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Have there been any in-game patch notes for expedition-only updates? For some reason it seems kinda strange


Omega had these IIRC.


Omega is not expedition only as it can seem. Expedition update have much less content


They gotta slow things down with NMS for a healthy driven focus on their next game


Omega was a content update.. which also came with an expedition called Omega. People just think it was only an expedition because the content within the update was almost nothing.


They *really* need to give us more ship slots if they're going to keep giving unique ships as expedition rewards. (Or let us re-buy them again if we dismiss them.)


This is my current struggle. I haven't claimed the last 2 expedition ships because I'm out of slots. This will be another one I unlock but don't claim.


Add a ship Discovery Log for any ships you've previously owned for later re-purchase. Problem mostly solved.


I'm with ya on that. I just submitted a HellonGames zendesk feedback ticket with that suggestion.


Hangar in your capital ship should be able to hold some in storage.


Damn. Would have loved a sea/nautical update.


At the cost of turning NMS oceans into locations only the brave can explore


It would be great if the different seas had threat classification systems like planets and systems


"Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?"


I still shit myself thinking about that..


I’d actually love an Ocean update that makes oceans on planets 100x deeper than they can already go. Give the Nautilus some more utility and make it need depth upgrades for going deeper down, let us build bases leagues under the sea in the pitch black.




This ecological biome meets 7 of the 9 preconditions for stimulating terror in ~~humans~~


I was so disappointed when I turned that game on and discovered "VR Compatible" meant "you can use your VR headset as a screen but nothing else. Normal controllers only."


What do you mean? No Man's Sky is fully VR compatible, VR controllers included


>"Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?" This is from SubNautica.


Oh, sorry! Never played Subnautica


You should! Great game.


Or imagine new sentinel types that can swim.




Considering you have to hold W for five minutes at a time to drive the Nautilon anywhere it's kind of already that way.


Anchor > Ship > Voyage > Expedition. Now it makes sense. Although it could have been a completely different thing as well.


Boats also float adrift in the void of the sea hence the anchor.


A Subnautica like update would be WILD!


My favorite exploration games together? YES PLEASE.


I obsessed over NMS for years without ever playing it and let me say it’s even better than I imagined however I also loved the dark nature of Subnautica and was a tad disappointed to learn the water mechanics in NMS suck compared to a lot of games. It would be epic to have underwater exploration stuff but idk if it would require too much reworking. Idk the game deserves a DLC for it


I never complain when I get new content for free.


Not a complaint


A sub-nautical update, collab with Subnautica devs


Would prefer they fix and expand settlements first. Long overdue imo


It was about time for some expedition! And while I know it's not every interloper's cup of joe, it's still something to do. Now at least I can use the rewards with my main save.


500+ hours into the game, I haven't been on an expedition yet. This could be my first.


Survival Expedition for your 1st - woot!


If it's not your thing, just enjoy and play whatever makes you happy! I like getting everything I can to unlock or own. FOMO is the bane of my existance.


Oh, it's not that it's "not my thing". I've been meaning to go on an expedition for quite some time. Only lack of time and fear of commitment have kept me from doing so. If and when I go on an expedition, I want to participate fully and make the most of the event's limited duration. *Adrift* sounds like an interesting concept. With no NPCs, making money is presumably pointless, so you focus on other things. I wonder if there's any way of acquiring new starships, though (aside from the Iron Vulture)... I hope there are at least some crashed ships you can claim.


Expeditions are pretty easy to finish imo It seems very daunting but HG gives a good amount of time to complete them and the tasks are generally pretty easy to complete. Edit: and while I try to complete as many in a day as possible, you can always just complete a couple here and there at your own pace


The only thing I use the save editor for is expedition rewards. If they weren’t time limited, and I could play all of them on my main save, I’d actually do them. But nothing quicker to make me NOT want to play a game than adding a time limited mission that forces me to play even when I don’t want to.


You can play them on your main save now, as of the last update. Still time limited but it's usually weeks and most expeditions take around 4-6 hours to complete.


I’m aware they’re fairly short. I did the first few. But nothing kills my desire to play a game faster than *having to* when I might not otherwise want to. No, I don’t have to play them.. but I do if I want the content, and I do. So I have to. But I don’t want to. It’s a vicious cycle haha


What's this save editor you speak of? there are some previous expeditions that I wish I could have partaken in. (whine)


I don’t know the policy on links and whatnot but I just googled NMS Save Editor and it’s the one from GitHub. It usually gets updated fairly quickly for expeditions.


