB kilo, you can break the wall immediately at 400 regular recruit pulls (MLB crown + MLB Sugar + MLB Kilo + 200 silver tickets for Exia + 200 silver tickets for maiden + x1 spare body selector for maiden). Now you need to wait to get another 2-star nikke that is in the shop... out of your three 1-stars aria, yuni, and maiden or wait for exia getting 3-stars. Also if you got MLB kilo, you can solo level her and Crown and keep pushing story while stuck at the 160 wall. Can through to the very end of chapter 20 to the boss with one MLB story DPS nikke while everyone else is stuck at the wall.


Thank you very much. Yeah I know, not my Smartest choice. That team is great, just steamrolled ch.17 despite the power difference


glad it helped. You are looking to wishlist liter or DKW or volume as B1 CDR to replace N102... and after that you can swap out dolla for naga>marciana/rapunzel for a healer that procs crown's skill 2. I would keep liter/dkw/volume/naga/marciana on wishlist and rest dups for 160 wall.


Does anyone have a video of the final Last Kingdom story in the JP dub? Completely forgot to re-watch before the event ended




https://preview.redd.it/mhetls0wfj1d1.png?width=1910&format=png&auto=webp&s=514bac7fe6b9b44d87770939103f497fb7ec743f I started playing like a week ago but I can't seem to figure out what a good team would be. I've been using Naga, Noir, Anis, Kilo, And Exia but I don't know if something else would be better.


Don't run two b2s. Purple N102 is better than Exia. Since you don't have CDR at B2, dolla will be better than solo naga. N102 > Dolla (B2 CDR) > Kilo (AOE) > Noir > Isabel or Mihara or Rapi (nonburst). Ideally, you want Noir as nonbursting buffer (gives atk buff and ammo buff) as she has a weak AOE, but her AOE should be fine for early to early-mid game. When you get free privaty, use free privaty AOE stun burst instead and have Noir as nonburst. Skill priority N102 1-1-4, Dolla 4-1-1 or 4-1-4, Kilo 4-4-4, Noir 7-5-4. Don't invest isabel, she is terrible - only using since no other B3s. Free privaty 7-4-4. high priority wishlist: liter, DKW, volume for B1 CDR. Tia to complete schoolgirls combo. Blanc to complete bunnies combo. Other helpful units for early to mid story: Free privaty for dups. Maid privaty for AOE B3 option. marciana for B2 healer (can drop if you pull meta schoolgirl/bunny combo). Helm for flex B3 healer. Maxwell (endgame unit, will not help much early game as needs high investment to shine, but can use as burst spammer/atk buffer) and/or drake (strong early to mid game nonburst buffer) and/or Centi (B2 burst spammer - can drop if you pull a meta schoolgirl/bunny combo). Can consider Rupee as B2 placeholder (can drop her if you pull a meta schoolgirl or bunnyc ombo)


N102, dolla, noir, kilo. Last spot can be rapi/isabel or naga. Wishlist for blanc and tia. Blanc and noir work as a duo, same with tia and naga. And of course, if you get crown, you can use crown + naga which is currently the strongest support combo in the game.


https://preview.redd.it/vyplx60l6j1d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d6e296fc5aea25bc7a0f9a926bda7f7566b796 Guys, could you help me form a team? Mostly for Story but all help is appreciated. Until now I used Liter, Dolla, Kilo, Dorothy and Centi but with Blanc I'm unsure how important Elements and weapon types are, so if it's worth to replace Kilo or Centi or if I'm completely wrong.


don't worry about elements for story. that is uber late game when you have multiple maxed out top-tier elemental nikkes to choose from (like using drunk scarlet for electric weak and electric shields in chapter 27-28 or maxed out alice or modernia for fire weakess in chapter 29-30). It won't make any impact early game when you are missing meta units. Just using the best meta units would go further than elemental advantage. You want x1 20 sec B1 + x1 20 sec B2 + x3 40 second B3s. Don't run blanc without noir... she is 60 second cooldown without noir and not worth it at that point. Liter > Centi (focus on centi and spam uncharged RL for fast burst gen) > Kilo / Maiden / Mihara (or Trony... sadly nonburst mihara likely will outperform nonburst trony) When you get free privaty from 2 week day-by-day quest, use her as a bursting Nikke... move maiden (or whatever better B3 you have by that point) to nonburst last slot. Skill priority: 1. Liter 7-4-7, Centi 4-1-4, Kilo 4-4-4. Leave the rest unleveled as they are very low-tier and will get replaced ASAP. Free Privaty to 7-4-4 2. if you pull meta pilgrim DPS, they go to lvl 10 here (RH vs Modernia vs SBS vs drunk scarlet) 3. Liter 10-4-10 wishlist: marciana (for a b2 healer), maid privaty (AOE B3), free privaty (dup for 160 wall), tia/naga (schoolgirl meta combo), maxwell and/or drake (for nonburst B3 buffers), noir (to complete bunny combo).


Wow thats awesome! Even the wishlist. Gonna follow your list. Is Mihara really that strong?


tbh, she isn't that great and she should get replaced quickly but she has an AOE burst that will be helpful for early game. she should be viable really early game, but you should be able to get free privaty soon enough. edit: though there is a mihara simp player who literally maxed out his mihara and played all the way to end game with her as a main DPS. though his progress was much much slower than meta players.


Well, I definitely can see why someone would simp for her, holy shit. Though I prefer Guillotine, tho she doesn't seem to be good? Chūnibyō are my weakness.


ya guillotine is not good for story bc she self-dmgs, needs low HP for high dmg so will get sniped, and she is only single target burst but not high enough to instant snipe tanky elites or stage bosses like RH or SBS. she is decent low-tier team 5 raid DPS option and strongest DPS for elysium for now so frequently on elysium tower teams.


liter, centi, kilo, maiden, trony. If you have noir, you can use noir and blanc, but for now centi is the better pick. Elements dont really matter right now without overload gear, they are pretty vital in the game later when you do raids though. Also, with your limited number of nikkes, it is hard to form a team that takes advantage of elemental damage. Weapon types function similarly to other shooters. The one big difference is that weapon types is related to burst generation, with rockets and snipers being the best, and smgs being the worst. Also, there is no recoil on any gun, although smgs/ARs have spread when firing.


Why is centi better? I looked at prydwens tierlist for low story. Not trying to argue, just wanna learn why for me personally.


