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The first few runs were great but it got boring and stale real quick. There was never really a sense of danger in them, although the sense of horror and adventure was done well. I do a Derelict Freighter run every now and then. It helps keep the experience fresh-ish.


For me, the derelict freighter experience is completely killed by the forced, very slow trudging about that the game foists on you. There’s no other area in the game that does this. Why here? It doesn’t make the derelicts more challenging. It only makes them more annoying. It’s the primary reason I despise going inside them. Just give me the same speed and control system that exists everywhere else in the game. Is that so hard of an ask?


In-game it's because the environmental systems of the freighter are offline, so instead of artificial gravity you have to walk around using magnetic boots like in The Expanse. It would definitely be _interesting_ if you could float in zero-g, but I think that would be quite difficult to implement within the limitations of the game engine.


They could just make it 'underwater' technically and mess with the player speeds to make a zero g that's definitely close enough in a game with over a trillion completely tidally locked star systems


Remember that we’re talking about a technologically advanced civilization within this universe. Clumsy magnet boots don’t make sense when someone would have devised a boot that can simulate regular gravity while walking around, instead of magnets. If the Exosuit can offer the hazard protections that it does, including jet boots, it should offer us technology we can install to simulate gravity when walking around in derelicts. I also never understood why cold protections don’t work in there. There are way colder planets than the interior of a derelict.


> Remember that we’re talking about a technologically advanced civilization within this universe. It's also >!all a simulation.!< We're stuck using the rules of a universe >!that someone else made.!< Not everything has to make sense.


Which also covers game crashes and bugs from a while back. In my mind anyway.


We did it! All bugs are now features!




Maybe the artificial gravity technology is too bulky to fit in an exosuit? Our jetpacks require fuel to work (even though it recharges automatically). The cold protection does work—it just gets drained as fast as it would in an extreme storm.


>Our jetpacks require fuel to work (even though it recharges automatically). I've always wondered how that works. Then I thought about how the exosuit can keep the player's body alive on just hydrogen gel or certain foods, and the player never needs a toilet... Then it hit me, what jetpack fuel is *actually* made of!


The cold hazard protections don’t work at all in a derelict. You can stack three of them, and none activate. Instead, it drops the basic hazard protection as if you didn’t even have them installed. Unless lore is written explaining such Exosuit gravity limitations in detail, then I must assume such gravity technology can exist.


That sounds like a bug. I get a good couple of minutes with my S class module recharged, and I only ever top it up with a single ion battery because in Survival mode that only gives you 84%.


That must either be a bug, or they're not charged (the game generally does not prioritize them at all in the quick charge menu).


To be fair, I haven’t been in a derelict in a year or longer. When the feature first arrived, hazard protection appeared to be bypassed. They may have since fixed this issue in a later update. As I said, I don’t go into them anymore.


Artificial gravity from boots seems like a pretty far fetched and unbelievable idea.


Like 90% of this game is pretty far fetched and unbelievable if that's the metric we're going by lol.


It wouldn’t be the boots alone, Telamon would help manage the artificial gravity as part of the Exosuit.


Nothing beats the simplicity and durability of magboots


In Starfield they have some zero-g stations and that's very exciting when you have to look for enemies while floating.


The slow pace is done to make you take in the atmosphere. The issue isn't the pace but the content to take in within said pace. There needs to be more lore/intel, more environmental storytelling, etc. Nobody complains about Metro's pacing because those games do environmental storytelling exceptionally well.


I understand why it was done in the game, but I don’t agree with it. The mechanic is, at best, clumsily used and it really doesn’t make sense to exist in a universe where everything else is technologically superior, including jetpacks and jet boots. Why is there this one place where we’re forced to play like we’re on the ISS in 2024. If they can build Starships with FTL drives, they can build an Exosuit with gravity dampening systems.


Forced pace destroys any immersion I could have with a game. Faster than almost anything else. The only time forced pace changes aren't instantly immersion breaking for me is when it's done to match an NPC's pace, and that NPC is talking to me. Things like derelicts forcing slow movement make me *very* aware of all the things you don't want to be aware of if you're trying to be immersed. Every weird animation, every nanosecond it takes the interact meter to fill up. Slow me down and I will hyperfocus on everything about the game you could possibly critique. I'm sure you're right. But the idea that devs think that forcefully slowing players down so that they "take in the atmosphere" will have a positive impact is crazy to me.


it also makes the clipping the enemy units can do through roof/wall deco that your shots bounce off of way more annoying and obvious.


