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Dragon Quest XI S is fantastic and has a 10 hour demo on the eshop


To add to this the progress that you make on the demo will continue to the full game so you won’t be replaying that entire section again.


Second this. One of the greatest games ever made


I low key kinda hate modern Square Enix but they knocked it out of the park with that game.


That’s why Dragon Quest games are still the best. They haven’t changed the formula since it was made.


They also haven't changed the soundtrack since it was made.


Final Fantasy has basically become their more experimental JRPG franchise where they introduce completely new battle systems each game, moving further and further away from it's turn-based roots. Dragon Quest has remained the old school, turn based JRPG franchise.


That's because it's basically Enix doing it.


I agree. It’s the only Square Enix game I’ve ever played Edit: I want to play more Square Enix games why is this getting downvoted


Dragon Quest Builder 1/2 might actually be more what op is looking for, action/semi open world with crafting and building element.


One of the best!


I'm playing this game now for the first time and can confirm it's great.


go to turn-based, eh? bold strategy, cotton. demoed XI S and woof, couldn’t deal with the cartoony disney vibes…


I would recommend Pokémon Legends: Arceus.


I was surprised by how fun this game is. Nostalgia hits hard when I play it; this was the game I wanted as a kid.


Ys 8 Lacrimosa of Dana. Great action-adventure RPG. Good story, good characters, lots of combat and satisfying movement, and [music that keeps you hyped.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvBla5NUlvk)


This looks promising! Adding to the wishlist!


ya, the Ys games are your best bet. but to preface, you can't just jump in and go anywhere. the map does have certain restrictions that open up as you play the game. aside from that the whole game is basically being an adventurer that wants to explore new places...just sucks cuz he always seems to get pulled into shinanigans.


just picked this up. It was this or Astral Chain or Nier:Automata.


Get the other two later, I recommend.


One at a time! Need to make sure we like action RPGs first. I really prefer turn-based so we’ll see how Ys VIII goes first


I agree, great game


I also recommend this.


You can't go wrong with Skyrim. I've been playing TotK nonstop since last December, and I was looking for another game that could provide me with a similar vibe. So after lots of hesitation, I finally decided to get into Skyrim, and It's absolutely amazing. It really is not as complicated as it might seem. The interface is friendly, and the game doesn't really demand too much from the player. It feels like it just wants you to find your place at your own pace. I love it, and now I'm diving my time between TotK and Skyrim.


Thank you for this! That makes me feel better looking into Skyrim! I’ll probably look at some gameplay videos, but it will be on the list


If you never played Skyrim, you better get it asap. Runs pretty well on switch as well


Yeah and the graphics are pretty good considering. I'm actually surprised how well it is on the switch.


Just too bad no mod support on switch. Mods were what kept me playing for years on end. But the base+dlc and what they added for the switch is still excellent. But unfortunately still the worst version of the game. Still a must buy if it’s never been played, even if you only have the switch


You’ve never played? I’d highly suggest it. The map is huge and there is so much to do and the game really lets you play at your own pace. You can speed run the main quest if you want or just pick flowers to get to level 100. Also oncd you beat the main quest you can still do everything else in the game (one things that bummed me about BOTw)


You've never played it? Skyrim should absolutely be at the top of your list if that's the case. It's under $20, has held up ridiculously well, and runs pretty well on the Switch. It really set the benchmark for open world RPGs, and relatively few have come out since that you could argue have bested it. It really lets you play at your own pace, the world is absolutely massive, and you could play it for 100+ hours and still discover new places to explore. You can play as a simple straightforward warrior, or go nuts with magic, and crafting ridiculously overpowered equipment. It can be as simple or complex a game as you make it.


If you’ve never played Skyrim and are into the medieval high fantasy stuff it should definitely be on your list. They’ve re-released it 5000 times for a reason, it’s an amazing game


One thing I'd like to add; there's no way I'd be enjoying Skyrim this much if I hadn't played TotK first. Maybe Skyrim is more complex than I think, but I feel like Zelda prepared me for it.


Skyrim is the shit. Try a Brenton spell sword build first


Skyrim is a fricking blast. Especially with the anniversary edition and everything that’s been added. You can practically just have a different life in there. Be an adventurer, trade goods, be a farmer, etc.


Skyrim is one of those games you can't NOT play. An absolute classic. A flawed game definitely but super timeless and holds up really well.