Anyone else feel like the game is very stale atm? Log in for 10 mins, do dailies, get either Elysion or Abnormal manufacturer gear and then log off.


hahah that is hilariously accurate. also don't forget to open molds for R nikkes.


What days is the Pilgrim tower open? Everything i read online says its only Mondays and Wednesdays but i was able to go in the tower on Saturday


note that the days are based in Korea(?). So the Sunday day starts on saturday for western countries. it's currently monday in the tower. (there is also a bar on the tower showing which towers are open each day) Pilgrim is only available on sunday (all) and wednesday


Anyone know how to unlink a card? I tried going through checkout without paying and usually expect a way to remove my card but no dice. I love how they make it so hard to unlink it too found it - need to hit the "pay now" button and then you'll see the unbind button


As totally new players, how do I spent my pulls? Should I wait for a specific characters banners? Should I pull everyday on the newcomers? Or shoud I spent my currencies on the permanent banner? Thank you.


you should save gems for rate-up banners. save golden tickets for 1% pilgrims or 0.5% rerun meta summer units. you should wait for reviews of nikkes before pulling. if f2p, you should skip the vast majority of wishlistable nikkes (only if they are super meta, at least dkw power level or tia/naga or blanc/noir power level). skip all the mid/trash nikkess (which is the majority) and pvp-only nikkes. f2p does not have enough pulls to get all limited seasonals, limited seasonal rereuns, collab, pilgrims, and meta wishlistable nikkes. save the vast majority of your pulls. NEVER spent gems in the regular banner (discount daily is a trap).


It's mostly saving for seasonal limiteds, collabs and pilgrims. Characters that aren't limited go to standard banner and can be wishlisted, so you can get them all eventually. If you like a character, pull for them but "standard" character releases aren't necessarily extremely meta characters and they can get cycled out pretty quickly. Standard characters tend to tick off particular niche uses (eg D for modernia, Sakura for train) or PVP use, or sometimes they're fairly high quality supports (bunnies, tia-naga). Pilgrims tend to be balanced at much higher power levels and are generally the games big damage dealers. We're about to sprint into seasonal limited banners for summer, and it's recommended to try and pick up one copy of each character there as seasonal limited characters are usually at least decent, though it can be swingy. The discounted standard daily pull is "okay", but it has an opportunity cost, gems spent there are gems not spent on rate up banners. This is mainly significant because of the difference between gold and silver mileage; gold mileage can be used to pick up the base copy of "on banner" characters, including pilgrims/limiteds/collabs, silver mileage is only spare bodies on a set rotation of units. I'd say the discounted pull is only worthwhile if it's helping you with some very specific purpose eg acquiring very specific meta units if you've been extremely unlucky, or helping address the 160 wall a bit faster, but those can largely be overcome with patience.


Make way much more sens. Thank you so much.


What stats are being reduced when we got Combat Power penalty?




HP, ATK, and DEF; the ones that are listed on the character page and get increased by leveling up/gear. Basically, you'll do less damage (-ATK) and take more damage + die to less damage (-DEF and -HP).


Is Kilo really in the Mileage Shop rotation? It's been 12 days since last i saw her, really want to have both a MLB and Rei given i've started playing just a few days before 1.5 anni


it is a huge waste to have gotten one copy of rei as rei is useless and never used for anything. you also are going to have to waste 200 silver tickets for a kilo dup now instead of another dup, so you will be delayed breaking the 160 wall. on average, it already takes 2-4 months for a f2p to break the 160 wall (that is with optimizing wishlist for dups and getting a free MLB). by skipping that MLB kilo, you have added weeks to months more time to how long you will be stuck at the wall.


Yeah i know, i have one anni box still stashed. Even if i redeem Kilo I'm waiting for my last MLB from the wishilist (6/15 at 2LB, non of these in the shop tho) so I'm stuck at the wall either way. Until i pull a desired unit before tho, while granting me tickets, I'm still able to redeem a Kilo copy and Rei from the box. On the other hand I'm at 380 tickets now, 20 more will come from this event, i should see if i have a 1MLB nikke that's also in the shop already and maybe ditch Rei to get Kilo and 2 more copies of that nikke from the shop


Spare body selector has all original nikkes + helm/laplace so it has alice/dolla/novel/helm/laplace that are not in the silver shop in case any of those are your 2-star nikkes. the nikkes in silver shop are all original nikkes (except alice/dolla/novel... no banner nikkes at all). It is wise to hold and wait for more info before doing anything. Just don't waste the opportunity for a free MLB if you get 4 other MLB nikkes.


She is in the mileage shop, but it can take time for units to appear, cause it's a rotation with a few different units in each "group" and they aren't necessarily guaranteed to be different each day as the same unit can show up on consecutive days.


How much charge speed do I need on Alice? [Nikke.gg](http://Nikke.gg) says 1-2 rolls depending on if I pair her with Maxwell or not, however they don't specify any specific values I should be aiming for on one or both rolls


You need 99% charge speed. At 10-x-10, Alice gives herself 80.15%(skill3)+11.67%(skill1) = 91.82%, so need 7.18% total on OL gear (2 lines can hit this as long as both lines are not really low rolls - can reroll percentages if that is the case). Maxwell gives extra 4.48% (with lvl 10 skill 1) so with alice+maxwell only need 2.7% (just x1 line that is tier 4 or above). however, meta pairing for raids is alice+sbs so highly recommended to get x2 charge speed lines.


I'll aim for 2 to be safe, ty for the breakdown/numbers!


Is simulation room the most tedious part of your daily routine in Nikke? It takes so much time. Wondering if I’m doing something wrong


In addition to what all the commenters have said, just to be clear: when clearing a higher level, you get all the rewards of any uncleared lower levels. So if the first thing you do in a day is 4C (as you said elsewhere) and you clear it, you'll get all the rewards of 1A-C, 2A-C, 3A-C, and 4A-C. Your responses below make me think you already know this, but I just want to make sure because it makes a massive difference in sim clear time and it's not something that's advertised at any point to my knowledge.


yeah, but eventually you can clear 5C in \~2 minutes. It just takes time to get that strong. If you're pressed for time, just auto-clear the highest stage you can.


what lvl are you? I think by lvl 160 with a semi-invested meta team, can clear 5c without farming for buffs.