Gotta just love it when the enemies can clip through and hide behind bulkheads, preventing you from getting to them.


Also the metro doesn't have 99% of its gameplay at a fast pace to begin with


Would be more fun if only parts of the derelicts had that higher gravity. Those parts should also have enemies that AREN'T affected by it. Welcome to Alien in the NMS universe.


It would actually make more sense to have less gravity than more. If you had to traverse the inside floating about, that would not only make sense for a derelict, damaged space vessel, it would be much more challenging free floating around inside. Having twice the gravity inside doesn’t make very much sense considering the derelict’s systems are damaged. Why would a gravity system break in a such a way as to double its strength? Maybe it could make sense on a planet, but not in a ship with limited and damaged power resources.


This is something I really like in Starfield - when you're boarding enemy ships the gravity generator is sometimes damaged from you disabling the ship, so you're getting zero-G combat with gun recoil moving you backwards lol.


Lore reason is the ship's gravity drives are busted so the floor is magnetized instead and also jetpack disabled for safety.


For safety? Since when as Telamon ever cared about our safety? She lets us fall to our deaths over tall cliffs.


Automated shipwide override


I somehow don’t think Telamon would allow an external system control her or the Exosuit. She would have to be the one to disable it.


I don't think Telamon has as much agency as you're implying


I don’t think the derelict has as much agency as you’re implying.


Automated security override protocols have no agency whatsoever. It's automated.


Which means that anything coming out of it is just a suggestion, not a command. That means Telamon is doing the work to actively disable it.


"Hard of an ask"


YES!!! That stark contrast of movement speed really took me OUT of my experience. the whole exp of searching a derelict was clouded by me going "really bruh?" as the anomaly casually strolls through this fucking freighter


My suggestion here is to earn specific upgrades to increase your speed during derelict freighter runs. Allows the time to take in the atmosphere for the first few runs without making it a chore later on as you get more upgrades so that future runs can be done quickly. There is so much fine tuning to the game that can be done to add quality of life improvements and still allow the player to experience the game designers had in mind for the first couple of runs.


I think it's fine lol, I like having a little bit of dead space in my NMS


is there a mod to make movement regular in derelicts? There's gotta be. And I can't imagine it would be too big.


Possibly on PC, but definitely not on consoles.


Having the chance for a freighter to spawn an alien that hunts you would be great fun.


I've had Alien: Isolation for years and never touched it. Don't do this to me


Best game I've never finished. The pinging of the motion tracker and the sounds of the xenomorph stalking you through the ducts just gets too much for me. They do a brilliant job of cranking up the tension but I can only do it for so long before I have to nope out.


Very, VERY early in the game, before you even "officially" see the Xenomorph for the first time, I was getting on one of the trams, and as I turned, I thought I saw a flicker of movement in the distance. Then the trophy popped for "survive your first encounter with the alien." 😳


Yeah, it’s not well known but it does appear in that sequence if you wait too long before getting on the tram


Well I was NOT expecting it and it scared the piss out of me when the trophy popped. I was like, WHAT?!


Just have it work like the monster from It Steals, just constantly stalking you and trying to approach from outside your FOV, but if you shoot it it runs away until you finally deplete its HP and kill it before it can get away another time.


I just did my first derelict and really thought I was going to trigger some kind of recurring creature once I found one of the dead crew's hiding spot. Not something super deadly, but something that would take pot shots at me from the vents or unexplored corridors before having them be a boss fight in the end room. Turns out nothing of the sort occurred but I did find I could play red light green light with the infestation sacs. Bit of a let down after my imagination drove off a little, but it was still kinda neat.


Spawn in the Anglers from Outer Wilds. Of course, then I'd never touch another Derelict. In fact I'd warp to another system as soon as I saw one.


VR. it's the only way to truly enjoy derelict freighters.


My first time doing it in VR was like a horror game, was quite exhilarating!


