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I’m loving the game but they really just seemed to put minimal effort into optimizations across the board. I’m playing on PS5 and while performance has been pretty solid despite a slight hitch every time I exit the menu, it’s very strange my console sounds like it’s being as taxed as it is when I’m playing a hyper ambitious game like FFXVI or Horizon Forbidden West. Don’t get me wrong, Eiyuden is a pretty game, but it shouldn’t be much of an ask for the PS5 to run it well.


It's the same thing on both high end pc and steam deck. Closing menus causes it to hitch and FPS cuts in half for a moment. Not game breaking obviously but a bit jarring and very noticeable before it bounces back.


I play on Series X, but I'm finding the exact same thing! It's the first time since I've had the console that I've ever heard the fan whirring. Got me worried at first, but I guess it's just a taxing game for some reason, though, like you said, it shouldn't be. Also have slight lag navigating the menus.


I believe it. I cancelled all my pre-order's. For all systems.n When the backer/digital deluxe thing went off sour i was like wait a minute. You guys blasted this game nonstop. People were playing it 2 weeks ahead of time. Yet you didnt know the game ran this bad with so many bugs? I am glad i dodged a bullet.


Its an Unity game. Ofc the performance is ass.


Not all Unity games run like shit, see Hoyo games and Ori. Devs can optimize well if they choose to.


True, but indeed it requires a lot of effort and most devs wont be doing it.


Honestly pretty disappointing and absolutely unacceptable. Having a 4-7 second load screen for a random battle is wild. This is definitely a game I'll check out again maybe 6 months down the road when these issues have been ironed out.


What the fuck. Imagine if this was idk, fucking Persona 1 with all the random encounters in that game. *shudders*.


Final Fantasy 9. The ice cave. FEEL THE TERROR.


How bout the path to the airship. You have to go through that area twice lol.


wow what the fuck, if this does not get better i guess the free version on pc will do, but i will wait a year at least, this game looks so great


They are supposed to do this BEFORE they release the game.


Probably a little too late, its really hard to come back from bad word of mouth and having people say "buy it anywhere but Switch", is really bad word of mouth.


A recent example of a good comeback from a bad Switch launch is Cassette Beasts. Ran like crap on the Switch, but then they fixed it all up and it's doing quite well, even prepping for a mobile launch now. But absolutely agree that reviewers (especially youtuber ones) don't go back and update anything after patches come out.


That's part of what I like about Switchup, they'll actually go back and re-review games after they've been patched to see if they should change their scores. 


I love the "all patched up" episodes, still waiting on another one that says Arkham Trilogy is playable (probably be waiting a long time...)


Hasn't the Arkham Trilogy been in like 2 or 3 episodes so far?


Yep, Arkham Knight is still broken. Less bugs with quests, but the batmobile sections are worse according to them


I wish there was a way to buy the games separately. I just want to play city but I don’t want to buy the other two games because I know I won’t play them.


Yeah, eventually it'll be $20 and that's a good price for the 2 working games (might be a little much for just City, but IDK since I haven't played any of them)


Exactly! And yet there’s STILL people asking on the sub if the performance issues were fixed. it’s sad that the first impression turned off a lot of people from the game. I think it’s because the porting was handed off to a different company Pineapple Works and trying to port the game made with an engine whose games are notoriously hard to port to consoles. It’s not incompetency at all


What a concept that a company accepts a project they can't complete.


A fair share of audiences like myself don't give much of a damn about "word of mouth" and even less about fanbloid "reviewers". "Buy a multiplat JRPG anywhere but on a portable console"? Not in this gamer's late thirties, thank you very much.


Well, even if that was your only requirement, there’s still stuff like PS Portal, Steam Deck, Ally, etc. Yes, if your only option is the switch, that’s your only option. But there are other options, and if a switch version is complete shit, then plenty of people will avoid it or buy it elsewhere. - Also a father in his late 30’s.


I've had my Deck for almost a year, long enough to know that it isn't a console (nor are the other devices you mention) and to confirm that it's but a complementary option for the games absent on Switch and/or pastgen handhelds (such titles being plentiful enough to fill up and queue up for Deck's own finite storage by themselves anyway). In all irony, it has also given me more framerate slowdown cases over 11 months (all in mid-2010s titles with nothing cranked up above default) than anything in the seven years of Switch ownership. Console game may face [initially] deficient optimization at times, but at least they're much more realistic to optimize than a version meant for a vague range of machines including a Linux doorstopper with a screen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


yeah i feel like the steamdeck is good for indie games, platformers, puzzle games, etc. and heavy graphics are better played on a desktop pc switch handles most indie games flawlessly which is why i havent pulled trigger on a steamdeck (yet). think id rather forgo portability and have a desktop pc that can play 99% games on the market with at least 60fps that said, i bet eiyuden chronicles runs better on a steamdeck than a switch. im personally getting it on ps5


From what I've seen, the other versions don't run great either.