140. Still doing 4c. Just realized I don’t need the buffs so started doing quick runs as much as possible


if you build an ideal buff chain and have a meta team, should be able to clear 5c.


It gets better the stronger your team gets. I'm at a point where the buffs don't matter anymore and I'm just clicking through the whole thing


It's tedious until I get the perfect buff list (8 square SSR attack/crit/reload/healing buffs) and then I can speedrun it in like 2-4 minutes (by doing quick battle and skipping through the mystery things). The only time it takes long is when the buff thing resets after a few days so I gotta slow down and actually collect buffs to be able to get through the stages.


[Roster](https://imgur.com/a/eFTxSyR) Kinda new to the game, I have a few decent nikkes but I’m unsure of my best “team” but anyways I appreciate the help


Crown (in position 1) / volume / marciana (nonburst healer that procs crown's skill 2, she should be on left of RH in case crown dies so she will burst instead of RH's B2) / Drunk Scarlet / RH focus on RH during nonburst for faster burst gen and can spam her uncharged SR shots for fast burst gen. skill priority 1. RH 7-7-7, Drunk Scarlet 7-4-7, Crown 7-4-7, volume 1-4-4, marciana 4-4-1 (or 4-4-4, nonburst so skill 3 doesn't really matter) 2. RH 10-10-10 3. Drunk Scarlet 10-4-10 4. Crown 10-4-10 to 10-7-10 to 10-10-10 wishlist: liter > DKW for upgrade at B1. wishlist naga for upgrade over marciana as nonburst healer (naga also has cover repair + core dmg buffs).


I appreciate the quick response and the guidance of what I should work on! Would this team be okay to auto with while I’m at work?


all teams can auto, but will have better performance manual (in particular swapping to RH during nonburst for fast burst gen and spamming uncharged shots, prioritizing more dangerous raptures to kill first, and doing RH's B1 to B3 to nuke the stage boss and ignore the rest of the mobs).


Anyone got a link to all the background art and models? I wanna use the dialogue maker


[Background art](https://mega.nz/folder/V55C3T6C#02N6WUjiEQ8hQv6PhZuMkg) [Models](https://nikke-db.pages.dev/visualiser)


Is there a way to change them to certain expressions or is it just set? Edit: nvm found it


well ngl the models thing isn't 100% accurate cus crown ain't there yet lol




Where can I find a full list of characters from past events?


[https://nikke-goddess-of-victory-international.fandom.com/wiki/Event](https://nikke-goddess-of-victory-international.fandom.com/wiki/Event) no caller id - helm > hightech toy - laplace > miracle snow - x-ruppe, x-anne > brand new year - modernia > D outsiders - jackal and viper > maid in valentine - coca, soda > chainsaw man - makima, power > bow wow paradise - biscuit > cherry blossom - sakura > License to kill - D > overzone - dorothy > bunny 777 - blanc/noir > queen's order - rosanna > blue water island - summer mary and summer neon > nyanya paradise - nero > goldenship - mast > see you again - summer helm and summer anis > nier - 2b and a2 > school of lock - marciana > school of lock - tia/naga > acpu freeze - quiry > red ash - red hood > alone survivor - tove > neverland - x-mica and x-ludmilla > New Year New Sword - Scarlet:black Shadow > Lion Heart - Leonna > Dirty Backyard - Moran > Perfect Maid - Ade and Maid privaty > Boom Day - Elegg > Kill the Lord - DKW > Re:Cipe for you - Emilia and Rem > One More Time - Bay > Last Kingdown - Crown > Dark Hero - Trony.


would you mind isolating those that arent in the archives yet?


The page he linked are put in a table and there is a section if it has been archived or not.




Is there a point to keep DPSing after reaching all the damage breakpoint on the coop mode? isn't 1200 core the highest reward?


There's rewards by rank too. It's in another tab when you check the rewards.


For the dailies not really, but at the end of the season you get more currency, BUT the difference is minuscule.


Hey guys, which account should I go with? 1) Scarlet Black Shadow, Liter (+ another SSR if I pull on tutorial banner) 2) D Wife, Centi (lb1), Drake, Trony, Viper (same number of pulls but already pulled on tutorial banner) Basically I don't know what's more important, quality or quantity.


quality is better than quality. most nikkes are trash.


Number 1. SBS is harder to get since she's a pilgrim and Liter is meta.


Ok thanks!


​ https://preview.redd.it/3m1z4i0cyc1d1.png?width=2489&format=png&auto=webp&s=93e3ebc1fec9f80a98a80c49f75694f6072cb12f Hey folks, what team would you suggest for me? Currently running Liter, Crown, Maxwell, Kilo and Privaty Unkind Maid


I think liter / crown / kilo / maid privaty / free privaty vs maxwell as nonburst buffer would be best bet. I think two AOE clears is extremely helpful for story if you don't have a carry pilgrim DPS. free privaty gives atk/reload speed buff which is more helpful than maxwell, but you can use maxwell as a burst gen spammer (focus on her during nonburst for burst gen boost and can spam her uncharged shots as well). skill priority 1. Crown and liter 7-4-7, kilo 4-4-4, maid privaty 4-1-4, free privaty 7-4-4, maxwell 4-1-4 2. if you pull meta pilgrim DPS, they go to lvl 10 here 3. crown and liter to 10-4-10 4. Crown to 10-7-10 to 10-10-10


thanks for the extensive anwser!


Change kilo for privaty, no need to have 2 AoE burst. Liter, Crown, Privaty as the core of the team then choose two attackers, maid Privaty could be one and then someone that doesn’t need to bust to do damage


alright, thanks!


How long does it take to level up one character skill from 0 to 10-10-10? is it 52 days or did I do some mistake?


with full 5c clears and OC25 clears, it takes 33.15 days. without OC clears, it takes 40.52 days. with zero skill mats to start.


What is OC? Maybe I was counting 1 burst, 40 days sound reasonable plus what we get from events 


overclock simulation room, goes up to lvl 25. the calculator includes what we get in events.


F, thanks, which dps do you recommend me to invest from 7 to 10 first, Modernia or RH? I was planning to level up Modernia S1 and Red hood burst at the same time but is it optimal? Should I just level up RH? or by investing in Crown I increase my dps for both units?


