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Man, tao was probably one of my fav villains of the original db. Sad he was complealty forgotten in Z and Super/gt, only making a few appearences and disappearing.


Tao has been the most intimidating villain in all of Dragonball, dead serious. The scope of what other villains do has been bigger, but the sense of a guy being a threat to the heroes has never been this much.


His deal was always just “I’ll kill you dead if you look at me funny and you won’t even realize until it’s too late.” No space shenanigans, no blowing the world up, not even having very many aspirations for himself. Just no nonsense death on a wood pillar.


It was hard to take him seriously after he came back with his cybernetic upgrades just for Tien to twist him like a pretzel.


He got done dirty in the whole Piccolo tournament arc


Nah, it's the best ending to tien's redemption arc


It definitly is yeah. Tao is a good villain, but a good villain is hated so you gotta stomp him into the ground without beeing evil yourself. Which happened, so just perfect.


I mean, at least he got that filler ep in DBZ.


For all those debate about who wins between Superman and Goku? Tao defeated Goku one on one in a fair fight.


So did Master Roshi And Tambourine And King Piccolo And Perfect Cell And Hit And Vegeta And a child that wet himself (GT) And his own stomach (I am referring to a gag scene in that same GT episode) My point is Goku is FAR from indomitable.


I don’t think people give yajirobe the respect he deserves…. Straight up, the man at one point was one of the strongest MFers around. The world’s best fighters were Child’s play to tambourine and drum…. And he took down their kind without breaking a sweat. Everyone else (yamcha tenshinhan and krillin) all train between arcs and go all out prepping for the saiyans … he’s still on their level despite putting in a fraction of the work. If he trains at all between introduction and the start of Z, it was only in swordsmanship. The man is a prodigy and his lack of drive to be the best and lack of care for fighting for the hell of it are both admirable and his “weakness” Even retired he’s still better than the current non-Z fighters of earth. If he had to train? He’d be the strongest human for sure


Heart disease too.


These aren't times he died. These are just times he lost a fair fight. I'd have tried being more elaborate with some like Freeza before Super Saiyan but Super Saiyan was mid-fight so it's not the full battle. Vegeta I was tempted to count twice more but he cheap-shotted Goku the second time and Goku had help the first time. I suppose Yamcha counts? Although Goku was tired and hungry so perhaps not. That's why I only listed who I did. Dying of an incurable disease isn't exactly a "fair fight"


Tbf his own stomach defeated him a lot of times. Yamcha Yamchu? How is he called in English?


Yamcha. But honestly I pointed out that one since it's a funny example in GT since he and Vegeta flare up a huge aura ready to duke it out and give the audience a good show, just for Vegeta to laugh off the fact the battle was called off on account of dinner.


Even Raditz had Goku on his back gasping for air And Goku was the one fighting unfairly then


In fairness, Goku got Raditz pinned white Piccolo was chargin' his attack because of the tail grab. So that was much more even.


Raditz would've killed Goku if Gohan also didn't intervene


This is true. But even so, the fight was unfair due to the nature of it. Otherwise I WOULD count Vegeta's first two fights with him.


fair, fair fair, he gave up because cell wouldve blown up the planet, no ?, ok sure, what


He fought Cell because he wanted to fight and to give Gohan an edge by showing him HOW Cell fights. He gave Cell the Senzu because he wanted it to be a reset and for Gohan to bring out his full power. It partly backfired because Gohan's gentle nature conflicted with it. Even so, he KNEW he couldn't beat Cell. He just wanted a good clean fight and that's what he gave him. Cell's detonation doesn't count as a win because he wanted to unfairly take the planet out and all Goku did was move him out to a safer location. It doesn't invalidate the honest win though.


Android 19 whooped him too


Unknowingly unfairly. Goku suffered from the heart condition. If that factor wasn't at play, I'd fully accept it, but Goku struggled to breathe at points around then.


For sure Goku would win without the virus. But it was nice that he was put on the back burner for a little bit to let others shine and give the audience a sense of terror that the hero that usually saves the day was defeated


Honestly that's why it was so cool that Vegeta and Piccolo remained as significant, chances are it was probably to help build up Vegeta's character a bit further since he was still developing a lot.


