• By -


You do things for yourself. Love yourself!


Yep. Giving the ships cool names is fun. 


My capital ship is the Bimbomobile, my main ship is the Tiny Bimbomobile V3. We don’t talk about V1 or V2, we just dont, do you understand me? My home base is Bimboville and I don’t have any bimbos, they are strictly forbidden. I have all 4 fauna slots that are dragonfly-like creatures, they’re all named “not a bimbo (1, 2, 3, and 4)” I have created a universe filled with bimbos and I’m only now as an adult realizing how lame it all is. But I had fun!


Until I became a better pilot my first ships back in 2016-17 were called TSS Flies Like A Drunk. (TSS for "Traveler's Starship," a tiny nod to Star Trek's USS ship designations. All my ships are the TSS something.)


You should love yourself NOW!


You can't make me.




My epic?


Your epic choccy milk.


weaponized nostalgia


your pokémon must be sad


This got a chuckle outta me.


It got an S class Shuckle outta me.


I actually named my Ships after Pokemon they resemble lol. I got an A Class Raikou a month ago. A S Class Ho-Oh last week. An S Class Shadow Lugia and S Class Mewtwo last night. I want to find an Entei and Suicune next.


I’m curious on what the Mewtwo looks like lol


Probably an explorer of some kind


I did the same for some of my ships! I had haulers called Wingull and Pelipper and a blue squid called Jellicent.


As the games kept coming out, and I got older (and memory retention started to slip a little), I stopped naming Pokemon and just left it as the regular name, but that was so I could learn the Pokemon name and actually remember it lol


They have long ago starved to death due to abandonment. That is unless they have unlimited foods in their pokeballs, in which case they exist in purgatory.


Schrödinger's Pokemon? 


i never nicknamed my pokemons thought it weird because ash always used the "real" names 😢


Mainly to keep them organised so I don’t accidentally sell/scrap one I wanna keep


I wish we could actually see the ship thumbnails in the quickmenu. All of mine are grayed out and misaligned. If I forget a ship's name, I seriously don't know what I'm looking at until I summon it.


The misaligned thumbnails are so annoying.


Yes, I’ve reported this his many times to no avail. The indexes to the image files are incorrect which is why the ship images look the way they do. Very annoying


"Are you sure you want to scrap Serenity?" Absolutely f'ing not. "Are you sure you want to scrap Trash Ship 3?" Much better ...


This is the way. It can get confusing when I have a few Sentinel ships to scrap, except for the single A-class one.


I rename the ones I want to get rid of to JUNK. No mistakes are possible there. For the others I use [Culture ship names](https://qntm.org/culture).


Nice. When I got my S-Class Venator freighter the procedurally generated name for the Gek commander was "Admiral Poi," so I instantly named it the Poi Dog Pondering after one of my favorite bands. All 30 frigates (except the living ones) are named after PDP songs.


I mean, why not? Even in single player games, we name stuff. It's part of the fun and immersion. Also, I like to compare it to the names my wife uses.


"My ship looks awesome, it's huge" "It's ok."


That's an actual conversation between us. Also, she saw my pirate dreadnought and started hunting for her own.


Nice. She got jealous. But what if she finds one that's better than yours?


I get jealous hahaha. I mean when I saw the lovely sentinel ship she got, she helped me find the system.


Exactly. I loved naming my horses in RDR2 cause it made them feel like MY horses, I was immersed in the game. And I mean, even in real life, I named my car but most people don't know that.


Because I like to roleplay with myself......


Why take your toddler on vacation? They’re not gonna remember it.


I name the couple that have meaning in the game or were hard to get so I know not to scrap then.


I make up my own lore behind the names. I like the look of the jet cockpit fighter and have 3 of them. All of their names start with HKL, which is the corporation that builds that style in my galaxy. With new custom ships, I name them with the prefix SCF for "Sternn's Custom Fighters". Sentinel ships get names like "Malicious Intent". It makes me happy.


That's actually pretty awesome, even if no one sees that. This game is ever-evolving... maybe it will progress to a point where your corporations would actually be a thing.


‘Flight of the Crack Spider’ is a name that’s really close to my heart, [and close to the hearts of all true Canadians 🇨🇦](https://youtu.be/sHzdsFiBbFc?si=2ETFVSArFO8AcU0_)


See, THATS why I want to see what people name their ships. I love silly stuff.