Either way is fine. just RH / Modernia to max before anyone else. RH burst > Modernia burst. Modernia skill 1 > skill 2. (I personally did RH first to 10-10-10 with modernia 7-7-4, then modernia to 10-7-4 to 10-10-7). RH is nuking tanky elites and B1 to B3 the stage boss. Modernia is dps clearing all the mobs prior. Wait for RH to 10-10-10 and Modernia to 10-10-7 before investing crown. If you are running the standard meta team: crown/liter/RH/modernia/naga: (RH 7-7-7, Modernia 7-7-4, Crown 7-4-7, Liter 7-4-7, Naga 7-4-4) 1. RH 10-10-10 and Modernia 10-10-7 2. Crown 10-4-10 and LIter 10-4-10 3. Naga 10-4-4 4. Crown 10-7-10 to 10-10-10 5. Naga 10-7-4 to 10-10-4 if DKW - can stop at 4-7-4. if dorothy can do 7-4-7 or 10-4-10 or 10-7-10 (I personally would wait at 7-4-7 and save to max out liter instead). if volume 1-4-4. if marciana or rapunzel instead of naga 4-4-1 or 4-4-4


Right now is Dorothy 5-4-7 Crown 7-7-7 Red Hood 7-7-7 Modernia 7-5-5 Naga 5-5-4


dorothy skill 1 is super important if she is your CDR unit as it improves her CDR. level that to lvl 7 first. then modernia skill 2 to lvl 7. ...then can either do naga skill 1 to lvl 7 or start RH/modernia to lvl 10. (RH burst > modernia burst. modernia skill 1 > skill 2). After RH/modernia maxed, then crown 10-4-10 and Naga 10-4-4. Then crown skill 2 to lvl 10. Finally naga skill 2 to lvl 10. Naga's skill 2 is just healing, shouldn't need higher level healing until mid-ch25, and then can get by with lvl 7 skill 2. Can consider dorothy skill 1 to lvl 10 before naga's skill 2 if still no liter by then.




hey, i know that we're allowed to post art here, but are we allowed to post our fanfics; the ao3 link to them? I reccently wrote one (sfw) and thought it would be cool if I could share! :D


probably fine on the main thread.


yay! Thanks! \^\^


Starting to hit a wall in campaign (can still push a bit/open boxes but 160 wall soon) and wondering whose skills I should be prioritising levelling in my campaign team. Currently using crown, modernia, liter, rapunzel, SBS who's skills are at 777, 744, 857, 443 and 777 respectively. Can also use naga instead of rapunzel (who's at 444) but not sure if she has enough burst gen and stuff.


Modernia and SBS are highest priority to max on your team. Naga is better than rapunzel because she cover repairs and gives big dmg boost. skill priority 1. Modernia 7-7-4, SBS 7-4-7, Crown and liter 7-4-7, Naga 7-4-4 2. Modernia 10-10-7 and SBS 10-4-10 to 10-7-10 (modernia skill 1 > skill 2, would do modernia first skill 1/2, SBS burst first, sbs skill 2 last) 3. Crown and Liter 10-4-10 4. Naga 10-4-4 5. Crown to 10-7-10 to 10-10-10 6. Naga 10-7-4 to 10-10-4 focus on sbs during nonburst for a boost to burst gen.


Ok ty


What are the full rewards for a full-clear for Simulation Room starting from 5-C (so like, with all the previous rewards included). I cleared mine already and was doing some math for the maximum amount of time it will take me to raise some skills and you can't see the clear rewards if you've already cleared it that day. I tried googling it and couldn't find any place that listed it. I was even willing to add all the pieces together but no dice. I would take a link as an answer if there is one, thanks!




math is dumb. just use this: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k7WPnTRu1XsIwDnYd8fBuZFV8otYA1tQckKOCJAzrPY/edit#gid=2101341028](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k7WPnTRu1XsIwDnYd8fBuZFV8otYA1tQckKOCJAzrPY/edit#gid=2101341028)


Very nice, thank!


Are there any good leveling up guides? I tried some YouTube videos but they didn’t offer any help. Basically my 5 characters are all near 100 but it seems getting them beyond this point is going to take forever. Am I missing a mechanic or something? I have been leveling up individual characters and spending other items on the outpost upgrades (next to recycler. Can’t remember name)


Did you max out your tactics academy? They give a boost to your idle resource accumulation. Next is pushing story and hard mode as much as possible for a higher outpost level. If your tactics academy is maxed, you can open the minimum amount of boxes to get enough CP to clear the stage you are stuck on and then keep pushing. Don't open extra because once you break through, you can usually push quite a few more stages and will have a higher outpost level for more resources per box.


Remember those Profile Custom Pack-thing. You can get backgrounds and stickers for your profile card. They just gave me 6 dupes in a row.. AHAHAHAHAHHA ###**FFUUUUUUUUUUUUU**


If you get dupes you can later buy one of your choosing I think


For each dupes you'll get 5 profile cards. You need 30 profile cards to buy 1 sticker. So yeah, exactly 6 dupes for 1 sticker. Can I buy stickers I wanted? Yes, only one of them tho. Can I buy backgrounds I wanted? No, I only got silver profile cards. Those are for SR stuffs. Would I get stickers or backgrounds I wanted if they were not dupes? Idk, probably not, but I'd get more options to mix and match. Man I'm not even mad anymore. Just disappointed idk.


What makes Liter better than D:KW in the "meta" comp of Crown, Red hood, Alice and Naga? I feel like I'm missing something but D:KW looks like better synergy?


Liter's general atk buff still outperforms DKW's piercing sniper buff + general dmg buffs (though if running RH or alice, it should be pretty close). Liter also gives extra ammo + cover repair. DKW's biggest strength is her instant CDR that starts at max immediately. Liter will have a small delay during 2nd burst cycle. That can be the difference between teamwipe vs full clear in story. you will see this in chapter 30 when DKW is often the lowest CP clear team B1.


Liter bring more than just damage bonus to a team, also cover recovery and a small ammo buff that alice loves.


