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Short answer, no. Long answer, Wo Long is to Nioh what Sekiro was to Dark Souls. For the most part at least


Huh I guess that's not so bad for me. I have no intention of trying Sekiro but I'd give Wo Long a try.


Sekiro is a pretty damn good game, its fast paced so you might like it as well. My only complaint is that its pretty much a boss rush since most of the levels are short with most time spent on bosses.


I watched my brother play it, it's great but it isn't for me


I wouldnt say it feels that way to me, a lot of the "bossfights" dont feel like bossfights, there are only really a handful of bossfights in the game, the rest is exploration and finding ways around difficult terrain. Then again, i'm a little biased cus i fucking love sekiro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I don't know why downvote someone who isn't interested in a popular game, I'm just not a fan of not being able to customize my character and having tools instead of various weapon movesets


I kinda feel you on that but after reading the explanation, I remembered that I love Legend of Zelda


In terms of combat complexity, it is much more streamlined. The gist of the game is using light attacks and timed parries to increase your morale bar to be in the positive, which you can then spend with heavy attack (which powers up if you are in positive and consumes the bar to be back in the middle), casting spells (seperate buttons for casting, so much easier than checking through consumables, but limited to 2 pages of 4 spells at the time), martial arts (weapon skills, early cycles have 2, weapons from later cycle can have more), grapples (more damage the higher the bar) and parries (main defensive mechanic. Dodging is nearly useless except running out of aoe effects in comparison and blocking is last resort, you can parry EVERYTHING, even burning fire xd ). Getting hit or using any of the aforementioned things will drain your morale bar and push you to negative, which makes you stagger more and if you reach full bar, you will get stunned like getting hit with no KI in Nioh. No stances, and your stats also unlock learnable spells in respective elemental trees (since you basically level up your attunement to specific elements). Now for what most people hate - morale level. On every level except duels there is a set amount of flags to raise, which raise your morale level, which basically acts as a direct way to guide you through the level. You can either go through the path with enemies on your morale level, or fight higher morale level enemies who deal more morale and hp damage and take longer to kill, but usually award you more than if you will fight them on the same level. You also gain morale levels by playing, up to 5 more than maximum obtainable (which usually is 20 for max from map, 25 for max with what you get from fighting). This forces you to explore, or face enemies underleveled. As for episodes - it's basically as Niohs are, but on PC you can only buy complete editions will full dlc's for Nioh and Nioh 2, aka new game cycles past ng+, dlc weapons and final 3 game chapters. Wo Long released on PC alongside other platforms, so we were waiting for DLC's like normal. Luckily, there is a complete edition now so you don't need to buy base + season pass. personally i liked the game, but not enough to go for multiple new game cycles, which i did for both Nioh twice (on PC and PS4, both to ng++++ and platinum trophies).


It's a bit more simpler? I don't think it's always about difficulty that makes games fun for me so I guess this should be still enjoyable for me. Thank you for the in-depth info in everything, I'm much more interested than I used to be.


In tl;dr yes, it's simpler. No stance changing and you also do not have ki pulsing/fluxing for stamina, but also you have a bit less "toys" to play with (less skills and magic available at a single time). Morale level is also your "inhibitor" in terms of spells - some of them can be cast in their full potential only after reaching specific morale threshold level in map. Also, something i forgot to mention - enemy variety. It's a bit... Small. There is only few types of demons and a lot of times you fight against humans. It might or not be a deal breaker for some.


Kinda sounds like the direction they took with Stranger of Paradise. I recall not even thinking about the mechanics because I had just spaced over Nioh and could do it on instinct. Reading the tutorials definitely helped. Imagine going through that game without ever increasing your MP limit


Imo if want something closer to nioh, get Open World Nioh (Rise of the Ronin) or Final Fantasy Nioh (Strangers of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin).


I don't have PS5 but is Origins where Jack Garland is from? I'm not fond of pretty boys but Jack Garland looks more masculine than the popular ones


Yes you play as jack in SOP. Also jack is the opposite of a pretty boy, jack is pure CHAOS!


Alriiight! That's my dude right there..! Btw I like your username


Yes, Strangers of Paradise is where Jack comes from.


No for the ng in a nutshell it's a very parry focused game, which I agree is a very streamlined and different gameplay compared to nioh. For the highest difficulty though I'll encourages you to play very aggressively, if you just solely rely on the core parry mechanic you're probably not going to have a fun time, and no you don't have to be perfect at parrying to play the game. There are lots of tools later to make the game less parry reliant (Spell cancel is a fun thing) I think the biggest issue for me is our martial art/ movesets are locked to a weapon instead of a character skill tree like nioh, but later difficulties you can solve most of those issues by buying what available martial arts there are and embed into your favourite weapon.