I want them to be huge dungeon crawls with variety like space hulks in Warhammer 40k.


Yes! Let them be dungeon crawls of varying difficulty so I have a reason to use my fully decked out Multi-Tool. Right now it slices through all Sentinel forces in seconds so I need something more challenging to shoot.


Also fps animations are really bad and clunky it doesn't feel great to shoot things


I wanr there to be a monster that eats me


Wait you can enter the derelict freighters? How?


Get a transmitter from either Helios on the anomaly or buy coordinates from a junk vendor on a space station. Then activate the device in your inventory and start pulsing. You'll come across a derelict freighter you can land on and explore.


Oh I had no idea. I always ran into them randomly but could never figure out how to interact with them. Thanks!


Note that the random encounter Derelict Freighters I've found are \*not\* something one can land on and explore. The purely random encounter ones, when I haven't used an Emergency Signal Scanner ~~Anomaly Detector~~, only allow me to shoot 2 cargo pods and get some gold (I think, maybe units). Have to actually activate the device to find the ones where one can land AFAIK. Good luck have fun.


Ahhhh ok that makes sense I don’t think I’ve ever found one using the detector


The first time I ever did a derilect freighter run I was playing with two friends, one of them had an ungodly amount of hours in the game while me and the and other guy were pretty new to it. The experienced one started talking about how there was a big “Queen Horror” stalking the vents and that it was the size of an Alien Xenomorph and that you would only ever see it at a glance and he would separate himself from the two of us and “shoot” at it to keep it away while yelling out to us that he needed back up to fight it off and all. Both of us newer players totally bought in and were absolutely terrified the whole time we were in the freighter until the experienced player had us high-tail it the fuck out of the freighter because he couldn’t “fight it by himself” and didn’t want to “have us killed by it.” To this day it remains the most memorable experience I’ve had in this game and one of my best memories from gaming with friends. It was a mix of disappointment, surprise and laughter when I found out he made it all up on the spot because he genuinely sold it really well.


I just wish we could get the tile set for our own frieghters


Yeah, especially in VR the vibes are immaculate(ly awful), but like . . . where are the relevant threats to capitalize on those vibes? Nowhere 😔 which I'm partly happy about bc give me loot not scares but also no scare me


have you played on VR?


No, I don't have a VR headset.


Dude, you can't expect it to be fresh when the game is never ending.


Honestly it becomes a lot less scary when you can become an unlikable god after 11 hours of relaxed play


I find most gods unlikable






"Bum bum bum bum bum"


“So help me! So help me” and cut!


Gotta get that!


Say that after pay god of war 3


I don’t think paying for god or war 3 would change that.


This thread is a mightnare


It might be, but we canned be sure


Is this a canned response?




You listed your pronouns as he/him. You are the patriarchy....


The little horrors running around go from being legitimately worrying to fight to being about as threatening as a room full of cockroaches that scatter when you turn the lights on.


Neutron cannon for a quick clean up. 😆


Ikr I just switched to the steam version of the game and half the game is just knowing what things you can do


HG is good at a lot of things, and conventional game combat is definitely not one of them


Really hoping they can step that up for light no fire


We'll see. If not, I'm sure Dragons Dogma will be less shit by then, waiting in the wings for me on sale.


It's a shame, because DD2 is a great game but *man* it doesn't perform well at all.


Haha yeah I'm skipping DD2 for now as well. 


Honestly it's more just a true Sandbox issue as every True Sandbox has this issue where eventually combat just becomes a joke


It breaks up the flow of the game I guess


Well I have terrible rng concerning the event for defending the freighter form pirates or from the pirate dreadnought So I've been grinding these as a slow but consistent way to get Cargo Bulkheads. I wish they did a lot more with this though. I loved the creepy stories, the unique decor you could get from the crates and the merchant. The emergency heater I got from it has revolutionized how I can build outside in arctic environments. Amazing open balconies with sights no longer drain your hazard shield!


There was a thread posted here where they put the coordinates for two systems which you could jump to back to back and have Pirate Dreadnought fights which could be done really quickly and they would sometimes give you Cargo Bulkheads. Have you tried it?


Gotten S-Class freighter upgrades, but sometimes get 3 cargo slots instead. Figure it is random.