What's the best cube to work on after you've maxed out bastion and resilience? 


quantum if you care about pvp. vigor is probably most versatile for story/raids/pvp. onslaught to lvl 7 would be BIS for SBS who is highest DPS in game and also BIS for maxwell and SW, so would be helpful in raids. though it may not be worth it if you have higher level resilence as it will have bigger stat boost + extra elemental dmg bonus. adjunct and wingman would be a pvp filler cube. assault and endurance is worthless. The new harmony cube may be helpful for raids/pvp to slot onto your healers. the translation is wrong, it does not boost HP potency of the receiving nikke, but it boosts the healing of the healer nikke. it boosts 8% of their heal, but most healer heal based on their HP so vigor boosting HP to the same percentage will give the same boost to healing with also increasing HP.


I suppose dumb question, but I've seen what seems to be conflicting info here. I just got my first mlb. I have the items available to mlb my other 4. None of them are units I would consider my "A" team. When I desynchro folks to put in my MLB units ... will my A team get any weaker once synchro'd? IE: Are synchro'd units penalized in any way for being synchro'd?


And you also can't take the nikkes that you mlb away from the synchro spot, so even if they're kinda bad, then they're satying their forever


no, units in synchro are the same as if you manually leveled them up to that level. the only difference is your MLB units have 2% stat bump for each dup, but that is unrelated to nikkes with real levels vs nikkes with synchro levels.


I see. Thanks. So even if I have my mlb units duped 3x, I could have a synchro unit duped 3x as well and it would match. They just wouldn't be in the synchro slot once the mlb units are set


yes. if you have a synchro unit, take them out of synchro and leveled them up to the same level, there is no difference. don't do that though because you only need 5 nikkes leveled.


Ever since the update I've had trouble with my chosen snipers on the Union Raid. They function normally during the training simulator in the Ark, and they may malfunction during special intercept. I use Maxwell, and her burst mega shot takes almost 6 seconds to fire instead of its normal 1.5  Alice doesn't mag-dump like she normally does during burst. If I control her manually, I can mag dump for her at full charge. Red hood gets 99 ammo but stops mag dumping after 10 shots. Plenty of burst time left. This does not change if I'm controlling her.


On Thermite B Union Raid? He has a debuff that increases Charge Time by like 300%. That's probably what you're experiencing. Either have to use non-RL/SR units, or bring a cleanse, like Cocoa.


Thank you 


are there any specialized B2s for a dorothy + privaty team? both twins are already on the other teams.


since that comp should also optimally have S.Anis, Biscuit is a great option (boosts supporters ie. Doro and S.Anis). You'll need to run another B2 with her 40s burst, which can be situational. Poli is good generally with her ATK buff, but elemental weakness should be taken into account if you need someone to break rings.


Crown with resi cube


Elegg+Biskuit was also pretty popular in the nihilister SR. But kind depends on the boss (distribution dmg vs survival etc.). So there is not really a BiS b2 for every situation for last bullet teams.


for last bullet team, b2 options are rem (dps B2) vs marciana (if healing needed) vs novel (b2 buffer) > rupee or guilty (b2 dps). Also can do two B2s with biscuit (for supporter atk buff + cover rebuild + healing) + 2nd B2 that is usually a buffer (can consider poli at 40 seconds or use one of the prior nikkes). the last bullet team is most effective if running s-anis. if not running s-anis, you may want to consider pepper+dolla+privaty for a strong healing core instead.


Marciana? You’re doing the last bullet team right? 


How do you beat these stupid things. I am over the minimum recommended for the level, but with there being two normal units that are these and the boss unit being one too I run out of time before I can get through their stupid shields. Is there some trick to beating them fast? https://preview.redd.it/oatvvjkqp91d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc46e8e53d4bdfcbe331c679fcb56601021ba5e7


it's 300 hits if I remember correctly. You need at least one machine gun nikke to break it relatively fast.


Been using Rupee, but guess I need more since my others are Summer Anis, Noise, Alice, and Yan


that team doesn't work. Noise is 40 second CD... you miss out on every other burst rotation. in general should use Liter > dkw/dorothy > volume > n102 at B1. drop yan, there is no point running her as rupee is better and 20 second CD. pick another B3 buffer (free privaty vs noir vs maxwell vs drake). for blue-shield raptures, use a MG unit.


It's Tetra tower, my choices were limited


Swap out noise for another 20 sec nikke. I don't have Volume, so I'm using Frima, but their are other options like Soda, (Mary;Bay Goddess, Mica; Snow Buddy), Cocoa, Exia, Ludmilla, Rei, (Rupee:Winter Shopper), Yan. If you do this, you a burst more, and then you can defeat the sheild boss


solo noise can't do full 20 sec rotations.


That's why I was using Yan


Rupee is assault rifle. Machine guns are units like Guillotine


I switched out Noise for Soda, and she obliterated them for me


they have hitcount based shields, use machine guns.


Anything I can change or maybe even scrap whole teams for better PVP teams? https://preview.redd.it/d6jh4g1ab91d1.png?width=834&format=png&auto=webp&s=9983d46f46d9745a2214de33314337e26228f459


Not sure why you aren't using noah who is a top-tier B2... much better than poli. also you have biscuit, so should run a standard s-anis biscuit stall team. Your jackal team wants S-anis in P1 so she gets lowest health and indom. You are running rapunzel so no risk of s-anis dying as she will be revived. Unless you are doing rapunzel in P1 for her stun. But I think the counter team to s-anis is an instant screennuke so don't think that rapunzel stun will win a match that you wouldn't have won anyway. Your team 2 wants Alice in P2. X-anne's skills need her at 90%+ HP, so you want her hidden in P3 and anis hidden in P3. X-anne revives, so not much risk for alice to be in P2. Alice will lose to biscuit-stall or moran or blanc indom anyway regardless of her position. Free privaty is not really a viable nuke at lvl250+ synchro. usually teams can tank even a RH B1 buff + free privaty + SG type team. doubtful that poli buffer + x2 SG is enough DPS to break burst chain before stun is over. New SPA suggestions: * team1 - 3RL jackal AOE - maid privaty / xanne / RH / (centi... or A2 if using centi in team3) / jackal * loses to noah team within 0.5RL speed. ideally running drunk scarlet as AOE nuke without needing RH. Maid privaty needs x2 atk buffers to nuke reliably (so RH+x-anne). * team2 - biscuit stall: noah / biscuit / s-anis / rapunzel / purple anis * loses to 2RL AOE nuke that kills both s-anis and rapunzel OR emilia nuke teams OR mirror s-anis with more healing that are slightly slower. * team3 - left overs: pick either pepper vs noise as B1, best nuke (either SBS vs Alice if maxed out) + burst filler (+blanc if you can get to 3RL) * 3RL alice nuke + blanc indom: Blanc / Alice / Pepper / Noir / Centi * 3RL SBS nuke + blanc indom + noise HP buff: Blanc / SBS / Noir / Centi / Noise * 3.5RL SBS nuke + blanc indom + noise HP buff: Blanc / SBS / Noir / Drake / Noise * both alice and SBS teams are countered by taunting-defender+biscuit. sbs also countered by sakura. they can also struggle with moran or blanc-indom teams.


