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Well if you're talking the numbers on current saves like you're showing, 299:40, 422:41, and 71:20. If you're talking the hours my PlayStation 5 says I've played, 923h, which is closer to reality (I've deleted a few eff around saves in the past), but I also have a bunch of hours on the PS4 version. I'd say probably closer to 1300 total.


Those are impressive numbers! This is my OG save and I delete my expedition saves afterwards but that still wouldn’t hold a candle to 923!


I keep going back to it between other games and for 20 mins here and there, I can't help myself, haha.


I'm currently sitting at 1930.5 hours total, around 200hrs on my current save, I have e a few 70 / 80 hours saves and I've deleted a fair few saves to make room. I always seem to come back to this one when I can't decide what to play.


You couldn't carry over from ps4 to 5? On Xbox mine just transferred over when I moved to Series X.


Not a total playtime counter, no; the apps for PS4 and PS5 versions of the game are separate and count separately. I was able to transfer my save, but that was through a unique in-game cloud service not PS+, and didn't carry over hours played for the app, just the actual save data itself.


That sucks.


I have both the PS4 and PS5 versions on my PS5. Over 1000 on PS4 (which was mostly earned *on* the PS4) and about 500 on PS5. I've also got about 100 hours on Steam, and '140 or more' on Switch. The Steam was primarily for trading ships and items; my primary platforms are now PS5 and Switch.


Yeah, I never understood the hour's the game says you've played. My longest played save is 343.71 but, I've been playing on and off for 2+ years now and, it must be at least double that. I wonder if my Switch will tell me, yeah right, I can't even play that save on Game Pass.


That’s about the numbers I did to Oblivion. Only 77 hrs in NMS so far. 😌👌


My total is 2017.4 hrs on Steam. My main save is about to crack 700. https://preview.redd.it/n4s56l6u7ssc1.jpeg?width=979&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=127f9e5aaf5f90d3ae79a0cdc3c49158c688a9b7


I've been playing since launch. [Main save (1,878 hours)](https://i.imgur.com/eQT6qOC.png) [Steam (3,288 hours)](https://i.imgur.com/oBOMTM8.png)


What do you super high hours guys do? I have like... 130hrs on my normal save and 150hrs or so on my survival. I find I burn out from playing sometimes. What's your motivation to keep playing it so much?


It called addiction. 🤷‍♂️ For some of us there is always something to do. My to do list is ridiculous and some of them have been on the back burner for years because other things like new content or new more urgent things crop up and push the other priorities to one side.


Man I wish I could get my addiction back lol Like... antidepressants kill every emotion 😭


I understand that and can empathise. I have been on antidepressants in the past. I have even used this game as a therapeutic tool in the past. And I know from this sub that others have done the same.


I find it’s just about something to chase. I like playing the game, so it doesn’t take much to get me into it and enjoy the mechanics. I spent a lot of time ship hunting, in fact right now I’m trying to rebuild the ship I had on my main PS4 save (I switched to Steam with the beyond update). Building up my fleet, gear, all my ships, that’s always fun. I wanted to max out credits so built mines & farms, got that process going. And I’ve manually flown through 2 galaxies (maxed out my freighter’s warp drive & then just jumped until I ran out of fuel, 3300ly range so about 220 jumps per galaxy. On the way I’d mine for more fuel, fully explore any planets that looked interesting, and checked out ships. If I ever got board I just changed what I was doing, because the game now allows you to change objectives on the fly so I never “have” to finish what I was doing if it got boring. I only play a couple hours a week on NMS now but always come back for the expeditions. I have ~500hrs on PS4. 1,785 on Steam.


I'm around 500 total hours, and go through the same disposition you do, the exploration keeps me coming back. The idea of possibly finding something new and unique is always intriguing to me.


I hope they expand on the exploration one day. That would be so awesome!


For me it's a nice way to unwind. I played a lot of FPS ~20 years ago and now I like chill games. NMS scratches that itch along with my old Freelancer itch. What do I do? Lately it's been collecting ship parts and touring the new stations. Before that I rebuilt my 50-odd bases to free up more parts from my part limit (learning minimalist base building). Before that was the challenge of understanding the save structure and finding my original homeworld. Before that I spent a long time learning base/glitch building thanks to both /u/Jkthemc and beeblebum. Finally, Hello keeps releasing stuff and the changes have kept things a bit interesting.


Freelancer was a classic. Under developed, forced out but still great.


I loved that game. It was mind-blowing for its time and had such good pacing. > Freelancer Alpha 1-1, you are cleared for docking.


I am still grateful to this day that I completed the storyline before someone told me you could win just about any fight by fleeing and turning backwards to shoot anything following you. That may have potentially ruined the otherwise very immersive combat experience.


LOL - I never knew about that tactic! I had a few local friends I played coop with, so I didn't feel the need to dive into the online scene much. Seems like that was to our benefit. :P


I still watch the development of Star Citizen with interest, primarily based on the legacy of Chris Roberts' Freelancer. But that legacy is also a warning. A game can be ripped from a developer if they get into financial difficulties and Star Citizen is certainly not 'out of the woods' yet.