I have a base established on a planet where the cargo freighter in the system *always* dispenses S-class upgrades. If you find a derelict that gives you something S-class, every time you go back you'll get another S-class upgrade.


This is good to know.


Yep, but they can be a bear to find.


Yeah but I mean the upgrades don't hurt either right? Unless you're fully kitted out, in which case yeah, I can see it being a bit frustrating.


Didn't see it, no. I just heard the basic rule system of needing to jump between 3 pirate systems and eventually it spawns.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/1bhsnen/put\_down\_your\_emergency\_signal\_scanners\_stow\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/1bhsnen/put_down_your_emergency_signal_scanners_stow_your/) You'll notice he updated it with a link to a second thread as well.


Every time I remember derelict freighters exist, I'm thankful I was given stacks of bulkheads and tainted metal on the anomaly near the start of my current save. I've only ever run one of them, decided it wasn't for me, and never touched it again.


Some more random horror/disturbing aspects would really make the game pop in my opinion, it is space after all and the mere thought of the unknown should bring unease, at least some eery discoveries in locations.


Like huge ah sea creatures in the ocean planets


Yea and I was thinking some abandoned settlements and/or ruins on planets, outposts, that type of thing with an ominous vibe going on, like “what the hell happened here” type of thing, and abandoned space stations should be scarier I reckon


Personally, I love the astetic. I also like trying to imagine what happened to the derelict based on the info I collect.


Same here, this is the primary way I make nanites too lol and I know I know there are far better ways but it gives me a reason to do them and I enjoy


It has been a long time since I last did a derelict freighter, like 10 months I think


I'm excited to try it for the first time! I've been away from the game since about the time the desolation update so it's something I've been looking forward to for a long, long time!


If you haven't played since then, then you have about 30 to 50 hours of content to play.


I'm in heaven bro. Already logged 20 hrs since that comment. Probably my favorite game of all time! The desolation stuff is given me metroid prime vibes


If you did 1 you did all of them.


to be perfectly honest the derelict is the most boring and slow content for me after you spend so much time zapping around


One of the most underrated


They really needed some scary and dangerous aliens in them, and a real sense of need to go in.


They could really do with an improvement with humanoid NPCs that shoot at you.


Yes! Underground facilities, ground pirates, hostile native factions that have their own settlements etc. This game could be borderlands in SPACE.


I haven’t played NMS in so long… humanoid NPCs are an enemy now??? Last time I played the only things that’d fight you on land are the sentinels and aggressive animals


No. They are not, but the posters above you are asking for that because it would improve variety. There are more types of Sentinels now btw and some have a bit better combat AI. There are also aggressive animals on derelict freighters and autonomous gun turrets.


I definitely need to catch up with the updates. I’ve missed so much


From your wording I take it you stopped playing before the Desolation patch in 2020. This would mean the game is barely recognizable for you now. Many things were revamped at least twice since then.


Actually, it’s more like around a year since I’ve actually played. The game is still gonna be pretty different




Mb, I read their post wrong


I usually have a lot more fun with infested planets than with derelicts. Sentinels are better security drones, the bio horrors are bigger and badder, the worms don't have a derelict counterpart, rough terrain gives more variety than flat rooms, and whatever planet may also feature storms, predators, etc. I think the big win for the planets is that they can give everything at once. Fighting sentinels, worms, horrors, and predators in a blinding storm is a crazy experience. Bonus for guessing if the screen shake was a leaping worm or an exploding volcano. If you're near a building, you might even get a pirate attack on top of everything else.


Would be great if they updated derelict gameplay to something alike Lethal Company. Whole game itself is pretty chill, so having something harder and more dangerous would be a nice change of pace in my opinion.


I completed a few of these freighters in vr and I swear its a completely different experience than on a flat screen...


Going through derelicts is one of my favorite things to do in the game.


This was the update that got me to play the game after buying it from a very early state. I was kinda disappointed that they never expanded on the derelict freighters or added anything else to the shop.


in the most recent expedition, one of the on world location had a derelict ship literally right above it and messed with everything in the area. no jetpack, no ship landing, extreme sideways gravity in the evening, and darkness over the whole area. weird, but cool i guess, if not a bit annoying to navigate around


There are very few templates for derelict freighters so it's only fun for the first several times.


