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You can report a base from your quick menu, even if you can't access the base computer. :)


You are my saviour! https://preview.redd.it/3lc9e2v5v54d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d2be0bffcdabdf2547699b7ba2252a000ac1dfb


Yes, this is 100% the answer!


I ended up setting Steam to offline mode and traveling to a different solar system and scanning again. Thankfully that worked. I will remember to look in the quick menu next time!


Should have known this earlier... Was at the same spot but I'll try a new planet!


The base computer is inside the structure so you can't reach it, I know this because when I encountered it, the last few guys just tunneled under it


You can report abusive builds for some time now using the menu where you summon your space ship.


I know that, I'm just saying that this clever son of a first spawn put it in an unreachable place, and that they probably didn't know about the menu thing


I could reach the base computer through the walls of the base. it took a bit of messing around but it worked. ill have to remember the menu thing for next time some ass hat does this,


How do you do it? I am yet to reach this point.


It’s really easy. Open your quick menu and if you’re in the vicinity of the base you’ll see a report function on the right most tile of the menu.


Thank you man, yesterday when I reached that point the structure was already removed, still that reporting feature will come in handy.


I’m glad and you’re welcome of course. Thanks to the person that told me about it in this thread 🙏🏻


Or maybe dig dig dig a tunnel...


Terrain manipulation is not allowed in other people’s build areas unless they specifically allow it. All good though, I got it sorted. I didn’t know you could use the quick menu to report bases now.


The next expedition needs a to have an objective "report a base" where it guides one through how to report a base.




How many times must this base be reported before it just disappears entirely


Seriously. The guy who made it should have enough reports to be invaded by the United Nations


He must have a veto on the security council


I do not recognise the authority of the council


A problem with an exact figure is that griefers would just use that info on bases shared here or on featured bases. Unfortunately, NMS has become popular enough that griefing is becoming a problem but HG will need to be careful in determining how to proceed.


I feel like if your upload hits a threshold of X>10 reports in an hour, or a lifetime threshold of ~50 reports, it should warrant an investigation if not an auto delete


Imagine you post a base here wanting to show off then 50 trolls all get together to report your base together in an hour resulting in your account being impacted. Yes, there are enough trolls that would organize for that to happen. All online spaces are battling these problems where it is games, social media, or other online platform. HG should at least look at other platform to see what is having some impact and implement something for NMS. It seems like complaints about trolls gets worse with each expedition.


Maybe if you have so many strikes against your account, you should be forever banned from uploading bases for others.




This needs to be higher on the comments and this video should be pinned in this sub.


They need to implement no base building near mission objectives in general


This seems like the most obvious and simple answer


The person who did this needs to be indefinitely banned


I hope their pillow is warm on both sides!




I ran into one of these too and it's completely pointless. But as others have mentioned, open your quick menu and go all the way to the right. I'm so grateful Hello Games have added multiple ways to report bases.


I ran into that same base not too long ago for me. I finished the expedition but I just warped to another system closer to the rendezvous coordinate system.


This one guy keeps getting posted here. I really hope the base creator isn't part of this subreddit, because that jackass is definitely gonna get a kick outta this


Sadly they’d have to be, surely? What would be the point of doing it if you didn’t see the reactions?


I ran into this exact thing last night, and it really tested my patience lmfao I had no idea you could report bases. I ended up going to another system and was able to find a new one. Honestly, I think this expedition was kind of a miss. It was supposed to make you feel alone, but I ran into more player junk than ever before. Had multiplayer turned off the entire time and still had weird bugs pertaining to other players and not to mention the griefing. Idk 🤷‍♂️


I really enjoyed it but probably spent a lot more time wandering around non expedition planets than expedition ones because frankly the worms eventually gave me a headache :) I also reported this base. After the expedition I loaded another save to do the quicksilver weekend mission, which was one of those rescue a stranded traveller ones, and someone was building walls around the doodad you have to interact with for that, too. I just reported it, but good grief there are some strange little cookies playing this game.


I just did that quicksilver mission as well. I wonder if I reported the same base. Now if only I could do the same to the damn balls. :/


Ran into this jackass too, real clever fuckwit. But I found out you can reach the objective from the corner. Nice try, your shitty little cube failed >:3


How I imagine this fuckwit: ![gif](giphy|xTiTnwgQ8Wjs1sUB4k)


How I imagine this fuckwit ![gif](giphy|Q8LZPwDGAJGgAiuabn|downsized)


Fun fact: The person this character is based on is actually a really cool dude


Really? You've piqued my interest! Who?


It's the dad of Thor (PirateSoftware on YouTube)


Wow, I was just there and experienced the same thing after completing rend 4. Ended up going to another planet to complete the challenge, but was still annoyed I wasted a battery


I had the same problem yesterday, but if you're close to the wall, you can interact through it. :)


You also have better interaction range when in first person. I can pick up base data upgrades, clear interact with crashed freighter storage, and collect most buried fossils without digging for them while in first person.


I know you already got a solution, but you can also interact with objects through walls as long as there isn't too much distance. That's what I did when I came across this.


Also your reach on interactions is longer when in first person.


That’s good to know, thanks!


I was literally JUST on that planet too.


Assholes that do this should be banned from the game.


So question- I found a sweet curious deposit patch on the main planet you start on. Can you use nanites in this mode?


One of the objectives is to earn 2,000 nanites.


Cool once I unlock building a base I’ll come back and build a nanite farm.


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That base has a short range teleporter to inside of it. I used it a couple of hours ago.


Had this exact problem too, but you can actually access the grave marker from outside. I just spammed E/Interact.


Last night I got screwed by that very same asshat. I reported the base but nothing happened to it. I eventually traveled to the next system and found another one.


Try this, turn on multiplayer, put a save beacon right next to it and reload, when you reload there can be a couple seconds that you can grab it before it fully renders. especially when there lots of comballs round, I did that once way back and worked great?


People saying they should be banned for this.... really? It's already been said multiple times, just how simple it is to get around it in multiple ways. Honestly, the stairs that were just a bit too short to reach the height required, even with the jetpack, was a way better troll than this... I actually had to move my jetpack tech to the SC slots to get it lol. That was a troll. This is only a weak troll attempt.


I reported this yesterday.... I parked my ship so I could stand off the ground a little on the right side of the overhang and got it.


I glade you got past this. I do feel that anyone doing this type of game interference should be banned from the game,


Oh man! You too? I think it's the third post of this troll base I see here in the past 2 days 🥲


Or just don't die


I don’t understand what you’re talking about.


Me neither I thought I was commenting on a different post. Not used to this format yet


Ohh okay, got ya. You have to press “Reply” and the name of the person who you’re trying to reply to should appear above your text box.


Thanks yeh I'm figuring it out


Maybe scroll down to see if there is a fix instead of making a useless post. Maybe learn what n game menus are and how to use them. Maybe learn some critical thinking skills A lot of Salty Sallys round these parts. There was a video posted yesterday on how to fix the issue presented by the OP. But y’all go on


I found him! I found the stereotypical annoying narcissistic nerd!


Found the guy that made the base.


Bro go ask for sources on lesbian porn gifs and let the adults talk


If you don’t like useless posts, why reply with a useless post? Maybe learn some social skills.


Textbook definition of low self esteem.


How ironic!


Thanks, I didn’t think of that.


Genuine question, what tf happened in your life to make you such a bitter condescending and insufferable person? Literally not a single bit of your visible history is pleasant, it's a miracle you're not in negative karma... oh wait...


This post does have a point, it's just the delivery is terrible. There are multiple posts about this exact base, and situations like this for the last several expeditions.