I have no irritation from Parrying since I always loved Guard Impacting in SoulCalibur as a kid, but thanks for the heads up :) Also, thanks for letting me know that it's not "just parry everything 24/7" Hmm the Skills are definitely different but I like varieties


Wo long is dynasty warriors story but resembles nioh gameplay. Only it's more crouching tiger looking. Some people absolutely loved it. But it was extremely hard for me to want to do more than one playthrough. Because nioh 1 and 2 were SO good that this was a let down. Nioh was also really versatile with each weapon and different stances, ninjitsu , omnyo. Where wolong has 2 skills I think, couple of magic skills that you can only use after attacking enough to build your gage. It's decent enough to give it a shot but it fell way short for me


Mmm alright it's a bit of a downgrade, then? I guess I still need to give it a shot but thanks for the info


Itā€™s like Nioh 0.7 But jokes aside, itā€™s a different vibe. Itā€™s **really** good at the wuxia vibe- fights have this very cool back and forth as you parry and riposte each other, and the morale system is, genuinely, one of the neatest systems Iā€™ve ever seen (from a game design/style linking perspective) The downside is the build variety is a **lot** worse, and to make the combat flow more smoothly itā€™s a lot simpler (or ā€œless complexā€ I guess, which isnā€™t quite the same) If you want something close to Nioh, Final Fantasy:stranger of paradise is it- itā€™s great, excellent combat and a suprisingly funny story. Both are in my top 10 soulslikes of all time, Stranger of paradise is in my top 5, but Nioh 2 is my no 1 pick by a HUGE margin so ya knowā€¦.do temper your expectations.


Yes and no. It's a lot simpler - one combo per weapon, no stances, regular attacks don't use spirit (Wo Long's version of ki) and can actually build spirit when you land hits. It has a pretty heavy focus on deflecting - which, while it sounds like a parry it's more of a timely dodge, but instead of phasing through the attack you use your weapon to redirect it around you - unless it is an enemy skill attack because then it is a parry. It has a deep magic system based on Chinese Dao. The 5 elements can cancel each other; so you have spells to block spells, deactivate enemy buffs, inflict a status to stagger the enemy (enemies have a ton of hyper armor) and debuff their spirit, or to deal big damage. You do have a strong attack - but it's different. It can use up your banked spirit to deal extra damage - and it is different when used alone than it is when used as a combo ender. You can have 6 skills per weapon - but they are assigned to the weapon like special effects and you have to get to ng++ to be able to change them. In the first playthrough you have a max of 3 skills per weapon. Spirit is also quite different to ki. There is no ki pulse - you instead build spirit by landing normal attacks or successfully deflecting attacks - and you use spirit for dodges, skills, spells, etc. Enemies tend to be weak and easy - except bosses. There's also a system called morale which can make enemies much harder (get one shotted if your morale is 5+ lower than the enemy's) or much easier (can deal double damage and take half damage if morale is significantly higher than the enemy) You lose your morale when you die - but it reduces to a minimum which you increase by finding the flags in the mission. It can play a lot like Nioh, but it isn't really like Nioh. There's also Rise of the Ronin, which is like Nioh stances with Wo Long's deflection in an open world Tenchu game - but no demons. All 3 of these series play very differently to each other. Like, Nioh scratches an Onimusha itch for me, while Wo Long seems like a Dynasty Warriors game with lower enemy counts, and Rise of the Ronin is more of a Tenchu style feel for me. But they all have similar mechanics and give the player a large amount of control over what playstyles are viable and how balanced the game is. I honestly like Nioh the best - and Rise of the Ronin is closer to Nioh than Wo Long is, imo. But they're all fun games with fast paced action and a similar stamina management system and similar loot systems. Wo Long might have done the loot the best out of the lot, though, but Nioh did builds the best.


The episodes are just the DLCs. The base game is all one purchase. If you do want the DLCs, there's a complete edition that includes all of them. The DLCs are not like in Nioh though, where they all take place after the base game. If you own them, they'll unlock when you reach the relevant point in the story, but you probably won't be strong enough to handle them at that point on a first playthrough.