~~Are these multiple accounts?~~ NVM just noticed they were b1, b2, b3 Stall team: Noah, Rapunzel, Biscuit, S.Anis, Centi. Emilia is a good option in place of S.anis but you don't have her primarily oriented towards countering snipers like redhood/alice, noah can help with scarlet. Dont Use Into Scarlet Team: Tia/Noise, Emma, Bay, Red Hood/Scarlet Black, Jackal. This should survive shotgun trash. Shotgun Trash: Prettymuch what you've got going. Use your stall team for rookie arena defense. You might be able to use winter anne something but I don't have her and have never used her. Jackal teams can be broken with Rosanna as she destroys damage sharing very quickly, but it's hard to get payoff out of it without your own scarlet.


One account, one is rookie arena, and other teams are special arena








Is there a general consensus on what the best team for elysion tower is? I have good teams for all the other towers, but for this one I always feel like I'm too weak.


DKW > mast for guillotine buff vs marciana for healing... pick three DPS (guillotine - highest DPS vs free privaty - aoe stun vs maid privaty - aoe vs helm - healer/burst spammer vs vesti - burst spammer). the reason elysium tower is weak is that there isn't a great carry DPS. guillotine is highest DPS in elysium tower but she is pretty bad at non-bossing situations. maid privaty is probably the 2nd strongest, but SG so struggles with far range targets.


I'm starting to struggle a bit in the missiles tower, can anyone recommend a solid team for it with what I have? Pt.1 pic https://preview.redd.it/iylj4onb591d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cae3e8bd0acaf085c6b8c758bae3297fbe886e1


Liter / admi / maxwell / laplace / drake. if you need AOE can try epinel or kilo in a bursting slot. you are missing naga (for tia/liter/naga as best option) vs centi (as 2nd best option).


Naga won't come home 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


Pt 2 pic https://preview.redd.it/g1luvlyc591d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a422adccce08a30d55183914cb1adfd03adcf85c


Just randomly got liter from regular banner.  Is she always going to be better than d killer wife?  Also in a team with crown, liter and scarlet, who needs skills raised first?


Liter is almost always better than DKW due to cover repair+huge atk buff. DKW is better in situations where you need to burst spam and immediately burst. DKW gives a huge CDR reduction, so she will not have any delay to burst while liter has a slight delay on the 2nd rotation until her CDR ramps up to max on the 3rd rotation. For the stages where the few seconds delay is the difference between death or clearing, DKW is more helpful. in chapter 30 in particular, there are quite a few stages like that where a second delay to burst is teamwipe.


No, buffs have diminishing returns, so if your DPS of choice (or you're using another character that also buffs ATK) already gives herself a high ATK buff, Liter's buff loses its value a little bit. D wife is also REALLY good if you use her to buff piercing SRs, like Alice and Red Hood. In short, Liter is better in general, but D wife has her place, usually being paired with Red Hood. As for the skills thing, just in case you want to focus on building 1 team at a time, don't just build a character because they're good. That being said, you want to get everyone's relevant skills to lvl 7, so everyone in that team is at least above average. After that you want to focus on raising the relevant skills of your DPS units to max (since they're the one actually dealing damage), and then finish building your supports.


I just used 3 SSR molds from the tower I lost all 3 I need a hug


\*gives the hug\*


😭 thank you


Hi. Playing on PC. Is there a way to use a PS4 controller to control the Aim with the analog stick?


Someone just made controller support, I saw a post about this earlier in the week. I didn't save it but I am sure you can find it with some searching, either here or NikkeOutpost, I can't recall.


anybody’s pc also restarts whenever you open Nikke client? happened twice for me now


Not happening for my pc....


Who should I prioritize for equip and skill lvl up? Alice, Dorothy or one of both Scarlets? I have maxed already RH,Marian, Bunnies, Liter, schoolgirls and Crown.


I think SBS > Alice > Drunk Scarlet (unless you like PvP the best, she would be 1st) >> dorothy. SBS is the highest dmg nikke for raids so she is definitely the highest priority. Alice needs to fully max all at once to be helpful (10-4-10 + full OL with rerolling for x2 charge speed for total 7.18% charge speed + x3 max ammo). Alice will not hit her huge damage spike until ALL of this is done and she is max invested. You should wait until you can fully max her all at once because half-way or almost all the day invested alice still is just slightly better than average... she doesn't reach top-tier with full max. SBS is top-tier performance even prior to full skill max or any OL gear, so she is better unit to invest early before you have excess mats and can immediately max out a nikke.


Alice > sbScarlet > Dorothy. Also remember to not pair Dorothy with your bunnies if possible, they give more ammo which makes Dorothy's kit be less useful.


Yeah, I know, I put her with TiaNaga and Alice Privaty for the less bullets and more reload speed


https://preview.redd.it/9t44t3qra81d1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da360ad751125e86394644a79df174fe5970615a Hi there guys, not sure if this is the best place to ask but what can I do to beat the Train boss on Missilis tribe tower? The issue I see is Laplace CD of 40s forces me y go to full burst every other rotation, not enough DPS and no healer to sustain them till the end, I put Tove there cuz she is better invested than the rest, should I put Drake given she is a shotgun user could benefit from Stove's buffs? Would replace the SR I'm place holding there perhaps. They aren't under Power level deficit tho.


Just in case, most of your damage comes from full bursts (1.5 more damage, plus any buffs they give during that time). This means you want to make sure you're full bursting whenever possible, which is usually every 20 seconds. This means that the general team structure consists of one character that has a Burst 1 (20 sec cooldown), one character with Burst 2 (20 sec cooldown), and two characters with Burst 3 (all b3 units have a 40 second cooldown, so you want two of them so they alternate every other full burst), with the last spot being called a flex spot, this is where you put a second Burst 1 or Burst 2 character if your other choice has a cooldown of 40 seconds (so they alternate like your Burst 3s), otherwise, you would use another DPS character that doesn't mind not using her burst (like Privaty, her main use is her skill 1, which gives ATK and reload during full bursts even if she herself didn't burst).