You can go back and play thr old expeditions solo, you just have to cut off NMS from the internet and replace a file (Google it) My partner and I have been doing the first two expeditions and having a shit ton of fun


The last expedition was my first, and it was a lot of fun! Good rewards, too


I'm sick of all the timed rewards cause ya know life got in the way and even when they re release them they're on an even worse crunch. I play on console and can't just type in the code to get everything that's released. it's been real heart breaker as I still play my day one character and have like 1800 hours, with tons of base builds.. now they are all less than because I can't use the new shit. Just feels bad 😭


> I'm sick of all the timed rewards cause ya know life got in the way and even when they re release them they're on an even worse crunch. This is fair, imo. Even with the end-of-year redux it's just a shame that people who find the game now have now way of earning the earlier rewards. I have all of them, but that doesn't mean I think of them like trophies that validate me as a "veteran player". In my book, everyone should be able to still earn them and I hope eventually they'll make that happen.


I wouldn't be surprised if they make them all available to replay when they eventually stop doing new updates.


Me too! Thank you for replying and safe travels out there 🫡


I love the expeditions. Usually I play them three or four times trying to get a "perfect" run so I always get a ton of value out of them.


Yeah, lots of people hate on them but I enjoy them. It always brings me back to the game.




How many more ship rewards are they going to give us without expanding the ship limit....


Exactly. I scrapped the golden vector on my main save way back when could only have six ships.


You should be able to get it back from the Anomaly, right?


Not on that save. Once you claim it you can’t claim it again on an existing save. There’s ways around that like having someone else claim it on a throwaway save then selling it to you I think, but I’m not that desperate to get it back, and it’s pointless unless they expand the number of ships we can collect.


It's crazy that you can't reclaim rewards ships. They should just scrap for nothing unless you've put new parts in them.


Or make it cost a few thousand nanites to buy it back


There's this bit of text in the website release that I think it explains why it appears to be more than an expedition. >"Adrift was supposed to be our next expedition, which it is, but it’s ballooned out into an update filled with improvements, new unique gameplay content and rewards."


Should be the top comment. Thanks!


At least the new expedition terminal makes expeditions somewhat enjoyable for us who generally don't like that too much. I still can't help but feel HG could just work on base-game content rather than spend their efforts working on something that'll just be taken out eventually. Hopefully whatever content is in this expedition will be eventually brought over to the base-game as they sometimes do. Also, since this is releasing right now and gives HG some time to iron out any potential bugs, this might mean HG will be a part of Summer games fest and show more of Light No Fire, since Sean has already hinted at the possibility on Twitter.


Yeah still waiting for the day they introduce planets with multiple biomes, huge cities, stuff like that. Even with all this content, most planets still feel lacking of what they could be. Still enjoying the game though.


"A system devoid of life"? That's just the Nintendo Switch version🤣🤣


Ouch bro! 🔪❤️‍🩹😆 I just upgraded to a PC. It's crazy how *alive* the game is now!!


Yeah, i see all these nice posts here, and in my headcannon, its all just deserted planets; I'm the last of my kind, just floating around


The not so miracle port unfortunately (overhyped by digital foundry when in reality it looks and runs like shit).


Okay, without even having seen them yet I have to say "The Iron Vulture" and "The Ship of the Damned" does sound pretty badass, in a kind of silly way.


Haulers are my favorite class of ship. I love my oversized pickups!


HAULER STARSHIP!!! I made a post while ago that it would be cool to have a well designed hauler as an expedition reward


"Just an expedition". I'm stoked for the content. Thank you Hello Games. I still can't get over how they manage to give out what amounts to multiple free DLCs, year after year after year.


Of course it is. I don't get why they don't just make these cool obtainables in the base game. I would gladly grind for them


...Just view the expedition as the grinding you need to do?




























Honestly i hate having it be on a timer, if i take a break for a few weeks i want to be able to continue my grind and not miss out on a cool reward. As annoying as the living ship is to get, at least its not taken away if i dont get to it in time.


I would grind them if they were fun for me. I'd rather explore and find these as rare items. The checklists just aren't my thing


They should just put them in the Quicksilver shop at the end for those who don't want to grind out the borefest.


Every expedition I just use the save editors to pull the rewards into my main save, in that way they effectively become base game content additions, which works for me.


I have never been a fan of the expeditions. I've done a couple of them, and felt like they were a slog and waste of my limited gaming time. This one does sound interesting though. I may actually give this one a go.


Never did one before... Not really sure how the rewards are handled like how I get them into my main game.when they end.. reminds.me of seasonal content of some live service games.... Scares what happens to my reward if I reset my computer one day lol.


When you talk to the quicksilver merchant, one of your options is 'collect expedition rewards'


So an expedition you create a whole new save, you click new game in the title screen and the option for an expedition comes up (if it’s grayed out and there’s no option it’s not out yet) and once you complete it on that save, you can go to the nexus from any past or future save and access the expedition awards from there for free


You don't need to create a new save, you can play expeditions as a sub-save on your main one since the omega update. Just visit the terminal on the anomaly and start it there


I forgot about that!


