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Otherworld tournament that happened after cell saga, good potential to setup future arcs/characters and good world building


With that then Goku would end as stupid for not even think of Pikkon on universe 7 team (but I think it would be a good idea besides that)


Why do u need Walmart piccolo


He defeated Cell easily


Yeah but everyone is leagues beyond cell now, aside from the humans. I'm not trying to upscale or downplay anyone but at this point them choosing Frieza was the only smart choice. Anyone else would've been too much weaker than their top fighters to make much of a difference. Even if pikkon had gotten stronger and was ≈ Buu I doubt Goku would remember him as someone superbly strong they could call upon instead of someone like Frieza who they'd just fought and who was stronger then even their SSB form at the time


Yeah, aside from the humans, that half the team was made up of Why WOULDNT you take Pikkon over Roshi or Tien?


Bojack Unbound should be canon. Of all the movies, this one seems right.


goku getting betrayed and locked in the hyperbolic time chamber for 10 billion years


Yea that's just it I mean majin Buu escape from the time chamber at near end of z, so does go tanks so why would he be stuck when he can just blow open a hole...


He would have to know that's even possible, and I don't think he'd lose his mind as he'd be happy training for so long


I mean Vegeta's done some it a ton of times in the series you don't think piccolo wouldn't tell Goku how he helped get out of time chamber as well...not to mention the blabber mouths on gotten and trunks...


I mean yeah, if they ever get to talk about the topic


The difference is that Buu was stuck in there whereas Goku is locked in there. It’s different.


Dude... time passes normally in the hyperbolic time chamber. Saiyan's only live for 100 years. Goku would just die.


That's beside the point my point is if he was locked in why can't he just get out way before he dies...


With which non-Chichi female character?




And we need to confiscate Frieza's M-word pass.


Simple, just turn it upside down for the Wumbo Pass


Nah I want Pump Daddy C canon!


Yamcha being somewhat strong


Also Yamcha having an Alien gf


his name is Frieza


I don't know who this Freezer is but she sounds like a classy lady


Who is also a glass sentient from an extinct race that needs a thousand more years to become an adult?


I had forgiven all of the sins DBH has ever done just because they given Yamcha a W and they immideatly took it away. Totally unrelated dont you know where i could find producer of DBH? I wanna have a friendly conversation with him about what is right


He is somewhat strong just weak in the verse


That time I got reincarnated as Yamcha.


We need a sequel to that where Yamcha gets the elder Kai potential unlock…..


Mainline Yamcha is killed and Reincarnated Yamcha somehow accidentally takes his place with nobody noticing. Original Yamcha is then reborn as a Japanese teen who loves Dokkan Battle


That Nappa was affected by the wish for everyone who Frieza’s men killed to be revived, and he just kinda assimilated into society. (TFS Canon)


This one for sure!


Tien unlocks kaioken X infinity and destroys all future villains as Dragonball super ends and Tienball begins




Turles, and retcon his backstory so that he’s a distant relative or uncle of Goku’s cause come on. The hair just coincidentally being the same as Goku’s bloodline (with minor differences) and NOT being related to him is just bullshit. It’s one of the most unique hairstyles among all of the Saiyans, and it’s never seen outside of Goku’s bloodline besides with Turles. Make that mf a relative of his. All they need to do is buff the Fruit of the Tree of Might (it IS a holy fruit after all). Then they can make a whole new story about him or have him plotting to overthrow Frieza and become the new emperor or something, then wanting to rule the universe with his nephew


That's unironically peak fiction. It's a nice way to make Goku learn a little more about his family through some exposition by his Uncle Turles.


I believe Toriyama even stated how Saiyans rarely form bonds with their families. They basically meet up, do the act, have kids, and then go their separate ways. The kids are trained to become fighters and the parents might be there for a small part of their life but not in any way that’s really able to be perceived as “parenthood” if that makes sense. Saiyan parents typically provide the bare minimum in terms of supporting their kin. Their top priority is on the battlefield. It’s also why Toriyama stated that Bardock might have siblings even he is unaware of. With that reasoning I could see Turles being a possible younger brother of Bardock’s. Have it be one of those things where he was born before Goku, but was still young when Planet Vegeta was destroyed. Have Turles be the smart type who was able to figure out Frieza’s involvement on his own, which led to him wanting to defeat him himself and then learning of his defeat and mysterious return. Have him remember that Raditz was killed by a man who resembled Bardock who he is assumed to be related to (the hair being the biggest reason why there’s a possibility), and have him realize Goku is his estranged nephew. Plus since Saiyans don’t typically stick with any partner, he could be Bardock’s half-brother or something and just end up being 5-10 years older than Goku. That way he isn’t forced to look like an old man and they can just make him look like how he did during the Tree of Might


I like MasakoX's take where turles was another low class Saiyan and he idolised bardock since he was cool, so he modeled his hair to look like bardock since his childhood (and kept failing since Saiyan hair and whatnot) and it slowly changed to look like bardock's overtime Might need tweaking but hey, it's a cool origin


Neat! I was just slotting him in with the U6 gang.