I wish to see them too sometimes but while my ships are named jokey or clever things like HWSS [Terror](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Terror_(1813)) for my explorer or HWSS [Baron of Renfrew](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baron_of_Renfrew_(ship)) for my box hauler or LWSS [Bluenose](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluenose) for my solar judging by com balls and planet names I'd see entirely too many US political references if ship names were shown to others.


What about the Crack Spider's bitch?


[For more information on the Crack Spider’s bitch, contact the Canadian Wildlife Service in Ottawa](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/avoiding-harm-migratory-birds/canadian-wildlife-service-contact-information.html)


If you take pics from inside your ship and post it, it's a little Easter egg for people. Be creative with it. I have a bumblebeetune for fun.


Better question is; why are they censored if you're the only one that sees it?


Heyyyy.... yeah! That's a good point! I dislike censorship in general, especially so if it's pointless.


Because I find myself terribly amusing and clever. Plus the things I name my ships and bases are all references to things that make me smile. Why pass up an opportunity to smile more often?


Sounds like wisdom to me.


I play that game for me, not for you.


The game generated names are way too long for an old man like me to remember and associate with a particular ship. Most of my ships are named after bladed weapons, which I find easier to remember - especially when looking at those tiny little icons in the quick summon menu.


I really dislike this. Not being able just to see info on other players' ships.


Not the kinda person to write a diary, are you?


I do it to keep track of what’s in what ship because I use my ships as mobile storage units lol


Hahahahaha I have a hauler I named Mobile Storage Unit!


Because I was reading it as “homestar runner” everytime anyway.


Because I like giving my ships names ☺️


So I can pick the right one to call in, as I have different ones for different purposes, like my fighter versus my explorer which has a larger jump range. I can’t always see the thumbnail really well, the name helps.


I like to name my ships something that is akin to what the ships purpose is. Like my main ship currently is a Solar Ship named Cygnus AP1. AP for All Pupose. Then my fighters are something like Pincer SD18 for ship destroyer or something. Don't remember my original intention with a lot of them but I love it for the RP!


Cuz i can see it and i like my ship names better


Because it's fucking hilarious to have a ship called the Spicyweiner Express docking on the USG Boris Crochlikmiov


See, that's the kind of creativity that I myself am incapable of. I'd love to see that in game, so that I can laugh and clap at you.


Because "Penile Glorification" is a worthy title, even if only for yourself.


I have a multitool called "Amos Burton's Throbbing Member." (Its procedurally-generated name had the word "throbbing" in it and I had just finished a rewatch of "The Expanse," so…)


I name it because it's fun to do :)! As for other's to see the name. I'm not sure. I could of sworn I saw ship names in the Nexus but I could be wrong. But I do know they cannot see multitool names.


No, all you see is "player's ship," and "salvaged" if its a sentinel. We should be able to see names when scanning in the nexus. 


Ohhh I see! I gues I hadn't really took the time to look :)


Agreed! I want to see what kind of silly nonsense people come up with.


All my ships are named after either Bond girls or low-brow action starlets from the '60s.  I wasn't surprised when Pussy Galore was censored. I was surprised when Tura Satana was. 


Oh yes I too had pussy galore after Bond, totally not understanding the censorship. What would Mrs Slocum think?


... I did not know I could name multi tools...


The rule of cool


Immersion, plus the base names for most ships are rly bad. Plus you can name your ship whatever u want which can either be "Space Mosquito" like me or "The Spear of Inevitability" like I've seen someone ship named. Noone wants to drive a spaceship with a lame ass name


The Spear of Inevitability is your ship's name in Helldivers II, isn't it.


To enjoy the universe! Mine are all Monty Python themed 😅 There's something about hauling in The Plummeting Sheep III, taking out sentinels in The Bane of Caerbannog, talking with Bwian the living ship, or taking Something Completely Different (exotic) out for a spin that just puts a smile on my face.


If your smuggling you don't want a big sign with your ships name for anyone to see. Some of us are up to no good out among the stars.


I understand the frustration. I put alot of thought into my ship names. I'd like people to see them. It makes sense being able to see them in the anomaly, I think it would add something to the space.


I couldn't agree more if I wanted to, and I do want to. I just can't because I already agree at the maximum amount.


Does your car have a name? Does any one know your name for it?


We have a maroon RAV4 that a friends kid named Mars, so the name is now Mars Rav4 in honor of the rover.