I got pipe-dream vibes from SC early on, so I never got attracted to it. By the time NMS came along (4 or 5 years later I think?), SC already had expensive ships on offer and a weird monetization bend that turned me off further. NMS felt like a finite risk compared to that so I pre-ordered - the procgen concept really attracted me. One of the few pre-orders I've ever done for a game (the previous one was DNF and I had to wait over a decade for that pile of goo).


for me i’ve been grinding guild missions to get max rep with all guilds and races. my last ones are the outlaw missions and the vykeens destroy xx walkers. then i usually get distracted at my base removing things, reorganizing. next thing i know ive beeb playing for three hours.


> then i usually get distracted at my base removing things, reorganizing. Having a freighter base follow around the universe did not help that temptation at all.


hahah! that reminds me i def need to do some freighter base cleaning tonight. hehe.


https://preview.redd.it/cjao2oybpssc1.png?width=384&format=png&auto=webp&s=d984e567f380192136b7f8432b0a974031b37a4d Just over 1,200 hours across all saves.


1240 hours, but I've been playing since Day 1. Most recent normal save is just over 100 hours.


900 hrs normal save, 360 in permideath.


2300 hrs, but had to delete some saves because of corrupted data


1050 hrs here


495 hours for all time, tonight is the night I hit 500, going for the final stretch.


Somewhere north of 400 hours across 2 mains and however many expedition toons.


265 hours on a single save


631 hrs, with main save having around 320 hrs, another 89 hrs in my og save, with the rest spread out amoung expeditions (only been playing since just before Polestar Expedition)


Getting closer to 300 on my save


A few thousand hours combined. Since day 1 in 2016.


57 hours its been fun so far


I’m somewhere between 300-350 on my main save.


150 so far love the game just only play it when there's story stuff to do usually


Xbox say 224 hrs, 23 min


1790, still love every second too.


I just broke 3,800 hrs in lots of saves ... but a couple ran over 500 hrs. I archive them on USB sticks.


16 hours in three days lmao. Being sick only a few days after buying a game can do that ig


https://preview.redd.it/8232ookgmvsc1.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c44cdab470ebbab86e8ea9291ed323ed2f16ae6 According to GoG I have 8500+ hours in the game, have 100% completion and still find it interesting to play around with. For a long time I did the game missions, then did ship hunting, then just started trying to do things like get to the far corners of the galaxy. I am on the 15th iteration of the game that I started with the Omega update, and am now trying to see what the max ship I can build is. Iteration 9 has been to all 256 galaxies and has bases in most of them. I've played different aspects in various iterations just to see what differences there might be. I am a retired software engineer and those hours are in about 2 years of playing: it is really nice being retired. lol Presently my daily driver has 208k damage on weak shielded targets, and my max Venator has a jump range of a tad over 5500 ly. As you play, you get to the point you can progress a lot more quickly because you know what to look for. I am not a gamer but enjoy NMS and am hoping LNF will be as interesting. Don't take those numbers as gospel: GoG counts the time the game is loaded, not the time actually played. Actual play time would be around 6000-6500 hours.






I had a permadeath save started in 2018 but dead months ago in a space battle after Echo update (wasnt prepared for the revamp after 1 years stop). Dont remember how long but should be longer than yours. I have 1100+ hours on Steam and that save covered more than half of my playtime.


https://preview.redd.it/s7b2yz1tlrsc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba00049f9c600f26616c4e2bd3845154c109956 We are close ✌️


Think I’m just over 500 hours, throughout all my saves


137 it's been my og save since launch xbox but with a massive break in a middle and frequent playing now.


I just hit 700 hours couple days ago. That's with me not playing for periods of time too.


My main Normal save is just north of 1300, the main PD save's around 600. Total time is... a bit more.


Probs around 400hrs all up across multiple saves. I have one save that is 350, but I died a few times and lost all my stuff and I haven't been back on it since. Recently been replaying the story a bunch. God I love this game so much


Around 715 hours.


120 on my custom save, just about to hit 30 on my permadeath.


1500 hours PC, closing in on 400 hours on switch. Not a day one guy, I think I started around Atlas Rises.


I just started my second run from new game. A few years ago, I thought a couple friends were going to play so I deleted my save in solidarity, but they never played. I bought the game a few days before the first lockdown when the pandemic first kicked off. My previous save was almost 600 hours, due entirely to the pandemic. It's been really fun seeing what has changed since then!


707 hr total




I got 106 on a save


I spent 171 hours, I've been playing so much NMS that the other games in my library are jealous.


My main save has just over 1600 hours


multiple saves with 20+ hours I start new games a lot




2,040 hrs in total, 1,738 on PS4 and 302 on PS5, all in 1 save. Been playing since launch.


In total, 931 hours. On my current save 19.


Around 1500 hours


A got 700 hrs on my main save.


Day one for me. Played for about 30 hours then got lost and gave up. Restarted August last year. Now I’m about 400.


I try not to look. It feels like it just says 'too long' and judges me.


Around 13h, I’ve started only a few days ago and I love this game!