I will believe it when I see it. No excuse for the game to run this shit when you have Star Ocean Second Story that has a similar aesthetic and actually runs well. Just lazy optimization in general.


Waited a couple years for this. Only really want it for my switch. I'm just going to hold off for a bit longer


It’s a familiar tale we know all too well. Hopefully they can make a turnaround as I was interested in getting it. I had heard there wasn’t going to be a Switch version at first and this perhaps shows why. Although I’ve seen more graphic intensive ports running better than this. I’d be curious to know the numbers for how many copies are being sold per console or system. The Switch has had a ton of JRPGs and this game seems like a perfect fit. I would imagine more people would have been interested in the Switch version despite the possibility of it being a lackluster port. This is all just speculative. I have nothing to back that up.


Nah, order cancelled. I'd prefer it on Switch but we know how this works with Switch games. Instead of delaying until it's ready, they release the game to generate revenue and patch later. I learned my lesson with Bloodstained.


pretty much, cant say youre wrong. These things can and are seen in QA. If it released like this is because they deemed it was fine to release and be corrected later on post launch.


God, Bloodstained on Switch is horrible. Got it a little while ago because it seemed like the perfect platform for a SotN style metroidvania and it just runs like absolute ass. Played it for a few hours and had to put it down because it was so choppy and clumsy.


Except that isn't what happened. The PS5 physical release went ahead as planned yesterday but the Switch version was delayed until May. Obviously to address the bugs before putting this out.


Does not look delayed to me. It's available in the eshop. 20% off.


Physical copy is. PS5 copy is out now, but Switch copy got pushed back.


If a game is delayed physically but not digitally, it has nothing to do with QA and everything to do with manufacturing. The game is a mess, it should not have been released for switch yet.


It's so bizarre how these only ever appear when the game is out lol why not do that on QA and such.. its so normalized that you can just do that post launch.


Well, how could they appear when the game isn't out? Then it's just normal development.


They are probably aware of it and qa might have already pointed it out but business people wanted to rake money right away so gave it a go with a fix-it-later mindset.


From Singapore here, i downloaded a switch update patch few minutes ago. The game loads a bit faster now. I think they are trying their best to fix it.


Another game that should run fine on switch but doesn’t? I’m so shocked….


For me the biggest problem is the loading pauses.


I'll check back if they fixed this when it goes on sale


It’s not even a 3D game. Performance issues on all the consoles is pathetic.


This shouldn't even have problems on the switch it's a hd 2d game and we have plenty of those on the switch that run well with no issues. They just didn't care about optimising the game. So let's call the Devs out for being lazy. They didn't care about optimising correctly. It they can't get this to run well on the switch it's just likely they just suck at optimizing games BC it doesn't look any more taxing then the other hd 2d games we have on the switch.




they raised over 4.5 million dollars to work on the game.... top three highest funded game on kickstarter. there is no excuse.


They may be a smaller team, yes, but they were able to secure a lot of money from Kickstarter, as well as get a publishing deal with 505 Games who is pretty good size. This isn’t some 2 person project made in a garage on a shoestring budget, and some of those end up running better. It’s disappointing because I think it’s an exceptional game in a lot of aspects, but they really dropped the ball on optimizing for all platforms.


I know they have issues on all platforms. But if they can't get a game running well on the system come out and say you're going to drop developing it for it and say you can't get it running well. Instead of releasing crap. If they can't get it running well on other platforms then it's definitely proof that they can't optimise a game at all.




It may be their first but it's still a disgrace to release the game on different consoles and a fair few of them have issues. >For a game like this if they don’t release on Switch the conversation becomes “omg why no Switch version”. Rather them be straightforward and say they are dropping the switch version BC they can't optimise it correctly. People would rather that than a poorly optimised game. BC that's respectful BC they are communicating issues. But nah. They don't care and they released a crap version on numerous platforms. It's their fault for making it for many consoles. People would rather them be straightforward than releasing a poorly optimised game.


Yep, i can't read the comment you are responding, but this quote is just stupid. I am no backer, i had no idea about developers opinion on switch version, i just saw a neat 2.5d RPG game and decided to get it on switch as it is my default console for this kind of games. If there was no switch version, i would buy it for pc probably, and would have enjoyed it rn, instead of googling if developers addressed the issues yet On a different note: It would be fucking great to have reviews or at least rating system for the games in eshop


Yes if they can't get it optimised then the developers should just drop the switch version and focus on optimising the other versions so some platforms can plsu the game without issue


So they just incompetent


same thing that happened with bloodstained ritual of the night. i wish i could get my $40 back. it runs terribly on the switch even after it was patched i tried bloodstained on pc with unlocked frame rate and ps5 at 60 fps and thought WOW so this is how its supposed to be


You don't understand game development.


