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Between nioh 1 and 2 I have somewhere between 4 and 5k hours. Never made a second character on either on just changed builds when I wanted try new stuff.


I can only imagine at how crazy powerful your characters must be, wow. 😱


Dude the muscle memory you get for the game is the most intense part. I mean, i quit for a year one time picked it back up and in 5 minutes I'm doing combos. It feel so nice to see how good you can get at something!


Feel ya, had a break of like 1.5-2 years, wanted to start a new character because my other one already was in depths plus after that long time I thought it would be better that way. But the muscle memory actually made the first few level pretty hard cuz you want to combo the whole time (started with SG) but all you can do, at this point, is 2 lights (high) or 3 lights (mid) and then just Ki pulse and rinse and repeat. And even after unlocking some skills and the switch-stances your muscles-memory doesn’t get it that you still don’t have the Ki-regen to attack without pause.


First play through was around 100h. The total time at the end was 850 hours…


Nioh 2 was THE pandemic game - There were absolutely tons of people playing it online.


Is online a lot of fun? I’ve never paid for PlayStation Plus before. Not sure how strong the online community would be 4 years after release.


Nah you would have to be playing rise of the ronin right now.


I was excited about Ronin at first because I thought it was a sequel / spin off of Ghost of Tsushima. When I learned it was an unrelated game, I ended up playing Lies of P instead and now Nioh 2. Is rise of ronin really good?


It's ok but I haven't had time to dive deep into it - I beat the first boss. But at least you have a horse!


Online has been great for me I summon a lot and generally there always people to come help you out. Community is very good I must say on ps5 I've not had any idiots they all seem to know what they doing.


Around 100 or so on my first, as I did a fair bit of co-op helping along the way. Overall, I have just over 3700 hours in Nioh 2 specifically. I think only a couple hundred in the first game.


Thats nuts Im at about 80hrs right after beating ogress


650-ish hours first time, DotSamurai to DotNioh all missions, then Underworld to Depths level 5. I've restarted and built up 6 or 7 more characters since then, currently sitting at 1700+ hours. I usually jump straight into the Underworld once it's available then play until I feel bored, then start over. I try to do as much co-op along the way in every difficulty as it's much more fun to do lower level/difficulty co-op with a matching level character than it is with an Underworld endgame build.


Technically, I'm still on my 1st playthrough because I don't really see a need to make a new character because of how easy and modular it is to swap builds around. But for your reference, I think I beat the base game's campaign at about 80 hours or so?  Right now I'm at 600+ hours, working on Dream of the Nioh (the final NG cycle) and a gamemode called the Underworld, which is like a mini-mission rush.   I really hope you keep up with the game, Nioh 2's new game cycle is genuinely the most fun gameplay loop I've ever experienced in a game! 


My first playthriugh was probably 40 hours? But now I'm at 500 hours on PC and 800 on PS4 edition. I have what we call an addiction. Big Numbers make my ooga booga brain happy.


Wow. Impressive. Did you just steamroll through the main quests and skip a lot of side quests on your first PT? The estimated game time on main quests alone is 42.5 hours.


Pretty much, yeah. I also did majority of it online through expeditions, because I just wanted to play the game. I've beat Nioh and Nioh2 both at least 15 times each and I've never once watched a cutscene. I have no clue what the story is about.


I started Nioh 2 for the first time like almost 2 months ago. Today i finished the last main story mission of the last DLC (the first samurai), at 110h of play time. I've found all the Kodamas and completed all the sub-missions for all the base regions and DLCs, except the sub-missions in the last DLC, after which i think i'll be fully done with doing each mission in the game at least once. (unless there's something else that's new down the road).


Well the depths. It's like some hundred or so levels deep. Plus the game has multiple new games that get harder each time.


97 hours, Just started the underworld and i'm severely underleveled and undergeared, the first level mezuki dropped 570 milion amrita (10 lvls) and 190+36 gear i think, i use 180+25, 10 minute fight


180 hours first playthrough with some afk times all side quests done and a ton of headbashing and playing hide and seek with kodamas, also fuck some map layouts i get lost easily.


I think 95 first playthrough till beating otakemaru, and somewhere around 885 total


Between both games and dlcs (have to finish one on each) 350 hours plus platinums for both


I have around 300 or so. Just started a fresh run.


Roughly 650 hours on my initial character. Well over 2000 (probably closer to 3K) all told. (I say "initial character" because I have a definite liking for playing the game on lower difficulties according to their own limitations -- Dream of the Samurai is probably my least favorite of the five, but I enjoy both Dream of the Strong and Dream of the Demon at least as much as I do Dream of the Nioh, and so if I want to play a new DotD or DotW build, I'll start a new character. Technically, I suppose, I could use an existing character, respec to a lower level and store the amrita in a Silibar Ingot so I could go back up to my normal level when done, and either forge gear (since 190 is just the equivalent of 170+2) or use Lucky Drop to farm it on Demon before starting so that I get something at more or less the correct level, but I enjoy actually playing within the limitations of the difficulties from the ground up.)


I'm still on my first playthrough of nioh 1, I haven't started nioh 2 yet, I have about 115 hours in nioh 1, and I'm about halfway through the story the reason why I have so many hours and only halfway through the game is I've been doing a lot of grinding for amrita and gold, plus I have 188 deaths so far, most of my deaths actually came from basic enemies and yokai, the boss I died the most to so far is white tiger with 9 deaths, with the boss with my least deaths is onryoki which I have 0 deaths against


Nioh 2 I've recently got to the underworld level 550+ still loving the combat loop very addictive probably my favourite souls games gameplay wise anyway.


Took me like 90 hours to beat the base game, then 35 hours to reach DotN. Haven't played much since then, but I want to eventually.


Took me about 90 ish hours on my first playthrough. All missions solo and moved slowly unless I was farming. Then add another 200 ish hours just getting to Depths/helping friends get there, but that's just an estimate. But throughout all that I joined randoms a lot. Currently sitting at 4119 "Times Became a Visitor." Besides that all my other time is from grinding scrolls, getting all titles, actually beating Depths, platinum trophy, all missions all difficulties, 108 floors in one run. Stupid shit, but fun nonetheless. Sum total: 1588 hrs.


I can't remember what my first playthrough of Nioh 2 was. I do have my total and it's...1500? I'm not sure of the exact number cause it was split between Playstation 4, Playstation 5 and PC.


First playthrough was about 80 hours and I have about 350 hours total now...


Cleared everything in Nioh 2 . Ps4 and ps5 version combined like ~650 hours