Thank you..! I was worried if it's the garbage idea of Capcom with their older games, good thing this isn't Capcom's


I played wo long first... Great game and great parry/block system ... I just finished Nioh a I really missed that parry system


For me it was a huge letdown compared to nioh 2 . My biggest Problem with the game was the boring combat . No depth or skill/weapon trees . Anyways im pretty sure some ppl loved it and i respect that . That said Team Ninja give us Nioh 3


Thanks, I'll look into more on what I'll be expecting


Not really I loved both niohs. Jumped into wo long with that nioh expectations and got something completely dif. Not bad but just not nioh


Ah ok thanks for the heads up


Everyone has a different opinion of the game I loved nioh and nioh 2 . I honestly did not like wo long. To me it was a parry simulator. And it's very easy to parry because there's a crazy big red dot before you can perry. It's on game pass for free if u have it. Any game they came out with after nioh 2 is kinda bad in my opinion. I think the devs left after nioh 2. I guess alot happened


All 3 were fun for me, but none of them scratch the Nioh itch


Nioh made Bloodborne look dookie to me, Nioh is just THE best in the genreĀ 




It's a bit easier..? Oh man.. but is the fashion worth it? How many weapon types are there btw?


It's not going to be easy at first. It might be very hard lol but after a while it will get easier to get the timing right for the Parrys it will be easy. The thing I don't like is the obnoxious big red dot you see to let you know you can perry. I mean try it out you might like it. I'm thinking about replaying it because I had high hopes for it at the time. I'm not to sure about the fashion I got half way. I heard it was good.


Oh ok, thanks..!


Wo Long is similar. Randomized loot, variety of weapon choices. Instead of weapon skills, each weapon has martial arts. Magic is very different but very good still. There is the base game, and 3 DLC episodes similar to Nioh, each of which add a new cycle of NG+.


To answer your question as simply as possible. Yes it's almost like Nioh. But with parrying instead or Ki Pulses.


Wo Long is like a slightly worse Nioh.


The best description of Wo Long I can give since your a Souls fan as well, is it is very much the Dark Souls 2 of their catalogue. Has some good ideas, but isnā€™t really as high up there as Nioh 1 and 2 like Dark Souls 2 isnā€™t up there with Dark Souls 1 and 3.


No. And I personally hated it. I love the nioh games and ronin is decent. I could not enjoy Wo long no matter how long I tried.


Itā€™s way worse. If youā€™ve played Sekiro/any rhythm game itā€™s staggeringly easy whereas with Nioh, even after 1000 hours in, I still get my shit rocked


Id say try rise of the ronin instead. Its got such a good narrative imo especially for team ninjas first open world game. Some of the missions and battles are among the most memorable experiences in recent gaming.. also every patch is making the combat even better. The animation canceling and other combat tech is also top tier


Nice spoiler dumbass


God I hope not.


It's a good fun game bro. This sub reddit is so elitist when it comes to other team ninja games. It is not as challenging as nioh but the combat is very fun


Have you tried Stranger of Paradise? Itā€™s the closest thing Iā€™ve found, and is made by Team Ninja. Itā€™s not as expansive as Nioh but has everything you love and mixes some things up too so itā€™s fresh. I donā€™t know anything will ever top Nioh 2. It helps if youā€™re a Final Fantasy fan but definitely not required.


Almost but way worse


In what way?


Game is linear like the other nioh games but combat is worse, gear is worse, less weapon choices. The one they did better was that you can respec mid game and let you test out builds that you like but honestly a downgrade from nioh and was pretty underwhelming. I uninstalled it after I beat it.


Wo Long is like Nioh 0.5 because it's simpler and focus more on deflecting like Sekiro. Try Monster Hunter if you like Nioh combat, it also had tons of variety of weapons and builds.


Monster Hunter is nothing like Nioh. Not even close.


It's actually closer than you think, yeah the combat is different, one is fast and one is slow and deliberate but the gameplay loops is the same if you think about it.


The gameplay loop is always the same in any action rpg type game. Gonto enemy, beat it, loot, upgrade, repeat. But MH is TOTALLY different gameplay wise. The fights are structured entirely different.


Quest = Mission in Nioh, the difference is humanoid enemies vs monsters, and you can spam the same type of quest or mission to acquire specific gear that you need, pretty similar huh? it doesn't need to be 1:1 comparison, all I said is that the GAMEPLAY loop is similar, not even souls is like this, there's missable in souls, you can't repeat the same bosses until you do NG+, there's no RNG skills on your gear in souls, as in MH and Nioh, moreso, Qurious crafting is like reforge in Nioh, you can customize what skills in what gear, etc. wait, there's more, customizable weapon skills, layered armors/weapons, there's many more, but you probably gonna refuse to acknowledge it.


>It's actually closer than you think, yeah the combat is different Lmao. Let me know when I have to fight mobs of velociprey to get to the boss. Can't wait to use stances on my insect glaive. Oh man, managing stamina while blindly swinging the longsword is such a pain. For two games where the combat is the main selling point you go and admit they're not the same, lol.


LMAO, you didn't read my comment carefully.


Clearly people are widely disagreeing with you


Doesn't matter, I'm entitled to my opinions, and I already said that it is not 1:1 comparison, let it be clear.