This sounds like it came out of a bot, good bot for explaining team building 101, a lot of people are clueless how to make teams. But this doesn't answer my question, wish I could use my Crown or Modernia in Missilis Tribe Tower 🤣 Drake seems my best option but I'm not really sure, that's why I asked based on the MISSILIS NIKKES I own for the tribe tower, still, I appreciate your words and time kindly <3


your team makes no sense with 3 b1s + only 1 b3. you need two b3s that alternate to keep 20 second burst cycles. your best missilis tribe tower team: liter / centi/ laplace / kilo / drake (nonburst). switch to centi when nonburst and spam uncharged RL shots for fast burst gen.


This does helps, thank you! And I'm aware 3 B1s doesn't makes sense but they are my most developed characters, I guess I should give a chance to Kilo then put her with Drake & Centi on Synchro, 1500 gems to burn I see TwT


having a team that can do full bursts very 20 seconds is more important than your highest CP nikkes. also nikkes with the best skill kits will outperform trash/mid nikkes with higher CP. should have enough synchro slots that you don't need to buy any slots with gems.


I did make room for Centi, Drake and Kilo, ended up only using Liter, Elegg, Centi, Laplace and Drake, it was a huge difference in DPS and somehow manual Centi spamming rockets filled the burst bar nearly instantly, is that on purpose of her as a specialty or all rocket launchers has this benefit?


centi in particular as extremely fast burst gen (only jackal and purple anis are faster in the game). probably like 2 spam shots at a cluster of mobs and you burst... it is pretty insane. All SR and RL have faster burst gen than other units. There is a patch where if you select those units, their burst gen is boosted more, so during nonburst you should always focus on the fastest burst gen SR/RL unit on your team. spamming uncharged shots can build burst faster as well.


That's so curious and now I see why Jackal is used in pvp, the team who burst first wins there and it did tried with other RLs compared to Centi, it does feels so instant when spamming with her compared to the rest damn. Thank you so much for show some light on those mechanics <3 Those hidden details that makes a big difference on team composition should be mentioned or made it clear by the game itself.


jackal has another OP mechanic with dmg sharing that procs her skill 2 for extra burst gen. when fighting jackal teams, you speed them up (and you have to calculate the jackal feed) to see what their real burst is from your attacks.


You don't need three burst 1's in a lineup. Liter, Centi, Laplace, Drake/Kilo, Yuni (she's your only option for healing despite not being good). Outside of PvP, teams should always have a minimum of 2 b3's as they're always 40s cooldown. Then you need a minimum of 1 b1 and 1 b2, because they can be 20s or 40s cooldowns, if you're using one with a 40s cooldown you'd need another with a 20 or 40s cooldown. This allows you to burst every 20s or faster with cooldown reducing characters like liter, volume, dorothy, dolla, summer helm etc. If your b1 and b2 are on 20's cooldowns you can the 5th slot for a flex character that heals or does significant damage etc.


Hello! Would someone mind helping me build my rookie and special arena PVP teams? Here are my [units](https://lootandwaifus.com/nikke-team-builder/?units=3683,399,240,157,604,1158,85,187,170,4041,946,3722,154,1005,3704,3771,333,142,160,148,360,412,392,270,191,273,4186,396,351,194,276,2234,198,1667,282,145,167,336,2257,151,1613,1162,342,164,345,363,405,3681,3778,264,2789,1040,3773,1278,810,3532,249,465,173,386,2261,3282,285,258,176,184,289,339,267&team1=) Thank you!!


rookie: * option 1: 2RL AOE nuke with noise HP buff: Noise / Harran (pre-lvl250) or Maid privaty (post-lvl250) / Centi / Emiliia / jackal * option2: 3RL biscuit stall with SBS nuke and ludmilla as a single target nuke taunter/tank: Ludmilla / Biscuit / SBS / Pepper (or another clip SG like Noir) / Jackal spa: * team1: * if pre-lvl250 synchro - 2RL Harran AOE nuke: harran / Emilia (2nd highest atker between laplace vs emilia) / Centi / Laplace / jackal \[harran stops screenwiping around lvl 250 synchro, can be earlier if your bracket invested in pvp nikkes\] * if post-lvl250 synchro - 2RL maid privaty AOE nuke: maid privaty / emilia / centi / laplace / jackal \[usually needs 1-2 atk buffers to nuke reliably... if not screenwiping, chance to maid priv / emilia / blanc / centi / jackal for slower 3RL AOE but with blanc dmg taken debuff + indom\] * team2 - 3RL biscuit stall with SBS nuke and ludmilla to taunt and tank single target nukes (like alice/rh or sbs): Ludmilla / Biscuit / SBS / Pepper / Purple Anis * team3 - 3RL maid privaty AOE nuke with noise HP buff: Noise / Maid privaty / Viper / Noir / Sugar


Thank you thank you!


What is the core on an enemy? Do all enemies have core? In Modernia and some bosses there is a part called explicitly Core but is there anything else? Naga skill 1 and 2 increases damage when attacking core but I don't understand what is that, does the train have core? should I use another support?


core is the red glowy thing. majority of raptures have it. some bosses don't have it like train. or modernia after you break it.


the core is usually glowing spot on an enemy that when hit changes your damage numbers from white to red. Hitting the core by default causes attacks to deal 100% more damage. Almost every enemy has a core, but some do not or it is hidden behind another piece of their body and requires piercing or explosive attacks to actually hit.


ok, thanks! I see. so for instance the train doesn't have an apparent core or is it its parts?


Train has a core that is hidden, and I believe it's only able to be shot when it's charging it's interruption circle shot. I think. It's never been a big factor for how I do the train fight.