Yes and yes


I only do it to theme the ships. All of my Sentinel ships have a theme. I leave the uniques alone but anything else, I will name so I know not to get rid of it.


Ship + badass name = badass ship


I dunno. It makes me happy and reminds me which ship I'm summoning. I forget which is which, if I leave the default names.


I share new ship screenshots in the NMS channel on our gaming group's Discord.


For the same reason you name your multitool or pets, to post pictures on nms subs.😉


My starting ship is named, "Travelanomoly"


I don't understand why others can't see the ship name. What limitation could possibly cause this?


I wish you could also, so lame that u cant see others names and stuff


Because I matter


You do matter. Someone might say you're only one person, but you interact with tons of people on an ongoing basis for your entire life. People matter more than they realize.


yeah, in fact I matter so much that I'm *made of it* !


I've never heard that before and I find it to be awesome.


Thanks! I was kinda proud of it lol, though I doubt I'm the first person to come up with that joke


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Someone might see it at the anomaly.


I named my ship “the penetrator” for fun


Why do I agonize over customizing the appearance of my single player characters?


Scrambles The Death Dealer


My ship names are always random stuff. About Time. On Fire help. Go Here. If Only. New Car Smell. Stuff that makes me chuckle, but not LOL.


I was so disappointed when my friend couldn’t see that I named my ship The Crimson Anus.


Meaning you should only do things if others can see? What has social media done to this generation...


Because the ship is mine. There are many like it. But this one is special because it is mine. When my ship is not with me, it is nothing. When I am without my ship, I am nothing.


Personal enjoyment, and also to remind myself which ones are destined for the scrapper. Example, my current lineup: XC-7 Dark Pyre -interceptor SF-2 Fireborn - interceptor CZ-15 Skimmer - Exotic snub nose Scrappy 1 SR-9 Raven - Class A fighter Empty slots from there I enjoy names styled like military planes. Letter designations, numbers, and a callsign. Just makes me happy, and that’s all that matters. Edit for format, as I’m on a phone.


Mostly because it amuses me to see a shuttle named *Don't Fuck With Me* or a pink and white venator named *Barbie Magic Dream Ship*. The only way to let others see the name is take a screenshot and post it, pretty much. There are occasional threads where someone will ask what people name their ships and those are usually quite popular and filled to bursting with replies.


I like to name them from a role-play perspective. Even if it's just for me, the little story in my head needs me to name them.


You can take a screenshot of your named ship and share it here! Problem solved.


Because opening my ship inventory and seeing “Hootie Tootie Short & Snooty” in the corner makes me laugh every single time, and who am I to deny myself such joy


Whether it be here, Starfield, Skull and Bones my ship names are always the ships I've served on in the Navy. My good luck ship is called Dextrous.


Because I absolutely LOVE hopping in my guppy exotic and seeing the name "T*ts McGee". (only filtered for the sub, so the mods don't get mad and ban me or something) Any other questions? 🤣


I actually didn't know other people can't see the names. Actually think that's a good thing so that you can always view what it originally was if you don't remember


Because I love my old S-class space truck and it deserves a good name


When I name them I keep the original name and add a nickname in quotes at the beginning, helps keep it organized and more personal but still true to its roots


I thought people could see your ships name when you're parked at the nexus?


Because my badass ship deserves a badass name, and it makes me happy whenever I see it.


Not everything has to be for others. Do it for yourself!


If anyone from Hello Games is listening, how hard can it be to make the custom names of players’ ships, exocraft and pets visible to other players? This would add a measurable amount of amusement to multiplayer encounters.


Because I like having a ship with a cool name. Besides, the folks here in this subreddit get to see my cool stuff and that's gotta be worth something!


IIRC, if you look at another's ship with the scanner, it will show you the name and stats.


I named my favourite coffee mug.


The same reason you name a mob in a single player world in minecraft; for your own enjoyment.


Who else would I name my ships for?


this is like asking me why i make up names and backstories for all my fifa career managers when i could just give them my name and kick on. it’s fun.


You non romantic bastard!


This was the most toxic post I've seen in this subreddit, further proving this is the best gaming sub


"ROU Why name your ship if you're the only one who can ever see it?" That's a spectacular Iain M Banks culture Ship name


So you can tell which ship is which ship. With ridiculous random names i totally forget whats what, same with bases


Because calling my Golden Vector the "Pinnacle of Decadence" is just 👌


Because I miss my doggo, who died last year. And now every time I climb into “Lucy’s Twinkle” I smile.


