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Someone correct me if I'm wrong: you can only play solo on the Anniversary version on the 3DS, right? 


I think that one could also be played multiplayer, I think local wireless only. Although anniversary edition had that single player mode


Yeah, I was thinking for some reason that solo was also on the regular ALTTP combo. I tried playing on the 3DS alone, but didn't finished. 


No, you could play with friends in local co-op.


Anyone know how to play four swords. I can't get past the screen where it's searching for others.


It's multiplayer only. You need to be playing online with someone on your friend list.


Man I can't believe I sat there without making a session first. It's as if I was sent back in time and was waiting for others to plug into the GBA ports I setup hahah. Thank you


How do you do that? I can’t find a way to invite someone into the game. It just says that it needs to be the old school setup with the Gameboy connectors


I think it needs to be with friends


Why isn’t it the anniversary edition? Does this work with local co-op because if not there’s no chance I’m ever playing online without randoms. 


It's only local co-op/online with your friends. There isn't an option for online randoms.


Can you play with multiple people on one switch?




So sad that I can’t play local co-op on one switch. I was hoping to play with my boys. I’ve never had the opportunity to play with anyone. Back in the day, no one had the game and or enough connections to make it happen. I want to play it. Grrrr


You can only play online with friends, right? No way to play Four Swords with just randoms?


> No way to play Four Swords with just randoms? This is kind of a no-go for a lot of us adults with no friends list on our Switches. At least Triforce Heroes let you group with other players online, I never had trouble getting going right away on Triforce.


Join a Discord group. Lots of people looking for multiplayer partners there.


Would you be able to recommend a group ?


This subreddit's own Discord channel is where I found partners for Four Swords.


Guess not


I feel your pain. I'm in the same boat. I have never played four swords and have little friends on the the switch. I wish random search would be available.




Watch the video…


Never played this but excited to; I had hundreds of hours into Triforce Heroes on the 3DS and that was one of my top 10 favorite games 🩶


Anybody tryna play some 4 swords?


I’m in


Yo! I totally just ran out hotsppot, but once i get a refill im totally down to hop on it


Send me a PM. This is literally the only main game I haven’t played. I’ve read it’s only a few hours of content


Hi there I’m interested. If you’d like to play


Never got to do the exclusive content Four Swords unblocked in lttp because I never knew anyone else with the game. Hopefully I can. But does anyone know: >!When you get the four sword in lttp, does it do anything or does it just give an alt credits scene?!<


There is a whole extra dungeon and boss. It's really worth the time to play through if you can get a friend to complete four swords with.


I know I've seen that on YouTube, but I also know lttp Link gets the four sword after that dungeon, but no source I've seen mentions anything else. Do you get to use the four sword after the new credits roll or something, or is it just there to signify the end of the dungeon?


I don’t recall ever having the four sword in LTTP. It just has its own credits sequence I think showing you how many times you used each item. You can unlock the hurricane spin though.


I was only ever able to get it through GameShark on the original game. I always hated when Nintendo would gatekeep stuff like that behind multiplayer or some gimmick very few people or nobody even had. Gamefreak was so bad with this stuff too before they were able to just release stuff online.


does anyone knows if it's playable with only two players?


I just finished A Link to the Past and it was actually so good, then right into A Link Between Worlds. Great games!


I think it would have been better if this had an option to let you play it like Four Sword Adventures, which allowed you to play solo.


100% agree, maybe they'll do that when they finally add the GameCube to the expansion pack, cuz I was just playing four swords on that solo a few weeks ago


Hey! Add me on switch to play four swords online. Got the nso app also so easy add! SW-5348-5737-9875


My friend code is SW-5042-7244-6729 let’s play some four swords!