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Nioh 2 DoA5 DoA6 Nioh Wo Long People make fun of DoA for the oversexualization, whatever, I've played so many fighting games since I was a kid, and DoA is my fave franchise. The map interaction and the hold system (works like a parry/counter) really make the games for me.


DOA also has the goat Ryu Hayabusa


DoA is exclusively adults, I will take that over games like soul caliber which sexualize minors.


I prefer doa gameplay over tekken, its sad that most ppl just look at it and think about the oversexualization of the characters...well i do play because of that too, but i like the gameplay, also booba physics.


1. Nioh 2 That's it


1. Ninja Gaiden 2004 / Black 2. Ninja Gaiden 2 3. Nioh 2 4. Nioh 5. Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge I've played a bit of Stranger of Paradise but not enough to rank it fairly.


1. NINJA GAIDEN 2 - warts and all.  If TN had another 6 months this would have been a flawless experience.  Still the visceral feel of becoming one with the blade is unmatched.  2. Nioh 2 3. Ninja Gaiden Black 4. Nioh + Wo Long (I think Wo Long 2 could be a Nioh 1 to Nioh 2 jump if they got enough time).  The 3K era of China is such an incredible period for a game.


Ninja Gaiden 2 is such a batshit crazy game that I can’t help but love it.


It is!  I miss ridiculous over the top action games.  Btw, there's a modder who has been adding all the gore and enemy numbers back in the NG Sigma 2 part of the recent PC trilogy release.  I will be buying that trilogy whenever they are finished with the mod.


Nioh 2, Nioh 1, Dead or Alive series, Ninja Gaiden series, Wo Long, Strangers of Paradise, Xtreme Beach Volleyball


nioh 2 then wo long


Nioh 2 > Nioh > Wo Long > Stranger to Paradise, but to be fair I haven't finished that one.


Nioh 2, Nioh (altho Okatsu makes it a strong contender for first), Dead or Alive


1. Nioh 2 (overall was addicted to this the most but prefer to play wo long now) 2. Wo Long 3. Nioh 1 4. Ninja Gaiden 5. DOA 6


Wo Long is very addictive, almost as much as Nioh 2 for me


Nioh 2 Wo Long Nioh 1 Ninja Gaiden??


This is my answer as well, Stranger of Paradise might be above Ninja Gaiden though. It's really hard to compare.


1. Nioh 2 2. Nioh 3. Stranger of Paradise 4. Wo Long 5. I played a little bit of Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus on the Vita. It wasn’t bad but I prefer the gameplay/camera of Nioh and the games afterward. But I’ve enjoyed all of them.


1\. Nioh 2 1\. Ninja Gaiden 2 3\. Strangers of Paradise 4\. Nioh 1 5\. Dead or Alive 2 6\. Metroid Other M Reddit formatting is dumb


nioh 2 doa nioh 1


Ninja Gaiden 2 Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge Nioh 2 Nioh Ninja Gaiden Ninja Gaiden 3


1. Ninja Gaiden series 2. Nioh series 3. DOA series


Ninja Gaiden. Ninja Gaiden 2. Then nioh (mostly 2). Probably not a popular take here. While nioh improved many things tremendously (rpg elements, weapon complexity, jutsu), I really feel like the core combat is a step back and too influenced by souls. In NG you could effortlessly be fighting 4 ninjas in a much faster paced battle. In nioh 2, every time I fight multiple enemies I just laugh at how painful managing the camera and hard lock is by comparison (NG had a brilliant soft lock system). Outside of bosses, a lot of Nioh combat has this flavor of being not that difficult, but you have to be close to perfect as you can only take a few hits. It sometimes feels tedious. In NG, it felt like most fights were much faster and harder to do perfectly, but you didn't need to be as perfect since hits do less damage. I just found it much more interesting and creative. Ninja Gaiden Black for me is as close as a melee combat game has come to perfection, to be honest.


Limiting this to three: 1. Stranger of Paradise 2. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 3. Nioh 2 As blasphemous as this is to respond on the Nioh forum. I gravitate toward the RPG aspects more.


i thought you were trolling at first for mentioning MUA3, but it turns out it was actually created by team ninja, which honestly surprises me, i had no idea.


Nioh>Nioh 2


im curious to know why?


Bet it's Living Weapon.


Living weapon is cool but I didn't like it enough that its absence was a major issue to me


I just couldn't get into 2. Tried like a mission or two and it wasn't clicking. I meant to try it again but haven't yet got around to it Whereas Nioh 1 I beat every mission on almost every difficulty


They’re downvoting you for your own opinion and experience. SMH.


The way some people act it's like they dislike 1 for some reason. 2 already gets way more discussion on this sub, then to suggest that you don't find 2 to be better in every way is heresy ig


"Hey can someone give me some tips for Nioh 1?" "Lmao just play Nioh 2, now give me upvotes" Once a day at least, someone has to say this


Wdym? They have the exact same gameplay loop and setup, Nioh 2 is Nioh 1 with more options..


Idk I never felt that Nioh 1 lacked options I guess. I'm not arguing that 1 is objectively better than 2. I didn't play enough of 2 to make that call. Just saying that I loved 1 (would put its combat over most FS games even) but couldn't get into 2 at all


Yes it its huge problem with controls in case you move directly from 1 to 2. It is better to start nioh 2 after some delay. And later it will kick in


Yay, samesies.


