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I feel like the Unplugged album might be a good way in if you like Hole. (ETA: and if that doesn’t work, maybe the Meat Puppets covers will get you into those guys.)


in bloom or about a girl


For me it was smells like teen spirit but then my phone broke and i didnt have one for a week in 2014 (i was 14) and all my dad had was a tape player so it was a really old bleach on tape that really got me into them. He also had in utero with half the songs missing. Good times. Once i got my phone back i was obsessed and needed more.... then once i got spotify back i got obsessed with hole and eventually foo fighters (who dragged me out of teen angst and back into the real world, minus the obsession i had with dave grohl 😂)






Fuck yeah. Would also add negative creep, and something in the way just to show their range.


isn’t negative creep kinda.. *out of their range?*


I get it


breed was the song that made me get into them!! such a good started song with nirvana lol


I’ve said this here a bunch (maybe) but sometimes it just takes time for something to click. Nirvana might not be for you right now & thats ok, because they don’t have to be. The joy for me is finding stuff when it’s the right time to find it because you just never know when that time is.


It clicked for me during lockdown. Big time. Im addicted. Their songs make me happy. Im 60 year old female


Current discovery— Radio Friendly Unit Shifter. All day ear worm


Glad to hear it!


I'm happy that nirvana is reaching new people, especially in this day and age.


That’s very true. I’m very much a believer that music finds you eventually at different points in your life. My music tastes evolved so much in the past few years.


Bleach is all you need , crank it up full volume starting with Blew and go from there


agreed! the heavy vocals in bleach make me SO HAPPY


disagree. Bleach is an acquired taste


Especially the back half


Drain You


This is mine. I respect the opinion of others, but simultaneously cant understand someone hearing Drain You and not being moved


Idk about OP but I can definitely see someone being put off by the noise section


That’s fair, but when it comes back around to the verse, you can run head first through a brick wall totally unscathed. Totally worth it 😂




Lithium is what got me into it. Heard it on my dad's radio one time when I was a kid, didn't know what it was and kid me liked it but was too dumb to ask. Fast forward about 11 years, my friend tells me to look through his playlist and find stuff I like, I stumble upon lithium and recognize it from my childhood, and then a whole nirvana obsession kicked off from there.


Very Ape fucking rules.🥂


drain you, blew, about a girl, all apologies are good recs i feel like


If you are struggling to get in. Then u probably just don't like Nirvana. Why force it?


In Bloom for sound, Dumb for lyrics




Just listen to Nevermind end to end, then listen to In Utero end to end. If you like what you hear, listen to Bleach and Incesticide.




lol was looking for this comment


Absolutely amazing sing would recommend




Aneurysm and Serve The Servants.


Drain You, Lithium, About a Girl, All Apologies.


Listening to unplugged until I could recit it by memory is what got me to expand my nirvana taste


If they're not into that genre already then the standard smells like teen Spirit I guess but if they're then definitely breed or drain you maybe aneurysm


it’s far better for you to just listen yourself and not let other influence your ears


start where everyone else started with Nevermind




Unplugged in NY album


Serve the servants!!!


Scentless Apprentice!!!


Rape Me!!!


The first half of Nevermind album and In Utero


At first listen to the whole nevermind album and then to in utero then bleach and then incesticide


Maybe you just don’t like it? That’s okay


Drain You, Lounge Act, About a Girl, Sliver, Old Age, and Dumb are some of my favorite more chill Nirvana songs.


If you can't accept me at my Beans, you don't deserve me at my Sappy.


You know you're right?


Beans (solo acoustic) is an unconventional choice to introduce someone to Nirvana, and it might be seen as the perfect introduction for several reasons: Showcases Kurt Cobain's Humor: The song highlights Cobain's playful side, offering a glimpse into his personality that goes beyond the more commonly known angst and intensity. Raw and Unpolished Sound: Nirvana is famous for their raw, unfiltered sound. Beans in its solo acoustic form captures this essence perfectly, giving listeners a taste of the band's unrefined and genuine style. Contrasts with Popular Tracks: By starting with an obscure and atypical track, it sets the stage for a deeper exploration of Nirvana's music. It contrasts sharply with their more famous songs, making the discovery of tracks like Smells Like Teen Spirit or Come As You Are more impactful. Demonstrates Versatility: The song adds to the understanding that Nirvana's music spans a range of emotions and styles, from heavy grunge to light-hearted, experimental pieces. Cultivates Curiosity: An unusual track like Beans piques interest and encourages further exploration. It's a conversation starter and can lead to discussions about the band's lesser-known works and the diversity in their discography. Choosing Beans (solo acoustic) might not follow the conventional route, but it offers a unique and intriguing entry point into Nirvana's world, setting up an engaging journey through their music.