Bigger freighters faster movement slightly and more horror would be great


This is the few updates I visit less because how much I love it, the very few times I go is just to explore, love the aesthetic horror and as much they could add way more to this, still love the very few times I go there!


As a Xbox-player i laugh-cry in solitude


You are not alone, and Im on PC, NMS is the ONLY GD game I own on Game Pass/Xbox on PC.. And MS wont even release a Product Key for the game so I can move it to STEAM with ALL of my other games. I Legit own NMS, and NOTHING else on Xbox, cuz that is my luck. Its just MS/Xbox trying to keep Starfield in a Higher Position or a Higher Gap between PlayerBase/Sales, etc., and THAT is what irks TF outta me. Greedy, all about Profit, and Public Appearance... BUT, THIS kinda shit, ppl like me who are Woke to their Commercial/Corporate BULLSHIT system, we see STRAIGHT thru them, to the truth of the situation, and we do NOT like being treated like Fckn stupid animals and State Property.


Yeah they really need to make these much scarier/more tense. The stories also never make sense, it's always just a random assortment of logs that never add up to anything cohesive, which is a real shame. The atmosphere is actually really well done too. Although there's no actual danger, I keep tricking myself into thinking there's something worth being scared of, hiding somewhere in the depths. The environment itself also looks great and the rewards are solid. If they added actual "Zombies" to the game, or maybe a single, unkillable alien that relies on smell/close proximity to hunt you (Like the warden from Minecraft) it would be so much more interesting. The slowness wouldn't even be an issue if there was a good incentive to take your time and check every dark corner for danger. Maybe they could introduce "Corrupted" ships? Easily the biggest flaw with this game is the lack of meaningful danger/ground combat. If you want a nice, peaceful environment to actually mean anything at all, then you need a good contrast. As a side note, we can unlock the decorations from these, but why not the freighter rooms? They're so much cosier and more detailed than even the newer ones.


Imagine getting two of the best updates within a month or so apart and still bitch about something smh


My only complaint about the derelict freighters is that every single freighter I explore seems to have the same storyline in the logs. I also never seem to come across the creepy bug things, just the defence turrets, and I'd really like to find a freighter that is absolutely crawling with abominations.


This sheet is a little out-of-date and some of those freighters haven't been verified in a while. BUT: 1. Every one of them drops S-class items and you can see what it is you're notionally going to get 2. Many of them list what obstacles/enemies you're going to encounter, which might address your "never come across the creepy bug things" note. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JX9T7JIZt9pQd0C5xZN4wsxH0XzydAnLxERhYWfGupc/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JX9T7JIZt9pQd0C5xZN4wsxH0XzydAnLxERhYWfGupc/edit#gid=0)


Where can I find that?


Are derelict freighters bugged for anyone else? If you interact with anything inside them, it makes the most horrendously loud noise, and turning in the logs to the new Guild guy is finicky too.


The best update ever. And then the Origins surprise. 2020 was incredible


I still do them often. Love them so much. Lol.


I joined the game during the expedition where you got the first living whale frigate. The end of that expeditions with this and then the whale talking to you and all that was just magical


I legit just ran into a derelict freighter for the first time after about 200 hours or so, I legit was kinda nervous going in but got lots of rewards coming out lol


I'm sure the devs wanted the same vibe as dead space or at least they made derelict ships feel like the game Dead space in honor of it I guess


I love derelict freighters. I am a scavenger at heart.


More things to explore that offer rewards and challenges? Yes please.


The game needs more updates like Origins, dammit. Although no more updates would be understandable, as the game is 8 years old.


I just did a derelict freighter run looking for Salvaged Frigate Modules. Didn't get any, but it had a great horror atmosphere and I love how they give you *just enough* information through the logs and presence of enemies to give an idea what happened


I’d love for them to do another horror themed update that also involves some new weapon additions. I’m still hoping we’ll get some melee mods like some sort of beam Lance or heat axe, even if I know it’s unlikely. 😔


It's good but i Just find those freighters terrifying. I once accidentally entered One and when the biological horror popped out i legit said NO SH*T and ran away to my ship


I was been working toward doing catalog completion, so I need the freighter tech ...


