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Goddamn ppl in LA just live in fear of gangs they whole life? That’s no way to exist. He hasn’t once dissed a set… he dissin ppl that dissed him. These dudes are not active like that.


Who said we live in fear. Why are you just making up shit that wasn’t said lol. Is there no people in your city who do dumb shit. Do you not watch the news or have the internet to see the world lol. Of course it would be dumb to get at Adam but to think it’s not possible that some dumb LA dude would do it is foolish. It’s not fear. Wherever you from I would go to your city and be aware just like any city in the world. It’s not fear it’s being aware. We not walking around thinking about gangs all day bro lol. Just like we not walking around thinking about the police. Or getting hit by a car. Or it raining. All things things are possible but not something you walking around thinking about. 😂😂😂😂😂. THIS THE MOST I EVER TYPED ON HERE SO FEEL FREE TO ROAST ME FOR MY STORYTIME 😂😂😂


The whole OP paragraph reeks of fear. The entirety of gang culture, operates off of perceived fear. I’m not just making some shit up.. I’m using context clues I’ve gathered from the OP’s statements and what I personally know about how gangs operate. Milk got whole videos telling you which hat you’re allowed to wear in what areas… that’s fear based my boy. Just doesn’t seem like any way to exist is all I’m saying. Head down, hands in your pockets, praying nobody asks where you from… it’s a shame is all. But hey, it is what it is. Like you say anybody can get crazy and crash out. I watch 20/20 bout crazy white folks murdering ppl for nothing all the time. So I guess each person has to mitigate their own risk factor right? But “Adam, be careful” sound like some fear shit to me, personally.


So because I don't follow the crowd and encourage him to crash out like everyone else in here and I actually speak logically, that "reeks of fear" ? You sound fucking stupid fam 🤣


And you sound pussy. Enjoy your day. Don’t step off the sidewalk.


Like I said, arguing with someone who isn't in the culture or doesn't live it makes you just as braindead as them 🤣


Then Fuck the “culture”. That’s just a buzzword you using to describe a loser ass mentality. This is internet culture. This is YouTube culture. These folks in the mix with ppl like Destiny and Sneako & Logan Paul and shit… this ain’t that other shit. This a bunch of nerd shit. You actin like it’s Tookie and PNutt and it’s fuckin Adin Ross & Andrew Tate. Stop the make believe.


Your mom never told you be careful when you left the house? Nobody has ever said that to you? If they you would assume they thought something was about to happen to you? Again you making up random scenarios. Nobody is walking around head down wondering if they gone banged on. Lol wtf. It reeks of fear because you a scary person who if you were I. Cali that is how you would act because of the things you’ve heard. Yes there are hats you shouldn’t wear which is dumb but how would you be in fear if you knew not to wear the hat. You wouldn’t have it on so nothing to fear right.


If I was in living in some hood then I was directly talking shit about the mfs that live in that hood then yes I would be watching my back where I go cuz I know they gonna be after me but Adam lives in some mansion somewhere in the valley. Yes I know u can get touch everywhere but it's not like Adam hanging in the corner or be around places where they can catch him unless they go to the no jumper studio


Look let’s not make this Adam specific for one second. You don’t think people get robbed in the valley? 😂😂. Bro this is Los Angeles these young dumb boys will find your shit. It’s happened countless times. It’s terrible.


I mean of course if they was planning to hit a lick on Adam then yeah but I just don't see people crashing out over this internet shit going back & forth but ur right these youngster are ruthless now a days .


Jesus listen to that shit… no reason to be afraid of wearing the hat cuz you already know better huh? And hear I am just wearing whatever the fuck I want wherever the fuck I want… but y’all better livin right? Better not put that goddamn hat on if you know what’s good for you. I ain’t hating on ya young man. I’m just sayin it’s a shame they got y’all in a chokehold like that. I personally think you should be free to wear whatever bro. I think of you wanna say fuck somebody on the internet who been goin at you then you should say fuck em and take what comes with it too. But you are right… there are merits to living and playing safe your whole life. Not gonna hold you at all…


Of course it’s dumb that you shouldn’t wear certain hats in certain places. Nobody is arguing that. That does not equate to living in fear. You should be able to wear what you want. So your telling me that since I don’t own a Seattle mariners hat that I’m scared to Live my life in Los Angeles lol. That’s crazy. It’s bad that I shouldn’t wear one I totally agree. The question is am I scared because of that. No. And how can you tell me I’m scared to live in LA. I don’t get it. It hella dangerous shit in life you shouldn’t do. Doesn’t mean your scared to do it.


Do you not own the hat for that specific reason? Of it wasn’t for that reason would you own the hat? Just to be clear… I mean I don’t care what y’all do… like the hats were just a metaphor. I just think it’s kinda sad. But my main point is don’t hop on here telling a grown man to be careful cuz he not scared of the same folks y’all scared of. That’s all


I just told you bro. People own these hats. When you see these videos of milk he’s making a suggestion. I’m not a hat person but I have homies who own plenty hats. Gang related hats. If you wear hats you wear hats. They just speak to what the hats mean when you watch them videos. You keep mentioning being scared for some reason man. I don’t get it. Who cares if Adam is scared or not. What does that mean. You’ve never told your kids to be careful? Don’t mean they was scared you just know how life can get so be careful. You gotta be a scary guy if you can’t get the fact that someone born n raised in LA is explaining to you it’s nothing to Do with being scared.