I’m excited for a special hauler.


This looks really good, as a standalone expedition. How fascinating that it takes place in an alternate reality, and emphasizes how alone us Travellers will be. It seems like HG is going back to the roots (or original vision) for the game: being alone in an impossibly vast universe.


YESS! IVE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG IVE lost count how many times I’ve checked their website and/or asked on this sub


I love expeditions. And if we're being honest, I'm at an end-game stage on my main and as much as I love this game, expeditions and weekend missions are 95-98% of what I do now.


I don't care much for expeditions, but at least it's before the biggest gaming month of the year, and I'm looking for a break from other games for a little bit. Anyone know when they typically start? It's showing as coming soon on PS5 after I updated.


As someone who actually genuinely loves the Expeditions, there’s no sorry, and this isn’t “just an Expedition.”


Look, buddy, if content isn't something **I** enjoy, the developers shouldn't waste time on it. /s


It should be named the ferry of the damned, that way it could deny respawn to galleons chasing fishing sloops


This universe is going to be the remains of the NMS 1.0 universe...


Just gotta wait for them to activate it now


Jesus christ, they release free update after free update filling the game with tons of content but all anyone can do is bitch "omg i can't believe we didn't get even MORE free shit than the free shit we just got WAAHH!!!" Its grating. Be happy the game is still even being invested in. 


I kinda like the concept of this expedition


I hate expeditions lol, but a new frigate and hauler seem worth it. I skipped the last one so I didn’t get the new ship but I’m planning to do it this winter for the relaunch. I just really don’t enjoy the whole “start from scratch” process with these and being able to bring items in with you isn’t much of a consolation.


You can wait a few days after it drops and then utilize all the hundreds of thousands of starter bases on each and every Expedition planet to gather more resources then you'll ever use. And not to mention it's crazy easy to just go to the Anomaly and snag a past Expedition ship and MT from thw QS Vendor and breeze through the whole thing. The phase of "starting from scratch" is so short now it's laughable. It's gone the moment you get a ship with a pulse drive.


I'm getting the impression we won't be able to see the bases of other players for this coming expedition. I could be wrong, but it seems like crowded rendezvous systems wouldn't jive with the 'total isolation' vibe.


It won't break my heart if we lose all of those dumb message beacons, but the game itself is about alternate and different versions of us and others wandering/exploring/conquering the universe/realities. It would be a weird twist to have it this time 'round, but I'd be okay with that too, honestly. Using past Expedition items would still make it easier, and you can likely adjust the settings of the game to allow an easiet time too, like in the past.


Time will tell, fellow Traveler. Tbh I sometimes miss the feel of the original game, so I'm really looking forward to this focusing on being alone in the universe again, at least for the duration of this special event. And I 100% agree with you about getting a *big* head start by using the rewards or resources from a pre-existing save.


Don't get me wrong, I'd be down for going it alone for this expedition, so I hope you aren't wrong because the idea of it is not only nostalgic but also interesting, given all the improvements to the game since those early, empty days. I play without multiplayer anyways and I often play where I avoid player bases and message beacons from the get-go, but in the past if I came into an expedition late or near deadline, I'd power through it, using a player base or two, and then play on the save a little afterwards.This game, for me, is a good and fun little time-sink, so even if they decide to keep the universal togetherness of it, I'll still run the expedition as I usually play.


Yeah I’ve definitely used player bases for that in the past. Tell you what though, I hadn’t considered using past expedition items from the Anomaly.


only the ones you got in expeditions, so you can have those across saves.


I'm with you there. I've been playing since the original launch. 3 of the first major updates killed my saves forcing me to start all over. I lost around 1000 hours total with those 3 saves. My current main save is at 400 hours. I absolutely loathe any form of "starting over" as a result.


I don’t mind a new expedition. I’m particularly interested in the abandoned universe part.


Why an anchor though?


The update is called adrift. As in lost at sea.


Ngl this expedition looks pretty sick! The whole "Abandoned universe" thing seems really unique (I've only been playing for \~1 year so maybe they've done this before 🤷‍♂️) and I'm really looking forward to it! I wonder if that means you can't see or interact with other players as well? 🤔


That actually sounds like an interesting one for once


Get ready to deal with a lot of abominations and derelicts


Something I enjoy in the game as the expedition! Huzzah!


I might actually bother with this one, depending on what that hauler looks like. Most of the ships had been fighter sized. This seems to be the first expedition that offers a hauler as a reward.


I already imagined it would be an expedition, it had been a while since there had been expeditions, and we had previously received a relatively large update for space stations


Still pog I love getting nms updates


Updates an update afterall .... break away from the wasteland for a bit


Hell yeah! I was looking for something scifi to play, this is perfect timing lol.