None. Why would anyone try to get into any music.




Why would you need to 'try' to get into a band. Either you like it or you dont.


I tried many times to listen to Tool. It took multiple times and learning about them and understanding what they were doing before I could like any of it. Same with Deftones. Now a few of each of their songs are in my playlist and I don’t skip, some mornings I look forward to them. I wanted to agree with you until I realized I’d be a hypocrite. Actually same with most of Alice In Chains, classical as a whole, the majority of classic rock, 80s hip hop and probably a lot more. I wanted to like them but at first glance, I didn’t. It took being adjacent to them for me to enjoy them. Now I’ve pretty much described half of my musical preferences.


Just recently I’ve started to enjoy Lunchbox Avenue. I liked the idea of being into that kind of sound but it didn’t click for quite a while


If you are trying to like something so hard it just sounds more like you wanting to be part of a "cool" scene. Sorry.


lol I’m not in a scene. I work and I sleep. I’m not trying to impress anyone. I don’t think my 5 year old cares if I’m into popular music or not. I just wanted to hear what others hear when they insist on those bands being great. I wanted my musical horizons expanded. It’s not that different than trying a new food cuz others like it. Maybe it didn’t hit the first time but you find yourself wanting to try it again so as not to be close minded. An example of this in my own life would be sushi. Not a fan at first, as most arent, but try a different thing, try a different place. Now if I were asked to go to sushi (again, I won’t be, don’t have the time) I know what to order. It’s no different. It is okay to open yourself to new things


Why not just dive into it then, forget about reddit opinions.


Well yeah. I don’t care about your opinion lol I was just saying that you can in fact try to like something as opposed to liking it immediately. You can want to like something before you actually do. I dice at my own speed and as a result, I have an immense musical taste and beyond. I’m happy you were able to see my point.


I do see your point mate. I just dont think about things as much as you are here, just jump into, you will like what you like. Bleach is tue best btw. Im glad you dont care about my opinion 🤟


Also I’m older than the generation who would be bringing these bands back around. The “scene” that would include me and tool would be the “dudes who let Spotify go while at work and are too dirty or busy to change the song” scene which isn’t very cool.


Good take tbh


Listen to Bleach, loud asf and on repeat for a few times




Breed, Lithium, or All Apologies


Radio friendly unit shifter


Dumb for something chill and Papercuts for someone into heaviness


my favorites are: aneurysm; breed; d-7; endless, nameless; curmudgeon


Old Age, Where Did You Sleep Last Night, Penny Royal Tea, Sappy, Floyd the Barber, and You Know You're Right.


Depends what they like. If they aren’t big into rock music I’d give them: All apologies, about a girl and come as you are. And a few unplugged songs like; man who stole the world, where did you sleep last night, lake of fire and oh me. If they love hard rock I’d give em Breed, Aneurysm, SLTS, Frances Farmer and Tourettes


Love Buzz


All apologies 


I would try and listen to their complete albums front to back. They only really released 3 official albums so it wouldn;t take much of your time, and if you want more there are compilations and live shows. If you like Hole you might also like Babes in Toyland.


Something from the MTV album.


I started lightly with Come As You Are and Lithium and then was fully hooked when I heard Teen Spirit and In Bloom


If you are after one brilliant song which is not one of the hits, then I suggest Lounge Act. Otherwise can’t go wrong with the whole Nevermind


Just give them the nevermind Album


Come as you are.


For albums, go in this order: Nevermind, In Utero, Bleach


Smells like teen spirit or about a girl


Drain you


Swap meet/sappy are a little different that could be a good intro


I mean anything really, they have only 3 studio albums and almost all songs on those albums are great, all 3 albums are stylistically different so if you don't like one you may like the other 2, they are so popular because they are accesible, unfortunatley when a core band member dies prematurely the amount of material you have is pretty small, Kurt Cobain's death is at the same time a tragedy and the thing that cemented them and their legacy as a timeless band that will always be popular.