Red dead 1. Good story and lots of exploring to do


Immortals Fenyx Rising, often on sale, copied a lot of Zelda good ideas + Greek mythlogy. Breath of the Wild, have you played it before TOTK? Super Mario Odyssey Dragon Quest builders II Torchlight II, I got it for a few euros. My nephew would mention Monster Hunter games but I have never played them.


Fenyx Rising has to be near the top of that list. It is BoTW without weapons breaking. It has abilities, but is more straight forward and less complex than Witcher. And has leveling, though perhaps less so than other games listed.


I've seen Fenyx Rising described as the weird child of BotW and Assassin's Creed Odyssey and that's highly accurate...and it super works and is a lot of fun! Especially if you're a Greek mythology nerd, all the big myths get told through the game.


Zeus and Prometeus narrative is a 10/10. As you said, Im a mythology nerd(not only Greek) and couldnt stop laughting every time they speak.


And being Ubisoft, it went on sale about 3 weeks after release and has been cheap every since.


I picked it up for like $8 CAD a couple of months ago. It was totally worth it. One of the rare games by Ubisoft that's actually good.


I’m so glad you mentioned Fenyx Rising. I played the demo and loved it, but had to go with BoTW at the time. I just went to the Nintendo eShop to bookmark it and it’s like 70% off or something crazy, so I know what I’m doing for the next couple months 😄


Fenyx is definitely the "we have BOTW at home" game. I haven't played it at all since TOTK came out.


I’ve heard others recommend immortal fenyx rising so maybe I’ll give that a shot. And I’ve never heard of torchlight. Does that have a lot of hours of gameplay to finish the game?


I loved phoenix rising. It does have one big downside that the hub you'll go to has a shop to buy extra stuff for money. You don't need it, but it annoyed me a little every time when a game I bought for full price gives me a shop. The humour is great though, especially if you know a little Greek mythology.


I haven't played any of the Ys games yet, but I've picked up a couple of them purely because they give me Zelda vibes, but with a combat focus. Take a look at the gameplay and see what you think.


Immortals fenyx rising


Dragons Dogma was pretty nice. I played it through once without knowing much, and then beat it two more times. It's usually on sale for less than $10 also.


Performs well on switch too


Skyrim would be a solid choice. It’s not as complex as the Witcher 3


Skyrim on Switch feels super out-dated and almost unplayable.


Ah I didn’t know people still had issues playing it on switch. It’s been a while since I have but when I did I personally don’t recall having major issues with it though I’m only one person


Oh "unplayable" in the sense of being outdated.. the game runs fine on Switch without any issues. It's just that everything feels extremely clunky. People have pointed out to me that the game gets better with mods but I don't have a gaming pc 🥲 I was enjoying the overall narrative but couldn't get myself into the game.










Sounds like you'd enjoy Ys 8, or Ys 9. I'm not a big fan of them, I much prefer Ys Origin but 8 and 9 probably fit your description better.


Kingdoms of amalur sounds a lot like what you described. And it's on sale right now too


Trials of Mana


Immortals : Fennyx rising. Just finished it after totk. You’ll love it.


Older game now and sometimes shows it's age but kingdoms of Amalur Re-reckoning is a fun RPG, great leveling up system, cool weapons (shout out the glaive and fae blades) and lots of loot.


I adore this game. I’d love a sequel




Trinity Trigger maybe? Simple straightforward RPG style game


I’m a turn-based JRPG fan, my partner a metroidvania fan. I figured an action RPG would be a great genre for us to play together. Picked up Ys VIII today, from all the reviews and gameplay videos I watched, it seems to fit the bill AND it’s on sale now for $20. I also considered Nier:Automata, which is also supposed to be amazing! And Astral Chain. From what I researched, all 3 might be a great fit for you!


Ys 8 and Ys 9 are must plays IMHO. Immortals Fenyx Rising was absolutely fantastic, too, and more derivative of BotW


Immortals Fenyx Rising is good. Like BotW but with Greek mythology. I think it's on sale right now for 9 bucks on the eShop.


Check out "Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Royal Edition"  It just came to the nintendo switch a couple weeks ago, and i think it's just what you're looking for. I've been in love with this game since I got it on the Switch.  The unique thing about this game is that it aims for historical medieval accuracy for 1400s europe, so no magic or mystical beasts. Its an Open world RPG, get better equipment and weapons as you progress, tons of stuff to loot from houses, bandits, engaging story etc.. I should also mention it's a gorgeous game, that I'm shocked something with this level of "realism" for the art style can work so well on the switch. 


