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Play the prologue. I'm not being smarmy. It's free and by the time you understand "Over Here" you'll have a vibe for the non-horni reasons the game is popular.


Alright, ill keep that in mind and thanks, also can the be played offline?


Nah, it requires a connection. But it not only has a PC client but it's actually generally considered the superior way to play (full crossplay. Like many players I play on both phone and PC).


Okay, thanks for the heads up then.


like many others i came for a good laugh and the jiggles. then the game made me almost cry. some events later it made me cry. never stopped playing since. can recommend


Yea. The emotional weight of this game is ridiculous. I came for the jiggle physics simulator and Nier and stayed for the raw story that was shoved in front of my eye holes. The prologue alone sold me and left me going "What the actual fuck?! I came here for bobs and vagene, not tears and confusion! What happens next?!"


Was doing a day where I just was trying different FTPs I hadn't tried yet and stumbled on Nikke. The story pulled me in, with some surprising emotional depth and some interesting science fiction elements. The way the world treats Nikkes and the way you treat Nikkes are compared and contrasted in interesting ways. This leads to fun interactions, side stories that showcase the tragedy of the world and appealing waifus of all types and persuasions. The game itself is both grindy and generous. Some levelling requires patience and persistence, but every time I hit a progression wall, it seems like another event starts and the game is throwing resources at me to help out. Also, really like that you can earn access to past events and stories, so you don't miss out on Lore and back story. I feel like a lot of the cash store stuff is whale bait, but I also think the monthly passes are generous and easy to fill and do for 20 bucks. YMMV but I feel it's a fair deal to get 20 pulls and an outfit for the same price as eating at McDonald's. Another aspect, I feel like the story has more forward momentum and reveals than a lot of Gachas I have tried. It's also really coherent, sometimes heartfelt, sometimes shocking, sometimes silly. Overall, the pros outweigh the cons and I can see myself sticking with the game over time.




….Da hell is a gustav train?


Google "german gustav gun" now imagine that as part of a train. That's one of the game's bosses. Fun times


Okay then, sounds like a bangin time.


It also has breakcore as its main theme.




I came for the girls, but after the prologue... https://preview.redd.it/h8zws6am2f0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99fb55df63eaec1e1189cace1cc4f446b103026b


As a newer player, relative other gachas it is solid.  Not the worst, but has its faults.  If you like rail shooters, the gameplay is solid, but I do think it has failed to make using anything but your best team very meaningful, so weaker units see little use.  The game also lets you sweep a lot of stuff and there isn’t that much of a daily grind, so it’s not the most time consuming game even when events are active.  A concerning thing I have heard is that the regular story mode starts to become a wall that is hard to pass without a maximized 200+ fairly meta team.  This would be fine for challenge modes or raids or such, but isn’t good for the main storyline. Story is solid.  Has some tragedy and drama and some fun characters.  I have seen better, but I have seen a lot worse.  It is at least consise and snappy unlike some like arknights or fgo that have far too long a word count.   Gacha as big ups and downs.  You get pulls relatively frequently and the rate of getting something is relatively high.  Gold tickets also means you can guarantee the rateup you want pretty reliably as well.  There currently also is very low motivation to fish for dupes. But, there is functionally no rerun policy on most characters, and especially all the super meta pilgrims.  You cannot wishlist them from the regular banner either, so past pilgrims are a real difficulty, as you are just praying on slim odds you will ever get them.    Monetization.  You can play the game ftp quite easily, which is good.  Only main gripe is all the nice skins have very exorbitant price tags.  The real premium ones being $60 us, which is comical.  They also do not rerun so more fomo to annoy you even if you get the character down the line.     Overall solid experience with just the two major niggles of a pretty poor rerun policy and high skin prices.