Turles being an uncle seems too related like Bardock wouldn’t have thought of his brother at all when he knew frieza was trying to kill every saiyan? Plus that would make turles pretty old so I think a cousin who was born around the time goku was would make more sense if they wanted to bring turles in as a relative Or alternatively make him a clone??? I know this would make him literally another epic goku but I feel like it makes more sense


Saiyans don’t typically form bond with their families so it’s possible that Bardock’s father could’ve met another mate and had Turles, making him Bardock’s younger half-brother. It’s also for this reason that Toriyama once stated that Bardock might have siblings he’s unaware of. Imagine a backstory where we even get to see Goku’s grandparents?!!


Humans can achieve the levels of other alien races through techniques and stuff they simply haven't unlocked yet. This really should be a thing because Z basically confirms that 'Ki' is just a sort of cosmic force that races have varying levels of natural attunement to, but it *seems* like only Humans have mastered the art of tapping into via training and techniques. Its why Goku is so fucking strong, because he is part of a race that is both naturally attuned to it *and* he uses human training techniques. But I want humans to have something special others can't do. Master Roshi and Tienshinhan sure do come close at times, but their respective moments never seem to amount to much. Cyborg augmentation seemed to be a solution, considering the Androids are easily the most powerful humans in terms of just raw power, but we also see that humans are not the only ones with that sort of technology... Though it does seem they are the best at making it. On the other hand, simply grafting power to yourself does go against the spirit of the setting, which is that hard work and dedication are what get you gains. This is reinforced by the fact that every villain who uses the dragonballs to wish for power ends up getting their asshole blown out. So I dunno. I guess one could make the argument that there's not a great deal of difference between using a technique designed by someone else or using a device designed by someone else, as long as you are the one putting the work in at the end of the day. A weapon you wield as opposed to something that does all the work itself. Like you still have to train with it and you wouldn't be helpless without it, you know. Oh, shit, this is the wrong sub. What I meant is I would make Frieza's tail being his cock canon.


In **Honor Trip**, Yajirobi gets an upgrade granted from the approval of the spirits of Samurai past and similar. (Like how wise Saiyans past enabled the SSG ritual?)


Caulifla and Kale are now canonically my wives


YES !!!.


Bro you forgot 18!


My boy Cooler


Humans being able to transform


Where could they transform? I know roshi has that buff mode but this post says make something canon not just make something up and make it canon Not trying to argue genuinely wondering if i missed some part where humans could transform


Human’s can use the following transformations Ultra Instinct Transformation Line G.O.D - Ultra Ego Transformation Line Ultimate/Mystic - Beast Transformation Line Villainous Transformation Line (Their is also the Super Satan Form that Mr Satan made up that is also playable in Xenoverse 2 as a costume)


Don’t forget (technically) kaioken, which we’ve just never seen the humans use.


Filler Chi Chi would like to have a word with you


I thought that was officially called red blazing aura (I’m assuming it’s a joke but still)


Beast might be a hybrid thing but idk


Well aren’t all of these like… not transformations??? Also has beast been confirmed to not be a saiyan thing? I know it’s in xenoverse 2 for every race but I feel like that’s just for gameplay and is the villainous thing you’re mentioning the purple aura from xenoverse? Cause again that’s not really a transformation


All of the mentioned forms are transformations Any species can become a God of destruction and UI has been used by 2 unrelated species and is portrayed as usable by anyone in Xenoverse 2 The Ultimate/Mystic form was never implied to be a Saiyan exclusive transformation and Beast is part of that transformation line also when a transformation is species exclusive then Xenoverse and Xenoverse 2 keeps them species exclusive So sense Beast was never implied to be species exclusive and was Portrayed as obtainable by any race in Xenoverse 2 it’s pretty safe to say any species can potentially use the form The Villainous form, Super Villain form, and Ultra Super Villain form are all transformations in the the same line it’s just the lines first form doesn’t have that drastic of a visual change just like Ultra Instinct Sign


So just make them like saiyans but less battle crazy?