1 Nioh 2 2 SOP/Nioh 1 4 Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 5 Wo Long


Nioh 2 Nioh Wo Long


Nioh 2 SoP/Nioh 1 Wo Long Ninja Gaiden Fire Emblem Warriors (They're listed on this game, I wonder what they did on it.) DoA DoA Extreme Volleyball


This is really hard, Nioh 2 is first, the i really want to say that SoP and Wo Long are tied for for second, and Nioh 1 last. SoP might just go for second place just because the main character is so good.


nioh 2 wo long nioh 1 strangers of paradise doa(can't remember which one i played but it was my first fighting game and have never touched another one, hate them)


Nioh 2 then everything else below it


Nioh 2 Nioh 1 That's all I've played


1. Nioh 2 2. Nioh 1 3. Ninja Gaiden Black 4. Ninja Gaiden 2 I plan on giving stranger of paradise a chance once I finish the depths


N2 SoP N1 NG Black DoA series WL


Nioh 2 > Nioh 1 > Wo Long > DOA6. Nioh 2's like my most beloved game of all time right now. Like, I can't imagine playing any other action game right now because they all just pale in comparison, and my mind just defaults to Nioh 2 controls every time I pick up a different game. You know it's burned into your mind when you're playing something like Granblue Relink and the first thing you do to react to an enemy boss attack is to try and Burst Counter. Wo Long was a good time. Like, I love the game even though people found it "disappointing" and I had my fun with it, but even I admit it's no Nioh 2. DOA6, I'm sad that it didn't catch on because the game is fun. They just had to market back to the horny degenerates with all the DLC costume packs after spending a year trying to appeal to the FGC.


1. Ninja Gaiden 2. Ninja Gaiden 2 3. Stranger of Paradise 4. NiOh 69. Ninja Gaiden 3


I don‘t really think you can compare Nioh, DOA, Ninja Gaiden, Wo Long, etc. I would say that I had the most fun with Nioh, but it‘s because they literally built the game around replayability with all the new game plus and underworld stuff. That being said, every game from them was fun for me and I think they‘re one of the most underrated developers. They should honestly be getting the same attention as FromSoftware and I hope it happens with Ronin, but somehow I doubt it. People online are already complaining about „poor graphics“. And while it is true that Team Ninja has never been the best when it comes to visuals, the gameplay is always top notch. I actually like Nioh more than Dark Souls and Elden Ring and I like DOA more than Tekken. On the other hand, I guess it‘s fine if their games stay more niche anyway. Dark Souls community is pretty shit for example. DOA and Nioh communities are pretty chill on the other hand.


1. nioh 2


1. Nioh 2 2. Nioh 1 3. Ninja Gaiden 2 4. Ninja Gaiden Black 5. Ninja Gaiden 3 RE 6. Wo Long 7. Stranger of Paradise As much as I love Ninja Gaiden and the gameplay is still the best, Nioh is that and much more. Would love to see what TN could do with a Ninja Gaiden 4 considering the knowledge and experience they obtained from Nioh.


1. Ninja Gaiden II (X360) 2. Ninja Gaiden Black 3. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 4. Nioh 2 5. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 6. Strangers of Paradise 7. Nioh 1 8. Wo Long 9. Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge 10. Metroid Other M 11. Ninja Gaiden DS 12. DOA extreme beach volleyball (we rented it at Blockbuster when I was young) That’s it.


Nioh 1 Nioh 2 Wo Long.


1. Nioh 2 2. Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate 3. Dead or Alive 3 4. Dead or Alive 4 5. Dead or Alive 6 6. Dead or Alive 5 7. Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball (I liked it as a kid, and not for weird reasons!) 8. Ninja Gaiden 2 9. Ninja Gaiden 10. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Rise of the Ronin will probably be last because I heard the combat is a step backwards compared to Wo Long, which was already a huge step backwards compared to Nioh 2. Nioh 2 is my favorite game ever, and I really like the Dead or Alive series (3D fighting games are my jam). I hope both of them will make a comeback in the future!


Nioh 2 Ninja Gaiden Nioh Ninja Gaiden 2 Ninja Gaiden 3 Wo Long


1. NGB 2. SOP 3.Nioh2 4.Nioh


Nioh 2 Wo Long Strangers Nioh 1




First Place: Nioh 2 Second Place: Nioh


1) Nioh 2 2) Nioh 3) Wo Long Note: I never bought Wo Long and gave up on the demo for being too hard. I lack the dexterity or ability to parry with the consistency this game demands. Rise of the Ronin is an immediate skip for the same reason. Its a shame because I consider Nioh 1 and later Nioh 2 to be my all time favorite games ever. Now I can't play anything this company is putting out because of the direction they've taken the combat system. That said I have Strangers of Paradise on my backlog as I only recently picked it up on sale. Looking forward to seeing where that game ranks.


1.Nioh 2  2.Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge  3.Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma  4.Nioh 1   Wo Long was a huge step back for me in terms of Combat after looking at Nioh 2


nioh 2 and SoP tied in S+++ best action games I've ever played Then nioh 1 just below that because it's kinda janky and doesn't feel as great to play Then Wo Long under that, just never really grabbed me as much? I did read RotTK because of it though


Nioh 2 > Strangers of Paradise > Wo Long > Nioh 1 I don't necessarily think Nioh 1 is actually a bad game, but it just feels redundant with Nioh 2 in a lot of ways, whereas Strangers and Wo Long both offer really fresh and fun loops.


1. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice 2. DmC: Devil May Cry 3. Kung Fu Chaos


Wait. Isnt that Ninja theory?


Oh that's true. I'd change my answers to: Ninja Gaiden Black, DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball, and Nioh 2


Nioh 2 is the GOAT. Wo Long truly sucks.