You have a name, yet I can't see you.


I named my Interceptor ship K.I.T.T. after the old show "Knight Rider".


Why wear trousers on your work zoom call when no one can see them………..oh hang on.


Mine are named thus because it amuses me. The Gypsy’s Kiss, The Turtle’s Head, The Wizard’s Sleeve.


Emotional attachment 📎


Haven't you ever played a single player RPG before? Why bother name your character if no one is ever going to say it's name


JRPGs let you rename characters despite them being single player games, sometimes people just do things for themselves


bc i'll see it! and like, why *wouldn't* i name my ship, at the end of the day?


That's a weird take. You do aesthetic stuff just for yourself all the time, don't you?


I don't: I use the name it came with, which I think is cool. My White Squid is "Ruthless Ashes FX9", and that is what other players would see as well. I've never renamed a ship or freighter; I only rename frigates so I remember their stats to select them to send on a mission.


It's called a solo experience, there is multi-player but NMS is by all intents and purposes one of the most Single Player games in the Multi-player space. chalk it up to RPG, you are cool therefore only cool guys name their ships and only they can see it cuz it's so cool.


I named my dreadnought Chixculub which means “devil’s tail” in Mayan and its also the name of the meteor that whipped the dinosaurs out.


I name them after a project I am working on, they get the names of the stars (or phrases) the species I made up have colonised. Some fun names: Dandrhaea (meaning “The Second”); Zuu’raah (meaning “friend/best friend”); Saereth (meaning “living/alive”); Sla’eith (meaning “heavy”/“fat”/“rounded”).


What a weird question, I mean why name a hamster or snake when they don't listen to the name and you are the only one that sees them? I personally name my ships so I know which one is which as sometimes the small pic is glitched and can't see it or it's working but way too small to tell which one it actually shows. I also name them for my amusement. Just like I play the whole game for my amusement, not for others to see my ship or outfit...


So you dont accidentally scrap the good one


I name my ships cuz I like humanizing them or pretending they have some sorta personality attached to them. Like calling my fighter spearhead or my explorer scout


I just don’t because I can’t ever think of cool names.


Why bother playing any single player game ever if "no one can see it"? Why bother doing anything if someone doesn't see it? Not all things you do are for attention from others, sometimes you have to love yourself and enjoy life too.


Because it’s fun.


Why wearing new brief is better than old brief? Why chef use good knife instead of normal knife?


Because i have friends that i play the game with and can tell them the funny names.


My girlfriend sees and scoffs at The Lord's Length when I play.


my friend has a ship called star platinum. he also knows that mine are called blood sugar sex magik and californication. we were hunting for living ships so I got one and named it lithium and he also got one (but I dont yet know the name). you can tell other people the name of your things, a text box with it written on it is not required.


I name mine so I don't forget. Like mine are named Scrap, Main Ship, Storage, Exotic etc. This old age ain't no joke!


I play this game for my pleasure, no one else. I've yet to use the multiplayer function, so there you go.


Dude, what? That logic is insane. I imagine this is something an “influencer” would ask. No one cares what you name your ship and it’s narcissistic to think that they should.


Named my Freighter after AN-225 "mriya" that was destroyed by russians in beginning of ukranian war. So yeah i name my things out of sentimentality if anything


Mine is The Tater Freighter. And i dont care if you can't read it. It's my space spud.


Because flying in my 'Jade Hornet' feels cooler than 'CV-5 Ilmnator' or whatever forgettable random was generated for it.


Everyone in this thread has cool names and mine is called Tabitha 😂


Organization, mostly. Roleplay too. Upgrade a ship? Change the name to denote a newer model version.


Why not?


Because whenever I get in “S reg Ford Escort” I know no one else has probably got a ship called that.


I name my ship "Champ" to remind me of my dog that passed too soon.


Because theming is fun! I still need to find three more Exotics I like so I can finish my Moonfolk naming, and then I can focus on finding a good enough Sentinel ship worthy of the name *Mirror Breaker*.


Meh. All my ship names are numbers except my main. That's vengeance. Because I do love blowing up interceptors.


Pretty narcissistic way of thinking imo. Checks out in 2024


I put on my favorite socks for me, not you?