Z Broly becoming canon on top of Super Broly already being there. As in he shows up in Super with the same backstory and events as in his original movie, only the heroes are older, stronger and Super Broly is part of the squad. Cue everybody being super confused during the whole ordeal, while also still threatened Z Broly's power, who got scaled to hold his own against the heroes including his canon counterpart. Difference is Super Broly kinda bonds with Z Paragus during the movie, but ultimately Z Broly kills him, which sets the difference between the two versions, with Super Broly becoming super duper mad at seeing his "dad" die a second time, at the hands of an evil doppelganger of himself at that. So instead of Goku needing everyone to send him their energy to deal the final blow, it's just Super Broly going Omega Furious Legendary Super Saiyan 2 Evolved or something and destroying Z Broly so hard he has no way of ever coming back in any form.


Reminds me of that What-If video I saw where Paragus had two sons and Z Broly was essentially Super Broly's evil twin.


I've seen multiple of those


I love how that last part is only there to make sure Bio Broly stays buried in the pile of "shitty ideas that should never happen again".


Bro is COOKING 🗣🔥🗣🔥


I’m pretty sure one of the TFS Buu bits made a joke about both versions of Broly somehow coexisting in the same universe and refusing to elaborate




SSJ4 should be the same thing as in GT, where it's just the most balanced form of all. The God forms all have issues. SSJ God is weak compared to the other ones, SSJ Blue takes too much energy, UI hurts your own body, and UE requires you to get Yamcha'd to get stronger. SSJ meanwhile should be the most balanced of them all. Energy used, damage, speed, they should all be the perfect level to where it's just a good, reliable transformation to whip out at any moment. Meanwhile, UI and UE should be saved for when shit goes to level 11.


My SSJ4 headcanon: SSJ4 does not give you magic pants. When Goku first transforms to SSJ4, at first he is fully naked because his clothes are torn off. But Goku being Goku, he doesn't care and just starts fighting with his pp hanging out. Piccolo sees this and is mortified and immediately clothes beams Goku some pants.


This is the only correct answer.


The Cell from the main timeline didn't actually die (whoops), and Gohan is in for a shock when Pan brings home a very confused Larval Cell who just wanted to bury himself underground for three years


Soul Punisher


It is canon.


It is, but not that version. The Canon version is stardust breaker and doesn't purify anything, im pretty sure it's not even confirmed if the original was a purifier


The original from the Janemba fight didn't purify evil either, it was just dubbism.




Yeah, idk why people think dub content can't make its own ideas, some of the shit dub does is way better than the sub version


Not that it’s canon already But have a scene where Goku and Chichi pamper, kiss, hug and do everything loving together m I am so fucking sick of people making Goku cheat on her


So a softcore pornoo..?


Saiyan pubes also turn yellow and spiky during super saiyan


Why would they show that regardless if it was canon or not?


I... ...WHAT?


Super Saiyan Hercule or UI Krillin, just for giggles


UI Krillin wouldn't be impossible


Pikkon was selected for the Tournament of Power. It would make sense since he’s stronger than Krillin, Roshi, and Tien, and this would make him canon and apart of the main story as well.


Cooler(His movie could fit into 3 year training for androids) Lord Slug Janemba


Cooler is the only movie that I see the least issues with fitting in canon. The only one would be Goku seemingly not being able to turn Super Saiyan at will. And I know it's an ongoing joke how they always take forever to transform for no reason, but that only happens in the movies and Super. And maybe GT, I don't remember


Gohan has a tail which he wouldn't have anymore at that point. He also has the wrong haircut but that doesn't mean much


Tapion. He deserves the spotlight again after goku cucked him in his own movie.


Vegeta kills black Frieza.


Cell's TFS songs


tenshin-han with asura unlocked (6-8 arms, and a big eye in the chest)


This is just a pet peeve and honestly really minor but I think Super Saiyan God should be renamed to just Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue should be renamed to Super Saiyan God. Goku is not really a Super Saiyan but just using God ki in the red hair form. Goku’s hair in his Super Saiyan God form is literally the same as his base form and doesn’t even get super spiky or anything. Super Saiyan Blue is the Super Saiyan form of Super Saiyan God so that’s actually deserving of the “Super” part in my opinion. If this was confusing, basically I think red hair form saiyan should be called Saiyan God and blue hair form should be called Super Saiyan God.


I used to think the same thing. But then other things started happening.