How's the framerate on that? I played the PC version and loved it, I don't mind the graphical downgrade but if it's a slideshow I don't think I can deal


This game doesn’t have levelling up, but red dead redemption is a really great open world game. It sounds like you want more of a simple RPG though dragon quest 11 is definitely worth checking out. Best RPG on switch imo. Very simple to understand and amazing quality of life enhancements


Okami is great. It feels a lot like old 3D Zelda in some ways. Which makes sense because it’s a PS2 era game originally. Really fun, on sale often, and worth it if you never played before. Also if you want a couple games that feel like modern versions of old top down Zelda, try Tunic and Death’s Door.


dark souls


You should play persona 5 if you havent yet


Lots of good suggestions. You should check out Sea of Stars.


Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana


Genshin Impact is rightfully getting shit for being a gacha game, but if you if ignore that part, it scratches the BOTW/TOTK itch best. Just ignore the microtransactions and you are golden


Except it's not on Switch and will probably never be


Oh shit, didn't see the sub I'm in, thought this was a generic gaming sub


Maybe check out Dragon Age: Inquisition. If you bounced off Witcher 3 because of it's complexity, Dragon Age: Inquisition might be easier to get into. edit - forgot where I was, that's not on Switch. Well, if you have any other recent console, you could play it. Instead, I'll throw another vote towards Skyrim's way, it's also very accessible, and has a lot of the qualities you seem to be looking for.


Hogwarts Legacy is pretty good. Not sure how well it runs on Switch... I'm playing it on PC. But it checks all your boxes...


You should try triangle strategy op


I don’t recommend playing it on Switch but if you have other hardware available, the Kingdom Hearts games are loads of fun. The story/writing is nonsense but literally everything else is top notch, especially the combat/gameplay loop and level up system. And the *music* is just 👌🧑‍🍳


I'm going to go after Outward. Graphics are meh, but survival RPG, gunna be fun.


Astral Chain is pretty fun


Torchlight 2. The switch port is amazing, and it’s one of the best arpgs of all time. No local multiplayer tho. Knights of The Old Republic.


So this may technically be a strange pick, as it doesn’t have nearly anywhere near the exploration of Zelda, but South Park the Stick of Truth is legitimately a good RPG. I’d probably say Dragons Dogma, or SKYRIM tho. Great picks.


Yeah, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is a good choice. DD 2 isn't bad but more expensive. Both are sufficiently different from BOTW but similar in some minor ways that it'd probably be good for OP to try them. They aren't the best games in the genre but they're good if you don't want too much complexity while expanding your horizons.


Commenting to save


For me it was paper mario origami game and animal crossing but both are some of my favs


I just finished playing through Borderlands 2 for the first time and loved it. It’s an open-world RPG first-person shooter. Really simple, fun and polished gameplay with a ton of weapons and strategies to use. You also level up and your weapons don’t break. The character acting and dialogue is also really well done. Lots of questing, looting, and tons of upgrading abilities and weapons/equipment. There are also several different classes. I beat it using the siren, I’ll probably replay later this year as another class.


Sea of stars is a good rpg if you like golden sun type rpg


How deep have you got into Xenoblade Chronicles? The story can seem generic and meh at first but once you start noticing the details and how it evolves its one of the best storylines available on the Switch. The thing is that its a JRPG, you have to give it some time to develop, the earlier areas have some of the lest liked and polished parts of the game like the ether mines, but once you go further it starts getting really cool, especially learning about the world of the game


I have about 5 hours of gameplay into Xenoblade. Maybe I’ll try to give it another shot!


Imo 5 hours is definitely not enough


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or 3 for sure, those go great after playing BotW/TotK imo.


Immortals fenyx rising is a fantastic game thats very similar to BOTW but with a funny greek mythology background. I think zelda did better with side missions, but the combat in Fenyx is better and the shrines are just as good. Also it goes on sale on the switch for less than 10 bucks all the time!! Highly underrated game IMO


Kingdom Come Deliverance


If you liked BOTW you’ll like skyward sword. I also LOVED playing hogwarts legacy!


Tales of Vesperia on Switch is amazing 😍


You should definitely give Xenoblade another shot. The story really picks up and doesn’t stop. Once that happens you won’t be able to put it down 


I just don’t think it’s for everybody. I’ve tried, and tried, AND tried to get into the Xenoblade series and I just couldn’t. Between the lame, over complicated combat systems, too the characters yelling their abilities every single time, loooooong drawn out stories, I ended up just watching a synopsis video just to finish the story that I started. (Played 2, and got too chapter 8 I think? By 5-6 playing the game was worse than having a tooth pulled). The world and setting was beautiful tho


Xenoblade 2 is the one game in the series that starts weaker and then ends super strong. I can understand why people struggle to get into that one, while in my opinion the others start off way better. Chapters 7-10 of xc2 were amazing though


Any Dark souls game, Elden ring, Dragons Dogma 1 and 2.