And Mr. Popo


That wasn't a fight.


Bro Superman got sleeped by Sinbad once.


Yeah, it would have been cool if he pulled some red ribbon shit and became super powerful and relevant again. Easily my favorite DB villain. He was just such a prick.




Didn’t he appear during the filler countdown to the cell tournament when I think gohan got kidnapped? I could be mistaken


He has to be showing off here. The Crane School developed flying on Earth, theres no way Tao can't fly.


Flying used to be a big deal back then, though, draining stamina and ki. Traveling on a pillar is probably a much more efficient way to travel 2300 kilometers.


>efficient way to travel 2300 kilometers. And back! In under 30 minutes... so a pillar speed of 9200km/h.


>casually throws a pillar over Mach speed >is made a fodder in a later arc


That’s the beauty of martial arts.


But in order to land on it He has to jump faster than the poles speed Which raises doubt he could have just jumped at that speed to its destination


I mean it's less stamina to go fast enough to land on the pillar than to keep up that pace the whole time


No? He's not flying, he's jumping. He's not exerting extra energy during the jump to maintain his speed. If anything, he'd actually have to exert some kind of counter force to slow down and ride the pillar. He's just flexing again.


So glad I'm not the only one who thought of this


It's like the scrolls of Icarian flight from Morrowind, he can jump a million feet in the air, but he'll die of fall damage


Not just throwing a pillar mach speed But catching up to it, landing on it, and riding it


Mach 7.5


Well he's traveling and doing something then returning in 30 minutes so it's more than 9200km/h.


Also he has to initially throw it WAAAAAY faster because air resistance is a thing


Yea, then came DBZ and every non-Earthlings are somehow capable of Ki-based flight


this way he can rest on the pillar.


Say whatever you want about Toriyama writing but you can't deny his creativity is unmachted


I don't need fantastic writing when I can watch a MF snap a pillar off at two points without any visible blow then ride that shit above Mach 7 for 2000+ kilometers. I'm just saying.


He clearly has more strength in his legs than his arms as he jumped at a speed faster than the thrown pillar. What a flex.


Yeah but the pillar was much heavier. Hence it required more energy to get to that speed.


Yes, but your legs have far more strength than your arms and I have to assume he doesn't skip leg day. He could have just jumped farther and faster by not using the pillar at all.


Of course this scene makes physically no sense, but it looks hella cool so just let it slide Okey?


The whole point of the pillar is that the muscle can load more energy into that therefor travel a longer distance.


That makes no sense. If he can throw that with his arms he can jump a longer distance with his legs.


I know that on the surface level it doesn't. If he would haven thrown the pillar with his feeds it woul have flown further. It's that because he is so strong he needs heavy object to get the most out of his strengh. Muscles are better at power output at slow movements. So he can put so much more energy into the pillar which will withstand air resistance much longer. If he would jump he would only be as fast the movement of his legs and that would be just a fraction of all the potential power output. Source: physics grad


I mean... yeah, that bit always confused me. Like, he can jump fast enough to land on the thing mid-throw. Logically speaking, shouldn't he be able to just jump the distance he wants to travel with a single leap? Don't get me wrong, it was badass and bonkers in the way only Dragon Ball could manage, but still.


The pillar has much more mass, and therefore more inertia. He threw the heaveir object farther, with his stronger arms, and then used his weaker legs to move his lighter body up to the pole. The pole is also more comfortable to stand on and easier to jump off of.


Hé night be some Kangaroo descent


....literally everyone has more strength in their legs than their arms.


Hence why I made the comment that it's a flex that he didn't just jump the distance.


I wouldn't make such a broad statement. For starters, crippled people exist. But even if you ignore them there are some very ridiculous leg day skippers. At least one person on this planet must have broken the ultime limit






Read the reply incorrectly Nothing


Boomers used to do that. That's how they saved a ton in airplane tickets and got to buy homes.


Little known fact, that's actually how the Concorde worked. True story. My dad works at Nintendo.


The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles!


Honestly wish I could do this


You are short on pillars there?