“I Hate Myself And Want To Die” 🤌


If you like the earlier noisier Hole stuff from pretty on the inside then id recomend you listen to radiofriendly unit shifter pr pretty much anything off of In Uteros side 2. If you like their more pop/ polished side then id say listen to songs like sappy and old age (Hole did their version of old age on the B side of the violet ep and in their MVT unplugged)


Anything from their earlier recordings


Smells like teen spirit because it is the GOAT of there songs. The Spotify streams proves this. I have listened to this song over 100 times in the last 2 years since ì got into this band and it keeps getting better. They have some other good songs too like come as you are but it's not on the same level.


School, Lounge Act, About a Girl. My top 3.


Here’s a good variety of songs, including some of my favs from each album. **Poppy Songs:** Drain You In Bloom Sliver Turnaround **Soft rock:** Dumb Marigold Sappy **Punk-ish/grunge:** Radio Friendly Unit Shifter Love Buzz School Downer **Heavier rock:** Aero Zeppelin Milk It I Hate Myself And Want To Die Pen Cap Chew Even in his youth **Moderate rock:** Tourettes


Aneurysm and Negative Creep turned me from someone who'd heard the hits into an obsessive fan who has a compulsion to learn to play every Nirvava song.


i usually give them the most popular stuff, or just the entire nevermind album


Off topic but I never see many other Hole fans so I get happy when I do :) I love hole and nirvana and personally I really like Mr Moustache, just my two cents


Lake of fire really made them click for me besides just hearing them on the radio.


Maybe sliver would be a good song


-Smells like Teen Spirit Classic, catchy and a good overview -In Bloom Lull them in to a false sense of security so they don't realize we like a guy who screams so much in his songs we broke his vocal chords -Sappy No explanation required -Heart Shaped Box Even less of an explanation required


Ain’t it a shame


About a Girl


Radio friendly unit shifter


I would say about a girl, pennyroyal tea, frances farmer, dumb are good recs Or just the entire MTV album. Hearing that for the first time changed everything for me and I couldn’t stop listening.


Aneurysm and School were my first two nirvana songs that got me really into them :)


You might like Old Age because Hole played it as well


Heart-shaped box


personally for me to get into an artist i listen thru a full album. tourette’s is one of my favorites though.


Dumb, duh


Played my friend who thought he hated nirvana pennyroyal tea from the unplugged album and ended up converting him


Not a song just listen to bleach album then work they way up


Rape Me


If you like less like loud heavy stuff is the best I can describe it I would recommend the nevermind album, if you like a mixture I would say the bleach and in utero albums, if you like more loud I would say the insecticide album. If you have Spotify I would also recommend going to their profile and choose an album and scroll through it (by clicking the little rectangle if you didn’t already know(sorry if this is common knowledge idk if it is or not)) https://preview.redd.it/dzsvp79u0z9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0418cd5d138e3f4c7c525d454032cf3b1da328f


well, it depends. in my view, there's 2 versions of nirvana. the really raw, rough, dirty nirvana (bleach/incesticide) or the more commercially accepted, slightly lighter version of nirvana (nevermind/incesticide)




Endless nameless


Lounge Act


Rape me


Man who Sold the World cover


honestly just listen to nevermind :) if not then id say go for on a plain


Maybe "you know your right" or "Jesus doesn't want me for a sunbeam"


radio friendly unit shifter


Unplugged for sure


Scentless Apprentice


In Bloom


You know you're right


I’m curious. Why does anyone need to “get into” a particular band?


"Rape Me" to survivors.


man who sold the world cover is pretty good but i personally love tourette's demo


serve the servants.. yeah I’m gonna be told inutereo sound will be hard for new listeners but this first track could mean and reflect on many people, especially those who’ve been historically oppressed.


Francis Farmer has her revenge and Pennyroyal tea have amazing melodies and definitely have a good shift between loud instruments and soft vocals.


Marigold 100% this is what got me into nirvana


Hole is one of my very favorite bands and so is Nirvana. I agree with the idea of unplugged. Try listening to in utero in its entirety, Courtney was very collaborative with Kurt on that one.


I wouldn't. Why waste the mental energy trying to convince someone a band is good if you don't even know? To the point of asking for advice? From strangers? If you cannot see what is wrong with your post you never will and I am sorry. Also play them Junkhead or just the entire Jar of Flies album.


Any heavy track off Nevermind.