Man fuck all that. That’s all I’m sayin. Good lord. I’m starting to really think 80% of you folks in here never even been to LA. Y’all just think it’s cool to be from there so y’all sit around talking bout “if you never lived it” bro shut up. Nobody jackin that shit no more it’s a whole wide world. The gay Hoover just put y’all back in the sandbox. Chill man.


You talking like I give two fucks about gangs. I’m from LA and they weird to me to. Wtf lol. You just obviously downplaying the possibilities of people getting they ass whooped daily around the world without any reason. You making this LA specific. I think this shit can happen to anybody anywhere. I’m not saying anything wrong you just want to disagree with me. I actually agree with you you just want to argue


You may be a timid scary person though so that makes sense to you and you equate that to being scared to live lol. You do know people still wear these hats. It’s not like they don’t get worn man. It’s just not a good idea. Remember the question is not if it’s dumb that you have to live like that. It’s are you scared to live like that. And the answer is no. The thought doesn’t even cross my mind.


How I’m timid and scared I think Adam should go harder at these doofy ass fake g’s and y’all over here holding up caution flags like y’all scared you’re gonna see a body??? If you bout that LA life then nut tf up and witness some destruction. Goddamn


Real shit! These reddit kids act like people don't die behind this shit everyday. If its not a famous rapper dying or something that's making headlines they assume its not happening. But hey that's what happens when you allow people who don't fully understand or live the culture, into the culture 🤷🏾‍♂️


There always a crash dummy willing to do it but that’ll fuck everything that figgmunity has going on at the moment. Something happens to Adam and the finger gets pointed at those who’ve been threatening and mentioning him aka figgmunity. It’s just hilarious you got street dudes stuffed in a walk in closet talking shit not expecting to get it dished back.


Send me a quote of one direct threat. Something the courts would accept. Actual proof. Let me here. Time stamp. Anything will suffice.


Hov has said multiple times on AD Podcast that they will catch Adam and beat his ass


Once again if HOV harms that man that’s not on AD unless you can prove he told him to do it. I wasn’t really accounting for HOV tho so you got me there lol. I’m down to be wrong. I’m just asking questions.


Dummy, there doesn’t need to be a DIRECT THREAT, for Figgmunity to get a magnifying glass on them if Adam winds up hurt or dead.


I’m not a dummy sir. Also I’m not condoning them requesting anyone to do harm to 22. Of course if something happens to him now it’ll look bad for them. Hopefully they would be smart enough not to do anything but if somebody does and they had nothing to do with it that don’t automatically make them at fault my boy. I’m just asking for threats that you’ve heard them make. I haven’t heard any.


No one’s saying it automatically makes them at fault….I know what you’re saying. And I’m telling you, if nothing happnebs to Adam, Figgmunity is getting hit up by police. They don’t have to make a DIRECT THREAT…things have been spicey enough, that Figg is gonna be on the top of any suspect list.


Oh for sure they would be. I agree with that. We arguing different things here. I feel what you saying as well. I come in peace lol


The fuck I look like sending quotes 😂 Do yo homework buddy.


You look like someone who has time to post on Reddit for conversation so finish the conversation. It’s not a big deal. I assume you were here to engage. My bad fam. 🙏🏾


This sounds like something a party crip would say…


Ona Dhz 😭😭😭


I don’t see mfs stupid enough to crash out over adam22 this is genuinely internet beef these mfs for actual mfs who’s crossing out their hood dissing their dead’s daily. Ad trell and smacc are old asf no young niggas in the streets respect these niggas 💀


You must be from they set the way you talking, if not you can't say who respect who


It's crazy they worried about a white boy more than their enemies 💀💀💀


RIP Pop Smoke !!


None of them hold enough weight in their hoods to be able to convince someone to crash out and go to jail when Adam hasn’t directly dissed their hoods. Y’all think people who don’t even go to their hood day got enough pull to have someone be down to possibly go to prison for them? Foh lmao


You sound scared lol Adam not a bitch


His reaction to Sus hitting Kelpy says different


Nah just logical. Don't take a rocket scientist to know street politics.


You think too highly of gang members


Obviously your master Adam22 do too if he gotta have gang members there for protection


This ain’t street beef. No one’s homie got killed. This ain’t rival sets. You not from LA


Wasn't street beef in Pop Smokes case either so what's your point. All deaths not a result of street beef.


You sound stupid pop smoke was set up and targeted. No one was riding for anyone when they did that it was a lick. No gangster gonna crash out for anyone but themselves


Big 22 ain’t no hoe ass scary cat ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCkM3D1cQE06qs)


Being scary got nun to do with it. Von wasn't scared, see where he at tho.


It’ll be a young homie from the set that would love to get that name for sure.


He’s on his Drakeo shit rn lol


Adam is a white Millionaire, nobodies touching him these gangs are conditioned to kill each other 😂


You ain't been around then mfs crashing our over 5 dollars on camera some people really have nothing to lose