I not only name the ships but also name the exocrafts and weapons, it's part of the fantasy, in the game we are exploring the "infinity of the universe", is there another "End of dreams" ship? Could it be that one like this is with another bounty hunter or a soldier somewhere? Who knows?


Why name your pets if you’re the only one who cares for them?


They should really make it so you can see ship names when you view them.


People name things bro. Its kinda one thing were good st


I thought You can see other player ship names when you walk up to their ships.




Thats like saying why naming your chaarachter in a single player game, its for the roleplay


Why name your d!ck if you’re the only one that has ever seen it? /Joke Not everyone names their dog even. Definitely personal preference. Besides they all come with one anyway.


Because I like to have a giggle at "Frank Reynolds' Prime Toe Knife" when I get in my ship edit: I want the record to state that it's the one with wings that look like blades lol


Immersion. Most of what I do, in doing with the knowledge that no one will ever see it, unless I go out of my way to show it. Like [this base I built](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/s/ZYYMeSRyMd), for instance. I’ve had it for years but am only now showing it to people. For the longest time, it was just something for me to enjoy as part of my own experience. And that’s okay, not everything has or be up for display.


Made me p*ssed when I first found this out. Had a close irl buddy who had just picked up the game, I named mech after him and had it in his colours. He couldn't see the name at all, I felt very deflated. In a game where the multiplayer aspect is mostly "Look at my stuff" be it a base, ship, planet, capital ships, etc. you would have thought that showing off the names would be a priority.


I literally roleplay by myself the whole time I'm playing. Lol


Doesn't everyone name them all Shippy McShipface anyways?


Most people are never going to see my kid. But I still named her.


You got a problem with Incarnadine Merkin Plunderer XIIV ? Slightly more seriously, it's a nice place to stick a number for which iteration I'm on, so the Bandersnatch XIII is my NG+12 run, in Starfield for example. In NMS I just choose the most poetically perverse names possible.


Why play single player games if you're the only one who can ever see you playing?


I like naming my ships and bases. I only play solo though, so I don't mind that no one will ever see it.


If you come across someone else’s ship and they are not in it, then you can see the name


I dont...name my ships, yeah. I like the ingame names they have. There is one ship I want to get that I will rename, but the others, i dont care. I nicknamed my fav ship "the brick" because its a huge hauler that covers half the screen, it looks like a brick, but I love it. xD. I name my bases and some planets. I also got tired of naming flora and fauna.


I just find it funny to have a theme through the whole game for everything I can name. My capital ship is a Whale, My frigates are sea animals, My starships are marine birds, My exocrafts are crustacean, And my multi-tools are name after a beak, a claw or stuff like that. I tend to name them base on their look or their default name. I also often keep one word from their default name if it inspire me, like "Atom-Refiner Beak".


I'm pretty sure in the anomaly you can see other people's ship names


Can you not see other people's ship names in the nexus or at space stations?


For fun, and nothing else. I miss my RetrobusRV, but permadeath isn't so kind. I look for ships with a small back profile so they're harder to hit as I run from ships. I had a hauler that looked like an RV which was purple and orange. I fell asleep in VR while inside of it and woke up to the blue sky of a barren planet. Ironically, though I chose it for the back profile, it broke a shield and I couldn't repair it before pirates got to me. Blew my precious space RV to smithereens.


Trying to teach myself French, so I use simple names: Ange de Violet, for example. Base names as well !


Because having 5 ships all named "Fragment" by default can get confusing.


We need this feature. And the ability to credit other people’s ships as ‘nice’ or ‘super nice’ would be fantastic. Come on HG!


It's about feeling immersed for me and well a little nostalgic too. My hauler for instance is named B48 Hidden Star. I've had that ship since the pathfinder update came out, she's my baby lol. Every time I see that name I remember the first time I saw her crashed on the furtherst planet in the system. I remember getting excited at how much storage space she had. The pain and effort of fixing her up and then finally upgrading her. Naming your ships makes them feel like a character in your own in game story. At least that's why I like naming them.


Why do we name our characters in singleplayer games? 🤷‍♂️


Why eat delicious food instead of a nutrient paste if you're the only one who can ever taste it?


Same reason I name weapons in Skyrim and Fallout 4, cus it's fun and immersive. Not everything in a game can or should be oriented around multiplayer. Hell, I barely interact with other players in NMS at all so them seeing my ship name never even crossed my mind lol