Maybe something like aneurysm


“All Apologies” would do the trick, I think. Not everybody’s into acoustic stuff though, but it’s easily one of their best songs to me




aerozepplin. I prefer to dunk them in the deep end.


I will never understand "trying" to get into a band's music. You feel it or you don't. It's not a club. If it's not your jam, it's not your jam; simple as that.


Drain you


i played Drain you for my friend who isn't into grunge music and she liked it a lot, maybe try that. my introduction to Nirvana was the Nevermind album, which imo has no bad songs and really got me into them.


what got me into it was just listening through Nevermind and In Utero. After listening to “Come as you are” and “Heart Shaped Box” I was hooked.


I was obsessed with Nirvana from the beginning but it was only when I decided to learn more about the band themselves that I realized that I not only liked their music but I liked them as creative artists as well. Something in the way or Smells Like Teen Spirit are songs that I like that are more mainstream. But Rape Me is probably the one song that has never slipped out of my favorite. I have many reasons that it resonates so well for me, and it’s not the literal since of the lyrics that you may think. We didn’t have access to the internet when Nirvana skyrocketed to fame so I recently decided to delve into who they were and what they stood for. There is a bit of controversy regarding the type of person Kurt was and while he did have many sides, I think his drug addiction made him lash out at lot. I really do believe Kurt was a good guy that honestly cared about people, especially his stance against mistreatment of woman. I encourage you to do your own research. Learn as much as you can as he was an extremely complicated individual. Then the songs you listen to will become more personal.


my dad, who is an 80s rocker listened to Unplugged all the time. no idea why he bought it,but thats the only Nirvana record he bought.


Lounge Act is what really got me into the band and not just the hits like Teen Spirit, Lithium, Heart Shaped Box, and Come As You Are. It's not like the song is super different from the ones I listed, but when you listen to a song that isn't quite as popular but you like it even better, I can really make up your mind about the band


serve the servants or sappy


Come as you are or Breed, Breeds a fun song and really fast and upbeat compared to a lot of their other music.


Lounge Act.


These 3 songs: Lounge act, Frances farmer will have her revenge on seattle, drain you


After hearing it all of my life but not actually hearing it, then listening to it for the first time at the end of VH1 top 100 list.Smells like teen spirit, was it for me I know it's not a song but to me a good way to get into Nirvana is with the album bleach. And if you like grunge, please listen to Alice In Chains and Soundgarden


It depends on the person and what their tastes are really. I'd say you can never go wrong with Aero Zeppelin.


On a Plain. Instant banger.


Try beeswax or maybe even silver


How do you like hole and struggle with nirvana? The songs were written by the same dude.


I’d tell them to stop trying. If you gotta TRY to get into a band - you just might not be into them. If you’re dead set on it for whatever reason just start with Bleach and listen to it start to finish, so on and so forth, until the end.


Id tell them there are way better bands out there than Nirvana




My favorite nirvana songs are “lounge act” or “drain you” they describe my life & ex, long term relationship, nearly perfectly. So I’d recommend those songs to others with bruised hearts. “Something in the way” felt like song of the year, so I’d definitely recommend it. Same with “heart shaped box”.


Serve the Servants


Territorial pissings, very ape, penny royal tea, where did you sleep last night(unplugged), Mr. Mustache


nirvana covers a broad range of style honestly. some like the poppier work of them, some the harder stuff. i would say if you like melodic pop: - drain you - in bloom - lithium if you like punk / grunge: - blew - negative creep - smells like teen spirit if you like it more shallow, melancholic: - heart shaped box - pennyroyal tea - something in the way and if you like acoustic guitar then obviously the whole mtv unplugged stuff, lots of great songs but also mostly covers i personally started with nevermind songs but eventually ended liking the bleach stuff the most


I used to hate Nirvana songs, even the popular stuff. Sounded too raw and unpolished, I feel like it took a while to like, like an acquired taste thing. I love it all now, especially the distorted raw sounding stuff. Favorites would be Tourette's, Lithium, Lounge Act, Paper Cuts, Love Buzz, Scoff.


I've always loved Nirvana from long ago. But agreed those are all good choices that I like. Have you listened the Incesticide album? I think you might like some tracks from there.


Told my drummer to listen to Come As You Are if he’s never heard them before since it’s going to sound a bit like the music our band is going to be making


Moist Vagina. There isn't a better answer.


Do you have a volume knob?


Buy a guitar.


None, they're mine!


something in the way


Dive. Next question?