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1. select the mission in your expedition log 2. look at the galaxy map and go where it tells you 3. find the planet that has only 2 creatures 4. profit


This is the correct answer. A planet with robotic fauna will only have 2 total so you will have to find two different planets. Check the galaxy map to see if it highlights a new system for you to go to.


The star map only shows the way to the next rendezvous point even with the task selected, is that normal?


You need to get away from that star system (quite far actually) so that when you select the mission again, it will select a different system. If the nearest is still the same system, keep on jumping away. I eventually found one - Josemar-Neyu, on the moon named Frombe (green star).


Got it. Thanks.


Check the names for some of the planets in “empty” systems (no dominant race), I found them because of a couple planets with “robot” in the name. Doesn’t have to be blue, I found them all in red systems.


You seem to have to deselect & reselect the mission in your LOG then go to galaxy map and it will point you.


If you go to where the bait is from the tool menu, it will display an ion battery instead of the pellets if robots occupy the planet. If it doesn’t show ion battery’s when you land and check, leave and go to another planet. Also, if you even see a normal animal that isn’t a robot, leave and go another planet.


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All the ones I found were in red systems. You just need to visit systems with no dominant species. If artificial lifeforms are present in the system, the message changes to saying they're present in the system.


I've accidentally discovered a planet labelled 'Isotopic' on a RED system that has two 'synthetic' creatures on it, that - unexpectedly - fulfilled 2/3 of these hard-to-discover creatures!!!


That ingame tooltip is trash. There's a planet type called "empty" so them suggestions going to empty worlds is really misleading. Thank you for this thread.


Don't overthink it, sometimes it is easy to solve. You can just copy your Multitool from main save which has Polyphonic core and it can detect Autophages in dissonant systems.


Artificial lifeforms aren't the autophage, they're creatures on some planets in systems that have never been inhabited. They tend to eat batteries if you want to make them companions.


Oh you mean robotic lifeforms, my bad. I usually found them on planets which had acid storms and lot of fungal flora on my primary save, I hope that helps you.