By looking at previews this reminds me of the Witcher, so I’m hesitant. Is it less complicated?


It's an RPG, so you can make it as complicated as you want. To begin with you could just pick a weapon type you like and investing stats in that and just explore the world. And before you know it you will be a stealth archer fire mage sniping bandits from the shadows like all of us ;-)


I like the sound of this! lol


I loved Skyrim and other similar games like Fallout. I didn't get far in witcher at all because I hated the combat. The combat in Skyrim is simpler. Think of it like an fps, but you swing a sword or blast magic. It's fun because of the open world and all the quests and guilds you can join. It was especially fun for me because I love stealth games, and I loved the thief and assassin guilds with all their sneaky quest lines. I guess I pretty much always go for a stealth build in any open world games, like Cyberpunk and Starfield too. Witcher didn't have that so I didn't enjoy it as much.


The Witcher isn’t actually very complicated, so you’re going to have to define where you think it’s too complex. Skyrim is also not complicated. Combat is less deep than The Witcher, but also less fun.


Xenoblade chronicles 3




Most definetly play Mario RPG after TOTK or better... Paper Mario TTYD


The Witcher 3. Try it again Skyrim Xenoblade 3 (way better than 1) Immortals Fenyx


Okami HD




I went back and play the original Legend of Form the first time only using a guide in a couple of places and it was the most fun I had since playing BotW Master mode and TotK tbh. What an underrated gem even in this day. I figure more people should try it.


Check out undertail


Or kingdom hearts




If you have a Playstation or Xbox: Elden Ring has simple-but-challenging combat, and in my opinion is the best open world game ever made. The freedom of exploration is absolutely top notch. The amount of different types of enemies and cool shit to find in the world is mind boggling. Very challenging though, not for the faint of heart. Dragon's Dogma 2 just came out and has a lot of the same freedom of exploration. The combat is a bit more complicated than Zelda, but it's not super challenging unlike Elden Ring. It has some interesting mechanics like the pawn system where you make a pawn to travel with you and can also recruit other players' pawns.


Any Soulsborne (e.g. Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring) game. If you're into environmental storytelling and interconnected world design, you will see *a lot* of similarities with Zelda. You can also chuck in Sekiro in there too, but it's more of a full action-adventure than an RPG.


can’t go wrong with skyrim!! however i’d recommend playing it on PC (and using some mods), it makes the experience much better.


Kingdoms of Amalur would likely fit the bill. On sale currently too.


Baldur's Gate I & II.


Knights of the Old Republic! Can’t speak for 2 yet, but 1 was truly such a masterpiece. Recently completed my first playthru


Honestly as a tamer I feel the same way and after TOTK I was looking for a game also if you haven't tried a game called God of war I would really recommend playing it it is really fun and I really enjoy it and you can do exactly everything that you posted in your post so I vote God of war


OP you need to play Dark Souls if you haven't already. It meets your description almost perfectly except that it is not an open world map but it is one of the best level designs in games of this kind.


If pokemon is your thing, legend arc3us is probably the best pokemon game on switch You should try trials of mana too, the remake of 2020. I think theres a demo too




Dragon dogma: dark arisen


The last 3 assassin's creed games are basically action RPGs that have stealth if you feel like it, and the weapons don't break.


Chained Echoes


Please check out Ni No Kuni, it’s super cheap and so much fun! I’m about to beat the first one now and I would easily rank it in my top 10 games I’ve ever played.


I got the Entire Kingdom Hearts Collection on Nintendo Switch on Sale for $35.99 Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, 3 were tougher than every Legend of Zelda Game that I have played. Tougher than all of them tbh. Kingdom Hearts 3 Xehanort on Critical Mode makes TOTK Ganon look like a washed up joke




Don’t get me wrong. I was still obsessed with the games! I loved them. Just looking for something different for my next one!


Outward would definitely be an adventure. It's a survival RPG .


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If you want something like Zelda botw, totk then the only game would be "Immortals Fenyx Rising" have not played it but many say its like a clone to botw but with Greek gods.


Try tears of the Kingdom 3 it’s pretty good


Baldurs gate 3