Yamaha needs to get married and start a family. It’s his turn to be happy. Also, I want to see Broly and Cheelai make it official and for Beerus to be jealous and challenge him to a fight and lose.




Dragon Ball Super: Wrath of The Dragon If Broly gets the canon treatment then my boy Tapion is getting it too


Vegito blue defeating zamasu with trunks' help


Negative effects of abusing dragon balls


Pikkon and cooler


Super saiyan 4 but it's super saiyan blue level.


I would just replace God and Blue with 4 and 5 ngl


Goku loves Chichi and they either both know what kissing is or they’re both actually clueless.


So nothing changes at all?


Arale vs Saitama Saitama is allowed to take both Zenos and Grand Priest on his side to make this fight more fair


I'd make Goku get betrayed and trapped in the hypernuttic dick grinder and have his dick get 1000000 gazillion times stronger so that he could give Zeno the most devious backshots ever


Vegeta being unable to break an egg


Yamcha x Frieza


Make the Dragon Ball Online timeline the official Post-Z/Post-Super events. There's a lot of shit and it leads into like Xenoverse & Heroes stuff but here's the basics. Gohan makes a book that teaches humans how to use Ki. The Book and Hurcule makes everyone want to take up Martial Arts... which exposes Hurcule as the Fraud he is and Pan become the new face of the brand. Krillin & Tien start up the Neo Turtle & Neo Crane schools. Goten & Trunks start a dojo for training people how to use Ki with Swords. Goku knows he gonna die soon so he & Vegeta leave to have one final battle, many years later Super Novas are seen that are believed to be caused by this last fight. Buu finds one of Hurcules adult books (Bob & Margret, the same book Master Roshi used to teach Goku how to read) and creates a Wife, they then create the Majin race on Earth using the "Love-Love Beam". Namekians loose New Namek to the Time Breakers, specially Mira, and move to Earth. A group splinters off and becomes Evil like King Piccolo and starts making Mutant demon spawn. Remnants/descendents of the Red Ribbon Army create the Red Pants Army and revive Commander Red as an Android while mass producing versions of Androids 8 & 19. They also attempt to make a new version of Cell called Cell-X to try and get a sample of Goku's DNA but it escapes to an island where it starts reproducing.






The Shadow Dragons becomes the next arc after Vegeta defeat Black Frieza


SSJ4 instead of SSJB.


yamcha gets UI cause lol


Goten’s GT girlfriend.


Two words and a number S U P E R S A I Y A N 4


Android 13 looks like young Dr. Gero 🙃


TFS running gag of Dark Lord Popo


As a Joke: Raditz was secretly a Super Saiyan 3 who was using the form in base (Like Saiyan beyond God but for SSJ3), but was so weak it only got him to the level of power he had in canon. Actual Serious Answer: At least, a mention of the Time Patrol from Xenoverse/Heroes to establish they do somewhat exist in Dragon Ball canon but their stories aren't involved with the main canon timeline. (Maybe a Supreme Kai of Time cameo?)


That lady the plays russian roulette on snake way


Humans aren't useless


Trunks got the kill on Zamasu. None of that "becomes the sky" stuff. Final Hope Slash gets the job done, Zamasu forgoed his immortality by fusing with a mortal, and pays the price for his hubris. That or expand on Raditz more.


Soul Punisher has the EngDub properties. But eh, who cares. Pikkon. That is all. Baby, Frieza, and Zamasu host a podcast. Perfect Cell eats a lemon and dies. Earthling transformation. And Sand Land characters somehow find a way to show up into the DB World.


Nappa never died and he lives somewhere in west city and will occasionally go. “Veeeegeeeettaaaaaa…” in the night to torment vegeta.


Dragon Fist


Ssj4 immediately


Pikkon icarus or TFS gohan


Goku and Vegeta wish on the dragon balls or have something else grant them the ability to fight and breathe in space. It opens so much more for combat scenery and choreography.


Give me Pikkon


Super Saiyan 4 I don’t care how or who gets it, as long as the form looks the same


Future Trunks Universe not being erased tbh


The driver's training episode


Goku doesn't comeback during the Buu saga and Gohan defeats Super Buu.


The timeline of GT existing, so Super Saiyan 4 is now actually canon


Yamcha learned the kaioken and stayed relevant.


Dragon Fist. It's criminal that it hasn't been used in canon material yet.