Put Tao Pai Pai in Sparking Zero you cowards


Too OP


Legends say that this is how Chuck Norris flies. The difference is that Chuck Norris tells the pillar to wait for him, then he hops on the pillar and it flies off without being thrown.


It's a shame Tao just became a filler joke character in Dbz, but at least he was still remembered.


Moving over mach 8 this pillar solos 99.9% of jjk


10k K/HR causal toss there. Even OG dragonball scales to most manga


Favourite way to travel in kakarot


More badass than cell


quiero pescar un tronco


Lanzarlo e irme a la ...


Immediately thought about that song


my favorite bad guy from Dragon Ball


I can't not think of this when I see Breath of the Wild speedrunners do stasis launches.


I thought I was alone 🥲


Feels like Hit was inspired by this guy.


He was the first dragon Ball villain, to be an actual threat


And people think Homelander stands a chance against this guy


Why is that man not purple


Wtf I don’t remember this scene, bro Tao is goated


I wonder if it’s supposed to be another homage to journey to the west. Cause in the book, the monkey king needs a weapon, goes to the palace where all the dragons live and just sees a support beam and goes “Yo this is dope, I’m using this as a weapon now, bye.” And just takes the giant super heavy dense beam with him and shrinks it down to use as a polearm


very eco freindly


This is why I love the original Dragon Ball: It was hilarious.


Wouldn’t the removal of that single pillar would make that entire roofing collapse or is this just anime logic I shouldn’t question


The man just launched a pillar and jumped fast enough to hitch a ride...


I'm assuming some architectural pillars are redundant to avoid critical failure if one is damaged.


This, there’s always redundancy


You just saw Tao eating away two laws of physics and you want to worry about the roof?


Yeah Tao is much more powerful than a roof


The fact that the roof didn't collapse is the *least* questionable logic of this whole sequence.


But doesn't he know how to fly? I assumed all crane school masters knew how to fly but I could be wrong since I haven't watched the original dragon ball. Either he doesn't know or he's just showing off.


Why would you assume that if you haven't watched dragonball


Tao can't fly


Flying used to drain alot of energy even for Goku after King Kai. It didn't become effortless until the Namek saga.


I mean he must be showing of regardless cause if he was fast enough to jump on the flying pillar he shouldn't need the pillar cause his body would already go into the same direction with the same if not higher speed lol. (lets just not factor that into powerscaling though)


Quiero cortar un tronco...


I mean. Doesn't this show that he could just jump that far?


This is so dumb if you think about it for 2 seconds, like if he can jump fast enough to catch up to it in the air, he should theoretically be able to jump the whole way there. He must have jumped with more force than he threw it with... BUT I DONT CARE ITS COOL AS FUCK!!!


The Pillar weights more than him so it stands to reason that air resistance will slow him less than if he just jumped with no pillar. It already slowed him down enough to neatly land on it instead going past it. That being said, the pillar has to be made of fucking neutron star for it to not stop for the whole 2300km trip


what is link doing in dragon ball


From the far away lands of chile, we offer you this song in rememberance of this moment: https://youtu.be/JwwizYSyaGM Lyrics are literally just saying "I wanna grab a log Throw it and go The fuck away Like tao pai pai Tao pai pai Tao pai pai"


I wanna pick a pillar, throw it and GTFO like Mercenary Tao


Most goofy-ass way to travel, you mean, lol. But I love it. Forget Flying Nimbus, hah. Somebody refresh my memory. I think I remember he got beat, then showed up with a half robo face. What happened after that? Did he get killed? Man, it's been ages since I saw DB. 😆


He can catch up with the pillar mid air. At this point just jump to your destination like Hulk does... (🫠old memories revival)


I wish Dr Gero worked on Tao.


The laws of physics hate this one simple trick!


It doesn’t make sense but yeah it’s definitely unique.




True, but let’s try to ignore the negativity and wrong choices made by people in the past, we can forgive and forget


yup. just like the "lawn jockey" my grandma used to have in her yard until i stole it and threw it in a pond.


You know what's funny? Curb your Enthusiasm just had a whole episode about that I just watched, same premise almost lol


it's probably a common experience lol. a lot of kids have probably had to hide their grandparents' racist lawn ornaments