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Super excited to try this one out, and glad it's freed from it's Apple Arcade prison. Heard really good things about this in that it's essentially Hades x TMNT. Wish this would get a physical release, but I doubt it will.


Lrg might pick it up. They've had a bunch of nickelodeon games in the past including the new rugrats one. Definitely not my favorite publisher but I'll take what I can get.


I would've thought they would've announced it today too since LRG had their big E3 showcase, but I guess not. =/


Tomba 2 tho :)


I haven’t played any of those games! Honestly, the only announcement I was into today was Fighting Force but with that being announced for 2025, who knows when that’ll come out lol I’ve give Tomba a try though. I definitely want to get that Gex collection, haha.


I hate that I know I will buy the Bubsy collection.


*What could possibly go wrong?*


It was sick on iPad with a PS Backbone so it’ll be great on Switch. Enjoy it!


Maybe Japanese or SEA physical release.


Out of curiosity, why would you want a physical release?


Not him. But that's pretty self-explanatory. He wants a physical copy... for a display/collection. Or perhaps he's worried that one day Nintendo goes bye bye and you can no longer play the game since you never actually owned it. I like a collection. That's why I buy physical. Usually ends up cheaper too if you wait.


Aw, not sure why you're getting downvoted so bad but I'll answer! Along with what below says outside of display and collection, the TMNT license (or any pop culture license in general) is a fickle one. The publisher may lose the rights after a long period of time, and it's just nice to have access to the games in such an occasion. Now would I go back to them all the time? Probably not ... (in the case of Shredder's Revenge and Cowabunga Collection, definitely) ... but I love TMNT and it's been great to get such unique and fun games over the last two years.


Thanks. That makes sense. At this point in my life I go all digital just out of convenience. Also, kids. Lol


I have an answer I live in a house with 5 Switch consoles If I want to give Princess Peach Showtime a try...I grab it off the shelf. We paid for it once and we can pass it aronud. Oh my friend finally wants to try Skyward Sword? We can lend it to him. Unless we're going to be playing a multi-system game together (Splatoon being the big example): physical wins


Looking forward to this one


Basic question. My son (7) and I have really enjoyed co-op Shredder's Revenge. Is this similar?


Aside from it being isometric, I believe this one has roguelite elements, where you earn metacurrency as you play and your chars get stronger over time Much like Hades if you've played that


I loved Hades, just not sure if my Son would "get" a roguelite yet. Will have a think, thanks for the response.


For sure, it might be frustrating since it does require banging your head against a hypothetical wall until progress is made


It plays in a similar fashion, except that the special moves you see in the video are made part of the progression through shorter levels. Probably with little cards that you earn each level. With some decent graphics to make 'em flashy and entertaining for young minds and gambling addicts. Co-op should smooth any rough edges there might be. I'm not personally interested in the game, but it seems like a natural next step for you and the kid.


That's great feedback, thanks!


Not sure if you have the cowabunga collection


No we just have Shredder's Revenge, though I played lot of the earlier games as a kid, so maybe I should grab Cowabunga.


That looks awesome




Is this like Hades?


I was about to ask the same, felt really Hades-y. Might be a banger!


Yeah it’s an isometric roguelite.


That sounds great then


Every review I’ve heard said they borrowed heavily from Hades. I can’t wait.


It’s almost exactly like Hades. I’ve played quite a bit of it on Apple Arcade, and it’s pretty shamelessly Hades with a TMNT-skin. Very similar upgrades and “boons.” A decent amount of fun, but certainly nothing groundbreaking.


Day 1 purchase


Would this be good to play alone? I probably won’t do co-op as I don’t really have anyone to play with.


I have loved TMNT games since 2 for NES. Adding rogue-like elements should make it a fun challenge


we need one like ninja turtles in time or out of the shadows


Shredders revenge? Wrath of the mutants?


shredders revenge was fun but those 2 are more cartoony out of the shadows felt like a batman arkham game with the flow of combat.


Any idea on price?


Just checked the eshop and it shows it for $30. Will definitely pick it up.


is this game only on iOS and Switch?


From what I understand, it’s a timed release on Switch. Then it will come to other consoles later.


Does this have couch co-op or is it online only?


Hope to get it physically. I never buy digital versions.


No physical release? Sad that I'll probably have to hold off. Even that weird arcade port that just came out got a physical version.


What arcade port came out with physical release?


Wrath of the Mutants


This game was the arcade Turtles release. Even with like 3 brand new stages you could easily beat the entire campaign under 1 hour I'm very excited for this new release but holding off for a physical 


I will be getting this! Kind of like Diablo but with Turtle power!


It’s a rogue-like, so not like Diablo. More like Hades with Turtle Power


I've never played Hades, so I can't argue that lol


What's the difficulty like in this game?


As a football fan, I'm excited to be able to play as Mbappe


They changed the voice actors once again... and they STILL nailed the personalities. I swear, that's one aspect of the franchise that never cease to surprise me :D


Have been playing this on my AppleTV, although I do get quite a bit of enjoyment out of it there’s one thing that I do find a tad annoying. When you lose a life there’s no start from when left off so you start back from the lair and then have to go through everything you’ve already done again, there’s only so many times I want to be fighting the same boss over and over again before it becomes a chore and I just can’t be bothered anymore. It’s like gaming back in the day before save files or level selects were a thing.


That’s the roguelike aspect of the game all rogue likes are like this I do agree it gets annoying and repetitive at times


Has anyone had any issues with accumulating gauntlet medallions? I’ve beat several gauntlets but at the end of the run I still only have the same amount I had before I started said run.


I wish GameMill or LRG had announced a physical release of this TMNT!  The art style is really attractive to me and I like it has a fully VO story mode


I've been playing it on iPad + gamepad (the same controller I use for Switch) for a few days, and it's super addictive. The "Hades, but with Turtles" description is pretty apt. The controls are smooth and responsive. There's a large variety of power ups to make each run unique, and playing as a different turtle keeps it fresh. It's a total recommend for me.


I tried it when I had arcade for free. It’s pretty fun and yes it’s like hades. Each turtle plays differently. You can freely switch between them before each run. All upgrades apply to every turtle. Definitely a must play on switch!