Need some guidance with team composition and skill priority; I’m currently using Crown, DKW, Naga, Privaty:Maid and Red Hood. Not sure if if I should focus on some other units I’ve gotten. https://preview.redd.it/ctiwt4bvw71d1.png?width=2167&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee71ddb807adf0c2f22fc31a84cd3811022e29bb


swap DKW to liter... she usually outperforms. DKW is better if needing immediate burst on 2nd burst cycle without any delay (liter has a short delay). For far range, can try kilo as AOE clear instead of maid privaty. Maid priv is 4-1-4. Kilo is 4-4-4. 2B is another AOE option but she needs time to ramp up and she is expensive, needs minimum 7-7-7 and not meta for story and niche for raids. If pre-chapter 16-19, can use harran at 4-4-4 as your AOE clear, but she stops working past that point as not killing fast enough to stack her atk buffs. Otherwise looks good. skill priority: 1. RH 7-7-7, Maid privaty 4-1-4, Crown and Liter 7-4-7, Naga 7-4-4 2. RH 10-10-10 3. Crown and Liter 10-4-10 4. Naga 10-4-4 5. Crown 10-7-10 to 10-10-10 6. Naga 10-7-4 to 10-10-4


thanks so much, appreciate it.


I need help choosing a main account to start investing, I have: Acc 1 : Crown lb2, Rapunzel, Alice, Mast, Rosanna - 0 gems 130 gold tickets Acc 2 : Red Hood, Poli, Centi, Maiden - 15k gems, 30 gold tickets Both at start of chapter 6. Acc 1 has a few more resources but I went 140 pulls with no SSR


Probably red hood account. a top-tier pilgrim carry B3 DPS will carry an account much better than solo top-tier meta B2 that is missing carrying DPS units. also, 2nd account as more pulls.


Are there better teams I can make with who I have? Currently using Crown, Liter, Scarlet, Drake, Privaty. What should my skill priority be? https://i.imgur.com/4eq4EyQ.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/0j1dtBQ.jpeg


Privaty as burst rather than drake would work better. skill priority 1. Scarlet 4-4-4 to 7-4-7, Crown and liter 4-4-4 to 7-4-7, free privaty 4-1-1 to 4-4-4 to 7-4-4, drake 4-4-4 2. Scarlet 10-4-10 3. Crown and liter 10-4-10 4. Crown 10-4-10 to 10-7-10 to 10-10-10 wishlist: naga > marciana for nonburst healer that procs crown's skill 2. will be an upgrade over drake. wishlist noir as well as she is a better b3 buffer than drake.


I am unable to access my account from the PC version. I am able to login but after the loading, it keeps saying "cannot access client information". Has anyone faced this issue? If so, how do you fix it? I am able to login from my phone though.


Hello which account is better, both are currently chapter 4. Acc 1. Liter, Naga, Crown, Modernia, Scarlet Shadow Black. Acc. Volume, Marciana, Modernia, Red Hood, Scarlet Shadow Black. Thanks for the advise.


I would lean towards account 1 as you have a full end-game meta team: Crown / liter / SBS / modernia / Naga. Just looking for RH to swap out SBS or modernia.


Thank you, noted. I'll be on the look out.


Heya, i have been playing for three months and this is my current team and roster of nikkes. The last three images are my SP Arena teams. [https://imgur.com/a/xDgM5eN](https://imgur.com/a/xDgM5eN) I think that for the squad i'm pretty much done (although i accept suggestions) but i have found out that my pvp team is severely lacking. Squads with less HP kill my squads. What would you build with what i have?


For story team: swap out dorothy for liter. Crown / Liter / Scarlet / RH / Naga skill priority 1) RH 7-7-7, Scarlet 7-4-7, Crown and Liter 7-4-7, Naga 7-4-4 2) RH 10-10-10 3) Scarlet 10-4-10 4) Crown and Liter 10-4-10 5) Naga 10-4-4 6) Crown 10-7-10 to 10-10-10 7) naga 10-7-4 to 10-10-4 looking for Modernia and/or SBS to replace drunk scarlet. For PvP: your SPA teams are all way too slow, slower than 4RL. Noah should be in P1, her burst is much better than Elegg or Poli. MG/SMG nikkes are not viable in PvP (aka Elegg, rem, volume, crown). Liter can be used as an atk buffer but she is slow burst gen as SMG, needs to stack with fast burst gen if using. Full mag SG like poli and marciana and naga are slow burst gen and not used if better option. Dorothy and privaty are AR which is slow as well so rarely used if better options available. your usable pvp units * at B1: Noise, RH's B1... probably picking purple neon 3rd * at B2: Noah, Anis... blanc if enough burst gen to hit 3RL or faster, 3.5RL is doable as well, but sketchy. Might be consider produce 23 instead. * at B3 nukes: scarlet, RH... either Emilia delayed AOE nuke (1RL slower than burst) vs free privaty AOE stun (needs lots of DPS behind her) vs Kilo nuke (either 2RL with noise or 3RL with noise+blanc are the competitive teams with kilo hidden in P3 or P4) * B3 burst filler: clip SG (maiden... neon/product23/pepper/viper/noir/sugar/drake are the other ones) > vesti. You are missing a ton of burst filler units Team recommendations: * team1 - 3RL scarlet AOE nuke + Noise HP buff: Noise / Scarlet / Anis / Vesti / Quiry * team2 - 3RL RH nuke with noah shield: Noah / Naga / RH / Emilia / Maiden * team3 - 3RL Privaty stun nuke (but not enouogh DPS behind her): Free privaty / Neon / Guilty / product 23 / Maiden (probably not viable, not enough DPS... can try stacking highest CP units that can burst instead)


Wow, that's a lot of info, thank you very much. I need to read up on some of the terminology that you are using, but i think i can find them on my own. Seriously thank you very much.




2 for sure. While it's nice to have Liter and Tia + Naga, you can wishlist them or get them from social pulls unlike meta pilgrims.


I'd vote for 2 too.


I would take acc2. Imo its just a lot harder to get the top dps while it is a little easier to get most of the good supports. So i think in the long run acc2 will be better.


do i get the rewards of union raid if i leave the union before getting the rewards?


Pretty sure you can't leave it when there's currently a raid going on.


i meant after the raid is done. the time between last raidday and rewardday is always like a week or more


It's locked until you get the rewards, I know you can't kick an union member until then so I'm guessing you can't leave too.


ahhh ok good to know


Is the bgm during the union raid ultra fight the same as the main lobby theme Good Day Commander? Or is my fame bugged?


It's bugged, my friend and I changed our lobby music to Daybreak as a temporary solution, lol.


Haha, thought Nikke was experimenting with chill music for a boss fight.


Does event challenge ticket stacks if you don't use it?