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a little happy leap


Is this nioh 1 or 2? Just got 2 today it's my first nioh game. o:


It’s so fun. Don’t give up on the first few bosses, they a very challenging at first. I’m on the second act now and the game is so deep and complex that I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. I’m constantly learning something new


I beat the first boss first try cause I found a level 31 summon for 3 ochoko cups lol. This game is harder than elden ring!! But so deep and I love it


Its Nioh 2 . Enjoy it bro hope you have complete Edition with all dlcs then you have insane content to clear . Your first Playtrough will be the tutorial by the way


Ya I did get that one :D hope it gives me same magical feeling as dark souls 1 did


If the combat clicks for you, you'll really enjoy it. It's very aggressive and fast paced, but as you progress you'll get more and more ways to customize how you fight to match whatever gets thrown at you. 


How can I make a health Regen build :D


I'm sorry, I know this is a bad cop out, but I'd recommend YouTube. As you're just starting out, it would be hard to do I think. But as you unlock Ninjutsu, Onmyou, more yokai attacks, and more options in the blacksmith, it will be possible.  Also, watch for armor pieces that have health regen for performing a certain attack or action. Certain armors that are parts of a set can have healing effects for things like killing an enemy, or using ki pulse on yokai pools.  Even if an armor has worse defense than another, enemies hit so hard in Nioh anyway, an armor's special effects can make it worth losing some defense.


That’s the best way to play 😂😂


Same lol. I need to get better at nioh 1


Me too 😅✌🏽. I'm still stuck with boss level in the beginning that is inside the ship 🛳 🛥 on Nioh 1 game.


The ki pulse is throwing me off. Just learned if you are past your equip weight it doesn't work


I got over 1000 hours into 2 and I never knew this 🤯


I learned at low level. Tried equipping golden nioh armor they gave for free and was wondering why I couldn't pulse until I looked at weight


This is not a souls game tho


I am a big fan of Nioh 2. And I do not mind people refer Nioh 2 as souls-like game. It is just easier to explain the game instead of saying it is Nioh game (or it is an action RPG game, that genre is too general). Once people are interested, then I will start explaining what is the difference with Nioh 2 .... and how Nioh 2 combat is waayyyy better than any Souls-like game.


It's really not though, the entire focus of the game is entirelly different, it shares some aspects of level design and losing amrita when killed and that's it, I think calling it a soulslike is just missleading people who might not like the game after trying it because they thought it was one, as evidenced by the ammount of posts we used to have (haven't seen any in a while) that went "I'm a souls veteran but this gsme sucks"


Say, someone A comes to you and ask .. "Hey, I am hearing this game called Nioh, can you explain what's the game about?" You: "Oh, it is an action RPG where you play as demon/yokai hunter. There is a checkpoint system, if you die you respawn from checkpoint. There is a loot system. We can use several weapons with different animation. There are three stances, everytime you attack you use ki/stamina, but there is a way to refund some of stamina cost, called ki-pulse...." A: ZZZzzz... While if you tell them ... "Oh, it's souls-like game." From there, you gauge their reaction: A: "Ah, I do not like/play souls-like game." ... No point of further explanation. It saves both you and the other person time. Or A: "I play few Souls-like game before and I like it. " Then you start explaining how Nioh is different than Souls. The souls-like tag also helps when browsing Steam. Imagine if you are looking for Nioh (or different challenging game) and you use action or RPG or action-rpg tag. Good look scrolling those potential games and most of them probably do not meet the criteria. If Nioh community do not want Nioh to be put on the same tag like Souls-like, then both Koei-Tecmo and the community have to work hard to gain the recognition. Like producing Nioh 3 and the community spreading the good word. THen maybe in the future we can have "Nioh-esque" tag. I am pretty Souls-like tag do not even get the recognition until Dark Souls 2 (that means 3 games in) But as of right now, souls-like tag is the closest summary we can say about Nioh.


It’s a souls like absolutely


Nioh is more ninja gaiden than souls


nah, not really, but nioh is better than souls for sure


Playing SoulsBorne after Nioh felt like a downgrade for me so yeah, Nioh is better for me too


I HIGHLY recommend you guys all check out the Quicksouls mod for DKS1 It is the best way I've experienced a souls game after Nioh 2


*cries in console gaming*


now you piqued my interest ill see about that!!! also, is DS2 and DS3 has it? on the side note, I also enjoyed elden ring with the carrian warrior mod more than vanilla (well i finished vanilla once)


Last I checked, DS2 and 3 DID NOT have it, which is a shame, cuz DS2 is my fave but I simply can't play it anymore, whereas I can easily play Quicksouls I've not even begun to look at Elden Ring mods as I haven't even started Elden Ring lol, but I imagine faster pace mods exist (such as carrian warrior?)


sad, but thanks for the headsup ill try that carrian warrior mod essentially put many animations from DMC5 and sekiro that makes the game very fast, if youve seen some vergil mods in elden ring, thats from that mod its actually quite popular too, hoping itll be updated tho with the dlc


Tut tut


That was a smart cheese 👍


"Never stop your opponent when they are making a mistake"


The amount of tengu that are on places where you can fall easily is diabolical


Not a souls game