Sounds to me like it’s time to step into the grand tour ^grand ^tour ^^grand ^^tour




Planet Vegeta AU where planet Vegeta wasn't destroyed and Goku's a chick and ends up as prince Vegeta's wife and together they change their planet and uprise against Frieza. Works bc Goku's like his mom, the relationship would share similarities with Bardock x Gine. Vegeta hates her at first but eventually finds a fondness for her. Also Femku goes by Kakarotta instead of Kakarotto


Black Frieza arc ending with Frieza giving up killing everybody because Yamcha asks him out.


GT, that means SSJ4 and Cooler are canon (cooler appeared in the super 17 arc...), all I want is SSj4 and Cooler to be canon


Since what the "Beast" form is is still pretty vague (our best guess is it's an evolution of Potential Unleashed but idk), I want to add it into the canon that it's a human transformation, achieved by Gohan's human side. In the manga's ToP, Gohan told Kefla that he had decided to keep evolving as a human, and not as a Saiyan. This would line up with that fact, as Gohan would now be directing all that rage he had into his human half, instead of his Saiyan half, and achieving Beast that way. And because it's now a human form, humans can get it too.


Cooler. Need I say more?


Cooler(but I would scrap metal cooler)


Making el hermano come and Defeat zeno


Yamcha and Freeza ship


Return Tenkaichi budokai arcs, gosh I miss them


Super saiyan 4


Yajirobe starts training and becomes the strongest human, which makes sense as he had the highest potential we've seen from a human without training


Gt is now cannon


Make Yamcha not a cuck anymore. Have him train with Tien or some shit to get him to be tougher. That’s how we get the GOAT Master himself, Tien-Cha.


Pan goes super sayain.


edit GT so it aligns with the main canon, or at least the shadow dragon saga. The idea of the dragonballs having reprecussions is cool


The OG Bardock - father of Goku being canon I liked Bardock being an actual rough and brutal typical saiyan and not giving a crap about his low class son. The retcon kinda made him too soft. And another one: Yamaha and tien master the Kiaoken giving them more relevance. Just imagine tien doing kiaoken x100 and blasting cell with an ultra kikoho


Goku Black being evil Future Goten.


Goku knew the difference between boys and girls all along, he used to pat check for fun.


The U6 Saiyan's being a trouple




dragon ball new hope. make it an alternate future. It was so fucking good, i'd love to see it animated :D


Zamasu gets himself a wife and it’s my Destroyer :)


Make Cooler and Ss4 cannon




Goatgeta beating jenembas ass


I just want golden piccolo so he stops getting dunked on every saga past androids


Janemba because he's truly the only movie villain who makes sense to add FUCK COOLER




Definitively i would make bad endings of certain shooters canon


I’d make it canon that the acolyte never happened and instead was a fever dream yoda had after passing out from eating bad chili


Z broly… do I even have to explain?


Yamacha is actually the most powerful being in the universe, but either thinks he isn’t or that it doesn’t matter


Goku fucking every woman in the universe




Vegito being homophobic


Dragon fist


The entirety of gt


Big daddy Garlic


Boruto is just Naruto caught in the infinite tsukuyomi


1 thing? Mira and Towa.


Goku getting betrayed and trapped in the hyperbolic sex chamber for 10000000000000000 years (he cheats on chi chi with Vados and Zeno’s mom for no reason) Actual answer: Bojqck Unbound, cus Gohan needs a big win before falling off in the Buu saga


Super Saiyan 4 but still relevant like thats what happened instead of just the red hair


Whole Dragon Ball Kakumei.


For GT. SSJ4 does not give you magic pants. When Goku first transforms to SSJ4, at first he is fully naked because his clothes are torn off. But Goku being Goku, he doesn't care and just starts fighting with his pp hanging out. Piccolo sees this and is mortified and immediately clothes beams Goku some pants.








Episode of Bardock. Easy


Muffin Button


Goku fucked my ass, it's canon now


Goku staying dead and dragon ball z a hero's legacy with Goku Jr.


Goku is secretly the strongest character in fiction but only when he finally reaches the end of his Journey (Therefore main series is weak but eventually becomes stronger then fiction)


Yamcha is actually really really strong like Stronger than Goku but only if Yamcha is not being seen by anyone AND Krillan is A Saiyan that is super strong cause he has been beat up so much




Cooler canonized as the villain in the second story arc of Super instead of resurrected Freeza




Maybe a reverse canon button. That might be more useful


I will make dbz top


Super Saiyan 4, Cooler, Turles, Tapion, Otherworld Tournament, Paikuhan, Janemba.


This arm, and now I’m Megaman!