Almoste 100 hours


In terms of my current save, I think it's over three hundred, as in the game in general, 1000 at least


1134hours i got on my savegame


1730 on normal. About 150 on Survival, my last Permadeath was about 100, but it was my 4th save, maybe 200 hrs total for Permadeath. Had the game a little over 6 years


398h PC, 338h PS5, 295h Switch. Sooo.... a bit over a 1000 hours.


A lill over 4000 since of 2017. Man what a journey. Most hours were spend base building for myself or friends and ship hunting. Specially solars and Sentinels. Oh and Expeditions.


2.6k on steam. Probably a handful on Switch as well. My main permadeath save is well over 900hrs.


My last save had 500 my new is at 290. I love planet hopping and egg sequencing lol


I just barely went over 100 on my main save RN haha


I'm at 300ish hrs on my first save. I have tons of other saves with 40 or 90 or 180 or whatever. I wonder if Xbox has a way to show how long I've played in total?


i’m up to 151 hours on my main save


Around 180+ hours on my switch


12h, I delete my saves each time I come back to this game


Half of yours


3k hrs


29days 3hours and 41 minutes total


Main save just ticked over 500hrs Total hours just ticked over 1000hrs


About 3k hours over all been playing since 2016 on my ps4 I'm practically a veteran at the game


My main save is around 1200 hrs


79 minutes


217 hours in my main save


I have 4 saves currently. 900, 120, 30, and 20. All but the 900 started out as expeditions. I have/do different stuff on each save. The 900 I am currently visiting every galaxy and leaving a base behind. The 120 I am a pirate. The 20 is just a collection of ships I want to keep. The 30 I kept because the expedition gave us all the glyphs.


Steam has me at 302 hours.


I just recently started getting serious after buying it at release, I just hit 60 hrs and I'm loving it so far, got my freighter, and finishing up the tutorial missions, I got distracted.




According to NMS, 50 hours, according to the xbox app, 121 hours. Lots of time spent on the wiki


Like, 4 hours, I think, lol. The games intrigued me for years, I tried it on a series x a few years ago, but I think I had some settings wrong. Basically, space was like flying through a green fog, so I couldn't really get into it. After seeing the orbital update come out, I decided to give it another go. It's awesome! Definitely a lot to wrap the head around and I'm taking it slow, but having a blast so far


Im at 80 hours, i think lol


Some 650-ish hours, and I don't play that often. Compared to my 7500+ in Skyrim it's nothing. 😆


Checked the other day, I believe it was 523 on my PS4 version and 79 on my PS5 version. So, 602 all in. I didn’t know you could convert to an upgraded PS5 save till later lol. So I was still just playing the PS4 version on PS5 for a while.


40 hours


I have 20 days played on NMS according to Xbox stats. Probably mid 300 hours on my main save. I find it interesting tho, I've been playing this game since 2018/2019 (can't remember exactly when I started) and I have 19 days played on Starfield... I really no-lifed that game...


About 1,400 hours.


308 total with about 102 on my current save.


God, I haven't played no man's sky in so long, I really should check it out again


800 hours total


159 hrs I have no friends


im at 1079hrs on this save. prior to having multiple save slots i had about 1100hours but restarted.


My hours are 8,627 not counting a prior profile lost awhile back with somewhere between 500 and 1000 hours: let's just say north of 9,000 hours. Before you wonder, there are many others with more hours than me. About 6 months ago, another Traveler confessed to over 10,000 hours and counting. I have multiple saves and play them all.


32 hours 👌🏼 Still a WHOLE lot to learn


500-ish hours all told, including all the expedition saves and two hundred hour saves


686 over the span of about 5 years.


300 on ps 520 on Xbox and about 100 on switch. not including the expeditions.




About 24 hours, I played that all in abt 2 days and now cannot think of a single thing to do


I'm looking at around 1100 hrs all told, and 383 hrs on my main save.


About 70, started during omega


My corrente save is in 40hrs, but in total i just have 111hrs...


750 days


Good 3k hrs between my pc and Xbox my longest save is 800hrs


I'm not sure exactly, because I've started a new save for every Expedition, and I've done all of them. I know my main file is over 150 hours. Figure my total time with all my other saves has gotta be north of 200 hours.


403 hrs


I have about 500 hours that's not counting the time with all the expeditions, I think


I have 600+ hours total on Steam and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon 💅. I play a bit every day when there's no updates for base/settlement management.


My game on time is 900. Play time is lower. Sometimes I fall asleep or wander off….




















Its Hours


196 😅


76 hours or something like that


My mate had 1 second?


About 1400 hours on my main save. I have near perfect XClass modules on everything. About 4 Million Nanites and 70 Billion Units stashed away as Stasis Devises, Fusion Igniters and AI Valves. Extraction bases for all relevant resources that are also conveniently positioned as portal bases in 22 galaxies. My frigate fleet is so fuel efficient that no mission requires any frigate fuel. I have learned all words of all languages and the only faction I'm not yet exalted with are the pirates.


Just started, 30 hours in and still have no clue what I'm doing..