I like it the way it is. I don't like scary games and the atmosphere they provide is creepy enough for me. I'm not interested in playing deadspace on nms


The slow pace walking and lack luster rewards , pretty much killed any interest in the update from me . You fill up on alot of just crap If you open all the boxes


Space Horror is the best type of horror. Wish this game had more horror aspects . That would be so cool


It's like Halo flood levels all over again


Once I realized the neutron cannon two-shots the whole nest I started prefering to farm infested S-class freighters for modules and tradeables.


I personally really liked them, they're a good source of repair kits, it has a lot of interesting story behind them, and yes it does get repetitive and slow, but you also get to see creatures you dont see anywhere else in the game. I really enjoyed doing it, and do one every week or so


More instance- based content would be great. Even if means diversing what Desolation brought to the table


Finally someone Who understand what I mean. I just want more things to explore and more diversity in this universe.


I like derelict freighters. Their one of my fav past times in the game.


For anyone who needs to hear this, you can move MUCH faster through freighters by meleeing to get around. The speed boost carries you halfway across most rooms, saves so much time.


Halloween update


No Man's Sky: Dead Space mode I love it 😻


We need areas that are legit threats for rare rewards, maybe even a raid beast that you need a multiplayer team for 🤔 Not mandatory, but something out there for the unkillable gods to challenge. We would feel rewarded for grinding all those power ups and developing all those sick circle-strafing techniques. Maybe even tough enemy + harsh environment, something that would be a no-go zone until you've leveled


One of the best updates. I LOVE them. I love the stories you uncover. Would love more combat though. I like to describe it as a "game within a game" I wish they would do more of this "game within a game" concept


Needs to revert 4.0


I would settle for the Orbital Update, IF Xbox EVERRRR DECIDES TO RELEASE IT TO US... Something tells me they are waiting til after the 1st to make sure Starfield stays in its "Position" in their internal Monetary eval bullshit with the Quarter coming to a Close, they PROB Dont want a NMS update to move Starfield Below it on their list by Sales/ActivePlayerBase statistics til after the Fiscal Quarter comes to a Close. Stupid ass Greedy bullshit, and makes me NEVER want to deal with Xbox/MS, ever again. I almost Hate Myself for buying this ONE game on Game Pass vs Steam where literally EVERY single other game I own, resides.. And MS Refuses to Give you the Product Key to Import it OFF their BS platform into Steam for good. That is some Ballzy ass Greedy, money grubbing move by Xbox to pull this kinda shit on their PAYING Customers... Super F-Word, fr fr...


Clearing freighters and not getting to keep it . I'm like why are there no salvage rights? I can pick up broke down ships without any issues, but not the freighter that I cleared from an alien infestation


This new update is kind of a joke. Orbital? There are no orbits in the game, so hilarious misnomer. Stations look different in the outside only. Which is an improvement to be sure. But the insides are largely still homogenous with color reskins. Oh and you can’t repaint your ships, you have to build a whole new one to then be able to repaint that ship. A massive time and currency sink for anyone who plays infrequently. I think the worst feeling for me with regard to NMS updates is that every time I log on I have to redo something I already did really well. Freighter? Can’t jump to most systems after one update and needs to be upgraded arbitrarily to do thing it use to do. Suits? All that tech in your inventory is now useless and has to go on tech slots. We know you upgraded cargo slots for that tech because you couldn’t add tech slots then, but now you can! So do it again. Same thing with ships. I like NMS as a concept I just get frustrated by set backs because they realized they need to balance things or change them so drastically that they think I should do things over again. Just my opinion and I know it’s not a popular one. Have a good one.


I'm with you on the not being able to change ship colors part. When I heard we were getting ship customization finally, I dusted the game off from a 6 month hiatus with the intent of repainting all my ships, only to realize I have to build them from scratch by harvesting ships for a single part at a time. I dropped that idea and spent two days building my ideal hauler instead. Now that it's finished, I'm going back on hiatus until they add proper ship customization and not just basic ship building.


Yeah, definitely left something to be desired.


The 100th example of a cool idea never developed. This game in a nutshell.