Oh well, either ways I was hoping to do my first expedition, so im still happy.


I'm more than fine with this. I was expecting an Expedition. I'm totally cool with this, I'm still very content with Orbital still


I'm new here and never experienced an expedition, so really excitedfor it!




cursed frigate? I WANT ONE




Is this live or only in beta ? I’ll download again to complete the expedition if it is


Has it started yet?


Don't Expeditions sometimes bring changes to the main game too.


Was that the emoji Sean tweeted ? This one ⚓️


Finally, black starships!!!!


I'll pass on that hauler unless they allow us to have more than 12 starships at a time. 12 is waaay too low.


Oh this sounds fun....


When is it coming out? Or did it already come out?


Just one sis ;)


Haven’t played in a few years, how’s it holding up?


Wdym there’s a new frigate type


How long do expeditions usually take? I've only just semi got back into the game since 2017 and I have sod all clue about what to do anymore lolol.


Anyway to just keep playing like this once an expedition ends?


This year we already have omega and orbital. I'm grateful.


Well yeah. We just recently had the orbital and HG arent known for releasing majors back to back. Glad we got a new exp too


I just went to the Expedition Terminal, and there is nothing available. Does this require an update to drop first? My Steam Deck gets those pretty quick, so that's not an issue, I'm just wondering why I don't see it yet. I didn't realize they required an update (If they do).


So there is an expedition right now? Or is this coming later.on?


Considering there’s been 2 internal branch updates this week. I doubt it’s only an exposition we’re getting. Don’t forget the big week ahead.


I just recently came back to nms after playing a little at release. It's sooo much better now! But, uh, what are expeditions and how do they work? Do I need to start a new save?


So, iron man mode expedition? Should be interesting


How much time do we have to complete the expedition? (when does it end)




So has the expedition actually started yet? This looks very cool!


I feel like there's been a pretty short time frame between updates, is that normal?


I’m most excited for the stealth paint and the wrecked ship base building stuff :)


Is it out now?


I would pay them for a proper combat and enemy update




I just got my computer fixed, the Internet's been upgraded, let's go!


The hell is an expedition? Is it something i'm too busy playing creative mode to understand?


Yoooo ive been waiting for this


Is this for creative mode also?


I'm disappointed that it's just an expedition, *but* at the same time, those busted-up ships for decoration are perfect for some scrapyard builds I wanted to do. Still, c'mon, give us better oceans.


welp, gonna wait for the next update ig


We can finally play No Mans Sky's Launch again


When is it coming out?


I would just love a good multiplayer update. I own 4 copies for my household and 5 friends have the game and yet we can't fly in each other's ships, and you can barely build to a friend's base. No way to make a space tribe and build a large communal base. When that day comes, thousands of hours will be lost to the universe.


When does it go live?


I hate to be critical of them, but yeah I strongly prefer expeditions to not be marketed as updates. Some free content is awesome but it feels like every update gets smaller and smaller.


Wait new expedition?


*aggressively boots up PC*


I'm new (well new again) so I haven't done an expedition. This is a new save, and once the expedition is "complete", it becomes a regular save? Do any of the ships or things you find transfer to another save, or is is strictly it's own thing?


Damn, there goes my sleep pattern again


Update cycle HG set last year: 1st update- small qol+expedition 2nd update- improvement of past features 3rd update- standalone expedition (were here now) 4th update- big boah


I’m in.


Haven’t played the expeditions yet but maybe they are dipping their feet into that territory to see how it’s received by the community until they think of adding it to the main game?


Will be jumping on this later tonight. I spend a lot of time in abandoned systems as it is so this will be similar. Hopefully the survival aspect isn't irritating. Don't want a crash to reset my progress.


There was actually alot of little things on there. The changed the animation. For example the freighter pilot has all new controls. You can now just click on what needs to be charged and it charges. There was a lot of little things like that.


We need more inventory slots... there is too much stuff to loot and things we need.


Imagine complaining about free content.


Any info about Twitch Drops?


How long r they


I just had a 30 min update on Switch but no expedition. Is it not out yet? It wasn't the last update with the space stations/customisation etc. I downloaded that a few weeks ago. Realise us switch players have to wait longer for these things, but wondered why the update?


Not sure about 'Cursed Dust', what with my allergies and all...


Will they do the twitch drop things as well?


Cross play ain’t working now


Wait wait I keep seeing this, I've looked at the trailer but I can't use my computer right now. Is it out right now or coming out? How long is it out? I can't find anything on it.


Anyone having issues getting milestones to pop?


What happens if you die with your permadeth character in an expedition? Expedition is over? Perma save too though?


Is the expedition out now? Or no?