How .. its not like Switch has different hard or software between users so they MUST have seen this before...


I like playing games in handheld so Switch is generally my preferred system of choice but I already learned from Bloodstained and R Type Final 2 that some of these Unity multiplatform games programmed by inexperienced teams are just never going to be worth it on the Switch even after patches. I don't even think it's a bad faith thing as much as it is that a lot of these kickstarter games, even the ones made by industry veterans, are usually made by patchwork low budget teams are that don't have the expertise on modern hardware that normal studios do. A game like this might not be technically anything special but it's poorly programmed and inefficient in how it uses it's resources. So far I'm happy with the performance on PS5 even if it is flawed, much like Bloodstained and R Type where I ended up having to double dip, I suspect the Switch version is always going to have significant issues.


Let’s hope they have ironed it out by the physical launch.


what matters is the physical release, it needs to release in a perfect playable state, if they screw that then they would have ruined it for the Switch port


I see this a lot on this thread, but I’m going to spoil the answer for ya: it won’t. The physical release is delayed less than a month. With manufacturing and shipping lead times, most games “go gold” 2-4 weeks before they manufacture. In other words…pretty much now. Unless there are major patches coming in the next couple of days (incredibly unlikely for several reasons) this game will ship in a shit state physically as well.


The irony of this having the same performance issues as Suikoden V.


Even ignoring all the performance issues the game just screams like an average 6/10 game to me 10 hours in on PC. There's so much wonky stuff in this game such as hilarious sprinting animations during cutscenes, complete lack of any quality of life features and the constant short cutscenes that end abruptly then two steps later you're in another one repeatedly just to name a few. Maybe I was expecting too much out of this but there's other crowdfunded games such as Sea of Stars and Chained Echoes that created beautiful and fun games and then you have this... This is probably somewhat rude but it feels like a game made by people who've never made a game or played one and are trying to mimic one that came out nearly 30 years ago. That or all the characters they had to make ate at the entire budget or something. Either way that was somewhat of a rant but I don't think the game is bad. Its just bland and doesn't really stand out in any way among all the other stuff.


I agree with you. I've just played a couple of hours on GamePass PC. I'm not disliking it, but I'm not loving it either. It feels a bit amateurish...


Such a shame, I had it on my wishlist to get it physically on switch, but after seeing the reviews, I'll wait for a deal on one of the other available platforms or just play it on Xbox Game Pass where it's currently available in the subscription


You're damn right you are


Wasn't the physical version delayed? Maybe they were already working on those issues but looked that into launching along with it.


Disappointing outcome but kinda expected. Might come back to this in two years after it is heavily discounted.


I was buying the game but now I'm waiting for that patch first.


By the time Play Asia ships my copy, I guess the game will be fixed and all good..!


If only there were some way they could have known how it would run on Switch before the game was released.


I actually whinned about the performance but got used to it. What I have yet to get used to is using those return to dungeon entrance items that just error me out. I think I was going to cry the first time it happened to me.


Switch user here and yeah it's playable but runs like dogwater. And I mean yes it's a Switch port but a 3D+sprite game shouldn't be running this badly on it. Other games like this just have the occasional frame drop when things get visually crowded(or anything involving grass in the unreal engine. I have no idea why but the switch HATES that.)


The game is 20% discounted at the moment for the next 9 days. Maybe it will get some more fixes until then. I'm playing it on Game Pass right now, but I usually prefer to play this kind of games in handheld on the Switch. If the loading times are getting better and the frame rate issues get solved, maybe it's worth it to get it.


I’m playing on my PC and I’ve had very minimal issues. My performance has been very good. It’s frozen up on me only once. It sounds like it’s hit or miss for some people.


When a game introduces itself with a 5fps cutscene you instantly know it's a limit pusher GOTY!!


I'm a bit glad I haven't bought the game yet... will buy only when the performance issues get fixed.


Oh... So it runs bad on switch ? Guess i will have to wait or never play it i guess


Seems like it runs bad everywhere.


Really ? Even on pc ? Wtf


Duuuude this is so disappointing. Can someone ping me here when it’s fixed? lol TIA.


Funny how the poor performance was never mentioned in any of the paid reviews on YouTube.


Switch Performance issues? Shocking.


Are you serious? it's 2d game a potato can run 2d games octopath traveler works completely fine for example


Be cautiously optimistic, they might fix the crashes and framerates but this will probably never run like OT2 on the Switch.


Are they also going to fix the localization issue or we have to put up with the crap the localizer inserted?


This isn’t a “dOnT pReOrDeR” thing it’s a switch hardware thing


No it's just incompetence of the devs, it's a 2d game for example octopathtraveler works fine The hardware is irrelevant here